OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

Yep, we are "misperceiving" that Hillary is going to kick the living shit out of Trump on Nov. 8.

That is not mispercieving anything; that is plain old just delusional, roflmao

And we are "misperceiving" that all of you racist Repug Trump supporters will be crying like little bitches on Nov. 8.

Yep, we are "misperceiving" that Hillary is going to kick the living shit out of Trump on Nov. 8.

That is not mispercieving anything; that is plain old just delusional, roflmao

And we are "misperceiving" that all of you racist Repug Trump supporters will be crying like little bitches on Nov. 8.

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Yep, only traitorous anti-American Repug fucks such as you and Trump find this humorous. Which is why both of you will be crying like little bitches on Nov 8.
I think what we saw today was a revolt in the FBI. I suspect that many FBI agents threatened Comey with going public if he didn't come clean on Crooked Hillary.

Comey was weak when he caved into filthy partisan politics. Hopefully there is enough backbone in the FBI to correct the injustice.
and it also could be that they finally found evidence of the unsecured classified data being copied onto a public nonsecured machine not registered with the government. Hillary claimed her private server had been approved or at least pretended it was. She also played stupid to avoid responsibility for other potential charges.

But if any classified docs are on the Weiner computer, then she has harmed US classified intell and boom! you cannot say that this was a harmless lark by a senile old bitch who has had a stroke.
I watched that on Fox and I kept switching back and forth to CNN. Rudy G ate Wolf's lunch. Wolf kept defending and excusing Hillary's actions and Rudy had a comeback answer each time. At one point Rudy reminded Wolf that he had been a Federal Prosecutor and had put crooked Republicans behind bars. Wolf was mad, kept waving both arms and cutting Rudy off. It was almost funny.
Wolf Blitzer was one of 65 names on a list that Hillary campaign considers people they can contact to get their message out. That makes Wolf and the others in the news media propagandists, not journalists.

Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
Why would I cry when Trump wins?

The truly sad part is that we have enough brainwashed rags in this country that would vote for someone under a 2nd federal criminal investigation in 6 months.
The Associated Press just outed Comey, in an email they obtained.

Apparently, Comey's staffers questioned his judgement on this. Comey replied in an email

Of course we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed,” Comey wrote. I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

Matthew Miller, a former chief spokesman for the Justice Department, was dismayed by the timing of Comey's letter.

"Longstanding DOJ and FBI practice is you don't say anything publicly close to an election that can possibly influence that election," Miller said.

That stance also left Comey, a career federal prosecutor who has served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, open to criticism from leaders in both parties that he was trying to influence the outcome of the presidential race."


What could he have done versus sending this letter:

1. Comey could have looked at these emails to see if they contained any significant information that would have changed the July decision. He didn't look, he admits he doesn't even know what they're about.
2. He specifically states in the letter to congress: That these emails may be insignificant, or contain no new material significant to the case.
3. He could have clarified what he was looking for and why. He didn't.

Why did he do it?
1. To really show Trump & his supporters that he is not really a junk yard dog under Clinton control?
2. He has been out of the limelight and wants to get back in it?
3. He is a Republican political hack?

Take your pick.

But clearly, Comey's staffers disagreed with his decision on this one, and I imagine the frying pan he is now placed himself in has been turned up to 5 thousand degrees.

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Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
I doubt that you understand the difference in clearance levels and compartmentalization nor the violations of the classified storage laws involved.

But you will still pick a booger and laugh while eating it like its a treat for you morons, and I guess it is.
Probably not Rush or Sean lol. Hilarious.
I doubt that you understand the difference in clearance levels and compartmentalization nor the violations of the classified storage laws involved.

But you will still pick a booger and laugh while eating it like its a treat for you morons, and I guess it is.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
Federal law makes it a crime for a government employee to possess classified information in an unsecure manner, and the relevant statute does not require a finding of intent.

The woman should be in jail.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
roflmao, you are an ignoramus.

Spilling secrets costs us the lives of our service people and harms the interest of our country, all things that probably excite you and give you belly laughs anyway.
Federal law makes it a crime for a government employee to possess classified information in an unsecure manner, and the relevant statute does not require a finding of intent.

The woman should be in jail.
I think Comey was unduly influenced by McKabe in seeing the whole investigation initially as a political broohahah, but later Wikileaks scandals and the reaction from GOP Congress changed his attitude over time.

Now he knows it is serious and McKabe failed him, and he is finally getting the opportunity to set things to right.
Federal law makes it a crime for a government employee to possess classified information in an unsecure manner, and the relevant statute does not require a finding of intent.

The woman should be in jail.
They all do it. Her server wasn't hacked. The State one was. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
They don't all do it. Nobody else had a private server. This is about Hillary. We know she had thousands of classified emails on her private server. No doubt about it. She didn't have to send them to be in violation of the law.
So the State Dept was careless with was everyone else. They aren't obsessed with computers. The GOP would be worse, if they didn't destroy 22 MILLION. BFD. He said there was stuff worth looking into it. ZZZZZZZZZ. Carry on with the conspiracy bs...
roflmao, you are an ignoramus.

Spilling secrets costs us the lives of our service people and harms the interest of our country, all things that probably excite you and give you belly laughs anyway.
Talk to Cheney. He actually did it. And on PURPOSE. Feqing New BS GOP catastrophe as usual. Trump is W 2.0 and worse.
They don't all do it. Nobody else had a private server. This is about Hillary. We know she had thousands of classified emails on her private server. No doubt about it. She didn't have to send them to be in violation of the law.
The hell we do, dupe. And the Sec of state has the right to delete personal e-mails.
HFW, this isn't about Cheyney this isn't about anyone else. This is about Clinton. If you can't keep it on topic just leave.

She doesn't have the right to delete anything after a congressional subpoena. At that point, you hand over everything. Anything else is obstruction of justice. And she didn't just delete, she WIPED THEM. Why would she go through so much trouble to ensure the FBI didn't know what dress she was going to wear to the banquet?
Clinton isn't being accused of anything, she hasn't been arrested yet. She is being INVESTIGATED for mishandling of classified information. That's coming from the FBI. Don't like it, talk to them.
Actually, Comey didn't say much to cause all this hubbub. Media going nuts as usual. Where are the foreign correspondents and offices? Real news?

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