On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

This thread just proves my point from yesterday. This is just the beginning of rightwing religious tyranny. It was never just about 'abortion pills' with Hobby Lobby. It was never just about insurance policies.

It's about conservative Christian extremists demanding the right to discriminate in any manner they choose,

as long as they do it hiding behind Jesus's skirts.
This thread just proves my point from yesterday. This is just the beginning of rightwing religious tyranny. It was never just about 'abortion pills' with Hobby Lobby. It was never just about insurance policies.

It's about conservative Christian extremists demanding the right to discriminate in any manner they choose,

as long as they do it hiding behind Jesus's skirts.

YOUR belief system does not trump any person in this country who is protected by the US Constitution- You leftists seem to think that whatever you want, believe- demand, the magic Federal Fairy is suppose to , on command make it happen.. Mr. Religious right's beliefs are protected in the United States Constitution. If you don't fucking like that , go move to fucking China you backass leftist.
An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?
The Federal Gov't has a history of initiating social justice such as blacks fighting along side whites you conservatard. :eusa_doh:

The fed govt also has a record of deviant deceptive behavior against its own citizens. Operation white coat, Tuskegee syphillus experiment.

"You can't force me to bake a gay wedding cake!"

Actually, yes. Yes we can. Thus saith President Obama.

Such delicious conservatard tears.

Anybody remember the scores of religious people who came here because they were persecuted in their own countries? Now they're being persecuted here. Where do they go next?

If I were forced to bake a wedding cake for gays and it was against my religion, I'd simply stop baking wedding cakes at all, maybe even go out of business and work under the table out of my home. I don't think anyone should be forced to go against their religion. This country was founded on freedom of religion (not freedom from religion). When we are forcing people to go against their beliefs, we are becoming as bad as Hitler, as bad as the communists. This is crazy and doesn't belong in America. One has to wonder what will happen when the last straw hits.
He's not writing the EO, he's adding to already existing ones that bar discrimination based on things like race, religion, country of origin, etc.

He's not writing the executive order that he's writing? What does that mean?

A few other "dictators" (Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon) already wrote the EO's...he's penciling in the gays.

I don't grasp government validation, never will. Good companies don't care who you sleep with. And most don't. The idea that you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK is unfathomable to me.
An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

As a taxpayer, I want the ones who provide the best service for the lowest cost, not the ones that meet Obama's social engineering objectives.

But hey, we did elect him dictator, didn't we?
The Federal Gov't has a history of initiating social justice such as blacks fighting along side whites you conservatard. :eusa_doh:

And Al Capone had a history of robbing banks. Did that make it OK? BTW, government didn't "initiate" social justice. They were the primary transgressor of it. Do you know what blacks are property (Supreme Court), blacks are 3/5 a person and Jim Crow laws have in common? They were all ... wait for it .... government ... Didn't know that, did you?

And oh, I'm a "conservative." That hurts. OK, it doesn't, it just reminds me who the black and white party is. I'm all for you, or I'm a "conservative." It's the worst word you know. LOL, you're a boob.
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lol, omg
like there isn't a 100 laws already
man you people just swallow everything this empty suit does to keep you dummies in line

and we all should know you all are JUST SO SPECIAL you need your own protection over the rest of US

And then you wonder why more people in the country aren't accepting of you
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just pathetic really

but gotta keep it in OUR FACES

Nothing like good ole class warfare
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lol, omg
like there isn't a 100 laws already
man you people just swallow everything this empty suit does to keep you dummies in line

and we all should know you all are JUST SO SPECIAL you need your own protection over the rest of US

And then you wonder why more people in the country aren't accepting of you
There can be no doubt that if most all people in this country were Accepting of GLBT citizens these type of orders would indeed not be needed. But under the circumstances it makes prudent sense for the president to sign such orders to protect the currently unprotected citizenry of this nation.
Wow...the GOP couldn't be happier...gays are forcing Obama [democrats] with their money to distance even more voters in the middle to vote conservatively this Fall...

...the stupid in the democatc party is a wellspring that never runs dry..

By doing this, Obama is also screwing the dem hopeful for 2016. He did you in again Hillary. He must really have it out for you. :eek:

Did you two get in a cat fight in the powder room at the Capitol building back in the day?
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just pathetic really

but gotta keep it in OUR FACES

Nothing like good ole class warfare
"....class warfare....", Stephanie? And we just have to ask who it is that started it and has brought it on? Bigots, homophobes, intolerant people like yourself and others who feel far superior to others that they have left the GLBT community no choice but to be right up in Your Faces fighting for Equality! And you will see how much more will be done in favor of Full Equality for Gay and Lesbian American Citizens as you hear much more on this matter in the coming days and months to come.

Wow...the GOP couldn't be happier...gays are forcing Obama [democrats] with their money to distance even more voters in the middle to vote conservatively this Fall...

...the stupid in the democatc party is a wellspring that never runs dry..

By doing this, Obama is also screwing the dem hopeful for 2016. He did you in again Hillary. He must really have it out for you. :eek:

Did you two get in a cat fight in the powder room at the Capitol building back in the day?
Clever try but the fact of the matter is that a majority of Americans are now fully accepting of GLBT citizens and many were under the impression that they were already protected in employment and other areas but were shocked to learn that they were not. Even church leaders and evangelicals have become more accepting of their rights and marriage. So, this can only HELP Hillary and the Democrats in the upcoming elections as people come to realize that the Republican stance on bigotry, hate, and prejudice just isn't working anymore and the courts are proving it every chance they get by ruling against same-sex marriage bans in every area where it has been challenged. So, save your diatribe for your fellow morons who have no better sense than to think that 2+3 = 8.
Vote anyone associated with Obama out of office If you are sick of all this already
Vote anyone associated with Obama out of office If you are sick of all this already
Vote the hateful Conservatives out of office that have done nothing for this country except be Obstructionists and with a penchant for cutting the lifeline of most Middle Class Americans. They are the very ones who need to be run out of D.C. POSTHASTE.
He's not writing the executive order that he's writing? What does that mean?

A few other "dictators" (Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon) already wrote the EO's...he's penciling in the gays.

I don't grasp government validation, never will. Good companies don't care who you sleep with. And most don't. The idea that you need government to pat you on the back and tell you that you're OK is unfathomable to me.

"Good companies" also didn't care what color your skin was, what religion you are, what gender you are, etc...and yet those laws, protecting those minorities from firing, remain in place. You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.
Seawyt[LEFT said:
[/LEFT]ch;9475401]An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

Just another exceptional reason NOT to do business with the Government if you own a company.
What exactly is he signing??

An Executive Order barring companies contracted with the government from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. It basically adds sexual orientation and gender discrimination to existing Federal hiring and contracting rules.

Actually, it does no such thing, all it really does is pretend that federal contractors cannot do things that no one has accused them of doing.
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