OMG!!! BREAKING!!! FBI Reopening Crooked Hillary's Email Case!!!

In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Whatever they found, Lynch and Obama gave the green light to go public with it 11 days before the election.
Lynch and Obama had nothing to do with it, though, did they?
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Does any of that bother you? Top Secret, SAP, Confidential material found on the server that was open to hacking from enemy nations? We see that the wikileaks have many so were they hacked? Our secrets are out there for the world to know. Any advantage we had over imperialistic governments are now gone...

Doesn't this bother you?

Scrap the election. Think if what she did. Now we are finding out just what the DNC thought of her actions and lies and they are horrified.

But that doesn't bother you at all?
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
They have no idea if anything is in them, and she is demanding that they release them immediately.
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Whatever they found, Lynch and Obama gave the green light to go public with it 11 days before the election.
Lynch and Obama had nothing to do with it, though, did they?
I don't think they did either. I personally think what ever was found, the agents were going to go public if he didn't reopen the case and this time do it right. But, OL, neither of us know for sure.
Uhm... the article starts off with this:

"First of all, I would like to APOLOGIZE for the misleading headline folks. After all, it is not every day that you read that the Feds and Comey admitted they were wrong about Hillary and that there is a case against her after all."
He said no such thing. You are once again making things up or outright lying.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
They have no idea if anything is in them, and she is demanding that they release them immediately.
She is demanding that because that is against the FBI code of ethics. She would be shocked and embarrassed if they did.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
They have no idea if anything is in them, and she is demanding that they release them immediately.
She is demanding that because that is against the FBI code of ethics. She would be shocked and embarrassed if they did.
No matter what I said, you would have found a way to spin it.
This has nothing to do with Republicans. Those scared little bunnies are incapable of any kind of trick dirty or clean. Even on next Monday.
Maybe you're right. That was my initial reaction, before I'd gotten all the facts. Seems not to be a political move, although it could well spell the outcome of the election.
I am not at all convinced that Republicans are incapable of tricks, though. The repeated Benghazi investigations, meant to drag out the harassment of the SOS? The COINCIDENCE that the Russians hacked only the DNC's e-mail? I don't think they're so innocent.
You actually trust career politicians? There Is no one more fucked up than a career politician... lol
I don't trust much of anyone, Rustic.
Well, you apparently trust the worst of all… A Clinton? :lmao:
I trust her not to lose us every friend in the world. We can survive Trump's domestic policies, no doubt. Damage can be undone. His foreign policy stance is what truly scares me and no one will convince me it isn't downright insane to let the man loose.
Barry has made the world hate the US more than anyone else that has been president, no doubt Hildabeast will make it even worse. Even under sniper fire.
That being said getting along is way overrated. We've tried career politicians for many, many decades - it's been a 100% fail rate.
While not being a Trump fan, I don't think we can do any worse than what we have in there right now. I'm still writing in Elmer Fudd...
If This country wants to even attempt to get on the right track which I think the ship has already sailed long ago, we ought to ignore the UN and EU. Those are beyond sick and diseased with incestuous corruption...
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
This has nothing to do with Republicans. Those scared little bunnies are incapable of any kind of trick dirty or clean. Even on next Monday.
Maybe you're right. That was my initial reaction, before I'd gotten all the facts. Seems not to be a political move, although it could well spell the outcome of the election.
I am not at all convinced that Republicans are incapable of tricks, though. The repeated Benghazi investigations, meant to drag out the harassment of the SOS? The COINCIDENCE that the Russians hacked only the DNC's e-mail? I don't think they're so innocent.
Julian Assange says that this isn't the Russians. He insists anyone who purports that will have egg on their faces.
I'd love to know who really did this. Assange is lower than pond scum in my book, for spreading all this shit and for knowing what is really going on and not saying.
What he has done is harmless to the country, if he fucks with career politicians and their federal government it's a godsent blessing...
A career politician cannot suffer too much, they are the lowest of lifeforms.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
This has nothing to do with Republicans. Those scared little bunnies are incapable of any kind of trick dirty or clean. Even on next Monday.
Maybe you're right. That was my initial reaction, before I'd gotten all the facts. Seems not to be a political move, although it could well spell the outcome of the election.
I am not at all convinced that Republicans are incapable of tricks, though. The repeated Benghazi investigations, meant to drag out the harassment of the SOS? The COINCIDENCE that the Russians hacked only the DNC's e-mail? I don't think they're so innocent.
Julian Assange says that this isn't the Russians. He insists anyone who purports that will have egg on their faces.
I'd love to know who really did this. Assange is lower than pond scum in my book, for spreading all this shit and for knowing what is really going on and not saying.
It may have been an inside job. Five DNC members were found murdered this year alone. One, I believe was Seth Richards, who was "Mugged" and shot in the back five times by a robber. But nothing of value was taken. Supposition was that he was one of the whistleblowers...but no proof.

