On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

Homosexuals were already included IN ALL our laws we already HAVE
that you find nothing wrong with him singling out a group over EVERYONE in the country isn't a surprise
don't whine because this might turn more people OFF instead in your all's favor wanting acceptance from people

Nope, but we're getting there thanks to President Obama. This EO certainly brings us one step closer.

Why would this EO "turn people off" since it is what a majority of Americans want?

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research fielded the poll of likely 2012 voters in the first and second weeks of April 2011. Nearly three-fourths of voters (73 percent) support protecting gay and transgender people from workplace discrimination. This support cuts across political party affiliation, with 81 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 66 percent of Republicans supporting workplace nondiscrimination laws for gay and transgender people.​

You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it
Homosexuals were already included IN ALL our laws we already HAVE
that you find nothing wrong with him singling out a group over EVERYONE in the country isn't a surprise
don't whine because this might turn more people OFF instead in your all's favor wanting acceptance from people

Nope, but we're getting there thanks to President Obama. This EO certainly brings us one step closer.

Why would this EO "turn people off" since it is what a majority of Americans want?

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research fielded the poll of likely 2012 voters in the first and second weeks of April 2011. Nearly three-fourths of voters (73 percent) support protecting gay and transgender people from workplace discrimination. This support cuts across political party affiliation, with 81 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 66 percent of Republicans supporting workplace nondiscrimination laws for gay and transgender people.​

You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it

"You people"?

And I just showed you what the "REST of the people in the country" think about it. Why are you ignoring it?
I support equality. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp? There are Federal hiring and firing protections for minorities are there not? Either get rid of them all or include the gays in them, it's that simple.

Not simple, simplistic. And as such, naive. Free markets protect minorities. Government oppresses. The idea that you can give politicians and bureaucrats the monopolistic use of force to unilaterally impose their will and they will use that power to protect minorities is just delusional.

Either way, it's my argument, which you consistently fail to address. You just continue to strawman words into my mouth and commit the logical fallacy of begging the question with your arguments. You can Google what that means, I'm not explaining it to you again. But a rational argument goes with addressing what I actually said and not assuming the truth of your own position that government prevents any discrimination.
You say you're against all anti discrimination laws, but since you actually don't do anything about it

Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate. You seriously should learn what "begging the question" means because you do it all the time.

it sure seems like it's just because you don't like gays. Nobody ever seemed to give a damn about these anti discrimination laws until they protect someone they REALLY don't like...like gays. It's like the hate crime laws. You never heard anyone railing about those...again until gays were included in them. Funny that.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread? Delusional. Clearly if in a thread about gays I don't bring up my view of blacks, that means I hate gays. You are a waste of time. I'm going to take a break from you because you are wasting mine. Don't take if I don't respond to you for a while that you're on ignore, you're not. You're on my not interesting enough to respond to list because you won't address what I say or defend your own positions, you'll just assume they are correct.
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I support equality. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp? There are Federal hiring and firing protections for minorities are there not? Either get rid of them all or include the gays in them, it's that simple.

Not simple, simplistic. And as such, naive. Free markets protect minorities. Government oppresses. The idea that you can give politicians and bureaucrats the monopolistic use of force to unilaterally impose their will and they will use that power to protect minorities is just delusional.

Either way, it's my argument, which you consistently fail to address. You just continue to strawman words into my mouth and commit the logical fallacy of begging the question with your arguments. You can Google what that means, I'm not explaining it to you again. But a rational argument goes with addressing what I actually said and not assuming the truth of your own position that government prevents any discrimination.

Right, you think the free market protections minorities (although that has worked where?) but are not doing anything about it except "thinking" and "talking". Have you EVER called your legislator to demand that all non discrimination laws and policies be done away with? Hell, ever even started one of those useless online petitions? No, you just bitch and moan because gays get treated like other minorities.

Good luck with your fight against anti-discrimination laws...that isn't really a fight, just a bitch session.
You say you're against all anti discrimination laws, but since you actually don't do anything about it

Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate.

it sure seems like it's just because you don't like gays. Nobody ever seemed to give a damn about these anti discrimination laws until they protect someone they REALLY don't like...like gays. It's like the hate crime laws. You never heard anyone railing about those...again until gays were included in them. Funny that.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread. You are a waste of time.

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:
Nope, but we're getting there thanks to President Obama. This EO certainly brings us one step closer.

Why would this EO "turn people off" since it is what a majority of Americans want?

Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research fielded the poll of likely 2012 voters in the first and second weeks of April 2011. Nearly three-fourths of voters (73 percent) support protecting gay and transgender people from workplace discrimination. This support cuts across political party affiliation, with 81 percent of Democrats, 74 percent of independents, and 66 percent of Republicans supporting workplace nondiscrimination laws for gay and transgender people.​

You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it

"You people"?

And I just showed you what the "REST of the people in the country" think about it. Why are you ignoring it?

oh please you can find any poll to fit your views
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol

Isn't the current unemployment rate down to 6.1% (June 2014)? That means that people like you described are not part of the 93.9% of the people who are employed.
ummmm only 59% of the (adult civilian non-institutional) population is employed. The UE rate is the percent of the Labor Force (employed plus unemployed), not percent of the population.
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You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it

"You people"?

