Support for removing Trump from office among Independents, Republicans and Democrats.

Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.
Do you mean besides his own confession?

So, of those 'several messengers' calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired, how many offered to pay 1 billion dollars to do so? By my count, that would be one.

European contributions to Ukraine for development and military aid total 16 Billion dollars. They wanted the prosecutor fired as well.

Because the prosecutor was not going after Ukrainian oligarchs and politicians that were lining their own pockets with the foreign aid that was being sent in.
Nat and U2edge just don't get it. What part of:
1. Nancy doesn't have a legitimate "impeachment inquiry", the whole House needs to vote on it for it to be legal
2. If she puts the inquiry up for a vote, and it passes, then the GOP also gets subpoena power, that would be fun.
3. Since the current impeachment process is illegal, McConnell will have it tossed out, one way or another.

The democrats "cried wolf" so many times before the voters know this charade is just bullshit partisan politics.
Trump will beat any plots and win re-election easily in 2020.
Your fantasies are simple wishful thinking with no chance of happening.

Trump is toast, whether or not he is removed through the impeachment process. Election is only 13 months away. Trump will be on the road outside the White House with his stuff at the end of the day on January 20, 2021 PERIOD!

There are even some rumors now that Trump plans to resign before there is even an impeachment vote. It would be a wise move. It would save him lots of embarrassment and humiliation. Plus, he could get a pardon from President Pence for the legal situation he will be facing once he becomes a private citizen again.

In my humble opinion, Trump is DESPERATE to get re-elected......I think that he well knows that if bot re-elected and the statutes of limitations are still active in New York.......He is in financial and personal trouble,

Please remember that the Mueller report simply stated that if not impeachment, then once out of office Trump CAN be indicted on a variety of criminal issues ranging from campaign finance breaches, to emolument infractions.
There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong.
Now you're just being stupid.

As for Trump he did the following:
01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".
02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019
03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.
1 & 2, presidents have asked and done like 10,000 times before! Nothing new here.
3, Trump never asked to investigate a political opponent. There were all kinds of other people in on the call as it was made. Trump was investigating a possible crime, did nothing more than Hillary did in 2016, so if Trump is guilty, so is she. You would have put her in the WH without question. But if you still think it impeachable to remove a president for this only to replace him with the actual person committing the crime, be my guest: IMPEACH HIM.


Biden Crime.jpg
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!

Not a peep. They're down with it.

Repeat a lie....and for Trump ass kissers it has to be "true"..........

The Post's fact-check traced the origins of the $1.5 billion figure to a 2018 book published by conservative author Peter Schweizer.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!

Not a peep. They're down with it.

Repeat a lie....and for Trump ass kissers it has to be "true"..........

The Post's fact-check traced the origins of the $1.5 billion figure to a 2018 book published by conservative author Peter Schweizer.
Biden is a common criminal.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
U guyz be da reel Klan.....
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!

BINGO. What gets me is how everything the Left accuses Trump or the Right of, THEY DO and are doing. The more obviously guilty a person like Obama, Hillary or Biden is, the more absolutely obstinate they are to see or admit it, all the while parsing every nuance, every inflection of Trump and declaring it a global catastrophe, a dangerous maniac, an absolute NATIONAL EMERGENCY he be removed at once!


Even if you were a total idiot, by sheer random chance you'd have to occasionally get SOMETHING right once in a while! Be on the side of America ONE TIME.

Now here comes Trump and THE DAY OF HIS INAUGURATION the democrats boycotted it as no shows. Rows and rows of empty seats. His SOTU address, the dems boycotted it, no shows, refused to applaud or stand EVEN FOR THINGS WHICH WERE UNDENIABLY non-political and good for the nation! For three years they have ranted how they were going to impeach Trump ~ ~ ~ all of this before he even did anything! Now here they are three years later, failed allegation after allegation, investigation after investigation, and they would have us believe this phone call just FELL INTO THEIR LAP as an act SO HEINOUS that it demands impeachment?!

Do these clowns even remotely have a clue what a total non-starter this is?!


DEMOCRATS: the party that has only cried wolf about a dozen times too many.

There will be no impeachment.
Trump never asked to investigate a political opponent.

WOW, really?

Trump Publicly Urges China to Investigate the Bidens

UKRAINE, stoopid. We were talking the phone call?! Damn you are as thick as concrete. Now that he knows what he knows, he is looking to get to the bottom of Biden's crime ring. Now it turns out he, Pelosi, Hillary, they are all tied in with Ukraine. Trump will get to the bottom of it and expose the treachery of the democrats.

