Support for removing Trump from office among Independents, Republicans and Democrats.

Nat and U2edge just don't get it. What part of:
1. Nancy doesn't have a legitimate "impeachment inquiry", the whole House needs to vote on it for it to be legal
2. If she puts the inquiry up for a vote, and it passes, then the GOP also gets subpoena power, that would be fun.
3. Since the current impeachment process is illegal, McConnell will have it tossed out, one way or another.

The democrats "cried wolf" so many times before the voters know this charade is just bullshit partisan politics.
Trump will beat any plots and win re-election easily in 2020.
Your fantasies are simple wishful thinking with no chance of happening.
CNN poll....GIGO.

It's funny how liberoid sub-cretins can still cite those fifth columnist apparatchiks with a straight face.

Not funny "ha-ha", but funny as in wretchedly tragicomic.

It was done by the SSRS independent research company for CNN.
Couldn't care less...

Trump is in trouble. This is early and these numbers in each category are already so high. If the Republican figure reaches 20% before Christmas, Trump is done.
Bet you thought he was in trouble when the polls said the Hildebeast by 93% Zthe day before election day 2016!....One has to wonder how the FAKE NEWS AND POLLS are really showing after THAT FIASCO!!!!!!
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

I snickered right out loud at the "no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong"

Yeah, no evidence except for the evidence that fell out of his own big fat stupid face.

This bullshit you dupes are trying will come back to bite you on your asses.

I can't wait.
Want to see the video again where he is extorting Ukraine with holding back the billion dollars in aid....but you are an ABNORMAL and seeing isnt believing to the mentally ill!!!
Republicans in Congress are getting concerned about Trump. It is not so much what they are saying. It is what they are not saying. In terms of defending the Republican President, their silence is deafening.

They have reason to be concerned. Yesterday, on the White House South Lawn Trump was asked specifically what he wanted Zelensky to do, and he responded:

"Well I would think that if they were honest about it they'd start a major investigation into the Bidens. It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed -- and all these companies if you look at, and by the way likewise, China -- should start an investigation into the Bidens."

"Because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine. So I would say that President Zelensky, if it were me, I would recommend that they start an investigation into the Bidens because nobody has any doubt that they weren't crooked."

Trump has never explained what happened in Ukraine or China. What are China and Ukraine supposed to investigate? This has Republicans a bit bewildered as well as concerned. What is the President talking about? He sounded unhinged, and virtually admitted to his guilt.

The same man says today, “I don’t care about Biden’s campaign, but I do care about corruption,” Trump told reporters. “I believe there was tremendous corruption with Biden ... we are looking at corruption, we are not looking at politics.”

Trump went as far as to insist “this is about corruption” or a close variant of that statement six times in less than 40 seconds, once again failing to define the corruption to which the Bidens were involved.

“Have you asked foreign leaders for any corruption investigations that don’t involve your political opponents?” CNBC’s Eamon Javers asked. Trump gave no answer.

Republicans are concerned about the apparent bipolar responses over a period of two days.

Recently, Trump told reporters, "I always cooperate." Keep in mind, when listening to Trump's statements, as of Aug. 5, he has made 12,019 false or misleading claims.

Sure enough, Trump was lying again. Trump is planning to tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that they will not cooperate with the ongoing impeachment inquiry until the full House votes to authorize it, officials said today. The White House letter may go out Monday.

So, now Trump is telling the speaker of the house what to vote on. This has Republicans in Congress concerned.

In the meantime, how smart is it to let the opposition do all the talking? Trump refuses to allow current and former members of his administration to testify before Congress. Most of them will say nice things about Trump and protect him. The testimony of Corey Lewandowski comes to mind. Instead, Trump forbids them to testify and they are obeying his command.

Democrats in the House are not concerned. They will simply add another charge to the impeachment proposal -- obstruction of Congress -- and proceed with their witnesses who will tell the Democrats what they want to hear.

Trump is not intelligent enough to understand this.

This has Republicans in Congress quite concerned.
Recently, Pompeo tried to defend Trump's July 25th phone call. He is caught between a rock and hard place, defending Trump vs. his career. He sounded pretty ridiculous.

"And America tries to advance its interests around the world,” he said, adding, "It’s totally appropriate. Right? Isn’t that right?” Pompeo asked. “Yeah, it’s totally right.”

“Nations do this,” Pompeo said. “Nations work together and they say, ‘Boy, goodness gracious, if you can help me with X, we’ll help you achieve Y.’ This is what partnerships do. It’s win-win, it’s better for each of us.”

Only trouble is Trump wasn't talking about nations. He was talking about himself.

