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On Anti-Semitism


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
On Anti-Semitism

I’ve often asked the ZioNut posters, and by the way there are some Zionists on these boards that are not nutty or extreme that the would twist and lie on these boards.

We all know who they Are…

But my question is simple, what has or how does anti-Semitism Affect the Veracity of what is posted or truth?

No rudeness in your answer, please.
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The very term Semite twists the truth.

There is no Semitic race. The term is for a group of people, a language group in fact. It has been used so long now as a code word for Jewish that it means something 'special'.

Since 'they' are 'us', it is in fact impossible to be 'anti-Semitic', but there do exist those who dislike Jews. Well, some people dislike women, so what can you say?

Personally, I do not believe that women are equal to men; they are superior.
Right, then. It'd be better to call the 'position' espoused by some posters on this board what it truly is: Jew-murdering baseless hate.
Oh, and for how it affects the veracity of what the Jew-haters post? That's explained in the work of Dr. Alvin Poussaint - when prejudice is strong enough, it becomes pathological just like any other delusion.
On Anti-Semitism

I’ve often asked the ZioNut posters, and by the way there are some Zionists on these boards that are not nutty or extreme that the would twist and lie on these boards.

We all know who they Are…

But my question is simple, what has or how does anti-Semitism Affect the Veracity of what is posted or truth?

No rudeness in your answer, please.

You mean like claiming things like Arab Israelis are slaves? Or claiming when the Israelis respond militarily to an attack THEY are the terrorists while ignoring the real terrorists?

How are we to ignore the obvious lies delusions and hate coming from Jew haters?
Were I to say so-called "anti-Semitism" has evolved into a convenient gimmick for defending against even the most valid criticism of Jews I would be accused of "anti-Semitism." So rather than say that myself I refer any interested party to a book called, The Holocaust Industry, by Professor Norman Finkelstein, himself a Jew whose parents survived the Nazi pogrom.

Paperback. Available from Amazon (and a very interesting read).
On Anti-Semitism

I’ve often asked the ZioNut posters, and by the way there are some Zionists on these boards that are not nutty or extreme that the would twist and lie on these boards.

We all know who they Are…

But my question is simple, what has or how does anti-Semitism Affect the Veracity of what is posted or truth?

No rudeness in your answer, please.

You mean like claiming things like Arab Israelis are slaves? Or claiming when the Israelis respond militarily to an attack THEY are the terrorists while ignoring the real terrorists?

How are we to ignore the obvious lies delusions and hate coming from Jew haters?
Gunny, You must have been involved in a war where you occupied someone's country by military force...I have. Would you defend America if someone invaded our homes?

That is the base problem in this ME quogmire...Israel was created by the force of Western Colonial military power. Nothing new in the history of man-kind.

If you believe might makes right then the claims of historical justification for the creation of Israel is invalid, an oxymoron because might trumps history, and history has alsways moved to diffrent peoples on this earth.
Oh, and for how it affects the veracity of what the Jew-haters post? That's explained in the work of Dr. Alvin Poussaint - when prejudice is strong enough, it becomes pathological just like any other delusion.

The problem is: I asked how it affects the veracity of a post not the mental condition of the poster, delusions can easily discounted by posting the facts that we all have at our finger tips.

When prejudice is strong enough is purely intrinsic and so are opinions. We can all sense and easily spot the few pathological posters whose truths on these boards are easily refuted by scholarly facts.
The very term Semite twists the truth.

There is no Semitic race. The term is for a group of people, a language group in fact. It has been used so long now as a code word for Jewish that it means something 'special'.

Since 'they' are 'us', it is in fact impossible to be 'anti-Semitic', but there do exist those who dislike Jews. Well, some people dislike women, so what can you say?

Personally, I do not believe that women are equal to men; they are superior.
Why is it that Jew haters often get the very definition of the word "anti-Semetism" wrong, even after they have been reminded of this, many times?

Anti semitism | Define Anti semitism at Dictionary.com
   [an-tee-sem-i-tiz-uhm, an-tahy-] Show IPA
discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews
On Anti-Semitism

I’ve often asked the ZioNut posters, and by the way there are some Zionists on these boards that are not nutty or extreme that the would twist and lie on these boards.

We all know who they Are…

But my question is simple, what has or how does anti-Semitism Affect the Veracity of what is posted or truth?

No rudeness in your answer, please.
I wouldn't be speaking about truth if I were you, Pbel. Remember how many times you have brought up that fake Sharon quote as if it were the truth. And how do you know that many of the posts are the truth? You seem to be very gullible (I wonder why) as you want to think that everything your pals have posted is the truth. And, Phillip, if you are going to call posters Zionuts, I hope you don't mind being called an Islamonut because you do make the perfect Dhimmi.
The very term Semite twists the truth.

There is no Semitic race. The term is for a group of people, a language group in fact. It has been used so long now as a code word for Jewish that it means something 'special'.

Since 'they' are 'us', it is in fact impossible to be 'anti-Semitic', but there do exist those who dislike Jews. Well, some people dislike women, so what can you say?

Personally, I do not believe that women are equal to men; they are superior.
It's interesting to see where the term came from. A little research does the trick.

While the term's etymology might suggest that antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, the term was coined in the late 19th century in Germany as a more scientific-sounding term for Judenhass ("Jew-hatred"),[2] and that has been its normal use since then.[3]
Were I to say so-called "anti-Semitism" has evolved into a convenient gimmick for defending against even the most valid criticism of Jews I would be accused of "anti-Semitism." So rather than say that myself I refer any interested party to a book called, The Holocaust Industry, by Professor Norman Finkelstein, himself a Jew whose parents survived the Nazi pogrom.

