OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

My theory I posted in another thread-
This is what I think happened. Weiner is undee the fbi investigation for his underage sexting. They got a warrant tor all electronic devices. Searched the home, grabbed everything and come to find out some actually belonged to Huma or the Hill, that have emails from her time at state which reopened the investigation . They got lucky.
Yeah, what I have pieced together from watching four different news shows is that four devices have been seized but the primary evidence is on a house PC that Huma used while working on a task between Taneo and the CF (whic is illegal since she was a State Dept employee at the time, but hey, she is a Clintonista so it doesnt matter, right?).

This had her sending and receiving State emails at her home PC and when the CF deleted all their Hillary emails, they over looked Humas home PC which was given to Anthony when they split up. So the classified documents passed on to the possession of someone not cleared to have them the classic case of losing classified docs which is real harm to the US intel/classified document storage laws.

This is a very serious crime and it will trace back to Hillary and her illegal storage of emails on her private unsecured server and she will be held responsible for her subordinates not keeping it secured from others obtaining it like Wiener.
And just think, in the end, a perverted Jew and his unhinged sexual appetite for young girls
took out Hillary. His single picture of him with a boner lying in bed with his child altered the presidential election.

A picture of Huma on the plane with Hillary today. Looks like she has a tummy ache. Wonder what is wrong?
All the sudden Trump's pu**y comments seem sort of small :rolleyes:
Would women be so shallow that they would hold a man in contempt for talking like any hetero male would say and vote instead for someone who has ethical charges against her? I know right now I cannot vote to elect Hillary. Not someone who has had two FBI investigations aimed at her conduct.

I haven't had any FBI investigations of me. How about you?
Yep, Trump is an angel. He has done absolutely nothing sexually assaulting 10+ women or encouraging Putin to commit cyber attacks against the U.S.

Fucking idiot.
Trump has been accused but he hasnt actually done it.

It is a known fact that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly lied to the FBI and to Congress which are crimes.

Trump most certainly did encourage Putin to commit cyber crimes against the U.S.. He did it on live television during a press conference. Encouraging a foreign country to commit espionage against the U.S. is an indictable offense, you fucking rube.
Hey dumbshits. The FBI took Weiner's computer because of allegations he was sexting underaged girls.

His wife used the same computer to communicate with Hillary. So they are going to take a look and see if there are any classified emails on it.

You dumb fucks are ASSUMING much with ZERO evidence.

Don't hold your breath, mm-kay retards?

On second thought, please do.
Hillary was named in this second investigation. It's kinda of a big deal.
The one downfall to being a vindictive bitch is there is always a bigger vindictive bitch.
Wow, what a fucking joke! The fbi found the same effin emails on weiners computer as they already looked over. Big fucking effin deal!

Go Clinton!
Yep, Trump is an angel. He has done absolutely nothing sexually assaulting 10+ women or encouraging Putin to commit cyber attacks against the U.S.

Fucking idiot.
Trump has been accused but he hasnt actually done it.

It is a known fact that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly lied to the FBI and to Congress which are crimes.

Trump most certainly did encourage Putin to commit cyber crimes against the U.S.. He did it on live television during a press conference. Encouraging a foreign country to commit espionage against the U.S. is an indictable crime, you fucking rube.
Trump made a bad joke about Pootin hacking E-mails but Libturds swear it's gospel.
They aren't HRC's emails, they are someone else's. Good lord you Republicans are just beside yourself for ANYTHING that might save Trump.
How do you know that? Comey isn't going to release this bombshell if it only affected Carlos Danger.
And just think, in the end, a perverted Jew and his unhinged sexual appetite for young girls
took out Hillary. His single picture of him with a boner lying in bed with his child altered the presidential election.
WTF does being a Jew have to do with any of this?

You seem to have no concept of how persuasive your posts could be if you would drop the LARPER neoNazi horse shit.
And just think, in the end, a perverted Jew and his unhinged sexual appetite for young girls
took out Hillary. His single picture of him with a boner lying in bed with his child altered the presidential election.
WTF does being a Jew have to do with any of this?

It has everything to do with it as explained. The Jew like Weiner has a hard
time controlling their deviant perverted ways.
It has everything to do with it as explained. The Jew like Weiner has a hard
time controlling their deviant perverted ways.
So you think that all pedos are Jews?

What a shame you believe all that horse shit, Steve, if you are not just a libtard troll posing as a racist anti-semite.

Welcome to my ignore list for being such a fucking moron.
Trump made a bad joke about Pootin hacking E-mails but Libturds swear it's gospel.
Liberals ahve this talent for deliberately misperceiving anything that they want to.

Yep, we are "misperceiving" that Hillary is going to kick the living shit out of Trump on Nov. 8.

And we are "misperceiving" that all of you racist Repug Trump supporters will be crying like little bitches on Nov. 8.
Trump made a bad joke about Pootin hacking E-mails but Libturds swear it's gospel.
Liberals ahve this talent for deliberately misperceiving anything that they want to.

Yep, we are "misperceiving" that Hillary is going to kick the living shit out of Trump on Nov. 8.

And we are "misperceiving" that all of you racist Repug Trump supporters will be crying like little bitches on Nov. 8.


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