On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
we have a government that is out of control and doing whatever they feel like with our lives and our JOBS...Starting with Obama and all his RADICALS he's appointed to these agencies....PEOPLE need to WAKE UP Democrats and Republicans and demand THE EPA be DEFUNDED and abolished or at least put a leash on them along with a few other agencies like the IRS, ETC


By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BOULDER, Colo. | EPA chief Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the Obama administration is finished waiting for Congress to act on climate change and plans to bypass the legislative branch in developing a federal response.

Ms. McCarthy, who was confirmed last month as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, cited President Obama’s June 25 speech at Georgetown University, in which he unveiled his Climate Action Plan and vowed to make combatting climate change a priority of his second term.

Mr. Obama gave “what I really think is a most remarkable speech by a president of the United States,” said Ms. McCarthy in remarks at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”

She insisted that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions could be accomplished without harming economic growth, calling the tension between the two priorities a “false choice.”

“We’re going to do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand these are not scary things to do, these are actions we can all do, they’re actions that benefit everybody, that will grow the economy, and they’re actions that will protect the health and safety of individuals,” Ms. McCarthy said.

The president’s Climate Action Plan has come under criticism from Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who said in June the plan amounted to a “war on coal” and a “war on jobs.”

all of it here with A LOT OF COMMENTS
Read more: On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress - Washington Times
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Obama and his people don't care about the Constitution or the way the Government is supposed to work.

The House needs to defund every organization, such as the EPA, that pushes to violate the Constitution.
Obama and his people don't care about the Constitution or the way the Government is supposed to work.

The House needs to defund every organization, such as the EPA, that pushes to violate the Constitution.

They do and CALL HIM OUT on his violation of the law. WHOM among our elected have the stones to do it? He's been at it for a few years...but Zip, zero, NADA.

They just shut up, pay lip service, and play the game at our expense.
The house needs to stop signing off on continuing resolutions and require the Senate to do its job on the Budget.

Right now nothing can be done about the EPA or any other agency because the House keeps approving continuing resolutions for the budget.

Tell the Senate and the President that the Government shuts down if no budget is reached.
The house needs to stop signing off on continuing resolutions and require the Senate to do its job on the Budget.

Right now nothing can be done about the EPA or any other agency because the House keeps approving continuing resolutions for the budget.

Tell the Senate and the President that the Government shuts down if no budget is reached.

And as it should. The Congress (Senate in particliar), has been shirking their Constitutional duty for a few years now and need to be called out for violating the LAW...and that means that snake, Dingy Harry Reid.
What, he's going to lower the mean temperature of the earth by presidential edict?

Think maybe he could make it stop raining on Sundays, too?
What, he's going to lower the mean temperature of the earth by presidential edict?

Think maybe he could make it stop raining on Sundays, too?
Isn't it grand that some dumbass politician can by edict, and controlling our lives think they can make tempeatures go down, control the weather when they know God-damned well the engine is above our heads and we see every day? (Old Sol)...

More suprising to me are those that swallow it whole sans investigation...just lap it up. WHY do politicians try to legislate what they have no control over? (Key word is control...and I mean US, and our liberty because some whiney-ass doesn't like us living our lives as we see fit)...A POX on 'em.
The EPA should have never been given the ability to enact regulations without the approval of Congress first. Frankly, I don't even know how their ability to do that is Constitutional considering nothing in the Constitution allows Congress to delegate its authority to other agencies. That's the problem that needs to be fixed.
The EPA should have never been given the ability to enact regulations without the approval of Congress first. Frankly, I don't even know how their ability to do that is Constitutional considering nothing in the Constitution allows Congress to delegate its authority to other agencies. That's the problem that needs to be fixed.
Indeed. and they operate at the behest of the Executive branch.

Amazing how throughout our history, the Congress has gotten lazy and give their power, (and subsequently, ours), to the POTUS, and bureaucrats.

WE let them get away with it.
I agree.

