OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Thank you! Jeffrey Tobin told Wolf Blitzer on CNN that the FBI has a policy of not releasing any such information 60 days prior to an election. Comey really fucked the pooch on that one. This is totally unfair to Hillary - and Comey had better release more information QUICKLY since he's already started this shit. As I recall - Comey is the same asshole who prosecuted Martha Stewart.

So you want to put a criminal in the white house?
We need to know what she potentially did before the election.

You want to put Trump in the White House.


Don't you want to wait until Trump has been cleared of all accusations, investigations, etc., before you put him in the white house?
Right after Bill has been shown to be innocent of his crimes.

Bill was acquitted by the US Senate.

The other retard wants to keep anyone from being president until they are proven innocent of everything.
That disqualifies Trump.
Politically motivated.

- investigating another case
- Found email to/from Hillary
- need to check if any are classified
- will take quite a while
- Violated internal FBI policy to not release politically sensitive information within 60 days of election

IOW, we got nothing, but Comey is still butt hurt for being criticized by the GOP over his handling of the original investigatoin.
This will cost HRC maybe 2 points in the polls, then it will fade away as another nothing-burger. They aren't HRC's emails, they are someone else's. Good lord you Republicans are just beside yourself for ANYTHING that might save Trump.

There isn't anything. There never was. Even after the election the current President can provide a full pardon for any and all possible past indiscretions by HRC. What exactly do you derps think is going to happen? The public tired of this nonstop email-nothing-there chain of nonsense 3 months ago. Most people will yawn and forget about it.

Fun to watch though.
Who ever heard of a President fully pardoning someone who may have had indiscretions? That is a joke, IsaacNewton. besides they were crimes, covered up by the sheeple. And..... the public may be tired of the E-mail fiasco but citizens who love this country damn sure aren't.
And so one more chapter in this on-going saga....

FBI reopens some (??) aspect of the email escapades.....seems to focus on Huma and Weiner.

Wanna see the next act?

If Weiner turns out to be the weak link in this chain of criminality....and could lead to the demise of the congenital liar.....

She'll send him to the airport with Clemenza....

Politicalchic..I love your really do this justice there is an obvious Wizard of Oz title tie in.....

You could have titiled this....

Hilary, Huma, and Weimar.....Oh My!

Just a small point.....
Hillary's world is crashing down on her...............again

This will cost HRC maybe 2 points in the polls, then it will fade away as another nothing-burger. They aren't HRC's emails, they are someone else's. Good lord you Republicans are just beside yourself for ANYTHING that might save Trump.

There isn't anything. There never was. Even after the election the current President can provide a full pardon for any and all possible past indiscretions by HRC. What exactly do you derps think is going to happen? The public tired of this nonstop email-nothing-there chain of nonsense 3 months ago. Most people will yawn and forget about it.

Fun to watch though.
Who ever heard of a President fully pardoning someone who may have had indiscretions? That is a joke, IsaacNewton. besides they were crimes, covered up by the sheeple. And..... the public may be tired of the E-mail fiasco but citizens who love this country damn sure aren't.
Hillary about to have a press conference on how the Russians are the blame !!!
this is the part of crooked hillary's campaign where she realizes that humming huma is not her friend, they never were soul-mates. and now it's crooked hilla-rage from here on out.
The emails are not from Hillary, not from her server.....which is the issue of investigating the chic, but from others discussing the weenie guy?????? As voiced, the FBI had better come up with more shit to put out or else as TRUMP HIMSELF HAS SAID REPEATIVILY, THE FBI IS CORRUPT...LOLOLOLO

Should this effect the election, which it shouldn't because if your down with Hillary as with Trump, nothing will effect your vote. The only thing it's gonna do is energize those to push even harder for their candidate.


The investigation was reopen because of newly discovered evidence. i know you don't care about the law and believe everything Clinton has done and will do is just perfectly fine, but I prefer the FBI to do their damn job and not be influenced by President Obama or Bill Clinton...

So let them investigate and let see what they find but I am sure if they find something you will proclaim it is bogus and claim it is some witch hunt because you're the typical partisan nutter that believe those like Clinton can do no wrong...

Check the years when Trump made his comment about his daughter because the one I know about is not when she was ten you sick disgusting fucktard!
Stern said and I quote, your daughter looks like a good piece of ass....and Trump agreed....Listen, bitch.....don't be sending for me when its your guy on a public stage bragged about his dick size....and trust me, that's wasn't 10 fuckin years ago. As for the investigation, as Trump put it, the FBI is corrupt or is that only when it serves his purpose they're which is it?
Her press conference is a joke.

Haha! She just said get out and vote early, now!
FBI Director Says Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails Back On

FBI Director James Comey released a statement today saying that the FBI is going to continue the previously closed investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails from her time as secretary of state.

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation," Comey wrote in a letter released today.


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