OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

They said on fox tonight this had nothing to do with wikileaks. They said this stems from an investigation of Wieners phone where the FBI found emails from his wife that originated from Hillary. Nothing to do with Wikileaks. I believe Hillary might have sent classified information to Abadeen that wound up in Wieners hands. If so, they don't have any security clearance and that is a clear violation of the law.

Ok, should have taught about losing against Hillary, before nominating an incompetent saint clown then... if you voted for Trump of course...

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. He is a big government Liberal and did not earn my vote. However, my voting strategy was not to simply pick the lesser of two evils, which some people do.

Trump has his his flaws but between him and that piece of corrupt lying incompetent shit Crooked Hillary it is a no brainer. Trump wins that contest hands down. Crooked Hillary is the absolute worst candidate to ever run for President.

Are you still trying to defend the despicable bitch, even now? No wonder you Moon Bats get ridiculed so much for your stupidity.

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Hillary so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I agree she is a terrible candidate. But not as bad as Trump because at least she is not trying to clown an entire election and lose it in epic levels at the end...

Regardless of what you have voted for, what I have voted for, or what ever she is or not; the incompetence of Trump, therefore the republicans, win her the election...

Questioning the integrity of the American people, accusing them of the results we will have in just couple weeks aint gonna help you in the long run.

There is an obvious lesson here, for the ones that have the brain to be able to analyze it of course...

Nobody can beat Crooked Hillary's record for dishonesty, incompetence and corruption. She is in a league all by herself.

She is just about the only shithead in the world that is worse than this Obama jackass.

I agree that Trump was not the best candidate for the Republicans and that is the reason I did not vote for him but compared to this filthy ass Crooked Hillary piece of shit that is a no brainer. He is a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary.

However, if you didn't vote for this Crooked Hillary piece of shit and I didn't vote for Trump then...

Crooked Hillary is going to have a Parkinson's freeze when they tell her! And all when Micheal Obama was doing such a good job saying how great Crooked Hillary was. :p

The FBI will re-open the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server

Interesting how you mentally disturbed Repugs only like/trust the Federal Government when it's investigating Democrats. Interesting indeed.

That's projection. Speaking for myself I'm non-partisan and open to FACTS. Those facts reveal Clinton is unfit to be POUS and shouldn't be on the ballot.

Ok, should have taught about losing against Hillary, before nominating an incompetent saint clown then... if you voted for Trump of course...

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. He is a big government Liberal and did not earn my vote. However, my voting strategy was not to simply pick the lesser of two evils, which some people do.

Trump has his his flaws but between him and that piece of corrupt lying incompetent shit Crooked Hillary it is a no brainer. Trump wins that contest hands down. Crooked Hillary is the absolute worst candidate to ever run for President.

Are you still trying to defend the despicable bitch, even now? No wonder you Moon Bats get ridiculed so much for your stupidity.

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Hillary so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I agree she is a terrible candidate. But not as bad as Trump because at least she is not trying to clown an entire election and lose it in epic levels at the end...

Regardless of what you have voted for, what I have voted for, or what ever she is or not; the incompetence of Trump, therefore the republicans, win her the election...

Questioning the integrity of the American people, accusing them of the results we will have in just couple weeks aint gonna help you in the long run.

There is an obvious lesson here, for the ones that have the brain to be able to analyze it of course...

Nobody can beat Crooked Hillary's record for dishonesty, incompetence and corruption. She is in a league all by herself.

She is just about the only shithead in the world that is worse than this Obama jackass.

I agree that Trump was not the best candidate for the Republicans and that is the reason I did not vote for him but compared to this filthy ass Crooked Hillary piece of shit that is a no brainer. He is a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary.

However, if you didn't vote for this Crooked Hillary piece of shit and I didn't vote for Trump then...


Yes, Hillary is dishonest, and she is crooked too... in epic levels...

But she aint incompetent ... she is a seasoned politician that know what to say, when to say...

You didnt vote for any of em, neither did I...
That means we both failed... miserably ...

And yes, it doesnt make any difference at this point anymore.........
Libtards when they heard about the FBI's new investigation of Crooked Hillary

The FBI would not notify Congress if this was JUST about Weiner.

Comey specifically states in his letter to congress: That these emails may NOT be significant to anything. What does that statement mean to YOU?

The entire point is, he needs to clarify his statement to congress, and I am certain he will be forced too. Again 10 days before an election, after the FBI took one year to investigate all these emails with cooperation from Clinton's aids along with testimony, and they just "now" came up with more emails. Give me a freaking break.

"Comey stressed in his letter that the FBI could not yet assess "whether or not this material may be significant," or how long it might take to run down the new investigative leads.

"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation," Comey wrote. "I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation."

