On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

It's a toothless EO as far as I'm concerned which is good for the Constitution. So long as it doesn't tear down the freedoms expressly written in the Bill of Rights. The Government shouldn't be involved in issues of marriage , sexual orientation, etc.. Live and let live. .. but when you try to FORCE your lifestyle on the rest of us as in any freedom being taken away or harmed-then I have a problem.

How can anyone FORCE their "lifestyle"* on another? Do not invite others you disagree with to your home, ignore their presence, its easy.

*An invented word I do not use, when possible.

They can force their lifestyle on me with laws that require me to attend weddings simply because I offer a service to the public. The same thing occurred when blue laws were in force, a minority of people and special interest groups were forcing their lifestyle on other people. If you oppose one, you should oppose both.

Any other stupid questions?


Business owners who serve the general public are required to follow all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures with regard to operating a business as authorize by the Commerce Clause, including public accommodations laws.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

So there are actually businesses in this county run by religious nuts so nutty that they will refrain from doing business with the government if it means they will have to treat gay Americans like everyone else?

good lord...

What's even more ridiculous is the notion that to accommodate gay Americans somehow 'violates' religious beliefs, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

A Christian, for example, who accommodates a gay American violates no tenets of his faith, he still remains a good Christian; indeed, he is actually abiding by the tenets of this faith.
I don't grasp government validation, never will. Good companies don't care who you sleep with. And most don't. The idea that you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK is unfathomable to me.

"Good companies" also didn't care what color your skin was, what religion you are, what gender you are, etc...and yet those laws, protecting those minorities from firing, remain in place. You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.

LOL, sometimes I think you're probably not an idiot, then there's now.

Yeah, sweetie, I object to all laws banning discrimination. Do you ever actually read anything I post? I am seriously wondering what's wrong with you right now that you would think I'm in favor of government telling businesses who they can hire. Even if I hadn't come out and stated it so many times, it is contrary to everything I've ever posted.

None of the discrimination laws are necessary. We are in business to make money and hire the best employees. Companies that don't do that correct themselves by harming themselves. And seriously, if a redneck bar doesn't want to hire blacks, do blacks seriously want to work there? Most businesses don't care who you sleep with or what the color of your skin is. And if the do, there are endless ways to discriminate. The only thing that anti-discrimination laws do it give government another vehicle to exert leftists authoritarian control over our economy.

And again...

You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.


Seriously, you need to ask yourself why you cannot retain and process information after all this discussion that you would seriously think that I'm in favor of government doing that. Seriously.

Great! Where's the legislation to get rid of all the non discrimination laws? I'll support ya, get on it! In the meantime, add gays to the other minorities being granted these protections, okay?
The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

I like the downplaying...so cute.

There are only 9 million gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender's in the U.S.A. according to that same group the Williams Institute.
You know that the information the gay's are using for the discrimination, comes from records that is from the 1950's? When there really was a lot of discrimination.
This is insane.

Hmmm, gays are being added to the same legislation that protects, say, Jewish people from discrimination. Do you know what the Jewish population of the United States is? (it's actually less than the people that admit to being gay):eusa_shhh:
I don't grasp government validation, never will. Good companies don't care who you sleep with. And most don't. The idea that you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK is unfathomable to me.

"Good companies" also didn't care what color your skin was, what religion you are, what gender you are, etc...and yet those laws, protecting those minorities from firing, remain in place. You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.

You seem to have a problem comprehending English.

Oh I grasp it fine. If "good companies" don't care who you sleep with, they also shouldn't care about all the other things granted Federal Protections...and yet they are.

Funny, you never heard anything about these anti discrimination laws and how much people think we don't need them...until they started protecting the "wrong" people.
You missed this part:

President George W. Bush had amended Johnson's order in 2002 to allow religious groups to hire and fire based upon religious identity. Churches also are able to hire ministers as they see fit. The senior administration officials said Obama will not change those exemptions.

Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?

Quite a few of them, actually. Any church that runs a homeless shelter, has a food kitchen, or offers aid for rent or utilities to anyone is probably getting federal money to assist them. Maybe you should pay more attention.

Ah yes...the "faith based" initiatives. Still okay with it...since it stays the same for all minorities protected. No special carve outs because...well, you know, they're GAY!!!
How can anyone FORCE their "lifestyle"* on another? Do not invite others you disagree with to your home, ignore their presence, its easy.

*An invented word I do not use, when possible.

They can force their lifestyle on me with laws that require me to attend weddings simply because I offer a service to the public. The same thing occurred when blue laws were in force, a minority of people and special interest groups were forcing their lifestyle on other people. If you oppose one, you should oppose both.

Any other stupid questions?

You're not forced to cater weddings.

Of course I am not, I can't cook.

But thanks for playing stupid idiot for me to laugh at.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

So there are actually businesses in this county run by religious nuts so nutty that they will refrain from doing business with the government if it means they will have to treat gay Americans like everyone else?

good lord...

There are actually business in this country that refuse to do businesses with the government, period. That is because government money always comes with strings, and free people hate strings.
How can anyone FORCE their "lifestyle"* on another? Do not invite others you disagree with to your home, ignore their presence, its easy.

*An invented word I do not use, when possible.

