On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

NLT brings up a good point...I know, I'm shocked too...but should she not get a job or get fired because she's so obviously a "dyke", especially when the redneck that wouldn't hire her would hire a dude that looks just like her?
Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

myself, I think this just breeds more hate against them with government showing Favoritism towards them over the rest of the people, but they don't seem to care. so I'm not going to care either

How is the government showing favoritism by treating them exactly like people are treated regardless of race, religion, country of origin, gender, age, veterans status etc (all Federally protected, Steph)? Do you hate all those people because you can't fire them like you hate gays because they're protected by Federal workplace laws too?

oh spare us the dramatics
You already couldn't be fired over who you like to sleep with...and there are so few transgender's in the country and because THEY went and had an operation they need special laws favored on them
this move is meaningless and is discriminatory against the rest of the people... as we ALREADY had laws on the books that provided ALL of us these protections...now I'm done arguing with someone who thinks you need "special laws" passed for you and see nothing wrong with this president (using YOU) IN dividing this country even more
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.. as we ALREADY had laws on the books that provided ALL of us these protections...
Which laws? The U.S. as a whole has always been employment at will. Montana, I believe, is the only state where an employed must show cause. Most states have some restrictions, such as prohibiting the firing of whistle-blowers, and 36 states have an "implied contract" rule where if the employee can show there was an implied contract of employment then those terms must be met, but that can be hard to prove. Employment at will is the standard for the U.S.
What exactly is he signing??

More of this:

NLT brings up a good point...I know, I'm shocked too...but should she not get a job or get fired because she's so obviously a "dyke", especially when the redneck that wouldn't hire her would hire a dude that looks just like her?

Right. We understand. We know what you are. You're all about this:

Either you don't get to fire me for being gay or I get to fire Christians for being Christians. Fair enough?

My God, you are just stupid. I apologize for giving you a hard time. I thought you were being difficult. But you really are just that stupid. Yes, I believe you can fire someone for being gay, Christian, not gay, having blue eyes or whatever you want. The marketplace protects workers, the government oppresses everyone.

I don't know how many times I can tell you that for it to sink in. I will no longer take you seriously, so we're good.
In extending the new protections, Mr. Obama is building on two longstanding executive orders. He is adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protections that apply to federal contractors and that were approved by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. And he is adding gender identity as a protected category to a 1969 directive by President Richard M. Nixon that applies to federal employees, which was later amended by President Bill Clinton to include sexual orientation.​

"Dictator" Obama is just adding "the gheys" to "dictator Johnson and Nixon's" EOs.

You missed this part:

President George W. Bush had amended Johnson's order in 2002 to allow religious groups to hire and fire based upon religious identity. Churches also are able to hire ministers as they see fit. The senior administration officials said Obama will not change those exemptions.

Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?

It says mostly in social services areas. Homeless shelters and such I would guess.
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol

Isn't the current unemployment rate down to 6.1% (June 2014)? That means that people like you described are not part of the 93.9% of the people who are employed.
ummmm only 59% of the (adult civilian non-institutional) population is employed. The UE rate is the percent of the Labor Force (employed plus unemployed), not percent of the population.

Thanks for bringing that up; I'm sure that you know that:
"The American labor force, as a share of the overall population, has been shrinking for more than a decade. A detailed new report from the White House Council of Economic Advisers estimates the majority of that decline has been driven by the retirement of the Baby Boom generation and that only one-sixth of the decline is clearly attributable to the weak economy."
White House Economists See Few Labor Force Dropouts Returning - Real Time Economics - WSJ
About what? That the policy remains the same for all minorities? How am I wrong about that?

You don't remember claiming that there aren't that many churches that get money form the federal government?

And Kaz made the same claim. You still haven't posted any actual numbers to back up yours. How many churches?

I pointed out why you claim is wrong since almost every homeless shelter and food kitchen is run by a church of some type. Just so you don't go all bigoted on me, quite a few of them aren't Christian. I know of one Ashram that operates a soup kitchen, and they never hire anyone who isn't a Buddhist. There are also other services offered by churches that involve federal dollars being spent, which is why the religious exemption those services is a part of US law. Obama has effectively told all religions that they no longer have a say in who they hire if they take federal money. Anyone who thinks that is proof he cares about the rights of individuals is deluded, all it shows is that he is pandering to idiots.

Does it make you feel good that he is pandering to you?

By the way, kaz actually said that it was a small percentage of churches, not that there were only a few. There is a difference, even if you don't understand it. Personally, I think kaz is right, even if I don't know the exact percentage, but that still leaves a lot of churches doing business with the government.
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Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

The fucking EO does not add gays to existing legislation, oh she who is so stupid she thinks Obama can rewrite the law. Only Congress has the power to add gays to existing legislation, all Obama is doing is posturing for the idiots by ordering federal contractors not to do something they aren't doing anyway.
I support equality. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp? There are Federal hiring and firing protections for minorities are there not? Either get rid of them all or include the gays in them, it's that simple.