Clinton, in a brief statement to reporters Friday evening, noted: "The director himself has said he doesn't know whether the emails referenced in his letter are significant or not. I'm confident whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in July."

It was unclear what the emails contained, who sent them, or what connection they might have to the yearlong investigation the FBI closed in July without recommending criminal charges. The FBI probe focused on whether Clinton sent or received classified information using a server in the basement of her New York home, which was not authorized to handle such messages. Abedin was interviewed by the FBI as part of its investigation.

Comey said in July that his agents didn't find evidence to support a criminal prosecution or direct evidence that Clinton's private server was hacked.

Matthew Miller, a former chief spokesman for the Justice Department, was dismayed by the timing of Comey's letter."
FBI investigating new emails for classified information

2016 The Associated Press

FBI Director Comey is a REPUBLICAN is what it has to do with the timing.

Ok, should have taught about losing against Hillary, before nominating an incompetent saint clown then... if you voted for Trump of course...

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. He is a big government Liberal and did not earn my vote. However, my voting strategy was not to simply pick the lesser of two evils, which some people do.

Trump has his his flaws but between him and that piece of corrupt lying incompetent shit Crooked Hillary it is a no brainer. Trump wins that contest hands down. Crooked Hillary is the absolute worst candidate to ever run for President.

Are you still trying to defend the despicable bitch, even now? No wonder you Moon Bats get ridiculed so much for your stupidity.

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Hillary so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I agree she is a terrible candidate. But not as bad as Trump because at least she is not trying to clown an entire election and lose it in epic levels at the end...

Regardless of what you have voted for, what I have voted for, or what ever she is or not; the incompetence of Trump, therefore the republicans, win her the election...

Questioning the integrity of the American people, accusing them of the results we will have in just couple weeks aint gonna help you in the long run.

There is an obvious lesson here, for the ones that have the brain to be able to analyze it of course...

Nobody can beat Crooked Hillary's record for dishonesty, incompetence and corruption. She is in a league all by herself.

She is just about the only shithead in the world that is worse than this Obama jackass.

I agree that Trump was not the best candidate for the Republicans and that is the reason I did not vote for him but compared to this filthy ass Crooked Hillary piece of shit that is a no brainer. He is a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary.

However, if you didn't vote for this Crooked Hillary piece of shit and I didn't vote for Trump then...


Yes, Hillary is dishonest, and she is crooked too... in epic levels...

But she aint incompetent ... she is a seasoned politician that know what to say, when to say...

You didnt vote for any of em, neither did I...
That means we both failed... miserably ...

And yes, it doesnt make any difference at this point anymore.........

You are confused.

She is is incompetent when it comes to government work. She failed with Russia, Benghazi is a legendary fail, she was involved in this Iran deal failure and was part of the Iraq failed SOFA not to mention fucking up the entire Middle East with Libya and Syria.

She has never done a damn thing right in her life as a government weenie. However, she is a damn good crook. Tony Soprano would be green with envy because of her government influence money laundering scam with the bogus charity foundation.
Wikileaks was a gift from God. lol

until it goes after one of ours

Did it occur to anyone why Wiki-leaks hasn't gone after the RNC email database? If they can hack into the DNC they can sure hack into RNC headquarters also. Furthermore anyone that is capable of committing a FELONY is also capable of deleting or adding context.

17 Government and private intelligence sources have already told us much of this is coming from RUSSIA, who is trying to interfere in a National election to get Trump elected.


Ok, should have taught about losing against Hillary, before nominating an incompetent saint clown then... if you voted for Trump of course...

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. He is a big government Liberal and did not earn my vote. However, my voting strategy was not to simply pick the lesser of two evils, which some people do.

Trump has his his flaws but between him and that piece of corrupt lying incompetent shit Crooked Hillary it is a no brainer. Trump wins that contest hands down. Crooked Hillary is the absolute worst candidate to ever run for President.

Are you still trying to defend the despicable bitch, even now? No wonder you Moon Bats get ridiculed so much for your stupidity.

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Hillary so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I agree she is a terrible candidate. But not as bad as Trump because at least she is not trying to clown an entire election and lose it in epic levels at the end...

Regardless of what you have voted for, what I have voted for, or what ever she is or not; the incompetence of Trump, therefore the republicans, win her the election...

Questioning the integrity of the American people, accusing them of the results we will have in just couple weeks aint gonna help you in the long run.

There is an obvious lesson here, for the ones that have the brain to be able to analyze it of course...

Nobody can beat Crooked Hillary's record for dishonesty, incompetence and corruption. She is in a league all by herself.

She is just about the only shithead in the world that is worse than this Obama jackass.

I agree that Trump was not the best candidate for the Republicans and that is the reason I did not vote for him but compared to this filthy ass Crooked Hillary piece of shit that is a no brainer. He is a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary.

