On Monday President Obama Will Issue Another Executive Order

Funny how you can't admit you are wrong. Is that because you have no choice, or is it because you have no honor?

What was I wrong about? I said that there aren't a lot of churches contracted with the government, and I was right. I also said that the Bush carve out is fine with me because it doesn't single out any one minority...like a religious exemptions from this EO would have.

Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?
What was I wrong about? I said that there aren't a lot of churches contracted with the government, and I was right. I also said that the Bush carve out is fine with me because it doesn't single out any one minority...like a religious exemptions from this EO would have.

Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

So if you go into a business that is owned and operated by gays and all they do is hire gay people are you going to turn them in for discrimination? or are you going to root for them as they discriminate?

Many states already have laws that do this all this is to get those 3% that claim to be gay to vote far left in every election.

Also many of the contracts that the government has the labor is under union control so the small percentage of companies this may affect is nothing more that a feel good EO to make the programmed far left masses to continue supporting the bidding of their straight rich white far left masters.

Not to mention that this law can not be enforced if the US government contracts a company in another country or a company that the bulk of the manufacturing is done over seas.

Then again this could mean that all apple products must be removed from any and all government installations and personal as it uses slave labor from China to make it's over priced products..
Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

So if you go into a business that is owned and operated by gays and all they do is hire gay people are you going to turn them in for discrimination? or are you going to root for them as they discriminate?

Sure. Got actual examples or are we playing the "whatif" game?

Many states already have laws that do this all this is to get those 3% that claim to be gay to vote far left in every election.

That do all what? What are you talking about?

Also many of the contracts that the government has the labor is under union control so the small percentage of companies this may affect is nothing more that a feel good EO to make the programmed far left masses to continue supporting the bidding of their straight rich white far left masters.

Actually I already provided the numbers for how many companies the has an effect on.

The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

Not to mention that this law can not be enforced if the US government contracts a company in another country or a company that the bulk of the manufacturing is done over seas.

Then again this could mean that all apple products must be removed from any and all government installations and personal as it uses slave labor from China to make it's over priced products..

So? That held true of the law before President Obama added gays to it. And?
Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

So if you go into a business that is owned and operated by gays and all they do is hire gay people are you going to turn them in for discrimination? or are you going to root for them as they discriminate?

Sure. Got actual examples or are we playing the "whatif" game?

That do all what? What are you talking about?

Also many of the contracts that the government has the labor is under union control so the small percentage of companies this may affect is nothing more that a feel good EO to make the programmed far left masses to continue supporting the bidding of their straight rich white far left masters.

Actually I already provided the numbers for how many companies the has an effect on.

The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

Not to mention that this law can not be enforced if the US government contracts a company in another country or a company that the bulk of the manufacturing is done over seas.

Then again this could mean that all apple products must be removed from any and all government installations and personal as it uses slave labor from China to make it's over priced products..

So? That held true of the law before President Obama added gays to it. And?

And the far left will do all they can to protect their messiah!

Sure. Got actual examples or are we playing the "whatif" game?

99.9% of the far left threads on this board. But again you ignore that including even your own "what if" threads, but continue on..

So in other words you would cheer them on as they decimate. Already knew that you would. Go figure it is ok for them to discriminate as long they can not decimate against you. Typical far left mentality..

Actually I already provided the numbers for how many companies the has an effect on.

And you used a far left source for your numbers!

So? That held true of the law before President Obama added gays to it. And?
So? That held true of the law before President Obama added gays to it. And?

So in other words you can not dispute that this EO is a feel good "order" that will make you vote far left without question or hesitation and has no real merits other than you feel vindicated that you can decimate, but others can not decimate against you.

Typical far left.
So if you go into a business that is owned and operated by gays and all they do is hire gay people are you going to turn them in for discrimination? or are you going to root for them as they discriminate?

Sure. Got actual examples or are we playing the "whatif" game?

That do all what? What are you talking about?

Actually I already provided the numbers for how many companies the has an effect on.

