OMG, the flu disappeared

All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

Again anyone can get vaccinated. So everyone in my family, and my friends have the vaccination available so if they get vaccinated and everyone still adheres to the States mandates on masks and social distancing then how are they put in danger>? I do wear my mask and socially distance but I don't want the vaccine it is not FDA approved. Tell me exactly the danger I am doing to my friends and my family.

One more.time.for.the hard of thinking. I'll go slow.









How are you in danger from me if you are vaccinated?
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

Again anyone can get vaccinated. So everyone in my family, and my friends have the vaccination available so if they get vaccinated and everyone still adheres to the States mandates on masks and social distancing then how are they put in danger>? I do wear my mask and socially distance but I don't want the vaccine it is not FDA approved. Tell me exactly the danger I am doing to my friends and my family.

One more.time.for.the hard of thinking. I'll go slow.








Nothing is. That’s why refusing to live your life as you knew it is fucking insane. People are afraid to die of something that isn’t even statistically likely to affect them whatsoever. While all of these people are afraid to die, they’re not even living. It’s sad honestly, but that’s what fear does, and the media is exceptional at using that against us
Afraid to die because they don't really believe in God or Life either.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

Again anyone can get vaccinated. So everyone in my family, and my friends have the vaccination available so if they get vaccinated and everyone still adheres to the States mandates on masks and social distancing then how are they put in danger>? I do wear my mask and socially distance but I don't want the vaccine it is not FDA approved. Tell me exactly the danger I am doing to my friends and my family.

One more.time.for.the hard of thinking. I'll go slow.









How are you in danger from me if you are vaccinated?
How can you be this thick?
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

Again anyone can get vaccinated. So everyone in my family, and my friends have the vaccination available so if they get vaccinated and everyone still adheres to the States mandates on masks and social distancing then how are they put in danger>? I do wear my mask and socially distance but I don't want the vaccine it is not FDA approved. Tell me exactly the danger I am doing to my friends and my family.

One more.time.for.the hard of thinking. I'll go slow.








Nothing is. That’s why refusing to live your life as you knew it is fucking insane. People are afraid to die of something that isn’t even statistically likely to affect them whatsoever. While all of these people are afraid to die, they’re not even living. It’s sad honestly, but that’s what fear does, and the media is exceptional at using that against us
Afraid to die because they don't really believe in God or Life either.
Oh please. God is something you see when you get to friendly with your "420" and only a moron isn't afraid to die.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Oh that's hilarious!! You think this dumbass antivaxer is trying to "reason" with me?

Hysterically funny!!!

All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

Again anyone can get vaccinated. So everyone in my family, and my friends have the vaccination available so if they get vaccinated and everyone still adheres to the States mandates on masks and social distancing then how are they put in danger>? I do wear my mask and socially distance but I don't want the vaccine it is not FDA approved. Tell me exactly the danger I am doing to my friends and my family.

One more.time.for.the hard of thinking. I'll go slow.









How are you in danger from me if you are vaccinated?
How can you be this thick?
Just answer the question please unless you are unable too and if that is the case can you acknowledge you are not able to tell me how a vaccinated person is in danger when a non vaccinated person is wearing a mask and socially distancing. If you are vaccinated how are you in danger. Yes I need you to explain it specifically detail it for me. Thanks.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Oh that's hilarious!! You think this dumbass antivaxer is trying to "reason" with me?

Hysterically funny!!!

View attachment 483664
Ps I got the regular flu shot that is fda approved so your self righteous puffing is for yourself clutch your pearls but you are afraid to actually have a real conversation. You attack me for asking questions you try to make it personal but you don't answer my actual question. So weird.
Dudes attacking me and trying make it a thing about me instead of just answering the actual question. Is this a discussion board. ????? Am I taking to bots or are you a human being?
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
It's the same as the mask with them. You aren't falling in lock step, and you make them feel less than you because they felt they needed an immune booster/shot. You see not getting the shot makes you somehow priveledged, and you know how bad they hate priveledge, especially white priveledge if that's what you are due to your color. LOL.
Covidiots will tell you it’s because of the masks, but then they’ll tell you that covid rates are going up because people aren’t wearing masks :rolleyes:
It is because of masks. Covid is far more contagious than the flu, you ignorant piece of garbage.

The most contagious disease in the united states right now is ignorance and stupidity.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Oh that's hilarious!! You think this dumbass antivaxer is trying to "reason" with me?

