OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

As you know, Bush didn't destroy 22 million. They were there the whole time. It mislabeled them. You have been corrected before. Quit lying.
Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
I doubt that you understand the difference in clearance levels and compartmentalization nor the violations of the classified storage laws involved.

But you will still pick a booger and laugh while eating it like its a treat for you morons, and I guess it is.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
You do know that he was illegally recorded, right? California is a two-party consent state, meaning in order to record someone both parties have to know. Trump did not know, and thus the recording was illegal. If he was smart he would sue the network who recorded him illegally.

Whoops. My bad, that makes his comments okay then...
The only thing there is proof of is that he said something to someone else. That is not illegal, or does it put anyone in harm. and it was over a decade ago that it was said.
why arent we concerned with what clinton said about all blacks being natural born predators, or her stance on gay marriage, or her desire to have a wall built? she said all of those things, videos can be found to prove it.
then we have the emails and the mis handling of the classified documents, others have gone to jail for just one ONE instance of a mis handled document.
Talking about a free pass is a pretty empty comment when it comes from someone that thinks that the bitch hillary is squeaky clean.
Im pretty sure that there was absolutely no chance of Trumps comments endangering the U.S.
Now, when you can post honestly, come back and discuss, as long as you continue to pretend that one comment said years ago between two men is just as bad as security breaches and racist remarks made publicly, then just keep to yourself.

1) Who said he did anything illegal in that regard? Not I. Little Billy Bush's tape just showed he was a misogynistic cocksucker. Hey. you're okay with that. No worries. Just shows what a douche you are.
2) She never said she wanted a wall built. You do realise that all she said was that it made sense in some parts of the border to build a fence. And it does. That is nothing like trumplethinskin said. He wants a 10ft wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
3) Racist remarks? You mean like Trumpie did with not allowing blacks to rent his properties? Like a judge should be disqualified from ruling about his sham university because of his racial background? That kind of racism? or how Mexico just sends over rapists? That kind of racism? I'm surprised you even know what the word means.
4) I have no idea if she is squeaky clean. I have seen no evidence of otherwise. Nobody has posted shit on these boards about her in that regard. Just sound bites from Trump's campaign. They are not facts. you guys just run with them because you hate her. Show me some hard, cold fact or shouldn't be that hard.
My theory I posted in another thread-
This is what I think happened. Weiner is under fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.
Yeah, what I have pieced together from watching four different news shows is that four devices have been seized but the primary evidence is on a house PC that Huma used while working on a task between Taneo and the CF (whic is illegal since she was a State Dept employee at the time, but hey, she is a Clintonista so it doesnt matter, right?).

This had her sending and receiving State emails at her home PC and when the CF deleted all their Hillary emails, they over looked Humas home PC which was given to Anthony when they split up. So the classified documents passed on to the possession of someone not cleared to have them the classic case of losing classified docs which is real harm to the US intel/classified document storage laws.

This is a very serious crime and it will trace back to Hillary and her illegal storage of emails on her private unsecured server and she will be held responsible for her subordinates not keeping it secured from others obtaining it like Wiener.

The only thing that bothers me is if this is simply a dirty trick scam to temporarily take the heat off Hillary because of the very damaging Wikileaks revelations and Trump's rising poll numbers. Something that will be declared a no never mind by Monday.

However, if it is then it could backfire on the bitch. If they are playing that filthy game then it would serve her right to have it backfire and cost her the election.

I would not be surprised if the corrupt bastard Crooked Hillary campaign would try something as desperate as this. I wouldn't put it past them.

The question is why is Comey now doing the right thing now? He proved he was corrupted when he stated that Crooked Hillary had done a lot of bad things but he was letting her off the hook because she had "no intent", which is the lamest excuse ever and reeked of partisan manipulation.

My only guess is a revolt within the FBI because Comey's action has greatly damaged the FBI's credibility.

We need to have a do over for all the idiots that have sent in their early ballots for Crooked Hillary. They made a big mistake voting for the bitch and they need to be given a chance to pull their heads out of their asses.
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So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...