The administration officials said the change for federal contracting will impact some 24,000 companies with 28 million workers, or one-fifth of the U.S. workforce. Many large federal contractors already have employment policies barring anti-gay workplace discrimination, as do 21 states. However, the Williams Institute at UCLA Law School estimates that the executive order would extend protections to about 14 million workers whose employers or states currently do not have such nondiscrimination policies.

So? That held true of the law before President Obama added gays to it. And?

And the far left will do all they can to protect their messiah!

I don't have a messiah, but you're certainly stuck in the past. I can't believe anyone is still using that old canard.

Stating facts is not protecting anyone. All the President is doing with this EO is adding gays to existing legislation that was signed by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.

99.9% of the far left threads on this board. But again you ignore that including even your own "what if" threads, but continue on..

So in other words you would cheer them on as they decimate. Already knew that you would. Go figure it is ok for them to discriminate as long they can not decimate against you. Typical far left mentality..

Cheer who on as who "decimates" what? What ARE you babbling about?

And you used a far left source for your numbers!

You have another source? Can you provide them? Hell, give 'em a margin of error, it's still millions.

So in other words you can not dispute that this EO is a feel good "order" that will make you vote far left without question or hesitation and has no real merits other than you feel vindicated that you can decimate, but others can not decimate against you.

Typical far left.

How is it a "feel good" order? If it prevents hundreds of thousands of gays and lesbians from being discriminated against it is actually doing something. Sure, you feel good that it's doing something, but it IS doing something. (Something the majority of Americans agree with I might add)
Great! Where's the legislation to get rid of all the non discrimination laws? I'll support ya, get on it! In the meantime, add gays to the other minorities being granted these protections, okay?

Adding another useless excuse for the government to oppress our economy and for the most useless among us to file lawsuits and stifle business so in the unlikely event you work for an idiot running a business who doesn't focus on making money, government can force him to keep you employed by him instead of your going to the personal effort of finding someone to work for who doesn't care who you sleep with. I'll pass on that.

You would be the one who insisted the sun goes around the earth when I told you it didn't because I have to convince the majority of people that I'm right before you can question what you were told. LOL, the irony that you're like your bitter enemy, the Christians in that.
"Good companies" also didn't care what color your skin was, what religion you are, what gender you are, etc...and yet those laws, protecting those minorities from firing, remain in place. You seem to only object to the fact that gays are added to them, not that they exist at all.

You seem to have a problem comprehending English.

Oh I grasp it fine. If "good companies" don't care who you sleep with, they also shouldn't care about all the other things granted Federal Protections...and yet they are.

Funny, you never heard anything about these anti discrimination laws and how much people think we don't need them...until they started protecting the "wrong" people.

Strawman. He's absolutely right, you're pulling in all sorts of crap neither of us said. You obviously want to argue with Republicans and not libertarians about this, so why don't you stop being such an idiot and do that instead of talking to libertarians like you actually believe we are Republicans?

And you are full of shit up to your ears. I say all the time I am against discrimination laws and all other laws that regulate hiring practices or wages. And I constantly say the best protection for employees is a free market where they can fire idiot bosses and work for good ones. And you are full of shit that I say anything even remotely supportive of that sort of discrimination legislation ever and you are full of shit that I didn't say it until it included gays and you're full of shit that I think gay should be treated any differently than anyone else in the workplace. I just say it's not a job for government. Black isn't a job for government. Woman isn't a job for government. I believe in ... free ... markets ... And I say so all the time.

This isn't your day. You're just a pile of stinking dung on this. I'm not wasting my time with you if you can't argue my views. If you want to argue with a Republican, it's easy to find one on this site. Why don't you do that instead of being such a dumb ass.
Great! Where's the legislation to get rid of all the non discrimination laws? I'll support ya, get on it! In the meantime, add gays to the other minorities being granted these protections, okay?

Adding another useless excuse for the government to oppress our economy and for the most useless among us to file lawsuits and stifle business so in the unlikely event you work for an idiot running a business who doesn't focus on making money, government can force him to keep you employed by him instead of your going to the personal effort of finding someone to work for who doesn't care who you sleep with. I'll pass on that.

