OMG, the Brits are sending US a bill. Holy Nato

So, the limeys are asking us to pay for their citizens acting a fool?

We should send them a bill for bailing them out of 2 world wars and for the 2 wars they waged on the U.S.---and lost.

I want Trump to send UK a bill in response.
Trump's UK visit cost police nearly $24 million - CNN

I mean pissing on the Queen is good sport I suppose, but a weekend at Mar a Lago of golf at beddington seems more prudent
The way I read it, Trump had 18 times as many protests as Obama's visit.

Yes....left wingers are not only insane, they are rude....
Fuck yeah, and they learned from YOUR fat orange fuck.
So you’re assholes because of Trump? I have news for ya cupcake, the left have been unhinged assholes since occupy. Way before Trump.
I aimed for sarcasm board and missed. LOL

I doubt he gets many invites outside of Saudi Arabia or Russia.
Depending on how many bodies they find in the Saudi Arabian embassy, maybe not even both of those.
So the world's most American-hating, American-dehumanizing, Islam human condom of a nation, England, wants us to pay for their mess? I would tell English pigs to roll up their bill and insert it into the bodily orifice of their choice. The British empire-losing, booze-pickled inbreds, like all Western Zeropean nations on the Coward Continent, are the most backstabbing, malicious "fake allies" America has. I'll bet there are muslims countries that hate Americans less than the European, rape-enabler filth of my race.

There is nothing more beautiful to this American than watching Europeans and muslims kill each other. It's a match made in heaven.

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