You better hurry up and impeach him before he lays it all out to the nation! Only 13 shopping months left!
UKRAINE, stoopid. We were talking the phone call?! Damn you are as thick as concrete. Now that he knows what he knows, he is looking to get to the bottom of Biden's crime ring. Now it turns out he, Pelosi, Hillary, they are all tied in with Ukraine. Trump will get to the bottom of it and expose the treachery of the democrats.

Well, fuckhead......explain WHY the knight in shining [orange] armor........did not go after Biden, Hillary etc. in 2017.........throughout 2018........most of 2019.....and once Biden was beating the crap of your idiot-in chief st the polls, Trump decided to 'fight" corruption..........or hold back aid to Ukraine......................LMAO
UKRAINE, stoopid. We were talking the phone call?! Damn you are as thick as concrete. Now that he knows what he knows, he is looking to get to the bottom of Biden's crime ring. Now it turns out he, Pelosi, Hillary, they are all tied in with Ukraine. Trump will get to the bottom of it and expose the treachery of the democrats.

Well, fuckhead......explain WHY the knight in shining [orange] armor........did not go after Biden, Hillary etc. in 2017.........throughout 2018........most of 2019.....and once Biden was beating the crap of your idiot-in chief st the polls, Trump decided to 'fight" corruption..........or hold back aid to Ukraine......................LMAO

Well, ASS LICKER, probably because all you've done is tie him up with investigation after investigation 2017-18-19! But he is going after you NOW.

And that is all that counts.

And boy is he going to unload a big surprise on the Left for the voters just in time for the election. :dance:

But first, he'll need to replace Ruthy on the SC with another ultra-conservative for the holidays. That should pretty much seal the Court from your social reengineering for about 25 years!

Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!

Not a peep. They're down with it.

Repeat a lie....and for Trump ass kissers it has to be "true"..........

The Post's fact-check traced the origins of the $1.5 billion figure to a 2018 book published by conservative author Peter Schweizer.

Who are you? You can't even figure out house rules, subpoena power blah blah blah.
Yeah, no evidence except for the evidence that fell out of his own big fat stupid face.

Well, that's because you're an idiot.......

Biden was following the MANDATE of

1. A republican majority congress
2. The wish of the European Union
3. The wish of the International Monetary Fund

All the above wanted the corrupt Ukrainian AG GONE before money to the country would be released.

Thank me for the lesson in reality........LOL

You wouldn't know reality if it took up residence in your backside.

If you did know reality, you would deny that's what it is because Trump has you all gurgling with crazy rage.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
These polls were started by retards ...just like any CNN poll

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong.
Now you're just being stupid.

As for Trump he did the following:
01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".
02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019
03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.
1 & 2, presidents have asked and done like 10,000 times before! Nothing new here.
3, Trump never asked to investigate a political opponent. There were all kinds of other people in on the call as it was made. Trump was investigating a possible crime, did nothing more than Hillary did in 2016, so if Trump is guilty, so is she. You would have put her in the WH without question. But if you still think it impeachable to remove a president for this only to replace him with the actual person committing the crime, be my guest: IMPEACH HIM.


View attachment 283242

Please, name the last time a U.S. President would only talk to a leader of another country if they were willing to either discuss or dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent. Just name one and site the source and what was said! I'm waiting.

According to FEC, it is illegal for candidates running for the office of President to solicit the aid of a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent in that election. Trump is guilty of this. Whistleblower #1 is a CIA officer working in the White House and has confirmed this. Whistleblower #2 has the firsthand knowledge that Trump claims Whistleblower #1 lacks. Whistleblower #2 will soon be adding what they know to the investigation. These are people that work at the White House. More people are likely to come forward in the weeks ahead.

As of right now, there is not proof, or solid evidence that Joe or Hunter Biden committed any crime with regard to Ukraine. So as of right now, no crime exists when it comes to the Biden's and Ukraine. Over the past 3 years, the F.B.I./Justice Department have not found anything on the Biden's with regard to Ukraine. There is an allegation, which seems to be primarily the result of someone searching for dirt and hoping to find something. Its basically someone looking at activities and relationships and trying to create a crime where none exist.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.
Do you mean besides his own confession?

So, of those 'several messengers' calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired, how many offered to pay 1 billion dollars to do so? By my count, that would be one.

European contributions to Ukraine for development and military aid total 16 Billion dollars. They wanted the prosecutor fired as well.
Did any of them threaten to withhold that aid?
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
Poll asked kids who are brainless. CNN poll? Yeah they have no agenda!

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