On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

It's a toothless EO as far as I'm concerned which is good for the Constitution. So long as it doesn't tear down the freedoms expressly written in the Bill of Rights. The Government shouldn't be involved in issues of marriage , sexual orientation, etc.. Live and let live. .. but when you try to FORCE your lifestyle on the rest of us as in any freedom being taken away or harmed-then I have a problem.
In extending the new protections, Mr. Obama is building on two longstanding executive orders. He is adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protections that apply to federal contractors and that were approved by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. And he is adding gender identity as a protected category to a 1969 directive by President Richard M. Nixon that applies to federal employees, which was later amended by President Bill Clinton to include sexual orientation.​

"Dictator" Obama is just adding "the gheys" to "dictator Johnson and Nixon's" EOs.

You missed this part:

President George W. Bush had amended Johnson's order in 2002 to allow religious groups to hire and fire based upon religious identity. Churches also are able to hire ministers as they see fit. The senior administration officials said Obama will not change those exemptions.

Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?
Just another day in the life of Obama.
I'm sure he will be on the road tomorrow same speech
ten different cities all before Noon!.
In extending the new protections, Mr. Obama is building on two longstanding executive orders. He is adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protections that apply to federal contractors and that were approved by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. And he is adding gender identity as a protected category to a 1969 directive by President Richard M. Nixon that applies to federal employees, which was later amended by President Bill Clinton to include sexual orientation.​

"Dictator" Obama is just adding "the gheys" to "dictator Johnson and Nixon's" EOs.

You missed this part:

President George W. Bush had amended Johnson's order in 2002 to allow religious groups to hire and fire based upon religious identity. Churches also are able to hire ministers as they see fit. The senior administration officials said Obama will not change those exemptions.

Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?

I'm sure religious groups do.. I see this as a win for Constitutionalists-

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Not really. What he's saying is if you get taxpayer dollars, you can't discriminate against tax paying American citizens.

You can still refuse to bake a wedding cake for gays in quite a few places. Check your local listings, er, laws :D

Yes, and a business can refuse taxpaer money, no favoritism in this law; I agree however, a tougher response to the slaughter in Ukraine must come ASAP. ThePutin lovers will hate him without or without further sanctions.
Of course you realize the next Republican President will be able to issue an executive order undoing all that. We keep going down this govern by executive order road how long will it be before someone signs one declaring themself President for life?
An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?

He's not writing the EO, he's adding to already existing ones that bar discrimination based on things like race, religion, country of origin, etc.

He's not writing the executive order that he's writing? What does that mean?
The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

I like the downplaying...so cute.
As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?

He's not writing the EO, he's adding to already existing ones that bar discrimination based on things like race, religion, country of origin, etc.

He's not writing the executive order that he's writing? What does that mean?

A few other "dictators" (Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon) already wrote the EO's...he's penciling in the gays.
In extending the new protections, Mr. Obama is building on two longstanding executive orders. He is adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protections that apply to federal contractors and that were approved by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. And he is adding gender identity as a protected category to a 1969 directive by President Richard M. Nixon that applies to federal employees, which was later amended by President Bill Clinton to include sexual orientation.​

"Dictator" Obama is just adding "the gheys" to "dictator Johnson and Nixon's" EOs.

You missed this part:

President George W. Bush had amended Johnson's order in 2002 to allow religious groups to hire and fire based upon religious identity. Churches also are able to hire ministers as they see fit. The senior administration officials said Obama will not change those exemptions.

Yup, well aware and agree completely. Not a lot of churches contract with the government do they?

Obama announced last month that he would sign such an order after concluding that Congress was not going to act on a broader measure prohibiting discrimination based on sexual discrimination or gender identity by companies.

Since then, faith leaders have urged him to include an exemption for government contractors with a religious affiliation, such as some social service agencies.

Everyone contracts with the government weather they want to or not, LOL.

Only issue for church affiliated social service agencies reguarding hiring is to follow the new law, or better yet, stop taking sugar from Uncle Sam.

sounds like a win win to me
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.


The EO is consistent with the Constitution and its case law and the president's authority afforded him by Article II of the Constitution.

Anyone who disagrees with the president is at liberty to challenge the EO in Federal court.

But until such time as the Supreme Court rules otherwise, the president's action is legal and Constitutional.

Accusations that the president is acting as a 'dictator' are ignorance and partisan, nothing more than ridiculous demagoguery and fear-mongering.
It's a toothless EO as far as I'm concerned which is good for the Constitution. So long as it doesn't tear down the freedoms expressly written in the Bill of Rights. The Government shouldn't be involved in issues of marriage , sexual orientation, etc.. Live and let live. .. but when you try to FORCE your lifestyle on the rest of us as in any freedom being taken away or harmed-then I have a problem.

How can anyone FORCE their "lifestyle"* on another? Do not invite others you disagree with to your home, ignore their presence, its easy.

*An invented word I do not use, when possible.
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol
America's best (and really, the ONLY) ally in the Middle West is being attacked, Europe's security is threatened by a former KGB thug and the southern border is breached by coyotes, dumping helpless kids in America, Obama worries about freaks of nature.


Who? Israel? Ally? How many Israeli soldiers died in Afghanistan, or Iraq, fighting with us as our ally?
It's a toothless EO as far as I'm concerned which is good for the Constitution. So long as it doesn't tear down the freedoms expressly written in the Bill of Rights. The Government shouldn't be involved in issues of marriage , sexual orientation, etc.. Live and let live. .. but when you try to FORCE your lifestyle on the rest of us as in any freedom being taken away or harmed-then I have a problem.

How can anyone FORCE their "lifestyle"* on another? Do not invite others you disagree with to your home, ignore their presence, its easy.

*An invented word I do not use, when possible.

The homosexual lifestyle has NOT been proven to be genetic.. all these years later NO PROOF, NONE.. thus it's a chosen lifestyle, period. The sexual act, you know.. having sex??? That's a fucking choice.. When you or anyone else comes to my father as a business owner in this country and you tell him he MUST drop his own religious beliefs in order to accommodate 3 percent of this nation who CHOOSE to engage in a specified sexual behavior, that IS FUCKING FORCING YOUR LIFESTYLE on all of us. I hate abortion .. but I do not demand that YOU and other flaming liberals through EO be forced in to the back alleys with coat hangers so you can slaughter your own child.. That would be FORCING my morality on you.. See how that works?
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?
The Federal Gov't has a history of initiating social justice such as blacks fighting along side whites you conservatard. :eusa_doh:

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