However, if you didn't vote for this Crooked Hillary piece of shit and I didn't vote for Trump then...


Yes, Hillary is dishonest, and she is crooked too... in epic levels...

But she aint incompetent ... she is a seasoned politician that know what to say, when to say...

You didnt vote for any of em, neither did I...
That means we both failed... miserably ...

And yes, it doesnt make any difference at this point anymore.........

You are confused.

She is is incompetent when it comes to government work. She failed with Russia, Benghazi is a legendary fail, she was involved in this Iran deal failure and was part of the Iraq failed SOFA not to mention fucking up the entire Middle East with Libya and Syria.

She has never done a damn thing right in her life as a government weenie. However, she is a damn good crook. Tony Soprano would be green with envy because of her government influence money laundering scam with the bogus charity foundation.

I think you are confused...

I think she did everything pretty nicely in the mid east, just according to the plan...

It was certainly not in the interests of American people, but... she aint working for American people to begin with...
Wikileaks was a gift from God. lol

until it goes after one of ours

Did it occur to anyone why Wiki-leaks hasn't gone after the RNC email database? If they can hack into the DNC they can sure hack into RNC headquarters also. Furthermore anyone that is capable of committing a FELONY is also capable of deleting or adding context.

17 Government and private intelligence sources have already told us much of this is coming from RUSSIA, who is trying to interfere in a National election to get Trump elected.

It's occurred to me I don't give a shit who is targeted party wise. I want these crooked fucks all gone.

Ok, should have taught about losing against Hillary, before nominating an incompetent saint clown then... if you voted for Trump of course...

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Trump so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. He is a big government Liberal and did not earn my vote. However, my voting strategy was not to simply pick the lesser of two evils, which some people do.

Trump has his his flaws but between him and that piece of corrupt lying incompetent shit Crooked Hillary it is a no brainer. Trump wins that contest hands down. Crooked Hillary is the absolute worst candidate to ever run for President.

Are you still trying to defend the despicable bitch, even now? No wonder you Moon Bats get ridiculed so much for your stupidity.

I have already sent in my ballot and I did not vote for Hillary so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I agree she is a terrible candidate. But not as bad as Trump because at least she is not trying to clown an entire election and lose it in epic levels at the end...

Regardless of what you have voted for, what I have voted for, or what ever she is or not; the incompetence of Trump, therefore the republicans, win her the election...

Questioning the integrity of the American people, accusing them of the results we will have in just couple weeks aint gonna help you in the long run.

There is an obvious lesson here, for the ones that have the brain to be able to analyze it of course...

Nobody can beat Crooked Hillary's record for dishonesty, incompetence and corruption. She is in a league all by herself.

She is just about the only shithead in the world that is worse than this Obama jackass.

I agree that Trump was not the best candidate for the Republicans and that is the reason I did not vote for him but compared to this filthy ass Crooked Hillary piece of shit that is a no brainer. He is a choirboy compared to Crooked Hillary.

However, if you didn't vote for this Crooked Hillary piece of shit and I didn't vote for Trump then...


Yes, Hillary is dishonest, and she is crooked too... in epic levels...

But she aint incompetent ... she is a seasoned politician that know what to say, when to say...

You didnt vote for any of em, neither did I...
That means we both failed... miserably ...

And yes, it doesnt make any difference at this point anymore.........

You are confused.

She is is incompetent when it comes to government work. She failed with Russia, Benghazi is a legendary fail, she was involved in this Iran deal failure and was part of the Iraq failed SOFA not to mention fucking up the entire Middle East with Libya and Syria.

She has never done a damn thing right in her life as a government weenie. However, she is a damn good crook. Tony Soprano would be green with envy because of her government influence money laundering scam with the bogus charity foundation.

BULLSHIT--Benghazi couldn't be better stated than this:

Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to appease the far right: It’s a fool’s errand. They went to the tea party – and now they’re taking Donald Trump to the prom. Likewise, then-House Speaker John Boehner named the Benghazi committee because activists were dissatisfied that seven previous congressional investigations had failed to uncover major scandal material. Now an eighth has produced more of the same – and the agitators are as agitated as ever.

There’s a certain twisted logic to this. The unhinged right starts with the ideologically satisfying answer – President Obama and Hillary Clinton are guilty of horrible Benghazi-related wrongdoing – and then works backwards, looking for “proof” that matches the conclusion. When their ostensible allies fail to tell these activists what they want to hear, they could reevaluate their bogus assumptions, but it’s vastly easier to believe Republicans have let them down.

This is what it’s come to: Benghazi conspiracy theorists are so creative, and so unmoved by evidence or reason, that they can convince themselves that congressional Republicans are in on the conspiracy.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy



Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!

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