Omicron a good thing? Many doctors think so

Actually its MONEY first---the vaccines have ensured that politicians get richer. They are a big big money grab---and kickbacks are flowing. Omicron giving natural immunity is a horrible thing for both big pharma and the politicans along with FAUCI and GATEs.

I watched a few doctors on television stating we are doing everything wrong. We are trying to force people into getting vaxed instead of putting our money towards developing and manufacturing antibody tests. The doctors I watched stated that given the people that had it already, and those who are naturally immune from the get go are being forced to take vaccines they don't need, makes testing for covid useless. He said instead we are now putting all our money towards testing kits since Dementia allowed them to run out. But you know, Trump screwed up the covid response. :eusa_shhh:
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so based on one variant - you wanna claim that?

there were a few variants after the original covid 19, that seemed to have petered out - BEFORE delta - which is what most unvaxxed dotards are intubated &/or dying from.

so much for yer silly assertion that after omicron - the next one or any more than that have the same outcome.

I never heard of any mutations before Delta. Even if there were apparently not much of a problem since they fizzled out. My point is that the commies are trying to create false concerns over something that's only killed one American since discovered in this country for political purposes. The next one could only give people a bad cough and they'd be out closing schools and forcing people to wear masks in restaurants to maintain control over us.
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I often wonder if the arrogant contempt the ideological zealots have for the expertise of caregivers, public health professionals, epidemiologists, and virologists extends to other disciplines - astrophysicists, geologists, lepidopterists, piano tuners, etc.

Screen Shot 2021-12-26 at 9.38.11 AM.png

"No dang uppity, indoctrinated 'podiatrist'
better be tryin' tuh tell me
'bout mah bunion!"
Public health policy should be determined by empirical data compiled by those most knowledgable informing those who enact appropriate measures in the public interest, not by ideologues who parrot the dogma of media entertainers and flail their hyper-partisan pom poms.

Knowledge is good.

Beware of paranoid, conspiracy-ridden zealots who demonize anyone who supports reasonable precautions to safeguard their neighbors, their families, and themselves, and, of course, to relieve the crushing burden inflicted on America's caregivers by the unvaccinated.

As a fast-spreading new strain of the coronavirus swarms across the country, hospitals in Ohio running low on beds and staff recently took out a full-page newspaper advertisement pleading with unvaccinated Americans to finally get the shot. It read, simply: “Help.”
But in a suburban Ohio café, Jackie Rogers, 58, an accountant, offered an equally succinct response on behalf of unvaccinated America: “Never.”
In the year since the first shots began going into arms, opposition to vaccines has hardened from skepticism and wariness into something approaching an article of faith for the approximately 39 million American adults who have yet to get a single dose.
Now, health experts say the roughly 15 percent of the adult population that remains stubbornly unvaccinated is at the greatest risk of severe illness and death from the Omicron variant, and could overwhelm hospitals that are already brimming with Covid patients. In Cleveland, where Omicron cases are soaring, a hospital unit at the Cleveland Clinic that provides life support to the sickest patients is already completely full.

What do vaccines have to do with it when it's highly suspected they are not very effective against Omicron?

Using this weaker virus to continue their vax campaign perhaps?
One death "with" omicron is not "from" omicron. The omicron death toll remains at zero. Don't give them even one, unless it is confirmed "from" omicron.

A lot of deaths are not actually from covid. My 94 year old Uncle who died last year from colon cancer one of those statistical victims.
the commies are trying to create false alarms
Why does your ideological dogma require you to label the overwhelming consensus of public health professionals "commies"?

Can you understand that most normal folks respect medical science in such matters?
This is the most normal pattern for virus mutations; it's their survival mechanism. Doesn't keep more deadly strains from popping up here and there once in a while, though.

The normal behavior of viruses like this is each mutation gets weaker and weaker.
I often wonder if the arrogant contempt the ideological zealots have for the expertise of caregivers, public health professionals, epidemiologists, and virologists extends to other disciplines - astrophysicists, geologists, lepidopterists, piano tuners, etc.

