On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

So the far left is all in a their feel good mode over nothing, since this will protect maybe at the most 500 people. The far left just loves these feel good EO's and laws so they can feel justified for voting for worse than Bush.

14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.
So the far left is all in a their feel good mode over nothing, since this will protect maybe at the most 500 people. The far left just loves these feel good EO's and laws so they can feel justified for voting for worse than Bush.

interesting use of language. the far left to you is anyone who isn't a rightwingnut nut job.
So the far left is all in a their feel good mode over nothing, since this will protect maybe at the most 500 people. The far left just loves these feel good EO's and laws so they can feel justified for voting for worse than Bush.

14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.

It only "protects" those who work for government contractors. Since I do not work for one, it does squat for me.
So the far left is all in a their feel good mode over nothing, since this will protect maybe at the most 500 people. The far left just loves these feel good EO's and laws so they can feel justified for voting for worse than Bush.

14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.

It only "protects" those who work for government contractors. Since I do not work for one, it does squat for me.

True...which is why ENDA needs to be passed.
14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.

It only "protects" those who work for government contractors. Since I do not work for one, it does squat for me.

True...which is why ENDA needs to be passed.

Damn, finally admitted your were lying throughout this thread. Good to see, even if it took 244 posts.
It only "protects" those who work for government contractors. Since I do not work for one, it does squat for me.

True...which is why ENDA needs to be passed.

Damn, finally admitted your were lying throughout this thread. Good to see, even if it took 244 posts.

When did I say this had any affect on anyone but people contracting with the government? Do you have debates in your head that don't actually translate to the thread? Seems like it. :lol:
True...which is why ENDA needs to be passed.

Damn, finally admitted your were lying throughout this thread. Good to see, even if it took 244 posts.

When did I say this had any affect on anyone but people contracting with the government? Do you have debates in your head that don't actually translate to the thread? Seems like it. :lol:

Multiple times, like this post right here.

14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.

Like I said, it only protects people working for contractors, it has zip to do with me.

Want to apologize?
Damn, finally admitted your were lying throughout this thread. Good to see, even if it took 244 posts.

When did I say this had any affect on anyone but people contracting with the government? Do you have debates in your head that don't actually translate to the thread? Seems like it. :lol:

Multiple times, like this post right here.

14 million. This EO expanded protection for 14 million...and that's just the gays. Remember, this EO protects YOU too. It's ALL sexual orientation.

Like I said, it only protects people working for contractors, it has zip to do with me.

Want to apologize?

That post does not claim that the EO applies to anything other than contractors. You don't believe there are 14 million people employed by those that do contract with the government?

I'm not apologizing because you don't understand. :lol:

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Are you a federally contracted employee? If not then no they can't.

I am under a contract with the federal government to pay back my student loans. My university receives money from the federal government due to their acceptance of my federal student loan money. Therefore, if I request a gay wedding cake for lunch at my university cafeteria, they HAVE to make me one. Soon, universities all over the country will be baking gay wedding cakes every single day, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

If you want a neg make a clueless comment about my political affiliation.


"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Are you a federally contracted employee? If not then no they can't.

I am under a contract with the federal government to pay back my student loans. My university receives money from the federal government due to their acceptance of my federal student loan money. Therefore, if I request a gay wedding cake for lunch at my university cafeteria, they HAVE to make me one. Soon, universities all over the country will be baking gay wedding cakes every single day, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

If you want a neg make a clueless comment about my political affiliation.


Spoiled little child,gonna get its way one way or the other regardless.

For one a university shouldn't be backing any wedding cakes,for anyone regardless of the sexual preference.And safe bet they won't.Anyone that thinks forcing people to cater to other people whims is a very immature and selfish.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

I'm curious...why would you want to force someone to bake you a gay wedding cake that doesn't want to when there are a hundred that would LOVE to bake you a gay wedding cake? I personally don't have a problem with same sex marriage but I don't think I have the right to impose my beliefs on someone else. I do however have the right to take my business elsewhere and the amazing thing about THAT is it doesn't take government intervention to make all parties happy.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Are you a federally contracted employee? If not then no they can't.

I am under a contract with the federal government to pay back my student loans. My university receives money from the federal government due to their acceptance of my federal student loan money. Therefore, if I request a gay wedding cake for lunch at my university cafeteria, they HAVE to make me one. Soon, universities all over the country will be baking gay wedding cakes every single day, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

If you want a neg make a clueless comment about my political affiliation.

