on ESPN at his Saudi-sponsored golf event, Trump Defends Saudi Arabia From 9/11 Families in Shocking Comments: ‘Nobody’s Gotten to the Bottom of 9/11’

Do people really think the Saudi government was behind 9/11? LOL
They know Trump is vain, pompous , arrogant and stupid. They know he has no integrity. Talal is nothing like Trump. For starters he's more intelligent and better educated. He actually is a self made man. He started with $100,000 not 400 million.
Yes----Trump is vain and pompous and like Bin Talal----self made but with a very significant LEG UP in saudi arabia----he is a member of the extensive
ROYAL FAMILY. How do I know about the advantage of being RELATED to
the Saudi Royal family? A Saudi Supported physician with whom I worked
TOLD ME. Honest young resident who had no qualms about revealing
the source of his support Trump started
with some minimal real estate from his father. Bin Talal supports islamic imperialism
and terrorism and calls it ZAKAT. Bin Talal is DANGEROUS
Thanks to liberals that friendship is hanging by a thread

Trump's friendship is shallow and insincere. He just sees a golden goose. Biden made an ignorant mistake. I don't think you can blame liberals. Conspiracy theories never end about 9/11. Americans just don't know much about KSA.
Almost but no cigar-----Bin Laden sought an even MORE WAHHABIST saudi
arabia than now exists -------ie---even more disgusting. The Saudis have
done far too little to repudiate Wahhabism----I doubt that the present king or
his "progressive" son will pull it off

With him as the leader of it. Overthrow of the House of Saud was always part of his goal.

As for the current status, as least these guys are trying. They don't want a revolution from either side so they are being cautious.
Yes----Trump is vain and pompous and like Bin Talal----self made but with a very significant LEG UP in saudi arabia----he is a member of the extensive
ROYAL FAMILY. How do I know about the advantage of being RELATED to
the Saudi Royal family? A Saudi Supported physician with whom I worked
TOLD ME. Honest young resident who had no qualms about revealing
the source of his support Trump started
with some minimal real estate from his father. Bin Talal supports islamic imperialism
and terrorism and calls it ZAKAT. Bin Talal is DANGEROUS

Talal has more integrity than Trump. What exactly is Saudi imperialism?
February 6 2015
Zacarias Moussaoui, a convicted 9/11 co-conspirator, says members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family helped finance al Qaeda in the years just prior to the 2001 terrorist attacks. The Saudi government says that “there is no evidence to support Moussaoui’s claim,” citing U.S. government investigations.

A 2002 joint House-Senate report contains a 28-page section on al Qaeda’s “specific sources of foreign support” that remains classified.

Moussaoui was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 for his role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, including the passengers and crew of a hijacked plane that crashed in Pennsylvania. The New York Times reported on Feb. 3 that Moussaoui gave a deposition in a lawsuit filed against the Saudi Arabian government by relatives of the 9/11 victims.

In his deposition, Moussaoui identified “prominent members of Saudi Arabia’s royal family as major donors” to al Qaeda in the late 1990s.

Among those he said he recalled listing in the database were Prince Turki al-Faisal, then the Saudi intelligence chief; Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the longtime Saudi ambassador to the United States; Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, a prominent billionaire investor; and many of the country’s leading clerics.

Now, prior to the 9/11 report, the Senate and House intelligence committees released a joint report in December 2002 that contained a 28-page section titled “Finding, Discussion and Narrative Regarding Certain Sensitive National Security Matters” that remains classified.
Trump's friendship is shallow and insincere. He just sees a golden goose. Biden made an ignorant mistake. I don't think you can blame liberals. Conspiracy theories never end about 9/11. Americans just don't know much about KSA.
yes----islamo nazis had a "theory" even as the towers fell-----"DA JOOOS DONE
IT" It is true------americans know very little about the vile filth of
islamo nazism-----including those who swallow the propaganda that is INSERTED
in our universities and publications and, nefariously, in our prison populations
Do people really think the Saudi government was behind 9/11? LOL
depends on what you call "Saudi government" first king of saudi arabia --ABDUL
AZIZ established his power base by knocking up a chosen woman in every
village------thus creating a LOYAL ROYAL FAMILY......economically based ie---he did
With him as the leader of it. Overthrow of the House of Saud was always part of his goal.

As for the current status, as least these guys are trying. They don't want a revolution from either side so they are being cautious.
the "HOUSE OF SAUD" cannot be overthrown-----it is too extensive. It can be
infiltrated and controlled
Islamic imperialism-----remember?---the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST and its many genocides. Bin Talal is a criminal

Colonialism is settling people on occupied territory. Imperialism is the idea of spreading influence. At it's worst imperialism leads to brutal colonialism. Saudi Arabia hasn't conquered any land or indulged in ethnic cleansing. You don't know anything about Talal. You're just promoting yet another ignorant hate fest.
depends on what you call "Saudi government" first king of saudi arabia --ABDUL
AZIZ established his power base by knocking up a chosen woman in every
village------thus creating a LOYAL ROYAL FAMILY......economically based ie---he did

Ibn Saud was remarkable... A standout of the 20th century. From warrior to leader, statesman, diplomat and shrewd negotiator. When I met him he was like a kindly grandfather. When he was young he was incredibly handsome.

He married daughters from many tribes. They were political alliances. They used to come to town with all the wives, children and concubines (former wives).

He was really an amazing man. I could tell you stories.
Colonialism is settling people on occupied territory. Imperialism is the idea of spreading influence. At it's worst imperialism leads to brutal colonialism. Saudi Arabia hasn't conquered any land or indulged in ethnic cleansing. You don't know anything about Talal. You're just promoting yet another ignorant hate fest.
try again-----ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM-----the brutal colonialism and ethnic cleansing
has already happened and continues by the minions of the imperialists. The
dog Abu Bakr Abdullah ibn Uthman Abi Quhafa effectuated the invasion of...
amongst other lands----PALESTINA and the genocide of whole populations as
a tribute to his relative thru marriage----the rapist of mecca. You seem to
voluntarily become demented in reference to the history of the Levant when
Ibn Saud was remarkable... A standout of the 20th century. From warrior to leader, statesman, diplomat and shrewd negotiator. When I met him he was like a kindly grandfather. When he was young he was incredibly handsome.

He married daughters from many tribes. They were political alliances. They used to come to town with all the wives, children and concubines (former wives).

He was really an amazing man. I could tell you stories.
I do not care to hear the stories-----no question he was HIGHLY MOTIVATED
TO RULE WITH ABSOLUTE POWER (an idea which seems to TURN YOU ON)

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