On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

If you consider fewer than a 3% success rate as "very successful".

I must say, you look much more comfortable in your new clothes. They seem to fit you better than the "I'm married but have nothing but contempt for people that want to be married" ensemble. :lol:

LOL, "new clothes." This is what you kept telling me you heard before, so it turns out that was a lie? No surprise there. You're a gayphobe, you're a gayphobe, you're a gayphobe. Aha, now the truth comes out, you are actually a gayphobe! LOL, what a dumb bimbo.

Repent your sins of sodomy and all will be forgiven, we have a just and forgiving God who will only doom you to eternal damnation if you don't repent your sins. Except for Obama, he's institutionalizing sodomy with this executive order, there is no forgiveness for that.

I never heard it from you...you hid this side of you so well pretending to loathe all married people, not just gay people. Glad you felt comfortable coming out...

My God, woman, your reading ability is atrocious. What grade did you drop out of school?
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It says he will keep the "Bush" exemption for religious hiring.

But to get that info you'd have to read a few paragraphs, meaning the USMB Tea Folk will never get that info.
Gosh, you do the raging homophobe thing so well...it's like you were born to it....but we KNOW that's a choice (unlike orientation):lol:

Like alcoholism, there is likely a genetic predisposition - but acting on it is purely a choice.

Have you tried a 12 step program?

She admitted that gays can be saved since she acknowledged that 3% that seek treatment are successfully cured. That just means it comes down to their commitment to lead a normal life and not be an abomination. Every gay snatched from the jaws of hell is a reason to celebrate.

Suppose Obama changed the order rather than to gays to just be gays who can prove they are seeking treatment? That seems like a good compromise and I'm nothing if I'm not reasonable.
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LOL, "new clothes." This is what you kept telling me you heard before, so it turns out that was a lie? No surprise there. You're a gayphobe, you're a gayphobe, you're a gayphobe. Aha, now the truth comes out, you are actually a gayphobe! LOL, what a dumb bimbo.

Repent your sins of sodomy and all will be forgiven, we have a just and forgiving God who will only doom you to eternal damnation if you don't repent your sins. Except for Obama, he's institutionalizing sodomy with this executive order, there is no forgiveness for that.

I never heard it from you...you hid this side of you so well pretending to loathe all married people, not just gay people. Glad you felt comfortable coming out...

My God, woman, your reading ability is atrocious. What grade did you drop out of school?

Since there's nothing wrong with my reading ability, maybe it's your writing ability that is so sorely lacking. It must really be tough on you not to be able to articulate your point.
Poor Kaz gets so upset when people won't argue the world where he wants it to be instead of where it actually is.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?

Or the lowest bidder can just follow the law if they want the business. That works, too.
I never heard it from you...you hid this side of you so well pretending to loathe all married people, not just gay people. Glad you felt comfortable coming out...

My God, woman, your reading ability is atrocious. What grade did you drop out of school?

Since there's nothing wrong with my reading ability, maybe it's your writing ability that is so sorely lacking. It must really be tough on you not to be able to articulate your point.

No, it's your reading. Your reading comprehension is awful, it's not even close. And that's not even referring to the chip on your shoulder.
An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?

Or the lowest bidder can just follow the law if they want the business. That works, too.

We can do A or B.

Joe: Or ... we can do A.

When you offer one of the already established choices, you don't use "or." You use or if you're introducing a new option. Glad I could educate you a bit on the English language there guy.
As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?

Or the lowest bidder can just follow the law if they want the business. That works, too.

We can do A or B.

Joe: Or ... we can do A.

When you offer one of the already established choices, you don't use "or." You use or if you're introducing a new option. Glad I could educate you a bit on the English language there guy.

Oh, Kaz, we know that you are sad that places where you can be openly homophobic are becoming fewer and fewer.

Pretty soon you'll all have to stay "in the closet".

On this EO. Awesome, Mr. President, way to go.
Or the lowest bidder can just follow the law if they want the business. That works, too.

We can do A or B.

Joe: Or ... we can do A.

When you offer one of the already established choices, you don't use "or." You use or if you're introducing a new option. Glad I could educate you a bit on the English language there guy.

Oh, Kaz, we know that you are sad that places where you can be openly homophobic are becoming fewer and fewer.

Pretty soon you'll all have to stay "in the closet".

