OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.

You would lose if the FBI doesn't go for a conviction, anything short of a criminal conviction there's now way in hell the commiecrats in the senate will vote to convict.
I think what we saw today was a revolt in the FBI. I suspect that many FBI agents threatened Comey with going public if he didn't come clean on Crooked Hillary.

Comey was weak when he caved into filthy partisan politics. Hopefully there is enough backbone in the FBI to correct the injustice.
The tards are ASSUMING there are classified emails from Crooked Hillary on the Weiner computer.

They are desperately HOPING that is the case.

Prematurely ejaculating all over the place.

FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday that the agency would take “appropriate investigative steps” to determine whether the newly discovered emails contain classified information and to assess their importance to the Clinton server probe.

If Weiner turns out to be the weak link in this chain of criminality....and could lead to the demise of the congenital liar.....
Of course Weiner is the weak link and the prime candidate for another Clinton Arkacide.

Trump WILL lose.

Of course, though inconsequential to you.....America will lose.
Nope, just you and Ann Coulter.

My life is way better now than it was in 2007.
This is what I think happened. Weiner is under fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.

Wonder if it is the "missing" thumb drive with all the emails on it?

It sounds as if that's the case. Chances are they'll find nothing any more significant than they did before, but the speculation could still haunt her campaign up until election day.
I'm serious thinking of changing my USMB screen name to Carlos Danger. :D

Front page of Drudge:

Nobody reads Drudge except people who won't vote for Hillary anyway
This must be big and it must involve Hillary or Comey would not have sent the letter. If it was just something her aide did we wouldn't have heard about it. Also if this didn't involve Hillary he would have said so by now.
Now....since the FBI moves with glacial alacrity.....this 'investigation' can't be complete before election day.....'s the real meaning????

Two possibilities....

a. Comey has such a guilty conscience, that he hopes to redeem his reputation by this ploy, and issuing a final conclusion after the election.

b. The 'Throw Anybody Under The Bus' President has been mulling this over for eight years...and gets revenge for this:
"Bill Clinton allegedly once said of Barack Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”
Bill Clinton made insensitive ‘race jab’ about Obama in 2008 | New York Post
That is one tangled web, and no sane person will follow it
The tards are ASSUMING there are classified emails from Crooked Hillary on the Weiner computer.

They are desperately HOPING that is the case.

Prematurely ejaculating all over the place.

FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday that the agency would take “appropriate investigative steps” to determine whether the newly discovered emails contain classified information and to assess their importance to the Clinton server probe.

Your arms tired from running around flapping and making lame excuses?
Let's put the scope of the news in perspective.
Do you really think the FBI is going to tell us later on hey, remember that thing about Hillary being investigated 11 days before the election? Never mind, it was nothing.

No, they found one or more smoking guns.
Republicans are feeling randy, looking for jpg attachments of Tony's junk to set the mood before they head down to the bus station for some toe tappin

ergo; they were reviewing.... says nothing about reopening the investigation.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
The election is 11 days away gipper. You are talking about thousands of emails and its not as easy as you think. That's a shit ton of new info that must be pieced together. Whatever conclusion they come to will take some time. We're looking at 30-45 days minimum I bet
You think this government is going to do the right thing? It will not. This is all smoke and mirrors IMO.
The tards are ASSUMING there are classified emails from Crooked Hillary on the Weiner computer.

They are desperately HOPING that is the case.

Prematurely ejaculating all over the place.

FBI Director James B. Comey informed congressional leaders Friday that the agency would take “appropriate investigative steps” to determine whether the newly discovered emails contain classified information and to assess their importance to the Clinton server probe.

Your arms tired from running around flapping and making lame excuses?

will Megyn be all over this story tonight?

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