omg men in dresses aren't they so hot ..New York Fashion Week is celebrating gender nonconformity —


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

New York Fashion Week is celebrating gender nonconformity — because it's 2017, and anyone should be able to wear anything.

Men in dresses I bet a few on here will slobber over looking at them. Maybe we can call this a fake ass kook site too, and for once I'd agree they are ....n KOOKS....
They look horrible.

What a collection of wasted humanity.

I feel this way about people that attack our nations ability to invest in science, infrastructure or education.

Well Matthew how do you like this "experiment" in social deconstructionism and transgender socialization?

Is this a creative enough form of "science" for you, to "experiment" in real life this way?

And next, we'll try Conservatives acting like Liberals,
and Democrats acting like Republicans. And REALLY mix things up! What fun!

Oh wait. We do have Trump in office mixing things up, left and right!

(And with Obama, we had liberal Democrats pushing BELIEFS through govt, such as right to health care,
while Republicans were yelling about free choice. So that's a bit of role reversal in comparison with the opposite:
conservatives pushing right to life beliefs while liberals scream for freedom of choice from govt imposition....)
Not for me, but if they like it, then go for it. I don't care.
They look horrible.

What a collection of wasted humanity.

I feel this way about people that attack our nations ability to invest in science, infrastructure or education.

Well Matthew how do you like this "experiment" in social deconstructionism and transgender socialization?

Is this a creative enough form of "science" for you, to "experiment" in real life this way?

And next, we'll try Conservatives acting like Liberals,
and Democrats acting like Republicans. And REALLY mix things up! What fun!

Oh wait. We do have Trump in office mixing things up, left and right!

(And with Obama, we had liberal Democrats pushing BELIEFS through govt, such as right to health care,
while Republicans were yelling about free choice. So that's a bit of role reversal in comparison with the opposite:
conservatives pushing right to life beliefs while liberals scream for freedom of choice from govt imposition....)

Healthcare just makes sense to be an right as everyone is going to need it and if someone doesn't have insurance they're likely going to be sticking the hospital anyways. That is a core reason for the ACA as paying up front is better then going to the ER and telling the ER to fuck off 2 weeks later. Every single first world nation besides the United states has single payer so why not??? It is within our interest as a nation to make sure the population is well, the cost is low and no one is dying on the side of the street. I dare say it is moral....There really isn't a choice in the need of healthcare...Sorry, but the guy in the middle of the woods that hunts my get his arm ripped off by a bear one day and need the services of our doctors.

Well, if someone wishes to be transsexual who are we to stop them? That is their personal choice....It aint so much about science as of personal freedom....You know that stuff you keep going on about but then turn around demanding conformity.

I'll admit that life is more interesting when people can be who they wish to be....

New York Fashion Week is celebrating gender nonconformity — because it's 2017, and anyone should be able to wear anything.

Men in dresses I bet a few on here will slobber over looking at them. Maybe we can call this a fake ass kook site too, and for once I'd agree they are ....n KOOKS....

What kind of clothes are these? icon_omg.gif
Anyways I noticed all those models seem to be sad... lol :biggrin:
Hi Matthew:
But it doesn't make sense to everyone to force people to go through govt.
What's wrong with having a CHOICE whether to fund programs through govt or through
charities? Doctors without Borders does a great job. Why can't taxpayers choose to run health care
and medical development through THAT nonprofit or through Red Cross.

If you ask me, I'd say keep the GROUNDS and FACILITIES owned and opened as PUBLIC.

But manage all the PROGRAMS through universities, medical groups, etc. that are privately chosen, funded
and participated in, and not based on politics and elections.

Some of the FUNDING for medical research may pass through govt.

What I don't get, Matthew, is how this became UNDEMOCRATIC
where voters objecting get DEMONIZED HARASSED and BASHED for voting NOT to fund certain things.

if you are going to go through GOVT that means the public ought to VOTE and have a SAY where taxes go. it's called NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.

But what happened instead, is govt was abused to RAM things AGAINST THE WILL AND BELIEFS OF THE PEOPLE. So this violated Constitutional and democratic principles.

That's where it started becoming dictatorial, and THREATENING people, PUNISHING them if they didn't comply REGARDLESS of their right to dissent and to democratically seek other solutions. Where did Democrats forget that taxes come from other people as well, with other beliefs equal to theirs? Why this idea that one group can DICTATE to everyone else how they have to spend their tax dollars, labor and income through GOVT health care or through INSURANCE and not have any other choice in developing, investing in and paying/providing for health care? Where did Democrats decide THEIR govt programs and mandates were the ONLY SOLUTION that taxpayers are allowed to fund or else they get FINED with PENALTIES and forced to fund it anyway!