View attachment 579966
"No dang uppity, indoctrinated 'podiatrist'
better be tryin' tuh tell me
'bout mah bunion!"
STFU superspreader.
Why does your ideological dogma require you to label the overwhelming consensus of public health professionals "commies"?

Can you understand that most normal folks respect medical science in such matters?

Because like everything Democrat, they have been politicizing this virus too. It's they who are making the push. Did you see any recent interviews with killer Fauci lately? You would think he was talking about the original SARS covid and not Omicron. Yes, they politicized it.
Public health policy should be determined by empirical data compiled by those most knowledgable informing those who enact appropriate measures in the public interest, not by ideologues who parrot the dogma of media entertainers and flail their hyper-partisan pom poms.

Knowledge is good.

Beware of paranoid, conspiracy-ridden zealots who demonize anyone who supports reasonable precautions to safeguard their neighbors, their families, and themselves, and, of course, to relieve the crushing burden inflicted on America's caregivers by the unvaccinated.

As a fast-spreading new strain of the coronavirus swarms across the country, hospitals in Ohio running low on beds and staff recently took out a full-page newspaper advertisement pleading with unvaccinated Americans to finally get the shot. It read, simply: “Help.”
But in a suburban Ohio café, Jackie Rogers, 58, an accountant, offered an equally succinct response on behalf of unvaccinated America: “Never.”
In the year since the first shots began going into arms, opposition to vaccines has hardened from skepticism and wariness into something approaching an article of faith for the approximately 39 million American adults who have yet to get a single dose.
Now, health experts say the roughly 15 percent of the adult population that remains stubbornly unvaccinated is at the greatest risk of severe illness and death from the Omicron variant, and could overwhelm hospitals that are already brimming with Covid patients. In Cleveland, where Omicron cases are soaring, a hospital unit at the Cleveland Clinic that provides life support to the sickest patients is already completely full.
If only there were reasonable precautions. So far, I've not seen a one. Not much in the way of critical thinking either.
I said this years ago. You can't stop covid, ever, it isn't going away. It's going to suck for a few years because it's new but once it's made it's rounds a couple times it will have diminished effects as the virus adapts to humans on a large scale. No virus wants to kill it's host after all. Once our immune systems have become familiar with it then covid will continue on and it will be no more problematic than the common flu.
I said this years ago. You can't stop covid, ever, it isn't going away. It's going to suck for a few years because it's new but once it's made it's rounds a couple times it will have diminished effects as the virus adapts to humans on a large scale. No virus wants to kill it's host after all. Once our immune systems have become familiar with it then covid will continue on and it will be no more problematic than the common flu.

It will go away it's just going to take a few years. With Democrats in charge they will make those few years a living hell, especially in commie cities. As their motto goes, never let a good crisis go to waste, and they follow that plan play by play.
Those who respect medical science and cite empirical data
You do know , that informed consent IS the science and data, which any patient in this country is entitled to

So , why would our own government first state they'll keep us informed, then deny us any information >>>>

FDA Authorizes Booster Dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Certain Populations

Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “This pandemic is dynamic and evolving, with new data about vaccine safety and effectiveness becoming available every day. As we learn more about the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including the use of a booster dose, we will continue to evaluate the rapidly changing science and keep the public informed.”

FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data

The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.

If only there were reasonable precautions. So far, I've not seen a one. Not much in the way of critical thinking either.
I recognize that I don't know as much as public health professionals about Covid, and so, while acknowledging that they are fallible and that the empirical data they accrue and analyze is constantly refining the basis for their recommendations, there is no one more qualified - certainly not ideologues or the media entertainers and politicians who control them.

The desperate pleas of hospital caregivers overwhelmed by the unvaccinated only underscores the validity of their call for the public to act responsibly.

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