Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!

I dont BS anything serious ever.

  • China is closely guarding caves that once played host to bats infected with close variants of COVID-19, The Associated Press reported.
  • The caves in Yunnan Province, south China, are where scientists hope to find evidence of how the coronavirus evolved in bats.
  • But samples taken recently by scientists were confiscated, the AP said, adding that police blocked access to roads and sites around the caves in late November.
  • Journalists with the AP and the BBC said they encountered roadblocks and met people hired to keep them away from the caves.
  • The cabinet must vet all research papers based on evidence from the caves in Beijing, the AP said, "under direct orders from President Xi Jinping."
All the usual REMAINING wire services have confirmed this.
Where are the links to your bullshit mouth? Show the prisoners the reports. Your's is the last ass to be trusted at USMB.
All studies confirm that folks who had natural immunity PRIOR to the vax had the BEST immunity in terms of long residual SERUM antibodies. You would think that reverse order would be the same.

As the mutations swerve away from that small segment of mRNA in the Pfizer/Moderna shots, GETTING a "milder" variant is gonna be the better deal probably 8 or 10 months down the road.

BUT -- I'm not saying go start Omicron parties to try and GET infected. LOL...
Your argument fails because there are unvaxxerd surfaces of the vaxxed that support SARS-CoV-2. The vaccine is irrelevant on those surfaces and those viruses do not require being inside the host.
We'll post the sequences for SARS-CoV-1 & 2 abd Beluga whale shortly, because American deer have already confronted the commie virus. The media that reported this fact wants the prisoners anxious with its sensationalism, though the prisoners will be getting no follow-up reports, in mimesis of the SARS-CoV-2-infeected ferret at Kissimee, Florida.
Apologies if already posted. Bloomberg is reporting similar hopeful news.

from bloomberg

South Africa delivered some positive news on the omicron coronavirus variant on Friday, reporting a much lower rate of hospital admissions and signs that the wave of infections may be peaking.

Only 1.7% of identified Covid-19 cases were admitted to hospital in the second week of infections in the fourth wave, compared with 19% in the same week of the third delta-driven wave, South African Health Minister Joe Phaahla said at a press conference.
Apologies if already posted. Bloomberg is reporting similar hopeful news.

from bloomberg

South Africa delivered some positive news on the omicron coronavirus variant on Friday, reporting a much lower rate of hospital admissions and signs that the wave of infections may be peaking.

Only 1.7% of identified Covid-19 cases were admitted to hospital in the second week of infections in the fourth wave, compared with 19% in the same week of the third delta-driven wave, South African Health Minister Joe Phaahla said at a press conference.
That's why JoeXi and his doctor-sleep-up wife went to Wisconsin to scare the children and parents into getting vaxxed. Nazi dems and their media have much invested and can't afford to lose on this one. The collective South African genome is showing the commie virus exactly where it is not welcome and precisely what it is entitled to.
Following sequences are in this order: SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, Beluga whale.

There is a one-hydrogen-atom difference between D (aspartic acid) and N (asparagine). The L (leucine) of SARS-CoV is fairly interchangeable with the V (valine) of Beluga, because this is the modus operandum: to use either of the three branched-chain aminos (I, isoleucine is the third) without a preference for any particular one.
Beluga is a huge breathing mammal. The commie virus may be 'thinking' it's in a whale, and perhaps Omicron mutation D796Y has helped to prompt the virus to seek upper respiratory portions of the human host as suggested by the Hong Kong University study.

The clue to Omicron D796Y mutation may reside in the Beluga spike. Position 796 is uncapitalized:

Beluga 791-800
In Beluga, the mutation site is flanked on one side by the commonly-occurring double branched-chain modus of the coronavirus (V, I). This Omicron mutation may not be vaccine-influenced.
So why not share this picture of Omicron? What it looks like has nothing to do with what it does. It has a vaccine-linked mutation. Do you, as an organism that closes down USMB threads, have the stones to talk about that mutation? Sarah Palin is watching.

It kinda matters if the virus gets MORE complex instead of LESS complex does it not? And why the jab about closing down threads because of Sarah PALIN?

I thought you were saner than that. SURE -- I'll share a pic. But go get FUNCTIONAL differential on the 2 variants to go with the pic. You'll see the "docking structures" and other surface features are much more numerous.

Little need to keep tabs on the air when it infects everyone, sickens but a very few, kills no one
Every cold virus that has hit the world over the last ten years has been a "covid like" virus...this is why Fauci was working to give money to the Wuhan lab...and other labs in the USA....he was trying to find a cure for the common cold....
So Omnicom may indeed be covid but so was the colds from the last ten plus the vaccines help?...yes but not 100%...will it kill some people?...yes but so has every cold virus in recorded history....

This is not like Delta or covid 19...Omnicom is just this years cold virus....
It kinda matters if the virus gets MORE complex instead of LESS complex does it not? And why the jab about closing down threads because of Sarah PALIN?