Hysterically funny!!!

View attachment 483664

No bud, you have it all wrong. I've been vaccinated more than most and have been in many hot zones. I refuse to take this one because it's experimental and hasn't had the necessary clinical trials. Vaccines take 8-12 years of clinicals before theyre approved. This one with new technology never before tested in humans took two months. Lol. No thanks.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Oh that's hilarious!! You think this dumbass antivaxer is trying to "reason" with me?

Hysterically funny!!!

View attachment 483664

No bud, you have it all wrong. I've been vaccinated more than most and have been in many hot zones. I refuse to take this one because it's experimental and hasn't had the necessary clinical trials. Vaccines take 8-12 years of clinicals before theyre approved. This one with new technology never before tested in humans took two months. Lol. No thanks.
I've traveled all over the world and been vaccinated for everything from anthrax to yellow fever (zika wasn't a thing the last time I went to South America) and I've not only been vaccinated I volunteered for the moderna trial and took a shot before almost anyone else. Nut-up and do the right thing.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Oh that's hilarious!! You think this dumbass antivaxer is trying to "reason" with me?

Hysterically funny!!!

View attachment 483664

No bud, you have it all wrong. I've been vaccinated more than most and have been in many hot zones. I refuse to take this one because it's experimental and hasn't had the necessary clinical trials. Vaccines take 8-12 years of clinicals before theyre approved. This one with new technology never before tested in humans took two months. Lol. No thanks.
I've traveled all over the world and been vaccinated for everything from anthrax to yellow fever (zika wasn't a thing the last time I went to South America) and I've not only been vaccinated I volunteered for the moderna trial and took a shot before almost anyone else. Nut-up and do the right thing.

No Thanks. I will wait for FDA approval.
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest.
Unlike your stupid and extremely dishonest bleach smear, Biden actually did say it, are you going to hold him to it, hypocrite? Biden says once he defeats COVID, cancer is next
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Actually she is trying to reason with a shill from Langley,this troll never looks at the evidence of any kind of government corruption,that speaks volumes of his credibility,everyone here should add him to ignore as I did years ago,don’t feed the trolls,
All bets are off, the flu disappeared cuz of COVID, SOB.

I wonder what other kinds of things disappeared cuz of COVID? Talk about cancel culture and safe spaces, wholly shit, COVID is a progressive pipedream. COVID is the greatest most best cancel event in the history of mankind, or at least since the Earth was flooded or smacked by an asstroid.

Hopefully Biden can cancel cancer too, remember he promised.

I don't know how all these people got covid when everyone locked down for a year. But that's probably why the flu wasn't floating around. Emergency Propaganda trumps seasonal vaccine shots a fast way to get mega money too.
The trolls around here who keep saying the covid virus is dangerous can’t explain how the flu went away so quickly or how this years past desths were no more higher than normal years

They also can't explain how I am violating their rights if I choose not to get the vaccine even though they already got the vaccine themselves. :dunno:
Lol, no. They can explain it just fine, you can't comprehend it. That's the problem.

Ok if you are vaccinated and I am not and we are in the same room and I wear a mask and socially distant. How did I violate your rights?
A. An antivaxer wearing a mask and socially distancing? I gotta call bullshit.

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

You don't have to call bullshit. I am asking you a direct question. My question is : If I wear a mask and socially distance 6ft as according to my State's mandates I obey the law and I am not vaccinated but you are vaccinated and you are also wearing a mask still (even though you are vaccinated) and you are also still following your State's social distancing mandates ......How am I violating your rights? I really need an explanation of how you are being violated?

Can you please actually answer my question instead of just implying I am a liar and then not answering it?
I answered it. Did you not read the appropriately labeled part B?

B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself.

I did read it.
"B. Nobody ever said masks and social distancing were 100% effective.

Your behavior is a danger to everyone around you including your family, friends, and even yourself."

But how is it dangerous if you are vaccinated? You really haven't detailed how it is dangerous to you if I follow all of the States mandates mask, social distancing, and you are vaccinated how am I infringing on your rights or endangering you?
You’re trying to reason with someone who has no idea what they’re even afraid of. All they know is they’re supposed to be afraid, so they are.
Actually she is trying to reason with a shill from Langley,this troll never looks at the evidence of any kind of government corruption,that speaks volumes of his credibility,everyone here should add him to ignore as I did years ago,don’t feed the trolls,
No no no! Today I'm with the CCP. Derp.

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