First, he brags up what the U.S. has done for Ukraine after blocking military aid to Ukraine days before the phone call. Zelensky then says Ukraine wants to buy Javelin missiles. Trump replied, "I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it."

Trump has set up the quid pro quo. First denying the military aid. Then saying how generous American can be. Then asking for a favor.

Pompeo was listening in on the phone, and he pretends he was oblivious to all this when he says, “We know exactly what we were doing there. We were trying to create a situation where it wouldn’t be a corrupt government. We wanted to make sure that they didn’t interfere in our election in 2016. (HUH?) We wanted to make sure that if we underwrote Javelin missile systems — something that the previous administration refused to do — we wanted to make sure that we were doing this with a government that was straight-up, and would use that money for the things that it said it would use that money for.”

The only problem is the only corruption Trump mentioned was corruption involving his political campaign.

Right after asking for a favor, according to the transcript sent by the White House, Trump says, "I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it."

Crowdstrike is a fallacious far right conspiracy theory suggesting Ukraine interfered in our 2016 election for the Democrats, not Russia for Trump. This is news to Americans who never heard from Ukraine during the election campaign, but Russia was deeply involved.

Crowdstrike was a rouse, a misdirection, and a common Trump tactic to hide his real purpose. Next he got down to the real purpose of the phone call.

First he tells Zelensky how his atorney general and personal lawyer can be of enormous help in the investigations. Then he says, "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

He then adds, "I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything."

The prosecutor was a Russian sympathizer, and the U.S., EU, and the IMF all wanted the prosecutor gone.

Crowdstrike and the Bidens were the only corrupation Trump mentioned.

We know exactly what we were doing there. We were trying to create a situation where it wouldn’t be a corrupt government.

Pompeo best reassess his priorities, or his political career is over. The worst mistake he can make is assume Americans are stupid.

Read the transcript of Trump's conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky - CNNPolitics

Pompeo defends phone call, saying Trump wanted to stop Ukrainian corruption
This is nothing short of incredible, unbelievable, and stupefying! t

First of all there is this from Trump in the July 25th phone call to Zelensky, the Ukrainian president.

"There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

It's right there. In the transcript the White House released.

All of which makes this next fact absolutely mystifying and terrifying: In a new national Monmouth University poll just four in 10 self-identified Republicans believe that Trump mentioned Biden in his call with Zelensky.

Then on Thursday, Trump confirmed to a national television audience that he asked Zelensky for help in his political campaign. Trump confirmed that he asked a foreign power to intervene in our Presidential election on his behalf, and then he doubled down, adding another foreign power to his quest for a second term, China.

On Thursday, on the White House South Lawn Trump was asked specifically what he wanted Zelensky to do, and he responded:

"Well I would think that if they were honest about it they'd start a major investigation into the Bidens. It's a very simple answer. They should investigate the Bidens because how does a company that's newly formed -- and all these companies if you look at, and by the way likewise, China -- should start an investigation into the Bidens."

60% of Republicans were totally unaware of this!

It is as if Trump Republicans, differentiating from real Republicans such as myself, are avoiding Trump. They listen only to Trump propaganda on Fox and related Trump soapboxes who will never mention Trump and the Bidens in the same sentence. They don't care to listen to legitimate national news because the programs are likely to involve Trump and describe realities in Washington. They don't want to hear it!

If Trump Republicans somehow get wind of something nasty about Trump, they claim it is false news regardless of the legitimacy of the report. They simply shut their ears.

This may have something to do with intellectual capabilities and educational levels. We know that Trump's support comes from rural areas and states with small populations where opportunities for intellectual achievement are somewhat limited.

We also know that urban and suburban areas with a wide variety of schools and universities largely vote Democratic.

Why 60% of Trump Republicans are unaware of Trump's interaction with the Bidens is a mystery, and I don't claim to have the answer.
Yeah, no evidence except for the evidence that fell out of his own big fat stupid face.

Well, that's because you're an idiot.......

Biden was following the MANDATE of

1. A republican majority congress
2. The wish of the European Union
3. The wish of the International Monetary Fund

All the above wanted the corrupt Ukrainian AG GONE before money to the country would be released.

Thank me for the lesson in reality........LOL
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!
Yeah, no evidence except for the evidence that fell out of his own big fat stupid face.

Well, that's because you're an idiot.......

Biden was following the MANDATE of

1. A republican majority congress
2. The wish of the European Union
3. The wish of the International Monetary Fund

All the above wanted the corrupt Ukrainian AG GONE before money to the country would be released.

Thank me for the lesson in reality........LOL

Bullshit. But you know that and don't care
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
Pelosi's impeachment is 100% purely political
The Dems do not have any legitimate grounds to impeach
It is another made-up scandal

It's an illegitimate impeachment

Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.