DNC staffer Seth Rich dies after being shot multiple times at 4am in Washington DC | Daily Mail Online

DNC staffer Seth Rich's father reveals his murdered son 'wanted to make difference' | Daily Mail Online

FALSE: DNC Worker Seth Conrad Rich Gunned Down on the Way to Meet FBI
The last investigation took over a year and it was a farce from the beginning. Assuming this one is actually real, I imagine it could take quite a while.
IT was a farce because the agent overseeing the investigation had take $675k for his wifes "Campaign" for the state senate; i.e. a bribe to look the other way.
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Why is it that liberals never know the most basic facts on any subject?
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Does any of that bother you? Top Secret, SAP, Confidential material found on the server that was open to hacking from enemy nations? We see that the wikileaks have many so were they hacked? Our secrets are out there for the world to know. Any advantage we had over imperialistic governments are now gone...

Doesn't this bother you?

Scrap the election. Think if what she did. Now we are finding out just what the DNC thought of her actions and lies and they are horrified.

But that doesn't bother you at all?
No, it really doesn't bother me all that much. See, I've had Hillary's number for years. I'm sure the reason she kept her own server was so she could keep her Foundation business and the rip roaring business they had selling Bill around the world separate from her e-mails that are open for review at all times. The only reason the DNC is horrified is that it makes it harder to get her elected.
As for leaving her e-mails open to hacking--well, Weatherman, everyone seems to be open to hacking, regardless of how careful they are. The IRS, for godssake, international banks, EVERYONE is seemingly susceptible and if we are going to be sweating hack attacks, we'd best go back to internal memos sent via pneumatic tube and correspondence going via snail mail or courier.
So, no.
The FBI found proof in the wikileaks email dump that Hillary lied to the FBI and Congress so they are reopening the case. This could mean disaster for her election and if she wins my money will be on impeachment before the State of the Union speech.
They have no idea if anything is in them, and she is demanding that they release them immediately.
She is demanding that because that is against the FBI code of ethics. She would be shocked and embarrassed if they did.
No matter what I said, you would have found a way to spin it.
That is MY opinion, but you have to admit, that was fast thinking on the part of the campaign.
The last investigation took over a year and it was a farce from the beginning. Assuming this one is actually real, I imagine it could take quite a while.
IT was a farce because the agent overseeing the investigation had take $675k for his wifes "Campaign" for the state senate; i.e. a bribe to look the other way.
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Why is it that liberals never know the most basic facts on any subject?

Because: Feeeeeewingssssss!
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
This has nothing to do with Republicans. Those scared little bunnies are incapable of any kind of trick dirty or clean. Even on next Monday.
Maybe you're right. That was my initial reaction, before I'd gotten all the facts. Seems not to be a political move, although it could well spell the outcome of the election.
I am not at all convinced that Republicans are incapable of tricks, though. The repeated Benghazi investigations, meant to drag out the harassment of the SOS? The COINCIDENCE that the Russians hacked only the DNC's e-mail? I don't think they're so innocent.
Julian Assange says that this isn't the Russians. He insists anyone who purports that will have egg on their faces.
I'd love to know who really did this. Assange is lower than pond scum in my book, for spreading all this shit and for knowing what is really going on and not saying.
It may have been an inside job. Five DNC members were found murdered this year alone. One, I believe was Seth Richards, who was "Mugged" and shot in the back five times by a robber. But nothing of value was taken. Supposition was that he was one of the whistleblowers...but no proof.

