OMG They lied again! Lerner's emails were safely backed up.

Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
Can't prove it to swallowed the evidence.
Obama gets to appoint like 3 people to run the IRS, and you think the IRS is political. You hater dupes are functional morons. The IRS did NOTHING wrong.
An anonymous Justice Dept. attorney (there are about 11,000 attorneys employed by the USDJ) voices an opinion that the missing emails are backed up "somewhere" and Fox news says "An irate Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Monday that after 15 months of wrangling, the federal government has conceded that all of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails are backed up somewhere"

So an unnamed nobody who may be one of 11,000 nobody attorneys becomes "the Federal Government". This is exactly how Fox News manufactures Faux News. I'll wait and see if the Judge has a smidgeon of interest in this non-evidentiary guesswork from some peon toiling away in the bowels of the DOJ. Much ado about nothing - again.
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online
the author is speculating on them being backed up ...
An anonymous Justice Dept. attorney (there are about 11,000 attorneys employed by the USDJ) voices an opinion that the missing emails are backed up "somewhere" and Fox news says "An irate Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Monday that after 15 months of wrangling, the federal government has conceded that all of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails are backed up somewhere"

So an unnamed nobody who may be one of 11,000 nobody attorneys becomes "the Federal Government". This is exactly how Fox News manufactures Faux News. I'll wait and see if the Judge has a smidgeon of interest in this non-evidentiary guesswork from some peon toiling away in the bowels of the DOJ. Much ado about nothing - again.
Bullshit, prove it. You're just butthurt because this case PROVES that there is no massive datamining scheme by the NSA, otherwise they would've happily turned over the alleged emails long ago.

I find this hilarious. TPP is one of the groups that is a massive scam, siphoning literally tens of millions of dollars off of Tea Partiers, libertardians, conservatards, and old white manpigs throughout the country, for the benefit of a conservatard-run corporations. The overwhelming majority of the money TPP gets in goes towards paying the salaries of their few employees, enormous "consulting" fees and other payments to said corporations, and the endless cycle of fundraising they do to keep the pyramid scheme running. Very rarely do they actually contribute to candidates. From January to April of this year alone, 92% of TPP's $2 million spent went towards their scam; only 8% actually went towards any political races.

TPP is literally one of the best examples in favor of Myss Lyrnyr's completely sensible and entirely justified investigation of conservatard groups.

What part of the government lawyer admitted that her emails were backed up don't you fucking get?

"A U.S. government lawyer has conceded that tens of thousands of long-missing emails belonging to former IRS official Lois Lerner – messages the Obama administration has claimed were lost in a 2011 computer crash – were safely backed up along with the computer records of every other federal employee."

Obama administration lawyer admits missing L'is Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online
it amases me... here we have a backup that was said to be lost ... now we have some author telling us that they have found them... then we have some fool poster saying "the Obama administration has claimed they were lost in a 2011 computer crash" .... as far as I know it was the IRS that said they had crashed ... I didn't see any quotes come from the OBAMA admistration telling they were lost ... I did how ever see the IRS tell us they are lost... so I would like you to tell us where the Obama administration has claimed they were lost in a 2011 computer crash ... give us your source or are you just embelishing here once again to justify your anger towards us liberals
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To any of you dumb asses that know nothing about system backups, I got news for you:

Nobody uses backups as an archive anymore. Backups are for disaster recovery purposes only. So yes the emails may have been backed up, but the tapes used for the backups were most likely rotated back into the backup cycle within two weeks of the backups and would have been over written.

Using tape backups as an archive never worked and was nothing more than a fantasy. Tapes don't last more than a year usually.

They were required by a federal law to not only keep these records and to have made hard copies of all of her emails.
I think you need to look up federal law
Another Fox disgrace- it's amazing how many lies and total bs the dupes believe...
check the original posters, post... where it came from... in case you're wondering, the whole story and thats what it is, a story, it came from breitbart ...they still believe Obama is from Kenya and has a kenya birth certificate ... anyone who uses them as a source is a bigger fool the then briebart is for writing it
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Typical Administration Lies.......To the courts..........and the Liberal Brigade doesn't care as they support lying asses because they are Jack Asses of the Dem party.

They have obstructed justice and with held evidence in court cases. But they are above the law aren't they libs...
who from the Obama admistration came to the house and said they were lost??? Obama??? please show us any statement from the obama admistration that came to the house and said we lied to you and said they were lost ... if you are told by the IT "they are lost" then you say they were lost ... by you claming that OBAMA and his admistration lost them, is just you being a typical liberal hater ... you make shit up to justify your hate towards liberals .... because nobody from the admistration came to the house and said "oops they are lost"
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.
What would you consider proof? Because the IRS has already admitted to: engaging in viewpoint discrimination and releasing confidential information to outside parties. Both of those are crimes.

A great start! Now cite the specific laws that they violate (making them crimes), link to where "the IRS" has admitted to discriminating and leaking confidential information, and post a detailed analysis on how these incidents, once proven, constitute corruption rather than merely the "bone-headed decisions" President Obama states that there were.
Here's an idea: Go fuck yourself.