Defund them, and post hate.
ZZZZZZZZ Good. So take them to court, but I'm sure Pubs have already set the precedent at stretching extra congress stuff. I see 99.8% of scientific papers support man made global warming and only bought off Pubs, Big Oil and Koch Bros are against.
we have a government that is out of control and doing whatever they feel like with our lives and our JOBS...Starting with Obama and all his RADICALS he's appointed to these agencies....PEOPLE need to WAKE UP Democrats and Republicans and demand THE EPA be DEFUNDED and abolished or at least put a leash on them along with a few other agencies like the IRS, ETC


By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BOULDER, Colo. | EPA chief Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the Obama administration is finished waiting for Congress to act on climate change and plans to bypass the legislative branch in developing a federal response.

Ms. McCarthy, who was confirmed last month as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, cited President Obama’s June 25 speech at Georgetown University, in which he unveiled his Climate Action Plan and vowed to make combatting climate change a priority of his second term.

Mr. Obama gave “what I really think is a most remarkable speech by a president of the United States,” said Ms. McCarthy in remarks at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”

She insisted that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions could be accomplished without harming economic growth, calling the tension between the two priorities a “false choice.”

“We’re going to do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand these are not scary things to do, these are actions we can all do, they’re actions that benefit everybody, that will grow the economy, and they’re actions that will protect the health and safety of individuals,” Ms. McCarthy said.

The president’s Climate Action Plan has come under criticism from Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who said in June the plan amounted to a “war on coal” and a “war on jobs.”

all of it here with A LOT OF COMMENTS
Read more: On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress - Washington Times
Follow us: @Washtimes on Twitter

Who does Obama think he is? The president?
we have a government that is out of control and doing whatever they feel like with our lives and our JOBS...Starting with Obama and all his RADICALS he's appointed to these agencies....PEOPLE need to WAKE UP Democrats and Republicans and demand THE EPA be DEFUNDED and abolished or at least put a leash on them along with a few other agencies like the IRS, ETC


By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BOULDER, Colo. | EPA chief Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the Obama administration is finished waiting for Congress to act on climate change and plans to bypass the legislative branch in developing a federal response.

Ms. McCarthy, who was confirmed last month as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, cited President Obama’s June 25 speech at Georgetown University, in which he unveiled his Climate Action Plan and vowed to make combatting climate change a priority of his second term.

Mr. Obama gave “what I really think is a most remarkable speech by a president of the United States,” said Ms. McCarthy in remarks at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”

She insisted that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions could be accomplished without harming economic growth, calling the tension between the two priorities a “false choice.”

“We’re going to do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand these are not scary things to do, these are actions we can all do, they’re actions that benefit everybody, that will grow the economy, and they’re actions that will protect the health and safety of individuals,” Ms. McCarthy said.

The president’s Climate Action Plan has come under criticism from Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who said in June the plan amounted to a “war on coal” and a “war on jobs.”

all of it here with A LOT OF COMMENTS
Read more: On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress - Washington Times
Follow us: @Washtimes on Twitter

Who does Obama think he is? The president?
Meaning HE can do what he wants without rebuttal? Really Mustink?

Just ignore the Constitution...just abdicate power to tyrants...yeah, that's the ticket...

we have a government that is out of control and doing whatever they feel like with our lives and our JOBS...Starting with Obama and all his RADICALS he's appointed to these agencies....PEOPLE need to WAKE UP Democrats and Republicans and demand THE EPA be DEFUNDED and abolished or at least put a leash on them along with a few other agencies like the IRS, ETC


By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BOULDER, Colo. | EPA chief Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the Obama administration is finished waiting for Congress to act on climate change and plans to bypass the legislative branch in developing a federal response.

Ms. McCarthy, who was confirmed last month as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, cited President Obama’s June 25 speech at Georgetown University, in which he unveiled his Climate Action Plan and vowed to make combatting climate change a priority of his second term.

Mr. Obama gave “what I really think is a most remarkable speech by a president of the United States,” said Ms. McCarthy in remarks at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”

She insisted that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions could be accomplished without harming economic growth, calling the tension between the two priorities a “false choice.”