I thought you were saner than that. SURE -- I'll share a pic. But go get FUNCTIONAL differential on the 2 variants to go with the pic. You'll see the "docking structures" and other surface features are much more numerous.

Complexity is not an intelligent argument when discussing Omicron's link to Beluga whale. If Palin refuses these vaccines, she's intelligent enough to identify the pathology of ego-tripping fascists who are not educated enough in epidemiology to be closing threads.
Every cold virus that has hit the world over the last ten years has been a "covid like" virus...this is why Fauci was working to give money to the Wuhan lab...and other labs in the USA....he was trying to find a cure for the common cold....
So Omnicom may indeed be covid but so was the colds from the last ten plus the vaccines help?...yes but not 100%...will it kill some people?...yes but so has every cold virus in recorded history....

This is not like Delta or covid 19...Omnicom is just this years cold virus....
Omicron shows evidence for a change of tissue tropism evolving to the upper respiratory tract rather than deep lung (the Hong Kong University study). That is another reason why Omicron's link to whales is fascinating and one more nail in the Chinese commie coffin of esoterica about their virus.
Omicron shows evidence for a change of tissue tropism evolving to the upper respiratory tract rather than deep lung (the Hong Kong University study). That is another reason why Omicron's link to whales is fascinating and one more nail in the Chinese commie coffin of esoterica about their virus.
That's very interesting...thanks...
It kinda matters if the virus gets MORE complex instead of LESS complex does it not? And why the jab about closing down threads because of Sarah PALIN?

I thought you were saner than that. SURE -- I'll share a pic. But go get FUNCTIONAL differential on the 2 variants to go with the pic. You'll see the "docking structures" and other surface features are much more numerous.

The problem of the more or the less is a false problem. Science cannot prove that more mutations make for increased virulence, make the virus more dangerous. In addition, prisoners who fall for this model will also fall for the increased non-spike mutations the propagandists have added to Omicron for the sensationalism. The Beluga whale link is shown: D796Y. The vaccine-linked mutation is shown: N969K.
The propaganda you have been fed about a lab escape is CIA-grade propaganda. This quality has mote to do with their collusion with scientists than with their collective IQs. There is no place on the spike of the virus rthat has been deliberately manipulated. That was not required.

WTF? I've heard your ORIGINAL theories on CV19, dont need to hear them again. Yours if I remember was neither natural transition from a bat virus or lab leak.

Your plain wrong if claim NO DNA evidence. Dozens of scientists have published specific findings on it's DNA structure.

Writing in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Steven Quay and Richard Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence to support the claim, which has increasingly gained steam after long being derided as little more than speculation.

The first relates to the nature of gain-of-function research, in which microbiologists tweak a virus’ genome to alter its properties, such as making it more transmissible or more lethal.

Of the 36 possible genome pairings that can produce two arginine amino acids in a row — which results in boosting a virus’ lethality — the one most commonly used in gain-of-function research is CGG-CGG, or double CGG, wrote Quay and Muller.

“The insertion sequence of choice is the double CGG,” wrote Quay, the founder of Atossa Therapeutics, and Muller, a former top scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who now teaches physics at the University of California’s Berkeley campus.

“That’s because it is readily available and convenient, and scientists have a great deal of experience inserting it,” they wrote. “An additional advantage of the double CGG sequence compared with the other 35 possible choices: It creates a useful beacon that permits the scientists to track the insertion in the laboratory.”

The pair noted that the double CGG sequence has never been found naturally among the entire group of coronaviruses that includes CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.

But, in what Quay and Muller called a “damning fact,” it was found in CoV-2.

In a Senate hearing last month, Fauci admitted that he couldn’t be certain that the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China — the nation from which COVID-19 sprang in late 2019 — didn’t put a pre-pandemic $600,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health toward gain-of-function research.

The stated purpose of the grant was determining whether coronaviruses could be transmitted from bats to humans, a scenario popularly suggested as the origin of COVID-19.

Beyond apparent signs of gain-of-function engineering, Quay and Muller wrote in the Journal that the evidence “most compelling is the dramatic differences in the genetic diversity of CoV-2, compared with the coronaviruses responsible for SARS and MERS.”

SARS and MERS, which were confirmed to be of natural origin, “evolved rapidly as they spread through the human population, until the most contagious forms dominated,” the pair wrote.

By contrast, COVID-19 proved to be highly contagious from the point it was first detected.
Omicron shows evidence for a change of tissue tropism evolving to the upper respiratory tract rather than deep lung (the Hong Kong University study). That is another reason why Omicron's link to whales is fascinating and one more nail in the Chinese commie coffin of esoterica about their virus.

How does ONE statement relate to the other? Do whales have Covid epidemics? Do THOSE viruses lodge in the UPPER respiratory tract or their lower?

The first statement is FACT. The 2nd statement has more to do with your fascination about viruses in other animals. The 2nd statement also completely IGNORES THE ORIGINS of the virus. Since both the ORIGINAL CV19 and DELTA DID feast in the lungs.

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