They can force their lifestyle on me with laws that require me to attend weddings simply because I offer a service to the public. The same thing occurred when blue laws were in force, a minority of people and special interest groups were forcing their lifestyle on other people. If you oppose one, you should oppose both.

Any other stupid questions?


Business owners who serve the general public are required to follow all manner of necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures with regard to operating a business as authorize by the Commerce Clause, including public accommodations laws.

I am sure you thnk you proved something.

Newsflash, all you proved is how stupid you are. Remember how you told everyone how there was no way Hobby Lobby would win because of Employment Division v Smith, and I explained, in detail, how the RFRA trumped that decision? And how you tired to argue that the RFRA wouldn't make a difference? Which one of us was right about that again?

My advice to you is to stop trying to prove you understand the law and simply accept that I know it better than you do. Feel free to continue to make a fool of yourself though, we need a board idiot to laugh at.
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"Good companies" also didn't care what color your skin was, what religion you are, what gender you are, etc...and yet those laws, protecting those minorities from firing, remain in place. You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.

You seem to have a problem comprehending English.

Oh I grasp it fine. If "good companies" don't care who you sleep with, they also shouldn't care about all the other things granted Federal Protections...and yet they are.

Funny, you never heard anything about these anti discrimination laws and how much people think we don't need them...until they started protecting the "wrong" people.

Funny how you think that I think there are wrong people out there.
An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

So there are actually businesses in this county run by religious nuts so nutty that they will refrain from doing business with the government if it means they will have to treat gay Americans like everyone else?

good lord...

There are actually business in this country that refuse to do businesses with the government, period. That is because government money always comes with strings, and free people hate strings.

Really? And most private contracts come with no strings attached? in the United States? Or in the lumpy soup you call your imagination...
Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?

Quite a few of them, actually. Any church that runs a homeless shelter, has a food kitchen, or offers aid for rent or utilities to anyone is probably getting federal money to assist them. Maybe you should pay more attention.

Ah yes...the "faith based" initiatives. Still okay with it...since it stays the same for all minorities protected. No special carve outs because...well, you know, they're GAY!!!

Funny how you can't admit you are wrong. Is that because you have no choice, or is it because you have no honor?
The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

I like the downplaying...so cute.

There are only 9 million gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender's in the U.S.A. according to that same group the Williams Institute.
You know that the information the gay's are using for the discrimination, comes from records that is from the 1950's? When there really was a lot of discrimination.
This is insane.

Hmmm, gays are being added to the same legislation that protects, say, Jewish people from discrimination. Do you know what the Jewish population of the United States is? (it's actually less than the people that admit to being gay):eusa_shhh:

The question to ask is, what's the minimum number of people that must be in any given group in order for the typical conservative to believe that that's enough to warrant treating them like everyone else?

Give us your number, bigots.
So there are actually businesses in this county run by religious nuts so nutty that they will refrain from doing business with the government if it means they will have to treat gay Americans like everyone else?

good lord...

There are actually business in this country that refuse to do businesses with the government, period. That is because government money always comes with strings, and free people hate strings.

Really? And most private contracts come with no strings attached? in the United States? Or in the lumpy soup you call your imagination...

The stings in private contracts are not dictated at gun point. I know you don't get the point, which is exactly the point I am making.
There are only 9 million gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender's in the U.S.A. according to that same group the Williams Institute.
You know that the information the gay's are using for the discrimination, comes from records that is from the 1950's? When there really was a lot of discrimination.
This is insane.

Hmmm, gays are being added to the same legislation that protects, say, Jewish people from discrimination. Do you know what the Jewish population of the United States is? (it's actually less than the people that admit to being gay):eusa_shhh:

The question to ask is, what's the minimum number of people that must be in any given group in order for the typical conservative to believe that that's enough to warrant treating them like everyone else?

Give us your number, bigots.


Which is why you will never convince me you are right, you think the individual has to bow to the will of the group.
Quite a few of them, actually. Any church that runs a homeless shelter, has a food kitchen, or offers aid for rent or utilities to anyone is probably getting federal money to assist them. Maybe you should pay more attention.

Ah yes...the "faith based" initiatives. Still okay with it...since it stays the same for all minorities protected. No special carve outs because...well, you know, they're GAY!!!

Funny how you can't admit you are wrong. Is that because you have no choice, or is it because you have no honor?

What was I wrong about? I said that there aren't a lot of churches contracted with the government, and I was right. I also said that the Bush carve out is fine with me because it doesn't single out any one minority...like a religious exemptions from this EO would have.

Any more proof needed he's a fucking tyrant?

he clearly HATES the fact that the SCOTUS support HL RIGHT not to be FORCED to do a fucking thing.

but he has to have his way, just like a fucking tyrant

He's a tyrant for adding gays to protections already in place by "tyrant" Lyndon B Johnson and "tyrant" Richard M. Nixon. :lol:
Ah yes...the "faith based" initiatives. Still okay with it...since it stays the same for all minorities protected. No special carve outs because...well, you know, they're GAY!!!

Funny how you can't admit you are wrong. Is that because you have no choice, or is it because you have no honor?

What was I wrong about? I said that there aren't a lot of churches contracted with the government, and I was right. I also said that the Bush carve out is fine with me because it doesn't single out any one minority...like a religious exemptions from this EO would have.

Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

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