What happened to FREE CHOICE Matthew

If you care so much about "science" and "education" what have we learned about human free will
and human nature? Isn't it natural to defend one's free will, "freedom of choice" and consent?

Where did liberal Democrats go wrong? As the champions of "freedom of choice" when it comes to
opposing "right to life" beliefs rammed down people's throats by abusing govt,
why did the Democrat Party flip and go to the other extreme with "right to health care"
and DO THE EXACT SAME THING that conservative prolife Republicans are attacked for doing?

Do you see how when the shoe is on the other foot, the Democrats violate the very principle
of "freedom of choice" protected from govt intrusion and imposition of POLITICAL BELIEFS.

That is where I think Democrats LOST ALL CREDIBILITY.

They look horrible.

What a collection of wasted humanity.

I feel this way about people that attack our nations ability to invest in science, infrastructure or education.

Well Matthew how do you like this "experiment" in social deconstructionism and transgender socialization?

Is this a creative enough form of "science" for you, to "experiment" in real life this way?

And next, we'll try Conservatives acting like Liberals,
and Democrats acting like Republicans. And REALLY mix things up! What fun!

Oh wait. We do have Trump in office mixing things up, left and right!

(And with Obama, we had liberal Democrats pushing BELIEFS through govt, such as right to health care,
while Republicans were yelling about free choice. So that's a bit of role reversal in comparison with the opposite:
conservatives pushing right to life beliefs while liberals scream for freedom of choice from govt imposition....)

Healthcare just makes sense to be an right as everyone is going to need it and if someone doesn't have insurance they're likely going to be sticking the hospital anyways. That is a core reason for the ACA as paying up front is better then going to the ER and telling the ER to fuck off 2 weeks later. Every single first world nation besides the United states has single payer so why not??? It is within our interest as a nation to make sure the population is well, the cost is low and no one is dying on the side of the street. I dare say it is moral....There really isn't a choice in the need of healthcare...Sorry, but the guy in the middle of the woods that hunts my get his arm ripped off by a bear one day and need the services of our doctors.

Well, if someone wishes to be transsexual who are we to stop them? That is their personal choice....It aint so much about science as of personal freedom....You know that stuff you keep going on about but then turn around demanding conformity.

I'll admit that life is more interesting when people can be who they wish to be....
Anyone who has a problem with boys or men wearing a kilt will not be wanting to pay a visit to Scotland.

Are there pink ruffled kilts?

Men in dresses and mascara are a fad. It's Nehru jsckets and wide lapels. Men get tired of having femininity imposed on them and go to a strip joint.

New York Fashion Week is celebrating gender nonconformity — because it's 2017, and anyone should be able to wear anything.

Men in dresses I bet a few on here will slobber over looking at them. Maybe we can call this a fake ass kook site too, and for once I'd agree they are ....n KOOKS....

What kind of clothes are these? View attachment 123554
Anyways I noticed all those models seem to be sad... lol :biggrin:

All those models seem to be made up as zombies. The clothes? Well, we were told they are "transgendered" clothing. If the fad hits the streets, at least normal people will know when to cross the street to avoid having some"thing" try to eat their brains.
They look horrible.

What a collection of wasted humanity.

I feel this way about people that attack our nations ability to invest in science, infrastructure or education.

Well Matthew how do you like this "experiment" in social deconstructionism and transgender socialization?

Is this a creative enough form of "science" for you, to "experiment" in real life this way?

And next, we'll try Conservatives acting like Liberals,
and Democrats acting like Republicans. And REALLY mix things up! What fun!

Oh wait. We do have Trump in office mixing things up, left and right!

(And with Obama, we had liberal Democrats pushing BELIEFS through govt, such as right to health care,
while Republicans were yelling about free choice. So that's a bit of role reversal in comparison with the opposite:
conservatives pushing right to life beliefs while liberals scream for freedom of choice from govt imposition....)

Healthcare just makes sense to be an right as everyone is going to need it and if someone doesn't have insurance they're likely going to be sticking the hospital anyways. That is a core reason for the ACA as paying up front is better then going to the ER and telling the ER to fuck off 2 weeks later. Every single first world nation besides the United states has single payer so why not??? It is within our interest as a nation to make sure the population is well, the cost is low and no one is dying on the side of the street. I dare say it is moral....There really isn't a choice in the need of healthcare...Sorry, but the guy in the middle of the woods that hunts my get his arm ripped off by a bear one day and need the services of our doctors.

Well, if someone wishes to be transsexual who are we to stop them? That is their personal choice....It aint so much about science as of personal freedom....You know that stuff you keep going on about but then turn around demanding conformity.

I'll admit that life is more interesting when people can be who they wish to be....
It would be more interesting if you realized that not one of those men had a choice in what they were wearing.

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