Universities don't make wedding cakes.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

I'm curious...why would you want to force someone to bake you a gay wedding cake that doesn't want to when there are a hundred that would LOVE to bake you a gay wedding cake?

Social progress cannot be made unless we carry all of society along with us. Often times, this means that we must drag the lower echelons of society--the racists, sexists, and other purveyors of unbridled discrimination--onward even as they kick and scream and insist that we're destroying "their" country, but it must be done.
Are you a federally contracted employee? If not then no they can't.

I am under a contract with the federal government to pay back my student loans. My university receives money from the federal government due to their acceptance of my federal student loan money. Therefore, if I request a gay wedding cake for lunch at my university cafeteria, they HAVE to make me one. Soon, universities all over the country will be baking gay wedding cakes every single day, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

If you want a neg make a clueless comment about my political affiliation.

Universities don't make wedding cakes.

Don't they? Even if you're right, this just means that I'll add another petition/protest to my list.

I will have my gay cake and gayly eat it, too.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

And you think this is a good thing??

Yes. Why do you seem to think it isn't? I'm assuming it has something to do with this:

Anyone that thinks forcing people to cater to other people whims is a very immature and selfish.

While I'm glad that you are clearly a proletariat expressing your malcontent with the bourgeoisie and are indicating your desire to rebel against and overthrow the management overclass forcing us to cater to their immature, selfish whims, I think that you're taking it just a bit too far here. Forcing the homophobic dregs of society to catch up with 21st-Century culture isn't a bad thing; this, friend, is what we call progress.
Obama would not have to issue executive orders IF congress would do its job. Think about this for a second; The House of Representatives will be taking the whole month of August off. That's right, they are not scheduled to meet until sometime in September and then for only 6 or 8 days. Recall, it is the republicans who believe welfare should not be given to people who don't work and yet they will be paid damn well for doing absolutely nothing. If that is not hypocrasy I do not know what is.
Obama would not have to issue executive orders IF congress would do its job. Think about this for a second; The House of Representatives will be taking the whole month of August off. That's right, they are not scheduled to meet until sometime in September and then for only 6 or 8 days. Recall, it is the republicans who believe welfare should not be given to people who don't work and yet they will be paid damn well for doing absolutely nothing. If that is not hypocrasy I do not know what is.

Dude, Congress ALWAYS shuts down for the August break. Some members go on vacations...most take this time to meet with their constituents and do a little fund raising. This isn't something that "snuck up" on people. The GOP led House has been sending bills to the Senate for the better part of two years now and Harry Reid has been tabling the majority of them...that means that Reid is not allowing them to even come to the floor for discussion, let alone a vote. So if Barry REALLY wants to start getting things done...all he needs to do is make a phone call to Harry Reid and tell him that it's time to stop obstructing House bills and time to start debating and voting on them on the floor of the Senate!

What's hypocritical is to accuse the GOP led House of not doing it's "job"...when in fact the House IS doing it's job and it's the Democratically controlled Senate that is not doing it's job!

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

And you think this is a good thing??

Yes. Why do you seem to think it isn't? I'm assuming it has something to do with this:

Anyone that thinks forcing people to cater to other people whims is a very immature and selfish.

While I'm glad that you are clearly a proletariat expressing your malcontent with the bourgeoisie and are indicating your desire to rebel against and overthrow the management overclass forcing us to cater to their immature, selfish whims, I think that you're taking it just a bit too far here. Forcing the homophobic dregs of society to catch up with 21st-Century culture isn't a bad thing; this, friend, is what we call progress.

Let me guess...PolySci major? :D:badgrin::D:lol: Don't worry...you'll start to figure it all out once you get out of college and into the real world. Until then...a piece of advice...big words are used by most people to hide how little they know...not to show how much.
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"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

I'm curious...why would you want to force someone to bake you a gay wedding cake that doesn't want to when there are a hundred that would LOVE to bake you a gay wedding cake?

Social progress cannot be made unless we carry all of society along with us. Often times, this means that we must drag the lower echelons of society--the racists, sexists, and other purveyors of unbridled discrimination--onward even as they kick and scream and insist that we're destroying "their" country, but it must be done.

My problem with that statement is who gets to decide what is "social progress" and what is not? What you're saying mirrors the justification that some really despicable people have used throughout history to impose "their" ideas of what progress is on others. Do YOU know what's best for everyone?

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