DNC staffer Seth Rich dies after being shot multiple times at 4am in Washington DC | Daily Mail Online

DNC staffer Seth Rich's father reveals his murdered son 'wanted to make difference' | Daily Mail Online

FALSE: DNC Worker Seth Conrad Rich Gunned Down on the Way to Meet FBI
In direct reply to the OP,
Oh, shit, here we go again!

At least Trump's scandals are interesting. How much more taxpayer money will be spent nipping at her heels in the remote hope that she did something that can be proven illegal? She's a crafty, experienced politician with a lawyer's training. Dunno, folks. I think all it will do is annoy her. I suppose if it loses her the election, that would also have the desired effect.
Nope, Republicans NEVER stoop to dirty politics. Only Dems. LOL
Crafty lawyer who uses a private server that thousands know about while she knows she will run for POTUS in 2016?
Your bar for what constitutes smart is really really low.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.
Whatever they found, Lynch and Obama gave the green light to go public with it 11 days before the election.
Lynch and Obama had nothing to do with it, though, did they?
I don't think they did either. I personally think what ever was found, the agents were going to go public if he didn't reopen the case and this time do it right. But, OL, neither of us know for sure.
Very true. Time to sit tight. I don't see how more of the same can cause a re-adjudication, though.
Weatherman, the investigation into the e-mail server has already determined that she had 3 top secret e-mails embedded in threads, as well as top secret and classified documents. 100+ out of 33,000. It was also determined that while she was extremely reckless, it was not a case that could successfully be prosecuted.
What do you expect they will find on Huma's phone that changes that decision in any important way? Will they find one more top secret email embedded in a thread which was sent from the SOS server to Huma's phone so she could print it at home? so the decision will then be that she had 4 top secret e-mails embedded in threads?
I just don't see why the Republicans are all salivating and peeing themselves over this. More emails surfaced that had apparently come from the SOS server. Therefore, to be thorough, they need to be read. That's all.

Actually, Comey didn't say much to cause all this hubbub. Media going nuts as usual. Where are the foreign correspondents and offices? Real news?

So right hfw... I would like to see more investigation into the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe/Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe $675,000.00 contribution to Jill McCabe, wife of Andrew McCabe for a unsuccessful run for Congress in Va. Please pull some of your strings to get someone working on this appearance of impropriety...

How about this:

When FBI Director James Comey said that the organization would not be seeking to bring charges against Hillary Clinton over her illegal email server, anyone paying attention knew there was a deep level of corruption. Now, it’s been made clear. James Comey received millions of dollars from the corrupt Clinton Foundation, and his brother’s law firm also does the Clinton’s taxes.

...Comey is noted as receiving $6 million in one year along from Lockheed Martin, who is a Clinton Foundation donor, and became a donor in the same year Comey received those funds.

Additionally, Mr. Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings in 2013. HSBC has also partnered with The Clinton Foundation, where records indicate that the bank projected $1 billion in financing through the Clinton Foundation for “retrofitting” 1,500 to 2,000 housing units to conserve energy.

Additionally, Peter Comey, James’ brother, serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper, according to the report."
FBI Director Comey Took Millions from Clinton Foundation Defense Contractor - The Washington Standard
The last investigation took over a year and it was a farce from the beginning. Assuming this one is actually real, I imagine it could take quite a while.
IT was a farce because the agent overseeing the investigation had take $675k for his wifes "Campaign" for the state senate; i.e. a bribe to look the other way.
Link to that bs? lol. You know all the conspiraceeeeeeeeees!!!!!!!!

Why is it that liberals never know the most basic facts on any subject?

Basic facts:

1. The FBI didn't reopen the case

2. The FBI does not have any incriminating emails from the Huma laptop.

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