On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

So you don't want to push for legislation to get rid of non discrimination laws, you just want to whine about them on the internet. GTK

Hey, I'm sorry I made you cry, sweetie. If you can't post without getting so upset, maybe you shouldn't come here, it's not going to get any easier. Here's a tissue.

Hmm, in reviewing the posts, it seems like you are the one getting upset. I asked you about the proposed legislation to do what you want, end all non discrimination policies. Where is it? Have you contacted your legislator?

You're the one who keeps talking about people's emotions. I was mocking you for it. You really, really suck at it BTW, I'd stick to the discussion.
Strawman. He's absolutely right, you're pulling in all sorts of crap neither of us said. You obviously want to argue with Republicans and not libertarians about this, so why don't you stop being such an idiot and do that instead of talking to libertarians like you actually believe we are Republicans?

And you are full of shit up to your ears. I say all the time I am against discrimination laws and all other laws that regulate hiring practices or wages. And I constantly say the best protection for employees is a free market where they can fire idiot bosses and work for good ones. And you are full of shit that I say anything even remotely supportive of that sort of discrimination legislation ever and you are full of shit that I didn't say it until it included gays and you're full of shit that I think gay should be treated any differently than anyone else in the workplace. I just say it's not a job for government. Black isn't a job for government. Woman isn't a job for government. I believe in ... free ... markets ... And I say so all the time.

This isn't your day. You're just a pile of stinking dung on this. I'm not wasting my time with you if you can't argue my views. If you want to argue with a Republican, it's easy to find one on this site. Why don't you do that instead of being such a dumb ass.

My, so angry and nasty...just because gays get treated the same BY THE GOVERNMENT as ever fucking body else...but it's not about the gheys for you.

And I've got a bridge or two to sell ya.

I hope you're not a counselor for a living because you suck at reading people. I am trying to get your attention. Sometimes you are coherent and can follow a conversation and you seem to enjoy thinking more than typical liberal black and white, right and left, Republican and Democrat. Sometimes like now you tell me you are a dolt who's incapable of independent thought and I should not waste any time on you.

LOL, you're a homosexual who wants to boil the world down to simple, brain dead stereotypes. You are so like the people you hate.

Oh the irony of the guy ascribing so many ideals to liberals and to me in particular. :lol:

Gays should be treated, by the government, like ALL minorities. You want to get rid of the protections, go for it, until then you can't treat gays any differently than, say blacks, when it comes to the government.
Hey, I'm sorry I made you cry, sweetie. If you can't post without getting so upset, maybe you shouldn't come here, it's not going to get any easier. Here's a tissue.

Hmm, in reviewing the posts, it seems like you are the one getting upset. I asked you about the proposed legislation to do what you want, end all non discrimination policies. Where is it? Have you contacted your legislator?

You're the one who keeps talking about people's emotions. I was mocking you for it. You really, really suck at it BTW, I'd stick to the discussion.

Except I wasn't the one who seemed so upset, you are.
What money does government give to churches? I am unaware of this.

Dude! You have not heard of the Faith Based Initiative? :eek:

Google "President Bush White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI)", without the quotation marks.

White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The government gave more than $1 billion in 2003 to organizations it considers "faith-based," with some going to programs where prayer and spiritual guidance are central and some to organizations that do not consider themselves religious at all.

Over $1 Billion To 'Faith-Based' - CBS News

OK, so you're referring to a tiny percentage of the churches, I thought you were referring to something more general.

According to Windbag it's a HUGE number...
Hmm, in reviewing the posts, it seems like you are the one getting upset. I asked you about the proposed legislation to do what you want, end all non discrimination policies. Where is it? Have you contacted your legislator?

You're the one who keeps talking about people's emotions. I was mocking you for it. You really, really suck at it BTW, I'd stick to the discussion.

Except I wasn't the one who seemed so upset, you are.

LOL, I guess you've given up on content since you suck at that so you're going to focus on reading emotions, which you suck at too. Maybe you should just take a deep breath and wait until something that isn't idiotic occurs to you.
According to Windbag it's a HUGE number...

Liberal politicians can blow through a billion over coffee and suddenly it's big to you?

Anyway, that wasn't my point, I thought g5000 was saying most churches take government money. He wasn't saying that.
You're the one who keeps talking about people's emotions. I was mocking you for it. You really, really suck at it BTW, I'd stick to the discussion.

Except I wasn't the one who seemed so upset, you are.

