OMG! Science Attacks Religion!

Koshergrl and PC-

You do realize that there are professional christian apologists out there, who actually who do a good job of defending christianity, right? This is because they actually consider logic and reason to be useful. You both might want to learn from some of them, because as it is, your attempts here at apologetics are astoundingly pathetic. (I'll start you off: William Lane Craig is a good one.) This is why I have sincerely suggested, and will suggest again, that you both learn about the methods of logic and epistemology to help you on your quest to defend your sincerest beliefs. My guess is, you don't like the idea of logical rules that you must abide by, because you are so affirmed of your own rigtheousness and your egos are so big, that you think you don't need them. This is most probably the basis for the intellectual hubris you two constantly display. Have some respect for debate and discourse, instead of being the two, insecure little christians that you are. Oh, and PC, numbering your posts doesn't make your thoughts organized. Try writing a paragraph.
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Not pointless, Collie.....

...tryin' to help you to better yourself!

More help?

During evolution, it appears your ancestors were in the control group.

Gee whiz. More pointless babble.

Now, now....

...give credit where credit is due!

See how I've trained you to drop the vapid ""stutter and mumble"?

We sure tweaked the multitudes who didn't believe you were capable of learning, didn't we.

(Now...don't go and spoil it by using those same five words in your next post.)

This is the result of the problem people like you are confronted with. As your arguments are dismantled, you're left only to spam the thread with pointless babble. It's an issue not uncommon for religious zealots who have little knowledge outside of their religious indoctrination.
Gee whiz. More pointless babble.

Now, now....

...give credit where credit is due!

See how I've trained you to drop the vapid ""stutter and mumble"?

We sure tweaked the multitudes who didn't believe you were capable of learning, didn't we.

(Now...don't go and spoil it by using those same five words in your next post.)

This is the result of the problem people like you are confronted with. As your arguments are dismantled, you're left only to spam the thread with pointless babble. It's an issue not uncommon for religious zealots who have little knowledge outside of their religious indoctrination.

Oh....see, now you've spoiled it...and you were doing so well....sort of.

You lapsed back to "pointless babble."

Have you ever read a book?
Reading books tends to make one they don't repeat as you do.

But here is the real worry, Collie....

per·sev·er·a·tion (pr-sv-rshn)
1. Psychology
a. Uncontrollable repetition of a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.
perseveration - definition of perseveration by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

See where I'm going?

"Perseveration in schizophrenia.
Perseveration in schizophrenia thus appears to be a productive sign elicited by a failure to mobilize cognitive resources in situations requiring controlled information processing and the concomitant inhibition of activated but task-inappropriate responses."
Perseveration in schizophrenia. [Schizophr Bull. 1997] - PubMed - NCBI

When I assigned you the title of 'Crazy Collie....' I was using it in the colloquial sense.....

....but it seems that.....uh, should get this looked into.
Koshergrl and PC-

You do realize that there are professional christian apologists out there, who actually who do a good job of defending christianity, right? This is because they actually consider logic and reason to be useful. You both might want to learn from some of them, because as it is, your attempts here at apologetics are astoundingly pathetic. (I'll start you off: William Lane Craig is a good one.) This is why I have sincerely suggested, and will suggest again, that you both learn about the methods of logic and epistemology to help you on your quest to defend your sincerest beliefs. My guess is, you don't like the idea of logical rules that you must abide by, because you are so affirmed of your own rigtheousness and your egos are so big, that you think you don't need them. This is most probably the basis for the intellectual hubris you two constantly display. Have some respect for debate and discourse, instead of being the two, insecure little christians that you are. Oh, and PC, numbering your posts doesn't make your thoughts organized. Try writing a paragraph.

If you don't see those arguing the opposite point of view, if you can even call it 'arguing', in the same light, then you're wearing biased blinders. ;) PC started this thread, and she was debating with facts and logic, all I've seen is someone like 'Hollie' acting in just the manner you described above until it eroded the discussion to insults going back and forth. There have been good, sound, and logical points made by both sides, but I'd say Hollie is the worst of what you are describing in your post. Yet you don't address her at all? Can you tell me what she has contributed outside of biased anger, apparent bitterness, and name calling? At least Underhill and yourself have posted reasonable points. I only respect those that can recognize the flamers on both sides of an argument, not just the one they happen to be on.
Gee whiz. More pointless babble.

Now, now....

...give credit where credit is due!

See how I've trained you to drop the vapid ""stutter and mumble"?

We sure tweaked the multitudes who didn't believe you were capable of learning, didn't we.

(Now...don't go and spoil it by using those same five words in your next post.)