On this EO. Awesome, Mr. President, way to go.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

Nope, I'm straight.

I just fucking hate religious assholes trying to impose themselves on other people.

So this is awesome. We all know that Religion is just another business, so hit them in the pocket book where it hurts.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

Nope, I'm straight.

I just fucking hate religious assholes trying to impose themselves on other people.

So this is awesome. We all know that Religion is just another business, so hit them in the pocket book where it hurts.

Repent your sodomy and you will be saved Joe. I will pray for you. As Seawytch can verify, gays can become straight with counseling. She already agreed with me on that.

You two geniuses are something. At least you're a hoot. But wow, you are gullible. It's incredible.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

Nope, I'm straight.

I just fucking hate religious assholes trying to impose themselves on other people.

So this is awesome. We all know that Religion is just another business, so hit them in the pocket book where it hurts.

Repent your sodomy and you will be saved Joe. I will pray for you. As Seawytch can verify, gays can become straight with counseling. She already agreed with me on that.

You two geniuses are something. At least you're a hoot. But wow, you are gullible. It's incredible.

Aw, dude, you need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You just aren't getting any.

There is no God.

And it's fun we have a president who finally recognizes that.
Nope, I'm straight.

I just fucking hate religious assholes trying to impose themselves on other people.

So this is awesome. We all know that Religion is just another business, so hit them in the pocket book where it hurts.

Repent your sodomy and you will be saved Joe. I will pray for you. As Seawytch can verify, gays can become straight with counseling. She already agreed with me on that.

You two geniuses are something. At least you're a hoot. But wow, you are gullible. It's incredible.

Aw, dude, you need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You just aren't getting any.

There is no God.

And it's fun we have a president who finally recognizes that.

No, I'm not getting any homosexual sex, you can have that one until you repent and Obama stops validating it with executive orders. You will both answer for that.

Are you really this stupid, Joe? I realize that what you post says you are, but it doesn't seem possible.
Repent your sodomy and you will be saved Joe. I will pray for you. As Seawytch can verify, gays can become straight with counseling. She already agreed with me on that.

You two geniuses are something. At least you're a hoot. But wow, you are gullible. It's incredible.

Aw, dude, you need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You just aren't getting any.

There is no God.

And it's fun we have a president who finally recognizes that.

No, I'm not getting any homosexual sex, you can have that one until you repent and Obama stops validating it with executive orders. You will both answer for that.

Are you really this stupid, Joe? I realize that what you post says you are, but it doesn't seem possible.

I hope you are having as much fun posting as I am reading your posts.
So the far left is all in a their feel good mode over nothing, since this will protect maybe at the most 500 people. The far left just loves these feel good EO's and laws so they can feel justified for voting for worse than Bush.
Repent your sodomy and you will be saved Joe. I will pray for you. As Seawytch can verify, gays can become straight with counseling. She already agreed with me on that.

You two geniuses are something. At least you're a hoot. But wow, you are gullible. It's incredible.

Aw, dude, you need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You just aren't getting any.

There is no God.

And it's fun we have a president who finally recognizes that.

No, I'm not getting any homosexual sex, you can have that one until you repent and Obama stops validating it with executive orders. You will both answer for that.

Are you really this stupid, Joe? I realize that what you post says you are, but it doesn't seem possible.

You guys have to either hire the gays or not take those lucrative government contracts.

and no exemptions for religious idiots. Good for him.

This is a great day for reason and fairness, and a bad day for bigotry and superstition.

"President Obama, resisting calls from several prominent faith leaders, will not include a new exemption for religiously affiliated government contractors when he issues an executive order Monday barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, the White House said Friday."

What's a 'religiously affiliated government contractor?'
We can do A or B.

Joe: Or ... we can do A.

When you offer one of the already established choices, you don't use "or." You use or if you're introducing a new option. Glad I could educate you a bit on the English language there guy.

Oh, Kaz, we know that you are sad that places where you can be openly homophobic are becoming fewer and fewer.

Pretty soon you'll all have to stay "in the closet".

On this EO. Awesome, Mr. President, way to go.

So you're saying you're a queer? I should have suspected that.

Obama's not a queer, but he's a sinner. This order is another sin against Christian America.

Kaz, you are a fucking whack job extraordinaire with a bad case of ODS. Seek help. It's out there. Also, your reading comprehension does suck. Bad.

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