Not simple, simplistic. And as such, naive. Free markets protect minorities. Government oppresses. The idea that you can give politicians and bureaucrats the monopolistic use of force to unilaterally impose their will and they will use that power to protect minorities is just delusional.

Either way, it's my argument, which you consistently fail to address. You just continue to strawman words into my mouth and commit the logical fallacy of begging the question with your arguments. You can Google what that means, I'm not explaining it to you again. But a rational argument goes with addressing what I actually said and not assuming the truth of your own position that government prevents any discrimination.

Right, you think the free market protections minorities (although that has worked where?) but are not doing anything about it except "thinking" and "talking". Have you EVER called your legislator to demand that all non discrimination laws and policies be done away with? Hell, ever even started one of those useless online petitions? No, you just bitch and moan because gays get treated like other minorities.

Good luck with your fight against anti-discrimination laws...that isn't really a fight, just a bitch session.

The only place the free market didn't protect minorities is when the government stepped in and made it illegal for them to do so.

Feel free to attempt to prove me wrong.
Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

myself, I think this just breeds more hate against them with government showing Favoritism towards them over the rest of the people, but they don't seem to care. so I'm not going to care either

How is the government showing favoritism by treating them exactly like people are treated regardless of race, religion, country of origin, gender, age, veterans status etc (all Federally protected, Steph)? Do you hate all those people because you can't fire them like you hate gays because they're protected by Federal workplace laws too?

By telling one group of people that they have to hire another group.

Any other questions, oh she who thinks with her sex organs?
Not simple, simplistic. And as such, naive. Free markets protect minorities. Government oppresses. The idea that you can give politicians and bureaucrats the monopolistic use of force to unilaterally impose their will and they will use that power to protect minorities is just delusional.

Either way, it's my argument, which you consistently fail to address. You just continue to strawman words into my mouth and commit the logical fallacy of begging the question with your arguments. You can Google what that means, I'm not explaining it to you again. But a rational argument goes with addressing what I actually said and not assuming the truth of your own position that government prevents any discrimination.

Right, you think the free market protections minorities (although that has worked where?) but are not doing anything about it except "thinking" and "talking". Have you EVER called your legislator to demand that all non discrimination laws and policies be done away with? Hell, ever even started one of those useless online petitions? No, you just bitch and moan because gays get treated like other minorities.

Good luck with your fight against anti-discrimination laws...that isn't really a fight, just a bitch session.

The only place the free market didn't protect minorities is when the government stepped in and made it illegal for them to do so.

Feel free to attempt to prove me wrong.

Exactly! Only government can warp free markets because only government can use force and remove choice. And they do at every opportunity...
Either you don't get to fire me for being gay or I get to fire Christians for being Christians. Fair enough?

My God, you are just stupid. I apologize for giving you a hard time. I thought you were being difficult. But you really are just that stupid. Yes, I believe you can fire someone for being gay, Christian, not gay, having blue eyes or whatever you want. The marketplace protects workers, the government oppresses everyone.

I don't know how many times I can tell you that for it to sink in. I will no longer take you seriously, so we're good.

I realize that is what you "believe"...good for you. I can't fire a Christian because Federal Law prohibits it. Either gays get added to existing protections or all protections get removed. You want them all removed, so call your legislator.
You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it

"You people"?

And I just showed you what the "REST of the people in the country" think about it. Why are you ignoring it?

oh please you can find any poll to fit your views

no different from you posting your copy and paste articles.

oh steph, everything you say there is a reference anyone can go back to to say you do it.
Either you don't get to fire me for being gay or I get to fire Christians for being Christians. Fair enough?

My God, you are just stupid. I apologize for giving you a hard time. I thought you were being difficult. But you really are just that stupid. Yes, I believe you can fire someone for being gay, Christian, not gay, having blue eyes or whatever you want. The marketplace protects workers, the government oppresses everyone.

I don't know how many times I can tell you that for it to sink in. I will no longer take you seriously, so we're good.

I realize that is what you "believe"...good for you. I can't fire a Christian because Federal Law prohibits it. Either gays get added to existing protections or all protections get removed. You want them all removed, so call your legislator.

Well, in the new testament Paul called homosexuality an abomination. That's the freaking new testament, not even the old. How can the government protect anyone the New Testament calls an abomination? Obama's cavorting with the devil on this, he will one day have to answer for this executive order, and not with the voters.
I simply can't wait for a Republican President to sign an EO which cancels all of Obama's.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth by the Left will be epic.
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"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Pay attention...only if that cake baker is seeking a federal contract. :D

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