This is the result of the problem people like you are confronted with. As your arguments are dismantled, you're left only to spam the thread with pointless babble. It's an issue not uncommon for religious zealots who have little knowledge outside of their religious indoctrination.

Is religion the only thing one can be indoctrinated into? (The answer is no, and you are a prime example of that. ;) )
I came in here being reasonable myself, yet koshergrl decided to make it a flame thread with insults. I've only responded in kind, it was deserved. Perhaps I'll just throw her on ignore. You know? The real ignore.
Now, now....

...give credit where credit is due!

See how I've trained you to drop the vapid ""stutter and mumble"?

We sure tweaked the multitudes who didn't believe you were capable of learning, didn't we.

(Now...don't go and spoil it by using those same five words in your next post.)

This is the result of the problem people like you are confronted with. As your arguments are dismantled, you're left only to spam the thread with pointless babble. It's an issue not uncommon for religious zealots who have little knowledge outside of their religious indoctrination.

Is religion the only thing one can be indoctrinated into? (The answer is no, and you are a prime example of that. ;) )
It seems you have joined the thumper cabal and have entered the thread with no intention or ability to offer anything other than pointless babble.
This is the result of the problem people like you are confronted with. As your arguments are dismantled, you're left only to spam the thread with pointless babble. It's an issue not uncommon for religious zealots who have little knowledge outside of their religious indoctrination.

Is religion the only thing one can be indoctrinated into? (The answer is no, and you are a prime example of that. ;) )
It seems you have joined the thumper cabal and have entered the thread with no intention or ability to offer anything other than pointless babble.

"pointless babble"


You poor doesn't look like there's any way back for you.
Is religion the only thing one can be indoctrinated into? (The answer is no, and you are a prime example of that. ;) )
It seems you have joined the thumper cabal and have entered the thread with no intention or ability to offer anything other than pointless babble.

"pointless babble"


You poor doesn't look like there's any way back for you.

There are those who felt your embarrassing and quixotic fling at rational commentary was a short-lived phenomenon and an impossible dilemma. Your incoherent babbling so disgraced, discredited, and in disarray, you're left only to whine like a petulant child.
It seems you have joined the thumper cabal and have entered the thread with no intention or ability to offer anything other than pointless babble.

"pointless babble"


You poor doesn't look like there's any way back for you.

There are those who felt your embarrassing and quixotic fling at rational commentary was a short-lived phenomenon and an impossible dilemma. Your incoherent babbling so disgraced, discredited, and in disarray, you're left only to whine like a petulant child.

Much better!

I particularly like the alliteration! honest and give me the credit I deserve in correcting you, and moving you out of the rut in which you found yourself!

Formerly, your posts were blockheaded and dull.

Now they are less dull, at least.

I don't believe that there is any hope that we can make them less blockheaded....

....'cause you're four cents short of a nickel.
"pointless babble"


You poor doesn't look like there's any way back for you.

There are those who felt your embarrassing and quixotic fling at rational commentary was a short-lived phenomenon and an impossible dilemma. Your incoherent babbling so disgraced, discredited, and in disarray, you're left only to whine like a petulant child.

Much better!

I particularly like the alliteration! honest and give me the credit I deserve in correcting you, and moving you out of the rut in which you found yourself!

Formerly, your posts were blockheaded and dull.

Now they are less dull, at least.

I don't believe that there is any hope that we can make them less blockheaded....

....'cause you're four cents short of a nickel.

The potential damage inflicted upon your keyboard by that unseemly drooling aside, we're attempting to be positive here and the baseless piffle that composes your attempts at written language does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure. Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?
There are those who felt your embarrassing and quixotic fling at rational commentary was a short-lived phenomenon and an impossible dilemma. Your incoherent babbling so disgraced, discredited, and in disarray, you're left only to whine like a petulant child.

Much better!

I particularly like the alliteration! honest and give me the credit I deserve in correcting you, and moving you out of the rut in which you found yourself!

Formerly, your posts were blockheaded and dull.

Now they are less dull, at least.

I don't believe that there is any hope that we can make them less blockheaded....

....'cause you're four cents short of a nickel.

The potential damage inflicted upon your keyboard by that unseemly drooling aside, we're attempting to be positive here and the baseless piffle that composes your attempts at written language does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure. Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?

See, this is what I mean about your inability to put coherent thoughts together, and then assemble the words so as to make sense.

"....does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure."

If I were a failure, why would I want to enhance that sort of reputation?

Here, let me teach you the meaning of a word you've used:

Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
See how silly your sentence is? It's the very opposite of what you're trying to say.

You should probably have used "minimize."
"...does nothing to minimize your reputation as a failure."

Or "decrease," or, better still, "alleviate."

But, I understand, and recognize the stress you're under trying to keep up with your betters.

