On March 19 Trump will secure the nomination / Haley FINALLY drops out


Senior Member
Jan 29, 2024
Trump is currently at 995 delegates and needs 220 more for 1215. Haley is at 89. Between now and March 19, 538 delegates can be had. Trump only needs less than half of those to win. It's literally impossible for Haley to win at this point and she will only have right around 100 / 1215 delegates on March 19.

As I was writing this, Haley finally dropped out. As outlined above, it was the best call. And she did the right thing in the end by encouraging her supporters to vote for Trump. How many actual supporters she had is unclear, because no job / life Democrats turned out in throngs to vote for her with spite for Trump. She still didn't endorse him, but it wouldn't have meant much since she should've endorsed him by February 25th.
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That 30% of GOP voters aren't on board with Dementia Don should worry you, especially since he shows increasing signs of unraveling. Damn I love me some soy, boy.
That 30% wasn't all GOP voters, numbnuts. And you're recycling the same arguments from 2016. I personally think you show increasing signs of overdosing on soy. I mean you already have to wear a bra, so just give it a rest already with the soy consumption.
She`s hanging around with the hope that Trump will be arrested for some of his 91 felony charges but clearly she doesn`t know her own party. I have a friend who belongs to a MAGA social club where women are not allowed to sit at the bar. These cretins won`t be voting for her or any other woman.
That 30% wasn't all GOP voters, numbnuts. And you're recycling the same arguments from 2016. I personally think you show increasing signs of overdosing on soy. I mean you already have to wear a bra, so just give it a rest already with the soy consumption.
Trump lost by 3 million votes in 2016.

Most GOP voters didn't vote at all.

But it's all kind of moot, since you can't hide Dementia Don's mental illness forever.
The RNC will want to hold a celebration victory, so you will have to wait for the Convention.

What did Trump promise Haley to drop out? And what if she endorses him?

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