OMG! New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!

Hey Vigilante

Those real clear politic polls are old

Try clicking on the WI:GOP tab for newer polls...o_O
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th - The Gateway Pundit

Based on current delegate counts and poll numbers Ted Cruz will be mathematically unable to reach the delegate count required for him to win the Republican Presidential nomination.
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

didnt stop kasich, wont stop lyin ted trust me.
The sex scandals will.
Does not matter if Trump lose WI

Cruz need incredible performance s in some very anti evangelical states. He is asking for too much
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th - The Gateway Pundit

Based on current delegate counts and poll numbers Ted Cruz will be mathematically unable to reach the delegate count required for him to win the Republican Presidential nomination.
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

didnt stop kasich, wont stop lyin ted trust me.
The sex scandals will.

hope so, doubt it though. the gop wants to stop trump.
The GOP need to start aligning behind Trump and take over his advisors position ASAP!

That is the best resolution I see. Full support in exchange for controlling the agenda.

Good chances for the WH. Keeps firm control over Congress.
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th - The Gateway Pundit

Based on current delegate counts and poll numbers Ted Cruz will be mathematically unable to reach the delegate count required for him to win the Republican Presidential nomination.
Based on Current Situation=> Ted Cruz Will Be Knocked Out of Race By April 26th

didnt stop kasich, wont stop lyin ted trust me.
The sex scandals will.

hope so, doubt it though. the gop wants to stop trump.
Not bad enough to lose the white house. That threat they make is BS.
Who's poll has him winning? It doesn't say who the pollster is....?
Fox Wisconsin...try clicking on the video at link!
Did they say this was THEIR POLL??

What did the video from Fox say?

Let's try this,

MONDAY POLL SHOCKER: Trump surges to lead in Wisconsin 1 day before Primary

Post the poll results. Foxnews polls always have a detailed result posted online.

PS you still owe me 2 thousand dollars.
The linked video says it's a "Fox News Poll".

But there's no sign of a poll with Trump winning in Wisconsin, anywhere on Fox News' website.

And mentions no such poll. There's a Fox Business Poll from several days ago, showing Cruz ahead.

Can anybody give any support to the OP's statement that Trump is ahead in any poll taken in the last few days, for Wisconsin?

V is a cocksucking liar -- like most of the pig-fucking conservatives here on USMB.
LOL. Yessireee..................Bob. Run Trump. Put all the lipstick you want on that pig. And we will see the results in November.
The video from the newscast is dated Saturday April 2 so its not an out of date poll, interesting thats a big swing.
The GOP need to start aligning behind Trump and take over his advisors position ASAP!

That is the best resolution I see. Full support in exchange for controlling the agenda.

Good chances for the WH. Keeps firm control over Congress.

In my opinion, that is what will happen soon. If Trump wins WI they will unite, they have to to save the party. I am not sure that Trump will agree to be controlled. But he had better. If he didn't want influence from the Republican party he should have not run on the ticket and ran as a third party. I can't wait until Trump wins, Jake will swallow his tongue.
A new poll out yesterday shows Trump now with a 9 point lead over Ted Cruz and growing. Wisconsin is a winner take all state. Could the #CruzSEXScandal have anything to do with this DRASTIC change?

Trump will win in Wisconsin!


New Poll in Wisconsin shows Trump ahead by many points and the lead is growing!

could be the case

all the cheeseheads i know support trump
The linked video says it's a "Fox News Poll".

But there's no sign of a poll with Trump winning in Wisconsin, anywhere on Fox News' website.

And mentions no such poll. There's a Fox Business Poll from several days ago, showing Cruz ahead.

Can anybody give any support to the OP's statement that Trump is ahead in any poll taken in the last few days, for Wisconsin?
He maybe quoting a local poll

Or an old poll?

It is fairly recent though no date is given, as it says the next stop is Wisconsin and it only lists the three with Kasich and the rest, leaves out Rubio, and Trump has not led in a Wisconsin poll since February or so. It was posted on May 3rd, so its not an April Fools joke.

Who knows how valid it really is, but most of the polls showing Cruz way ahead are of Republicans in Wisconsin who vote in the last Presidential primary in 2012, and that was when Romney was the only viable candidate left. So it is a heavily skewed result and does not ac count for the Democrats and independents who plan to vote for Trump.

But who knows? Will have to just wait and see.
I have fond memories of the polls showing Romney leading. Not so fond memories of the crow I ate for posting them only to look foolish when he lost.

Food for thought

You dopnt look foolish for guessing wrong. Even the best get them wrong from time to time.

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