On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol
Betcha drawing food stamps and unemployment huh?
Obama enjoys stripping away codes of conduct put forward by our society .

Pretty much the same with the guys in your avatar?

Unlike you who look to the Government for permission to wipe your ass and how to wipe your ass ,big difference comparing that to an avatar.:eusa_clap:

LOL, that's a pretty funny assumption on your part because I certainly don't "look to the Government for permission to wipe my ass and how to wipe my ass .", Now I would really like to see you find a post of mine that actually states that silly shit that you accused me of wanting. :)
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol

Isn't the current unemployment rate down to 6.1% (June 2014)? That means that people like you described are not part of the 93.9% of the people who are employed.

To Obama's credit, this graph actually shows what happened to the unemployment rate after his policies pretty much became implemented. I'm not a big fan of his, but that is a pretty good drop in the unemployment rate after he inherited a disaster.


You really believe the Unemployment is 6.1 % :poop:? You really should get out more or better yet go to any major city and have look-about :ahole-1:.


Take it up with the BLS, Forbes, and other financial publications. Where do you get your "statistics" from? I get out plenty enough, I see how different demographic areas live (From rural, suburban, to urban) and see that many people seem pretty comfortable and are going on about their lives. I also see a minority of people struggling or dependent on the government in some way shape or form for assistance.

You should take your own advice, clear your mind, and look at things objectively instead of doing it in such an angry way. We all are in most ways responsible for where we are in life; some people have it good, some have pretty good, some have it no so good, and some have it bad. Looking for a scapegoat instead of looking within to blame your woes on, is not a really good way to make your life better.
“With the strokes of a pen, the president will have a very real and immediate impact on the lives of millions of LGBT people across the country,” said Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group.

The officials said that means the change will probably take effect by early next year.


Yes..I guess Obama is going to hire millions of new LBGT employees ....More people for the taxpayers to take care of.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.
And?....it doesn't change anything. These laws were already in place.
This is symbolic. And of course it got the attention of the emotionally over active knee jerk left.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

I read that it doesn't affect hiring what so ever which I support..

Let's just fucking make it mandatory and force businesses to hire anyfuckingbody.. criminals, cross dressers, people who have a lousy work history, dung beetle eating clowns, etc etc.. FUCK IT.. The government should be the judge and jury on how, when, why, and where.. after all, he only has two more yrs left and then most likely we'll have a Conservative as our President.. He can take his handy dandy pen and say whatever he feels or thinks is right.. Fuck the Constitution and Congress.. why the hell do we even need them any longer?

great! you went full on retard over this. The idea is that you are highered based on qualifications and not who you like to sleep with.

But sure, lets assume its your dumbass answer.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

No, he's banning discrimination in government.

Something that was already done a couple of years ago.

This is just a futile attempt by Obama to stay in the good graces of his base.

I think he's going to come up with something for Blacks, women, and maybe Hispanics pretty soon.

This EO is absolutely essential taking into consideration current events. :eusa_angel:


"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

No, he's banning discrimination in government.

Something that was already done a couple of years ago.

This is just a futile attempt by Obama to stay in the good graces of his base.

I think he's going to come up with something for Blacks, women, and maybe Hispanics pretty soon.

This EO is absolutely essential taking into consideration current events. :eusa_angel:


for what reason? he is done in 16...he doesnt need to do shit
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

That's great! Now if it could be expanded to all workplaces!
President Obama has been urging the private sector to follow suit for a while now. More protections could be passed immediately if the House would get off their butts and actually do some work to help this matter along. But they don't want to do any work as they think that any legislation passed would give President Obama the credit. So while they continue to play politics instead of do work as they were sent to Washington to do, Middle Class Americans continue to suffer.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

No, he's banning discrimination in government.

Something that was already done a couple of years ago.

This is just a futile attempt by Obama to stay in the good graces of his base.

I think he's going to come up with something for Blacks, women, and maybe Hispanics pretty soon.

This EO is absolutely essential taking into consideration current events. :eusa_angel:


for what reason? he is done in 16...he doesnt need to do shit

Yet he keeps running around in circles and pretending he is.
Gays should be treated, by the government, like ALL minorities

LOL, so you support majority vote as sufficient to remove the liberty and property of minorities, but you want to protect minorities. You're the majority, who wants to protect you, the minority. LOL, I couldn't make up the crap you actually believe.

Want to talk about an oppressed minority in this country? Five percent of us pay 60% of Federal taxes. We are then targeted by politicians and bureaucrats who aren't satisfied with that and want more. Come join the minority!

I support equality. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp? There are Federal hiring and firing protections for minorities are there not? Either get rid of them all or include the gays in them, it's that simple.

If YOU think they are no longer needed, do something about it, but don't just bitch and moan because now gays are included in Federal law. (Don't worry folks, you can still fire the gays in 32 states just for being gay!)

I'm in the "minority" that pays Federal Taxes, thanks...and now I get the same tax breaks YOU get. How terrible...
LOL, I guess you've given up on content since you suck at that so you're going to focus on reading emotions, which you suck at too. Maybe you should just take a deep breath and wait until something that isn't idiotic occurs to you.

Right. I'm focusing on emotion and not responding with any actual content. Sure.

Have you called your legislator? Let's get rid of these non discrimination policies, come on!

I see, so talking to you about thinking outside the box and questioning that which you are told is a stupid waste of time? You're probably right...

BTW, you suddenly got that I'm against all discrimination laws? Baby steps, but progress.

You say you're against all anti discrimination laws, but since you actually don't do anything about it, it sure seems like it's just because you don't like gays. Nobody ever seemed to give a damn about these anti discrimination laws until they protect someone they REALLY don't like...like gays. It's like the hate crime laws. You never heard anyone railing about those...again until gays were included in them. Funny that.
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

No, he's banning discrimination in government.

Something that was already done a couple of years ago.

This is just a futile attempt by Obama to stay in the good graces of his base.

I think he's going to come up with something for Blacks, women, and maybe Hispanics pretty soon.

This EO is absolutely essential taking into consideration current events. :eusa_angel:

Why would he need to stay in our good graces, he's not running again.

And no, this wasn't done "a couple of years ago" or he wouldn't have needed the EO.

He has expanded on existing legislation, yes, but he added stuff to it that wasn't there "a couple of years ago".
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

Homosexuals were already included IN ALL our laws we already HAVE
that you find nothing wrong with him singling out a group over EVERYONE in the country isn't a surprise
don't whine because this might turn more people OFF instead in your all's favor wanting acceptance from people
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

Homosexuals were already included IN ALL our laws we already HAVE
that you find nothing wrong with him singling out a group over EVERYONE in the country isn't a surprise
don't whine because this might turn more people OFF instead in your all's favor wanting acceptance from people

Nope, but we're getting there thanks to President Obama. This EO certainly brings us one step closer.

Why would this EO "turn people off" since it is what a majority of Americans want?

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research fielded the poll of likely 2012 voters in the first and second weeks of April 2011. Nearly three-fourths of voters (73 percent) support protecting gay and transgender people from workplace discrimination. This support cuts across political party affiliation, with 81 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 66 percent of Republicans supporting workplace nondiscrimination laws for gay and transgender people.​

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