OMG!!!Support for Trump rises Near 50% Among Republicans (Trump 49.7% - Cruz 21.5%) Reuters

Trump gets 35% of the GOP vote, and you think that is the people's vote.

Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
Trump gets 35% of the GOP vote, and you think that is the people's vote.

Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power.

Yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Trump gets 35% of the GOP vote, and you think that is the people's vote.

Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power.

Yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Donald Trump is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s campaign, with its bluster, hatred, and violence, is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s presidency would be a nightmare. I continue to live in the hope that I will wake up, and this entire 2016 political season will turn out to be a dream a Spy magazine editor had in 1988after eating a bad clam. Like many of you, I woke up on Monday morning to social media timelines filled with shares of John Oliver’s epic takedown of Donald Trump. Oliver is smart and funny, and does a smart and funny job of showing, yet again, that Trump is a liar and a bully and a blowhard.
Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power.

Yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Donald Trump is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s campaign, with its bluster, hatred, and violence, is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s presidency would be a nightmare. I continue to live in the hope that I will wake up, and this entire 2016 political season will turn out to be a dream a Spy magazine editor had in 1988after eating a bad clam. Like many of you, I woke up on Monday morning to social media timelines filled with shares of John Oliver’s epic takedown of Donald Trump. Oliver is smart and funny, and does a smart and funny job of showing, yet again, that Trump is a liar and a bully and a blowhard.

The Dems attack and say this about any's a broken record..................

His no PC attitude.......I like it............If he secures the border, and ends this Free Trade BS then he will be worth it. The same old same old people haven't fixed shit, and they have hd 30 years or more to do it...........They aren't gonna fix Jack Shit because they want it.

You have to go outside the box to fix it.............because they sure as hell will not.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power.

Yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Donald Trump is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s campaign, with its bluster, hatred, and violence, is a nightmare. Donald Trump’s presidency would be a nightmare. I continue to live in the hope that I will wake up, and this entire 2016 political season will turn out to be a dream a Spy magazine editor had in 1988after eating a bad clam. Like many of you, I woke up on Monday morning to social media timelines filled with shares of John Oliver’s epic takedown of Donald Trump. Oliver is smart and funny, and does a smart and funny job of showing, yet again, that Trump is a liar and a bully and a blowhard.

The Dems attack and say this about any's a broken record..................

His no PC attitude.......I like it............If he secures the border, and ends this Free Trade BS then he will be worth it. The same old same old people haven't fixed shit, and they have hd 30 years or more to do it...........They aren't gonna fix Jack Shit because they want it.

You have to go outside the box to fix it.............because they sure as hell will not.
Eagle Does this make sense?

Some estimate that since 1992, nearly 20 million new jobs have been created in the U.S., in part due to the 1994 NAFTA agreement. Total trade between the NAFTA partners -- the U.S., Canada and Mexico -- rose from $293 billion in 1993 to more than $475 billion in 1997, and has increased since. That spells sales and profits for U.S. companies and high paying jobs for American workers.

If such increases within NAFTA are possible, think what might happen if we extend the partnership to include Latin America and the Caribbean, with the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). Our "knowledge work" industries would thrive.

 Rather than creating the promised hundreds of thousands of U.S. jobs, NAFTA has contributed to an enormous new U.S. trade deficit with Mexico and Canada, which had already equated to an estimated net loss of one million U.S. jobs by 2004

More than 845,000 specific U.S. workers have been certified for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) as having lost their jobs due to imports from Canada and Mexico or the relocation of factories to those countries.7

NAFTA has contributed to downward pressure on U.S. wages and growth in U.S. income inequality

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, two out of every three displaced manufacturing workers who were rehired in 2012 experienced a wage reduction, most of them taking a pay cut of greater than 20 percent.8

Soon after NAFTA’s passage, the small pre-NAFTA U.S. trade surplus with Mexico turned into a massive new trade deficit and the pre-NAFTA U.S. trade deficit with Canada expanded greatly. The inflation-adjusted U.S. trade surplus with Mexico of $2.5 billion and the $29.6 billion deficit with Canada in the year before NAFTA have morphed into a combined NAFTA trade deficit of $177 billion.1

Despite a 239 percent rise in food imports from Canada and Mexico under NAFTA,14 the average nominal price of food in the United States has jumped 67 percent since the deal went into effect.1

The average annual U.S. agricultural deficit with Mexico and Canada in NAFTA’s first two decades reached $975 million, almost three times the pre-NAFTA level.19
Trump gets 35% of the GOP vote, and you think that is the people's vote.

Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power. yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Yup, we won't allow you unAmericans to place your fascist slop on all of us.
Same goes for Romney back in the day. How did he do..............Which other candidate is beating Trump now..........So using your own logic they can't even get 35%........what the fuck is up with that....................

Jeb spent 140 Million and got his ass kicked.

Insurgent candidates have 2/3rd's of the vote............The establishment doesn't like Cruz either.....

Either way............the establishment got dropped to the canvas and haven't gotten back up yet.
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power. yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Yup, we won't allow you unAmericans to place your fascist slop on all of us.
Well isn't that quaint..............we are saying the same about you.............Got your Hillary sticker yet.............bow to your masters.....
Then you are going to be fine with the Dems in the WH and a majority both houses of Congress.

Only your side is trying to thwart the election.........Your side picked the last 2 and got your assed kicked............When I need a losers advice I'll ask for it.
You will be told anyway that you are going to get Repub ass kicked in the WH, congress, and down ballot.

And if that is your plan, you are succeeding beyond your wildest hopes.
aka You are so far up the establishments ass that you'd throw the election before being denied your power. yeah.....I understand that about scumbags.
Yup, we won't allow you unAmericans to place your fascist slop on all of us.
Well isn't that quaint..............we are saying the same about you.............Got your Hillary sticker yet.............bow to your masters.....
We will vote for Gary Johnson and give you smarmy looks. :)
What our pre-teen transgender can't understand is that a Democrat win is guaranteed if Trump is the nomination.
Thank you or the clarification.

I'm sure you feel better now.

If your apparent belief that confession is good for the soul were more universally held then perhaps countless liberals who bitterly cling to Our Kenyan Emperor and His (Imperial) version of "hope" would have STFU. But in this instance? Nawwwww.....cling's 10,000 feet straight down if you quit now.

I will concede, though, that no matter how November turns out we should all be hoping for extreme cold else when the shit hits the fan....and it will, no mater least the flakes would be able to be brushed off.

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