Don't you wish you were articulate?
Probably went to those government schools, huh?

Hey.....why don't you pray for more ability?
Much better!

I particularly like the alliteration! honest and give me the credit I deserve in correcting you, and moving you out of the rut in which you found yourself!

Formerly, your posts were blockheaded and dull.

Now they are less dull, at least.

I don't believe that there is any hope that we can make them less blockheaded....

....'cause you're four cents short of a nickel.

The potential damage inflicted upon your keyboard by that unseemly drooling aside, we're attempting to be positive here and the baseless piffle that composes your attempts at written language does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure. Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?

See, this is what I mean about your inability to put coherent thoughts together, and then assemble the words so as to make sense.

"....does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure."

If I were a failure, why would I want to enhance that sort of reputation?

Here, let me teach you the meaning of a word you've used:

Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
See how silly your sentence is? It's the very opposite of what you're trying to say.

You should probably have used "minimize."
"...does nothing to minimize your reputation as a failure."

Or "decrease," or, better still, "alleviate."

But, I understand, and recognize the stress you're under trying to keep up with your betters.

Don't you wish you were articulate?
Probably went to those government schools, huh?

Hey.....why don't you pray for more ability?

With the rabid fundie dead-enders especially desperate in their feeble flailing about, I thought that I might render them more docile, massaging the 'gator's belly, if you will, by portraying images of a positive, reassuring attitude defiant of manifest reality.

I do hope the following provides a modicum of solace, however fleeting.
The potential damage inflicted upon your keyboard by that unseemly drooling aside, we're attempting to be positive here and the baseless piffle that composes your attempts at written language does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure. Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?

See, this is what I mean about your inability to put coherent thoughts together, and then assemble the words so as to make sense.

"....does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure."

If I were a failure, why would I want to enhance that sort of reputation?

Here, let me teach you the meaning of a word you've used:

Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
See how silly your sentence is? It's the very opposite of what you're trying to say.

You should probably have used "minimize."
"...does nothing to minimize your reputation as a failure."

Or "decrease," or, better still, "alleviate."

But, I understand, and recognize the stress you're under trying to keep up with your betters.

Don't you wish you were articulate?
Probably went to those government schools, huh?

Hey.....why don't you pray for more ability?

With the rabid fundie dead-enders especially desperate in their feeble flailing about, I thought that I might render them more docile, massaging the 'gator's belly, if you will, by portraying images of a positive, reassuring attitude defiant of manifest reality.

I do hope the following provides a modicum of solace, however fleeting.

Thank you for bringing in another sample of your writing for repair.

Let's begin with "...desperate in their feeble flailing about,..."

First, once the reader notes that your description bears no relation to the truth....well, have on traction.

No one is desperate, nor flailing, feebly or other wise.

Rather, you come across a a weak prevaricator, fearful that others may see the posts that led you to this stage. vocabulary is pedestrian, your allusions false, and your point.....nonexistent.

You are, in short, a failure.

Don't you agree?
See, this is what I mean about your inability to put coherent thoughts together, and then assemble the words so as to make sense.

"....does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure."

If I were a failure, why would I want to enhance that sort of reputation?

Here, let me teach you the meaning of a word you've used:

Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
See how silly your sentence is? It's the very opposite of what you're trying to say.

You should probably have used "minimize."
"...does nothing to minimize your reputation as a failure."

Or "decrease," or, better still, "alleviate."

But, I understand, and recognize the stress you're under trying to keep up with your betters.

Don't you wish you were articulate?
Probably went to those government schools, huh?

Hey.....why don't you pray for more ability?

With the rabid fundie dead-enders especially desperate in their feeble flailing about, I thought that I might render them more docile, massaging the 'gator's belly, if you will, by portraying images of a positive, reassuring attitude defiant of manifest reality.

I do hope the following provides a modicum of solace, however fleeting.

Thank you for bringing in another sample of your writing for repair.

Let's begin with "...desperate in their feeble flailing about,..."

First, once the reader notes that your description bears no relation to the truth....well, have on traction.

No one is desperate, nor flailing, feebly or other wise.

Rather, you come across a a weak prevaricator, fearful that others may see the posts that led you to this stage. vocabulary is pedestrian, your allusions false, and your point.....nonexistent.

You are, in short, a failure.

Don't you agree?

I know if I were you, I'd hate to have someone think that clichéd’, barely readable nonsense was my creation.

Don't you agree?
With the rabid fundie dead-enders especially desperate in their feeble flailing about, I thought that I might render them more docile, massaging the 'gator's belly, if you will, by portraying images of a positive, reassuring attitude defiant of manifest reality.

I do hope the following provides a modicum of solace, however fleeting.

