On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

Excellent point, fellow lybyryl!

Drive it home, straight (no pun intended) into the heart of their bigotry and hatred, by citing the law that establishes businesses as public accommodations. This way, conservatard bigots will have no where to run, and no way to deny their own inability to fathom the absolute truth you've dropped on them.

So, do you reference yourself as a "tryll?"

Excellent point, fellow lybyryl!

Drive it home, straight (no pun intended) into the heart of their bigotry and hatred, by citing the law that establishes businesses as public accommodations. This way, conservatard bigots will have no where to run, and no way to deny their own inability to fathom the absolute truth you've dropped on them.

So, do you reference yourself as a "tryll?"


I have this mental picture of LiberalMedia sending correspondence in the first real job she finally lands, with words changed to reflect her attitudes on cultural bias...and the return message of "Huh? Is that a joke?"
Oh, Kaz, we know that you are sad that places where you can be openly homophobic are becoming fewer and fewer.

Pretty soon you'll all have to stay "in the closet".

On this EO. Awesome, Mr. President, way to go.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

Kaz, you are a fucking whack job extraordinaire with a bad case of ODS. Seek help. It's out there. Also, your reading comprehension does suck. Bad.

zeke, you are a fucking idiot extraordinaire with no ability to detect sarcasm. Seek help. It's out there. I assure you until you learn to detect it when it's so flagrantly obvious, people are bitch slapping you over and over.

As for reading comprehension, you just demonstrated you don't. I can't detect sarcasm for you, but I can give you a first step. It's not just you, note none of the other liberals like Joe or Seawytch get it even when I tell them it's sarcasm. In fact that's why I started doing it, nothing I said seriously sunk in. So I just started to have fun. So this first step is for all three of you. Step 1 is pull the stick out.

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