Thank you for your insightful post! I feel like I'm learning a lot from this discussion.
You could just start reading a quality newspaper and shut off that ugly dyke in your avatar and learn at least as much.
trabslation = homophobe
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

Imploding........your Hero is a with it.

You haven't proven any of your baseless accusations. Deal with it.


I heard you had surgery lately. I hope you are Ok. It seems Obama made a sudden stop and you got your head lodged into his ass, which had to be surgically removed.

eagle was nver too bright abd he keeps proving it everytime he post ... I guess that comes from eagle having his head inserted in his ass for so long... he can't see or think
Aye carumba! I want to see people wearing orange jumpsuits and silver bracelets over this IRS scandal.

I'm really glad Judicial Watch is on the Administrations case.

Tom Fitton:

"And there's no such thing as Lois Lerner's missing e-mails,' he insisted. 'It's all been a big lie. They've been lying to the courts, to the American people and to Congress.'"

They knew all along where the email records could be. How nuts is this? They were all safely backed up.

"All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion,' he said. 'The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.' "

Obama administration lawyer admits missing Lois Lerner emails WERE backed up Mail Online
The government has their own servers that hold records of every email that has been sent or received, just like Yahoo or Gmail. It's pretty easy to access the information as long as the account is still active. The IRS simply said they don't want to try to access the information. It's too hard.........sob.
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.

I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.
Jesus LM...I thought you had your shit is the smidgen...

Not even a smidgen of corruption Obama downplays IRS other scandals Fox News

Prove that there was any corruption at all in the IRS under President Obama.

You forgot to put a bunch of dumbass y's in your post :cool:

Ny, Y dydn't. Y dylybyrytyly lyft thym yyt fyr ryydybylyty yn thy pyrt yf nyn-ynlyghtynyd fymynysts. Hywyvyr, yf yyy'd lyky my ty type yn ypprypryyty fymynyst lyngy, hyry yyy gy, systyr.

Imploding........your Hero is a with it.

You haven't proven any of your baseless accusations. Deal with it.


I heard you had surgery lately. I hope you are Ok. It seems Obama made a sudden stop and you got your head lodged into his ass, which had to be surgically removed.

eagle was nver too bright abd he keeps proving it everytime he post ... I guess that comes from eagle having his head inserted in his ass for so long... he can't see or think
By that measure, you had to have been born with your head up your ass.
An anonymous Justice Dept. attorney (there are about 11,000 attorneys employed by the USDJ) voices an opinion that the missing emails are backed up "somewhere" and Fox news says "An irate Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Monday that after 15 months of wrangling, the federal government has conceded that all of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails are backed up somewhere"

So an unnamed nobody who may be one of 11,000 nobody attorneys becomes "the Federal Government". This is exactly how Fox News manufactures Faux News. I'll wait and see if the Judge has a smidgeon of interest in this non-evidentiary guesswork from some peon toiling away in the bowels of the DOJ. Much ado about nothing - again.
If there was any doubt you are an idiot here's the proof.
He is a lawyer representing the Justice Dept in an official capacity during the discovery phase of a trial. That makes his statement the official view of Justice, and authoritative.
What is it about liberals that truth and reality are merely pawns in a game?
An anonymous Justice Dept. attorney (there are about 11,000 attorneys employed by the USDJ) voices an opinion that the missing emails are backed up "somewhere" and Fox news says "An irate Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said Monday that after 15 months of wrangling, the federal government has conceded that all of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails are backed up somewhere"

So an unnamed nobody who may be one of 11,000 nobody attorneys becomes "the Federal Government". This is exactly how Fox News manufactures Faux News. I'll wait and see if the Judge has a smidgeon of interest in this non-evidentiary guesswork from some peon toiling away in the bowels of the DOJ. Much ado about nothing - again.
If there was any doubt you are an idiot here's the proof.
He is a lawyer representing the Justice Dept in an official capacity during the discovery phase of a trial. That makes his statement the official view of Justice, and authoritative.
What is it about liberals that truth and reality are merely pawns in a game?
You can fool some of the people all of the you can never fool the Head Jew!:ack-1:
Liberal media swallows the smidgen.
I have no idea what you mean by this, but I assume it's some pejorative way of referring to Shortfrican-Americans, the vertically challenged, Little Pyyple, and/or the extremely-noticeably-differently-sized community. In any case, I completely reject your bigoted wordchoice and urge you to edit your obscene and tasteless post.

I don't know what he/ she meant by it, either: but I hafta admit that it kinda turned me on.

Just sayin'. :badgrin:

Well I happen to think she swallows a big dark chunk.

Obama gets to appoint like 3 people to run the IRS, and you think the IRS is political. You hater dupes are functional morons. The IRS did NOTHING wrong.

Except for what the IRS admitted as well as what President Obama admitted. Right?

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