Thank you for bringing in another sample of your writing for repair.

Let's begin with "...desperate in their feeble flailing about,..."

First, once the reader notes that your description bears no relation to the truth....well, have on traction.

No one is desperate, nor flailing, feebly or other wise.

Rather, you come across a a weak prevaricator, fearful that others may see the posts that led you to this stage. vocabulary is pedestrian, your allusions false, and your point.....nonexistent.

You are, in short, a failure.

Don't you agree?

I know if I were you, I'd hate to have someone think that clichéd’, barely readable nonsense was my creation.

Don't you agree?

Now, you've put your foot in your mouth once again!

When the reader considers the post to which you refer, and then sees that you claimed it to be "barely readable"....

...your dishonesty is apparent.

The only possible conclusion will be that you have a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.


Hint: focus on actual lapses in the post you'd like to attack.....real ones, not flimsy pretend criticisms.

Of course, when it comes to my posts, they're as rare as hens teeth.....

...back to square one, eh?
Thank you for bringing in another sample of your writing for repair.

Let's begin with "...desperate in their feeble flailing about,..."

First, once the reader notes that your description bears no relation to the truth....well, have on traction.

No one is desperate, nor flailing, feebly or other wise.

Rather, you come across a a weak prevaricator, fearful that others may see the posts that led you to this stage. vocabulary is pedestrian, your allusions false, and your point.....nonexistent.

You are, in short, a failure.

Don't you agree?

I know if I were you, I'd hate to have someone think that clichéd’, barely readable nonsense was my creation.

Don't you agree?

Now, you've put your foot in your mouth once again!

When the reader considers the post to which you refer, and then sees that you claimed it to be "barely readable"....

...your dishonesty is apparent.

The only possible conclusion will be that you have a one-way ticket on the Disoriented Express.


Hint: focus on actual lapses in the post you'd like to attack.....real ones, not flimsy pretend criticisms.

Of course, when it comes to my posts, they're as rare as hens teeth.....

...back to square one, eh?

A barrel full of Idaho potatoes plummeting down a hill wouldn't have enough roll eyes for your pointless babble.

You’re just plain incompetent in connection with stringing words together into coherent sentences. I’m sure you agree, which is why your sad, diseased ramblings are so pointless.
But really, angry, self-hating religious loons like you are a commodity, a dime-a-dozen.

You’re just a mere pedestrian hater, not original, thoughtful or even capable of expressing meaningful thoughts.

Just remember, I'm not responsible for your feelings of inferiority and uselessness. Only you can cure the disease that afflicts religious fundamentalist whack jobs such as yourself.

Really, just drink the Kool aid and be done with it.

Don’t you agree?
Much better!

I particularly like the alliteration! honest and give me the credit I deserve in correcting you, and moving you out of the rut in which you found yourself!

Formerly, your posts were blockheaded and dull.

Now they are less dull, at least.

I don't believe that there is any hope that we can make them less blockheaded....

....'cause you're four cents short of a nickel.

The potential damage inflicted upon your keyboard by that unseemly drooling aside, we're attempting to be positive here and the baseless piffle that composes your attempts at written language does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure. Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?

See, this is what I mean about your inability to put coherent thoughts together, and then assemble the words so as to make sense.

"....does nothing to enhance your reputation as a failure."

If I were a failure, why would I want to enhance that sort of reputation?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...exactly! If language abuse was a crime, our Hollie would be guilty of a capitol offense!

Here, let me teach you the meaning of a word you've used:

Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
See how silly your sentence is? It's the very opposite of what you're trying to say.

You should probably have used "minimize."
"...does nothing to minimize your reputation as a failure."

Or "decrease," or, better still, "alleviate."

But, I understand, and recognize the stress you're under trying to keep up with your betters.

Don't you wish you were articulate?
Probably went to those government schools, huh?

Hey.....why don't you pray for more ability?

I doubt she finished..but missed one:


Can't you think of anything that accrues to fundie zealots’ credit?"

How does one accrue TO credit? Accrue means cumulative debt. You don't ACCRUE something to's an accumulation of debt.

She's the original "I resemble that remark!" retard......before the saying became a tongue-in-cheek salute to retards everywhere.....The word she should have used, of course, was "increases fundie zealot credibility" or "adds to their credit" (maybe)....

But no...she had to use a big (for her, anyway) word that she obviously didn't understand....

"Consider word choice to be a test posited by the audience. Make errors (lose/loose), they will see you for the rube you are. Write by relying on big words, heavy jargon and purple prose and they will see you as sticking your literary nose in the air. The result is the same: they will close the book and then beat you to death with it. They are also likely to violate your pallid carcass with various kitchen implements."
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