Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!


Should we lockdown for flus now?

What's the actual mortality rate of delta? We haven't really been presented with that data, or hospitalization data. For Omicron its to early, but current preliminary data shows it to be a cold for the vaccinated.

I probably got it last friday, was sick on Monday, and better by Thursday.
Yo'.....don't know if you're aware, last I heard, one person, on the planet, has died from Omicron.

My God man, this is serious.
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r/worldnews • 3 mo. ago
Posted by 165701020
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Closest known relatives of virus behind COVID-19 found in Laos - Scientists have found three viruses in bats in Laos that are more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than any known viruses.​

r/worldnews - Closest known relatives of virus behind COVID-19 found in Laos - Scientists have found three viruses in bats in Laos that are more similar to SARS-CoV-2 than any known viruses.

They're similar BECAUSE the experimental virus was BUILT ON BAT VIRUS.

Now if you told me it had made the jump or STARTED to make the jump to HUMAN transmission in Laos -- I'd be REALLY REALLY impressed. But that's not what you have here.
BTW: China will not allow ANYONE on ANY circumstances near the bat caves where the lab was capturing the bats for experimentation..

Because if you went and TESTED THERE AND FOUND NO human transmissible strains - the jig would be up...

And civet or mink strain that KILLED Millions of mink in Europe -- aint what this virus built on. UNLESS it JUMPED to mink in Europe before getting it's human transmission function.
The area in south Africa that peaked already with cases going down, and not much serious effects, 80% of their population had already been infected with covid previously, they had protection, and almost their entire population is young.

This is why everyone is cautious... Our population has a load and a half of baby boomer seniors, and around 50% of our population is obese or overweight or in south africa, we may not follow their trend.

But in the UK, omicron is spreading like hotcakes right now, so we will be able to see how it goes there, fairly soon.... they are closer to our population demographics....

So far though, it sure seems like a God send on omicron!

God has nothing to do with it.
Check China, tho'.
Good one!!
A Hong Kong University study suggests that Omicron is mutating to be able to replicate in upper airway rather than deep lung, and this is also making it a milder virus. Boycott the Gates-Fau Chi-JoeXi vaccine cartel.
BTW: China will not allow ANYONE on ANY circumstances near the bat caves where the lab was capturing the bats for experimentation..

Because if you went and TESTED THERE AND FOUND NO human transmissible strains - the jig would be up...

And civet or mink strain that KILLED Millions of mink in Europe -- aint what this virus built on. UNLESS it JUMPED to mink in Europe before getting it's human transmission function.
Where is the citation for such a claim? The jig was up in 2012. Wuhan was called out about it for Tongguan mine. They were called out by Chinese themselves for claiming no bat viruses can jump into humans. From the same hole that killed several miners came RsTG13 (Rhinolophus afffinis TongGuan 13), SARS-CoV-2's closest ancestor.
BTW: China will not allow ANYONE on ANY circumstances near the bat caves where the lab was capturing the bats for experimentation..

Because if you went and TESTED THERE AND FOUND NO human transmissible strains - the jig would be up...

And civet or mink strain that KILLED Millions of mink in Europe -- aint what this virus built on. UNLESS it JUMPED to mink in Europe before getting it's human transmission function.
Chinese ferret-badger, ferret, Chinese mink coronavirus sequences refute the claim that SARS-CoV-2 has no evolutionary link to them. Rhinolophus ferrumequinum is a European bat. Any virus from that can be compared with RaTG13.
We have this afternoon found spike sequence resonance between SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, and Beluga whale coronaviruses. The region of interest (hereinafter, ROI) is from positions 797-840.
This is great news! Not only has Omicron peaked far earlier than the previous Delta wave, only 1.9% of the Omicron cases required hospitalization. Certainly no guarantee that the virus will follow suit here, but it is very encouraging nonetheless.

The Panic Porn industry has to peddle faster.
Yeah, notice week or two ago it was battle stations, then when more info came out, it isn't as serious as the MEDIA was making it out to be.....and the sensational media coverage slacked of quite a bit.

No agenda here......
Think about this also, Biden is pushing to the max to get as many vaccinated as possible, so this way he can try and declare that because of this he will be the one victorious before the 2022 midterms.

Politically trying for a victory, just watch.

The claim will be that they finally stopped the virus, and it was all because of their huge push to get as many as they could to take that shot.
I have no idea! I just think IF by chance China did, they likely did not at this time, make a variant less deadly by engineering omicron.
If they did, would it be to finally charge the immune system to fight the virus with a less lethal version, otherwise it's time to wrap it on up ? Just conspiracy talking, but oh well here we are.
Think about this also, Biden is pushing to the max to get as many vaccinated as possible, so this way he can try and declare that because of this he will be the one victorious before the 2022 midterms.

Politically trying for a victory, just watch.

The claim will be that they finally stopped the virus, and it was all because of their huge push to get as many as they could to take that shot.
I think it's more like getting everybody vaxed, ignore natural immunity. Israel has data natural immunity is close to 15 months, compared to the 6 or so with the vax. Just think, 15 month immunity would cost the vax industry big time if the unvaxed, who have had 'Rona don't need., it.
Get vaxed now!

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