And I just showed you what the "REST of the people in the country" think about it. Why are you ignoring it?

oh please you can find any poll to fit your views

She's falling back on the inherent truth of liberalism. Check and mate in any discussion. All you have to do to prove her wrong is do so without violating the inherent truth of liberalism, then she'll get it.
You people are full of it
whatever, you don't care how it looks to the REST of the people in the country, so be it

"You people"?

And I just showed you what the "REST of the people in the country" think about it. Why are you ignoring it?

oh please you can find any poll to fit your views

Ah, the old "those grapes were sour" defense. Most people support workplace protections and anti discrimination laws for gays and lesbians. This is a fact. People are often shocked to find out that you can fire people in 32 states just for being gay. Until I can fire you just for being Christian, you shouldn't be able to fire me just because I'm gay don't you think?
You say you're against all anti discrimination laws, but since you actually don't do anything about it

Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate.

it sure seems like it's just because you don't like gays. Nobody ever seemed to give a damn about these anti discrimination laws until they protect someone they REALLY don't like...like gays. It's like the hate crime laws. You never heard anyone railing about those...again until gays were included in them. Funny that.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread. You are a waste of time.

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:

Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?
Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread. You are a waste of time.

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:

Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

myself, I think this just breeds more hate against them with government showing Favoritism towards them over the rest of the people, but they don't seem to care. so I'm not going to care either
Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread. You are a waste of time.

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:

Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

Insults are the last bastion of someone with no argument left.

Employers know you're gay for the same reason they know you're straight, you talk to co-workers. You know, I've never told anyone I was gay that didn't ask. Odd how that works out isn't it?

Are only straights allowed to display pictures of their families on their desks or talk about what they did that weekend? Are only straights allowed to put their spouses on their insurance? People you work with don't know you're straight and married? You don't wear a wedding ring?

I lived in the employer closet for two decades, it's not a good place to be, living in constant fear of losing your career and livelihood simply for the consenting adult you're in love with.
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

can you explain WHY he did not go thru congress to get this "showering favors" for Qweers [SIC]

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:

Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

myself, I think this just breeds more hate against them with government showing Favoritism towards them over the rest of the people, but they don't seem to care. so I'm not going to care either

How is the government showing favoritism by treating them exactly like people are treated regardless of race, religion, country of origin, gender, age, veterans status etc (all Federally protected, Steph)? Do you hate all those people because you can't fire them like you hate gays because they're protected by Federal workplace laws too?
Obama being that great UNITER again

what group of people hasn't he showered favors on yet?

I wonder how the MAJORITY of people feels certain groups get their OWN LAWS bestowed on them?

So you believe that adding gays to existing legislation protecting other minorities is "showering favors"?

He made a campaign promise and now he's kept it.

can you explain WHY he did not go thru congress to get this "showering favors" for Qweers [SIC]


Absolutely. Because the Republican led Congress won't let anything the President has shown any interest in doing, up for a vote. If the Boehner would put ENDA up for a full House vote, it would pass. Same thing with the Senate's immigration reform bill they passed.

How is adding sexual orientation to existing Federal Workplace protections "showering favors" and to what end? He's not running for re-election you know.
Insults are the last bastion of someone with no argument left.

That's true, they are. They are also fun when I'm arguing with a moron who can't address what I say or support her own opinion. I hope you're hot because the only way you're making a living is on your back.

This executive order has nothing to do with protecting anyone, it's about validation and leftist authoritarian power.
Begging the question. I believe trying to change minds is doing something about it and keep saying so. You don't get to assign what action I believe is appropriate.

Yes you dumb ****, in gay threads I'm talking about gays instead of blacks. Where did I get the idea I don't need to address all my views in every thread. You are a waste of time.

Uh oh...breaking out the C-word. Tissue? :lol:

Insults work since you're devoid of content.

This is hilarious, you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK and you're asking ME if I need a tissue? LOL, girl, the need for government validation, now that is sad.

That's what this executive order is about. Liberals needing to be validated by the collective. Why would your employer even know you're gay?

How could you see a bull dyke and not know they are gay?

Insults are the last bastion of someone with no argument left.

That's true, they are. They are also fun when I'm arguing with a moron who can't address what I say or support her own opinion. I hope you're hot because the only way you're making a living is on your back.

This executive order has nothing to do with protecting anyone, it's about validation and leftist authoritarian power.

I've done both, not my problem you don't like the answers.

I make a fine living, thanks for your touching concern. I make enough to support my wife so she can stay home with the kids. Of course, my honorable service to our country and the resulting retirement pay helps quite a bit.

Yeah, actually this EO protects 14 million gays from workplace discrimination and harassment. Cool huh? Now if the Boehner would just put ENDA up for a full House vote, we can expand these protections. I've been calling weekly to tell him to do it as well as my own legislators. Have you called your legislator to end all these non discrimination policies yet?

Either you don't get to fire me for being gay or I get to fire Christians for being Christians. Fair enough?

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