OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

The FBI would not notify Congress if this was JUST about Weiner.

Comey specifically states in his letter to congress: That these emails may NOT be significant to anything. What does that statement mean to YOU?

If they are not significant then why did he drop the bombshell ten days before the election? This will really fuck the bitch. She will lose 3-5% of the votes if not more. Her goose is cooked. This is all everybody will be talking about between now and the election and she will lose a lot of votes because of it. I mean who in their right mind would vote for her now?

Comey sold out his soul and dishonored the FBI when he said Crooked Hillary did a lot of bad things but he was not going to recommend an indictment. Of course his brother being a big contributor to the filthy Clinton Foundation may have had something to do with it.
Just saw Trump in Iowa on the BBC. Drain the Swamp!!! Go Trump!!!

I just saw him too..... blurting with his mouth foaming his orange cheeks glooming............... This is bigger than Watergate..... This is bigger than Watergate folks ......... His supporters like you screaming....... The sad part is......... THE FBI HAS NOT EVEN RELEASE ANYTHING YET. And that's pure dumb.,
Don't play stupid with me!

What Trump might be guilty of does not excuse Clinton for her stupidity and corrupt way of life and Wikileaks alone has done enough damage.

Hell the FBI could provide evidence to you and you and the OP'er will proclaim the FBI is lying because Clinton is innocent and then scream about past politicians and she should not be held accountable for her stupidity and corruptness...

Again for evidence review Wikileaks and before you claim they altered the emails then show where the Clinton camp proved they did and if not the fuck you too!

All I see is a lot of bleating and screaming from Hillary haters. There is this little thing called evidence. You need it. Nobody has any. People think if the likes of Fox News say it, and Donald yells it loud enough, and his uneducated white male disenfranchised base type it on messageboards enough times it's true.

As I suspected. You hae nothing. Don't get me wrong, you might be right. I don't see any evidence. Now, Donald's bad business deals, his groping of women, his bragging.. I see plenty of that.
but you dont see any proof of donalds groping of women do you? you actually have less proof of that then you do of hillary and the emails. But you choose to ignore those emails that have actual proof backing the story up.
Until you can admit she is dirty at least as far as the emails, I would prefer you not try to contribute any accusations against Trump as being factual.

I think she did everything pretty nicely in the mid east, .

Statements like this is one is a great example of why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much.

If her plan was to create ISIS and put millions of refugees on the road then she did succeed but then that makes her a pretty evil piece of shit, doesn't it? Trump grabbing a pussy doesn't not ever compare to something like that, does it?
BULLSHIT--Benghazi couldn't be better stated than this:

I see you Moon Bats are still in denial about Benghazi. A great example of the incompetency and follow up lies of crooked Hillary. Nobody can defend her on that.
Wikileaks was a gift from God. lol

until it goes after one of ours

Did it occur to anyone why Wiki-leaks hasn't gone after the RNC email database? If they can hack into the DNC they can sure hack into RNC headquarters also. Furthermore anyone that is capable of committing a FELONY is also capable of deleting or adding context.

17 Government and private intelligence sources have already told us much of this is coming from RUSSIA, who is trying to interfere in a National election to get Trump elected.

Your media has been going after Trump, so no need. Pity they couldn't have been more even handed, eh?

I think she did everything pretty nicely in the mid east, .

Statements like this is one is a great example of why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much.

If her plan was to create ISIS and put millions of refugees on the road then she did succeed but then that makes her a pretty evil piece of shit, doesn't it? Trump grabbing a pussy doesn't not ever compare to something like that, does it?

Oh yes she is evil... you can bet your money on that...

Trump is such an incompetent clown, he couldnt been an evil even if he tried to be...
Interesting how you mentally disturbed Repugs only like/trust the Federal Government when it's investigating Democrats. Interesting indeed.

Please fill me in on the FBI investigation currently underway for the Republican candidate. I'm equally interested in it.

Yep, Trump is an angel. He has done absolutely nothing sexually assaulting 10+ women or encouraging Putin to commit cyber attacks against the U.S.

Fucking idiot.
Yep, Trump is an angel. He has done absolutely nothing sexually assaulting 10+ women or encouraging Putin to commit cyber attacks against the U.S.

Fucking idiot.
Trump has been accused but he hasnt actually done it.

It is a known fact that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly lied to the FBI and to Congress which are crimes.
Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server

Why haven't the Republicans in Congress appointed a Special Prosecutor

Because the law that would have allowed that has expired, a special prosecutor can only be appointed by the DOJ and you know the likelihood of that happening, ZERO!
Unless Trump wins the election that is.....
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Well what we've heard so far is all we're going to hear until well after the election. So go nuts, conspiracy nutjobs/Faux Noise etc etc etc...
No way. They will get this settle next week...JUST in time to state Hillary is vote for her.
Wrong. There are literally thousands of 'new' emails and the FBI won't be able to review them all before the election. This is hanging around until after the election.
Bullshit. They will have untold numbers of people on this...don't believe anything your mind tells you.
The election is 11 days away gipper. You are talking about thousands of emails and its not as easy as you think. That's a shit ton of new info that must be pieced together. Whatever conclusion they come to will take some time. We're looking at 30-45 days minimum I bet
In all likelihood there are a few key docs that are classified or contain classified information and constitute clear harm to the intelligence/classified storage laws. They did not have that on Hillary before, and it is the proverbial smoking gun.
Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server

Why haven't the Republicans in Congress appointed a Special Prosecutor

Because the law that would have allowed that has expired, a special prosecutor can only be appointed by the DOJ and you know the likelihood of that happening, ZERO!
Unless Trump wins the election that is.....

Yep, but it ain't gonna happen under the current DOJ.
I think what we saw today was a revolt in the FBI. I suspect that many FBI agents threatened Comey with going public if he didn't come clean on Crooked Hillary.

Comey was weak when he caved into filthy partisan politics. Hopefully there is enough backbone in the FBI to correct the injustice.
and it also could be that they finally found evidence of the unsecured classified data being copied onto a public nonsecured machine not registered with the government. Hillary claimed her private server had been approved or at least pretended it was. She also played stupid to avoid responsibility for other potential charges.

But if any classified docs are on the Weiner computer, then she has harmed US classified intell and boom! you cannot say that this was a harmless lark by a senile old bitch who has had a stroke.
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I watched that on Fox and I kept switching back and forth to CNN. Rudy G ate Wolf's lunch. Wolf kept defending and excusing Hillary's actions and Rudy had a comeback answer each time. At one point Rudy reminded Wolf that he had been a Federal Prosecutor and had put crooked Republicans behind bars. Wolf was mad, kept waving both arms and cutting Rudy off. It was almost funny.
Wolf Blitzer was one of 65 names on a list that Hillary campaign considers people they can contact to get their message out. That makes Wolf and the others in the news media propagandists, not journalists.

My theory I posted in another thread-
This is what I think happened. Weiner is under fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.
Yeah, what I have pieced together from watching four different news shows is that four devices have been seized but the primary evidence is on a house PC that Huma used while working on a task between Taneo and the CF (whic is illegal since she was a State Dept employee at the time, but hey, she is a Clintonista so it doesnt matter, right?).

This had her sending and receiving State emails at her home PC and when the CF deleted all their Hillary emails, they over looked Humas home PC which was given to Anthony when they split up. So the classified documents passed on to the possession of someone not cleared to have them the classic case of losing classified docs which is real harm to the US intel/classified document storage laws.

This is a very serious crime and it will trace back to Hillary and her illegal storage of emails on her private unsecured server and she will be held responsible for her subordinates not keeping it secured from others obtaining it like Wiener.

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