Butthurt cleanup post #1208
Actually, Comey didn't say much to cause all this hubbub. Media going nuts as usual. Where are the foreign correspondents and offices? Real news?

So right hfw... I would like to see more investigation into the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe/Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe $675,000.00 contribution to Jill McCabe, wife of Andrew McCabe for a unsuccessful run for Congress in Va. Please pull some of your strings to get someone working on this appearance of impropriety...
The only thing there is proof of is that he said something to someone else. That is not illegal, or does it put anyone in harm. and it was over a decade ago that it was said.
why arent we concerned with what clinton said about all blacks being natural born predators, or her stance on gay marriage, or her desire to have a wall built? she said all of those things, videos can be found to prove it.
then we have the emails and the mis handling of the classified documents, others have gone to jail for just one ONE instance of a mis handled document.
Talking about a free pass is a pretty empty comment when it comes from someone that thinks that the bitch hillary is squeaky clean.
Im pretty sure that there was absolutely no chance of Trumps comments endangering the U.S.
Now, when you can post honestly, come back and discuss, as long as you continue to pretend that one comment said years ago between two men is just as bad as security breaches and racist remarks made publicly, then just keep to yourself.

1) Who said he did anything illegal in that regard? Not I. Little Billy Bush's tape just showed he was a misogynistic cocksucker. Hey. you're okay with that. No worries. Just shows what a douche you are.
2) She never said she wanted a wall built. You do realise that all she said was that it made sense in some parts of the border to build a fence. And it does. That is nothing like trumplethinskin said. He wants a 10ft wall from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
3) Racist remarks? You mean like Trumpie did with not allowing blacks to rent his properties? Like a judge should be disqualified from ruling about his sham university because of his racial background? That kind of racism? or how Mexico just sends over rapists? That kind of racism? I'm surprised you even know what the word means.
4) I have no idea if she is squeaky clean. I have seen no evidence of otherwise. Nobody has posted shit on these boards about her in that regard. Just sound bites from Trump's campaign. They are not facts. you guys just run with them because you hate her. Show me some hard, cold fact or shouldn't be that hard.

I want to compliment you on the numbering system of posting that you've appropriated...

Certainly makes reading easier.

I wonder where you learned to do that.....
My theory I posted in another thread-
This is what I think happened. Weiner is under fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.
Yeah, what I have pieced together from watching four different news shows is that four devices have been seized but the primary evidence is on a house PC that Huma used while working on a task between Taneo and the CF (whic is illegal since she was a State Dept employee at the time, but hey, she is a Clintonista so it doesnt matter, right?).

This had her sending and receiving State emails at her home PC and when the CF deleted all their Hillary emails, they over looked Humas home PC which was given to Anthony when they split up. So the classified documents passed on to the possession of someone not cleared to have them the classic case of losing classified docs which is real harm to the US intel/classified document storage laws.

This is a very serious crime and it will trace back to Hillary and her illegal storage of emails on her private unsecured server and she will be held responsible for her subordinates not keeping it secured from others obtaining it like Wiener.

The only thing that bothers me is if this is simply a dirty trick scam to temporarily take the heat off Hillary because of the very damaging Wikileaks revelations and Trump's rising poll numbers. Something that will be declared a no never mind by Monday.

However, if it is then it could backfire on the bitch. If they are playing that filthy game then it would serve her right to have it backfire and cost her the election.

I would not be surprised if the corrupt bastard Crooked Hillary campaign would try something as desperate as this. I wouldn't put it past them.

The question is why is Comey now doing the right thing now? He proved he was corrupted when he stated that Crooked Hillary had done a lot of bad things but he was letting her off the hook because she had "no intent", which is the lamest excuse ever and reeked of partisan manipulation.

My only guess is a revolt within the FBI because Comey's action has greatly damaged the FBI's credibility.

We need to have a do over for all the idiots that have sent in their early ballots for Crooked Hillary. They made a big mistake voting for the bitch and they need to be given a chance to pull their heads out of their asses.

That's a clever analysis, Flash

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