LOL, I guess you've given up on content since you suck at that so you're going to focus on reading emotions, which you suck at too. Maybe you should just take a deep breath and wait until something that isn't idiotic occurs to you.

Right. I'm focusing on emotion and not responding with any actual content. Sure.

Have you called your legislator? Let's get rid of these non discrimination policies, come on!
According to Windbag it's a HUGE number...

Liberal politicians can blow through a billion over coffee and suddenly it's big to you?

Anyway, that wasn't my point, I thought g5000 was saying most churches take government money. He wasn't saying that.

Not me, windbag. He believes the number to be huge.
Gays should be treated, by the government, like ALL minorities

LOL, so you support majority vote as sufficient to remove the liberty and property of minorities, but you want to protect minorities. You're the majority, who wants to protect you, the minority. LOL, I couldn't make up the crap you actually believe.

Want to talk about an oppressed minority in this country? Five percent of us pay 60% of Federal taxes. We are then targeted by politicians and bureaucrats who aren't satisfied with that and want more. Come join the minority!
Except I wasn't the one who seemed so upset, you are.

LOL, I guess you've given up on content since you suck at that so you're going to focus on reading emotions, which you suck at too. Maybe you should just take a deep breath and wait until something that isn't idiotic occurs to you.

Right. I'm focusing on emotion and not responding with any actual content. Sure.

Have you called your legislator? Let's get rid of these non discrimination policies, come on!

I see, so talking to you about thinking outside the box and questioning that which you are told is a stupid waste of time? You're probably right...

BTW, you suddenly got that I'm against all discrimination laws? Baby steps, but progress.
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"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.
Too Much Liberal Fail:
...discrimination against LGBT people employed by federal contractors.
Notice it's not Private Sector. It's not Federal Government Workers. It's Federal Contractors.
What exactly is he signing??

He is ordering that Government Contracts be awarded to well connected looters. Since Obama is gay, the most well connected are those from the gay community. Obama is ordering that contracts be awarded to them, and denied to any who question of object to the gay agenda.

That Obama is part black is irrelevant, that he is gay is a fucking disaster.
Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

The fucking point is you were wrong.

About what? That the policy remains the same for all minorities? How am I wrong about that?

You don't remember claiming that there aren't that many churches that get money form the federal government?

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.
Too Much Liberal Fail:
...discrimination against LGBT people employed by federal contractors.
Notice it's not Private Sector. It's not Federal Government Workers. It's Federal Contractors.

Somewhere along the line, most businesses are affected by federal money. This EO will expand to include all of them, and then will expand to bar those companies from doing business with other companies that still discriminate.

Prepare your anus, conservatard, it's about to get savagely pounded by President Obama's Pen of Social Justice, while he slaps your fascist cheeks with the Phone of Liberation.

I'd tell you to write your Congressman if you're unhappy about all this, but Congress can't save you now. No one can. Equality is coming and there's nothing you bigots can do to stop it.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.
Too Much Liberal Fail:
...discrimination against LGBT people employed by federal contractors.
Notice it's not Private Sector. It's not Federal Government Workers. It's Federal Contractors.

Somewhere along the line, most businesses are affected by federal money. This EO will expand to include all of them, and then will expand to bar those companies from doing business with other companies that still discriminate.

Prepare your anus, conservatard, it's about to get savagely pounded by President Obama's Pen of Social Justice, while he slaps your fascist cheeks with the Phone of Liberation.

I'd tell you to write your Congressman if you're unhappy about all this, but Congress can't save you now. No one can. Equality is coming and there's nothing you bigots can do to stop it.

Actually, it won't.
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol

Isn't the current unemployment rate down to 6.1% (June 2014)? That means that people like you described are not part of the 93.9% of the people who are employed.

To Obama's credit, this graph actually shows what happened to the unemployment rate after his policies pretty much became implemented. I'm not a big fan of his, but that is a pretty good drop in the unemployment rate after he inherited a disaster.

Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol

Isn't the current unemployment rate down to 6.1% (June 2014)? That means that people like you described are not part of the 93.9% of the people who are employed.

To Obama's credit, this graph actually shows what happened to the unemployment rate after his policies pretty much became implemented. I'm not a big fan of his, but that is a pretty good drop in the unemployment rate after he inherited a disaster.


You really believe the Unemployment is 6.1 % :poop:? You really should get out more or better yet go to any major city and have look-about :ahole-1:.

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