Paperback. Available from Amazon (and a very interesting read).
Ah, one of the favorite Jews of the hate sites. Perhaps you should find what Finklestein's mother said about him. You stay rooted in what Finklestein has to say, and I will stay rooted in what Eric Hoffer, who was not Jewish, had to say.

The following was written by Eric Hoffer, that uniquely American longshoreman/social philosopher.
Hoffer lived from 1902 until 1983. He wrote nine books, countless columns, and hundreds of essays. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He wrote the following in 1968!!
By Eric Hoffer (LA Times 5/26/68)

The Jews are a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.

Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it. Poland and
Czechoslovakia did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese--and no one says a word about refugees.

But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every
single Arab. Arnold Toynbee calls the displacement of the Arabs an atrocity greater than any committed by the Nazis.
Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace. Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real Christians in this world.

Other nations when they are defeated survive and recover, but should Israel be defeated it would be destroyed. Had Nasser
triumphed last June, he would have wiped Israel off the map, and no one would have lifted a finger to save the Jews.
No commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is written on. There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two Negroes are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one remonstrated with him.

The Swedes, who are ready to break off diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway.

The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts and Jewish resources.

Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened last summer had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the survival of Israel is to America and the West in general. I have a premonition that will not leave me; as it goes with Israel, so will it go with all of us. Should Israel perish, the holocaust will be upon us.
Oh, and for how it affects the veracity of what the Jew-haters post? That's explained in the work of Dr. Alvin Poussaint - when prejudice is strong enough, it becomes pathological just like any other delusion.

The problem is: I asked how it affects the veracity of a post not the mental condition of the poster, delusions can easily discounted by posting the facts that we all have at our finger tips.

When prejudice is strong enough is purely intrinsic and so are opinions. We can all sense and easily spot the few pathological posters whose truths on these boards are easily refuted by scholarly facts.
Don't worry, Marg. Pbel thinks he is pulling the wool over the eyes of those who stick up for Israel, but I think we can figure out his true feelings toward Jews. You don't neerd a PhD to understand why he even started this thread.
Oh, and for how it affects the veracity of what the Jew-haters post? That's explained in the work of Dr. Alvin Poussaint - when prejudice is strong enough, it becomes pathological just like any other delusion.

maybe you would enlighten us as to how the good dr. poussaint, who many people disagree with due to the "not guilty becaise of mental defect" defense as well as many other easons, would regard people like hoss, roudy, irose, say it, lipush, and some o the others on this board. you may even want to look at yourself and your own attitudes, although less blatant than thosse previously mentioned.

racism is not included in the DSM-IV, nor do i believe it will be included in the DSM-5 due to come out.

perhaps you may actually want to reread him, or read him, whatever the case may be.
On Anti-Semitism

I’ve often asked the ZioNut posters, and by the way there are some Zionists on these boards that are not nutty or extreme that the would twist and lie on these boards.

We all know who they Are…

But my question is simple, what has or how does anti-Semitism Affect the Veracity of what is posted or truth?

No rudeness in your answer, please.
I wouldn't be speaking about truth if I were you, Pbel. Remember how many times you have brought up that fake Sharon quote as if it were the truth. And how do you know that many of the posts are the truth? You seem to be very gullible (I wonder why) as you want to think that everything your pals have posted is the truth. And, Phillip, if you are going to call posters Zionuts, I hope you don't mind being called an Islamonut because you do make the perfect Dhimmi.
I never said Sharon had said that...in fact it is easily provable that he was not heard saying that by any press that we Americans would trust. Do I believe he said that privately. Probably. Does Israel act as though there is any truth to what he supposedly might have said. Sure seems that way. Read the Walt Mearsheimer study of AIPAC"s influence on the American Body Politic.

IslamoNut? Look Hossy, go over and fight it out...winner take all! Just leave America out of it, and you won't see me on these boards!
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from: there4eyeM
The very term Semite twists the truth.
There is no Semitic race. The term is for a group of people, a language group in fact. It has been used so long now as a code word for Jewish that it means something 'special'.
Since 'they' are 'us', it is in fact impossible to be 'anti-Semitic', but there do exist those who dislike Jews. Well, some people dislike women, so what can you say?
Personally, I do not believe that women are equal to men; they are superior.

Right, then. It'd be better to call the 'position' espoused by some posters on this board what it truly is: Jew-murdering baseless hate.

Do you suppose changing the term to "Jew-murdering baseless hate" would satisfy anti-Semitic twits?
The very term Semite twists the truth.
There is no Semitic race. The term is for a group of people, a language group in fact. It has been used so long now as a code word for Jewish that it means something 'special'.
Since 'they' are 'us', it is in fact impossible to be 'anti-Semitic', but there do exist those who dislike Jews. Well, some people dislike women, so what can you say?
Personally, I do not believe that women are equal to men; they are superior.

Who said anything about a Semitic race?
It is you who desperately twists the truth to suit your argument.
The term by definition refers to people who have an irrational or even pathological (some might even say genetic) hate for Jews.
It's just a convenient way to describe some people and I am often amused by those who are clearly upset by the term's very existence. :D
Oh, and for how it affects the veracity of what the Jew-haters post? That's explained in the work of Dr. Alvin Poussaint - when prejudice is strong enough, it becomes pathological just like any other delusion.

The problem is: I asked how it affects the veracity of a post not the mental condition of the poster, delusions can easily discounted by posting the facts that we all have at our finger tips.

When prejudice is strong enough is purely intrinsic and so are opinions. We can all sense and easily spot the few pathological posters whose truths on these boards are easily refuted by scholarly facts.

Marg clearly referred to the pathological lying which accompanies the mental disorder and indeed posters here regularly discount and refute the hateful lies you post here.

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