You have to be intentionally stupid to believe that. If trump's kids were with him on air force one and two weeks after leaving China his kids inked a 1.5 billion dollar deal, with the Chinese government, that targeted defense businesses that required trump to sign off on the deal because the Chinese government company had been proven to have stolen defense secrets, you would be screaming for his head.

Rightfully so.

But when it's bidens kid, along with Kerry's nephew , and Kerry had to approve the deal you are silent.

Well guess what silly person, that is fucking criminal!

Not a peep. They're down with it.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.
Do you mean besides his own confession?

So, of those 'several messengers' calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired, how many offered to pay 1 billion dollars to do so? By my count, that would be one.

European contributions to Ukraine for development and military aid total 16 Billion dollars. They wanted the prosecutor fired as well.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
So over 50% of the people see this impeachment scam for what it is. Bullshit.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




WHAT'S HOLDING YOU UP? IMPEACH HIM! IMPEACH HIM! You have the full support of the party that has wanted to nullify an election for three years now! Now all you need are the grounds!

And the beauty is that you want to impeach him for trying to expose a crime so you can replace him with the guy who committed the crime.

There is no evidence that BIDEN did anything wrong. NONE! He was one of several messengers calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired. The fired Ukrainian prosecutor was not prosecuting anyone. He was not doing his job. So if Hunter Biden was involved in anything illicit, he was safer with the prosecutor that was fired.

As for Trump he did the following:

01. Only agreed to talk to the Ukrainian President if he was willing to "play ball on Biden".

02. Temporarily blocked the sale of Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine on July 18, 2019

03. July 25, 2019 phone call happens between Trump and Ukrainian President. Ukrainian President asked about getting the Anti-Tank Missiles and Trump mentions he needs a favor first. Help investigating Joe Biden, his political opponent in the United States.

Easy path to impeachment right there. Only thing preventing Trump from being removed from office are a few Republican Senators who will probably pick PARTY over COUNTRY.
Do you mean besides his own confession?

So, of those 'several messengers' calling for the Ukrainian prosecutor to be fired, how many offered to pay 1 billion dollars to do so? By my count, that would be one.

European contributions to Ukraine for development and military aid total 16 Billion dollars. They wanted the prosecutor fired as well.
Nat and U2edge just don't get it. What part of:
1. Nancy doesn't have a legitimate "impeachment inquiry", the whole House needs to vote on it for it to be legal
2. If she puts the inquiry up for a vote, and it passes, then the GOP also gets subpoena power, that would be fun.
3. Since the current impeachment process is illegal, McConnell will have it tossed out, one way or another.

The democrats "cried wolf" so many times before the voters know this charade is just bullshit partisan politics.
Trump will beat any plots and win re-election easily in 2020.
Your fantasies are simple wishful thinking with no chance of happening.

Trump is toast, whether or not he is removed through the impeachment process. Election is only 13 months away. Trump will be on the road outside the White House with his stuff at the end of the day on January 20, 2021 PERIOD!

There are even some rumors now that Trump plans to resign before there is even an impeachment vote. It would be a wise move. It would save him lots of embarrassment and humiliation. Plus, he could get a pardon from President Pence for the legal situation he will be facing once he becomes a private citizen again.
Support for removing Trump from office among Democrats, Independents, and Republicans:




The poll is from polling done by SSRS and independent research company and released by CNN on September 30, 2019.

Interesting to see that support among Republicans for removing Trump from office is already at 14%. The highest it ever got among Republicans with Richard Nixon was 31%

CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
So over 50% of the people see this impeachment scam for what it is. Bullshit.

Nope. Only 45% are against it. That number is dropping.
Nat and U2edge just don't get it. What part of:
1. Nancy doesn't have a legitimate "impeachment inquiry", the whole House needs to vote on it for it to be legal
2. If she puts the inquiry up for a vote, and it passes, then the GOP also gets subpoena power, that would be fun.
3. Since the current impeachment process is illegal, McConnell will have it tossed out, one way or another.

The democrats "cried wolf" so many times before the voters know this charade is just bullshit partisan politics.
Trump will beat any plots and win re-election easily in 2020.
Your fantasies are simple wishful thinking with no chance of happening.

Trump is toast, whether or not he is removed through the impeachment process. Election is only 13 months away. Trump will be on the road outside the White House with his stuff at the end of the day on January 20, 2021 PERIOD!

There are even some rumors now that Trump plans to resign before there is even an impeachment vote. It would be a wise move. It would save him lots of embarrassment and humiliation. Plus, he could get a pardon from President Pence for the legal situation he will be facing once he becomes a private citizen again.
Trump re-elected in 2020.

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