“We’re going to do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand these are not scary things to do, these are actions we can all do, they’re actions that benefit everybody, that will grow the economy, and they’re actions that will protect the health and safety of individuals,” Ms. McCarthy said.

The president’s Climate Action Plan has come under criticism from Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who said in June the plan amounted to a “war on coal” and a “war on jobs.”

all of it here with A LOT OF COMMENTS
Read more: On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress - Washington Times
Follow us: @Washtimes on Twitter

Who does Obama think he is? The president?
Meaning HE can do what he wants without rebuttal? Really Mustink?

Just ignore the Constitution...just abdicate power to tyrants...yeah, that's the ticket...


As the president of the United States, Barack Obama (as well as anyone else who holds the office) has plenty of power to direct the US Gov't to do many things which don't require Congressional approval or legislation.

Which, of course, just infuriates conservatives.

Conservatives are a funny bunch. When a Republican is president, conservatives want him to thumb his nose at a Democratic Congress even when the president or the executive branch is CLEARLY exceeding their authority. Iran/Contra comes to mind.

But when I Democrat is president, conservatives want the president to be politically emasculated and powerless. And when he does exercise authority, the conservative response is to claim (cry is a better word) that he's violating the constitution and being a tyrant just because Republicans don't support his agenda.
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Who does Obama think he is? The president?
Meaning HE can do what he wants without rebuttal? Really Mustink?

Just ignore the Constitution...just abdicate power to tyrants...yeah, that's the ticket...


As the president of the United States, Barack Obama (as well as anyone else who holds the office) has plenty of power to direct the US Gov't to do many things which don't require Congressional approval or legislation.

Which, of course, just infuriates conservatives.

Conservatives are a funny bunch. When a Republican is president, conservatives want him to thumb his nose at a Democratic Congress even when the president or the executive branch is CLEARLY exceeding their authority. Iran/Contra comes to mind.

But when I Democrat is president, conservatives want the president to be politically emasculated and powerless. And when he does exercise authority, the conservative response is to claim (cry is a better word) that he's violating the constitution and being a tyrant.

Ever hear of Separation of powers there Gracie? Nah...but then the Congress led by Statists have done nothing but shirk their Constitutional duty and should have been called on it.

YOUR President isn't a KING albeit he thinks (and you do), he is.

Got it?
we have a government that is out of control and doing whatever they feel like with our lives and our JOBS...Starting with Obama and all his RADICALS he's appointed to these agencies....PEOPLE need to WAKE UP Democrats and Republicans and demand THE EPA be DEFUNDED and abolished or at least put a leash on them along with a few other agencies like the IRS, ETC


By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BOULDER, Colo. | EPA chief Gina McCarthy said Wednesday that the Obama administration is finished waiting for Congress to act on climate change and plans to bypass the legislative branch in developing a federal response.

Ms. McCarthy, who was confirmed last month as Environmental Protection Agency administrator, cited President Obama’s June 25 speech at Georgetown University, in which he unveiled his Climate Action Plan and vowed to make combatting climate change a priority of his second term.

Mr. Obama gave “what I really think is a most remarkable speech by a president of the United States,” said Ms. McCarthy in remarks at the University of Colorado Boulder.

“Essentially, he said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”

She insisted that reducing greenhouse-gas emissions could be accomplished without harming economic growth, calling the tension between the two priorities a “false choice.”

“We’re going to do this this year, next year, the following year, until people understand these are not scary things to do, these are actions we can all do, they’re actions that benefit everybody, that will grow the economy, and they’re actions that will protect the health and safety of individuals,” Ms. McCarthy said.

The president’s Climate Action Plan has come under criticism from Republicans, led by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who said in June the plan amounted to a “war on coal” and a “war on jobs.”

all of it here with A LOT OF COMMENTS
Read more: On climate change, Obama, EPA plan action without Congress - Washington Times
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