You would be the one who insisted the sun goes around the earth when I told you it didn't because I have to convince the majority of people that I'm right before you can question what you were told. LOL, the irony that you're like your bitter enemy, the Christians in that.

So you don't want to push for legislation to get rid of non discrimination laws, you just want to whine about them on the internet. GTK
You seem to have a problem comprehending English.

Oh I grasp it fine. If "good companies" don't care who you sleep with, they also shouldn't care about all the other things granted Federal Protections...and yet they are.

Funny, you never heard anything about these anti discrimination laws and how much people think we don't need them...until they started protecting the "wrong" people.

Strawman. He's absolutely right, you're pulling in all sorts of crap neither of us said. You obviously want to argue with Republicans and not libertarians about this, so why don't you stop being such an idiot and do that instead of talking to libertarians like you actually believe we are Republicans?

And you are full of shit up to your ears. I say all the time I am against discrimination laws and all other laws that regulate hiring practices or wages. And I constantly say the best protection for employees is a free market where they can fire idiot bosses and work for good ones. And you are full of shit that I say anything even remotely supportive of that sort of discrimination legislation ever and you are full of shit that I didn't say it until it included gays and you're full of shit that I think gay should be treated any differently than anyone else in the workplace. I just say it's not a job for government. Black isn't a job for government. Woman isn't a job for government. I believe in ... free ... markets ... And I say so all the time.

This isn't your day. You're just a pile of stinking dung on this. I'm not wasting my time with you if you can't argue my views. If you want to argue with a Republican, it's easy to find one on this site. Why don't you do that instead of being such a dumb ass.

My, so angry and nasty...just because gays get treated the same BY THE GOVERNMENT as ever fucking body else...but it's not about the gheys for you.

And I've got a bridge or two to sell ya.
Great! Where's the legislation to get rid of all the non discrimination laws? I'll support ya, get on it! In the meantime, add gays to the other minorities being granted these protections, okay?

Adding another useless excuse for the government to oppress our economy and for the most useless among us to file lawsuits and stifle business so in the unlikely event you work for an idiot running a business who doesn't focus on making money, government can force him to keep you employed by him instead of your going to the personal effort of finding someone to work for who doesn't care who you sleep with. I'll pass on that.

You would be the one who insisted the sun goes around the earth when I told you it didn't because I have to convince the majority of people that I'm right before you can question what you were told. LOL, the irony that you're like your bitter enemy, the Christians in that.

So you don't want to push for legislation to get rid of non discrimination laws, you just want to whine about them on the internet. GTK

Hey, I'm sorry I made you cry, sweetie. If you can't post without getting so upset, maybe you shouldn't come here, it's not going to get any easier. Here's a tissue.
Oh I grasp it fine. If "good companies" don't care who you sleep with, they also shouldn't care about all the other things granted Federal Protections...and yet they are.

Funny, you never heard anything about these anti discrimination laws and how much people think we don't need them...until they started protecting the "wrong" people.

Strawman. He's absolutely right, you're pulling in all sorts of crap neither of us said. You obviously want to argue with Republicans and not libertarians about this, so why don't you stop being such an idiot and do that instead of talking to libertarians like you actually believe we are Republicans?

And you are full of shit up to your ears. I say all the time I am against discrimination laws and all other laws that regulate hiring practices or wages. And I constantly say the best protection for employees is a free market where they can fire idiot bosses and work for good ones. And you are full of shit that I say anything even remotely supportive of that sort of discrimination legislation ever and you are full of shit that I didn't say it until it included gays and you're full of shit that I think gay should be treated any differently than anyone else in the workplace. I just say it's not a job for government. Black isn't a job for government. Woman isn't a job for government. I believe in ... free ... markets ... And I say so all the time.

This isn't your day. You're just a pile of stinking dung on this. I'm not wasting my time with you if you can't argue my views. If you want to argue with a Republican, it's easy to find one on this site. Why don't you do that instead of being such a dumb ass.

My, so angry and nasty...just because gays get treated the same BY THE GOVERNMENT as ever fucking body else...but it's not about the gheys for you.

And I've got a bridge or two to sell ya.

I hope you're not a counselor for a living because you suck at reading people. I am trying to get your attention. Sometimes you are coherent and can follow a conversation and you seem to enjoy thinking more than typical liberal black and white, right and left, Republican and Democrat. Sometimes like now you tell me you are a dolt who's incapable of independent thought and I should not waste any time on you.

LOL, you're a homosexual who wants to boil the world down to simple, brain dead stereotypes. You are so like the people you hate.
Keep it up liberals, make 3% of the population happy. While the rest are looking for a job or wondering when they will eat next. Thanks for handing us the house in 2014, and the presidency in 2016! Obama's laser like focus. Lol
Not even in your wildest dreams, closet case. The reason more isn't getting done is because of the worth-less Do Nothing Republicans in the House mainly. While they sit on their hands preferring not to help the American people, the Middle Class mainly, due to their fear that if they do vote on anything President Obama will take credit for it, Americans will continue to suffer and will indeed wonder when they will eat next.

As for the House in 2014, that might stay in Conservative hands, most unfortunately. The Senate, some may think is a toss-up though many Democratic Senators continue to do quite well and are looking very good as they edge closer and closer to election time with great support so there is a very good chance that the Senate may indeed stay Democratic. As for the Presidency in 2016, that is another good matter and one where so many firmly believe will continue to be under Democratic control as the Republicans don't have a plan, are currently doing nothing, are obstructionists, don't care about education, clean water, or the environment, continue to serve only the Richest of Americans, and merely serve to Shamefully CUT benefits that have been earned by hard-working Americans that they fully deserve to have. If those aren't Great Reasons to vote ALL Republicans out of office in the upcoming elections then I've got news for you!
Only issue for church affiliated social service agencies reguarding hiring is to follow the new law, or better yet, stop taking sugar from Uncle Sam.

This is exactly what I think. The whole "separation of church and state" thing means not only should religion be kept out of government, but government should be kept out of religion.

Those churches which invite government into their organization are inviting the devil into their home.
Only issue for church affiliated social service agencies reguarding hiring is to follow the new law, or better yet, stop taking sugar from Uncle Sam.

This is exactly what I think. The whole "separation of church and state" thing means not only should religion be kept out of government, but government should be kept out of religion.

Those churches which invite government into their organization are inviting the devil into their home.

What money does government give to churches? I am unaware of this.
Only issue for church affiliated social service agencies reguarding hiring is to follow the new law, or better yet, stop taking sugar from Uncle Sam.

This is exactly what I think. The whole "separation of church and state" thing means not only should religion be kept out of government, but government should be kept out of religion.

Those churches which invite government into their organization are inviting the devil into their home.

What money does government give to churches? I am unaware of this.

Dude! You have not heard of the Faith Based Initiative? :eek:

Google "President Bush White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI)", without the quotation marks.

OFBCI was established by President George W. Bush through an executive order[2] on January 29, 2001, representing one of the key domestic policies of Bush's campaign promise of "compassionate conservatism." The initiative sought to strengthen faith-based and community organizations and expand their capacity to provide federally funded social services, with the idea having been that these groups were well-situated to meet the needs of local individuals.


Other grant recipients are religious, offering social service programs that the government may have deemed too religious to receive money before President Bush took office.

Visitors to TMM Family Services in Tucson, Arizona, which received $25,000 for housing counseling, are greeted by a picture of Jesus and quotes from the Bible.

"We believe that people being connected to the faith of their choice is important to them having a productive life," said Don Strauch, an ordained minister and executive director of the group, which offers a variety of social services. "Just because we take government money doesn't mean we back down on that philosophy."

All told, faith-based organizations were awarded $1.17 billion in 2003. That is about 12 percent of the $14.5 billion spent on social programs that qualify for faith-based grants in five federal departments. White House officials expect the total to grow.
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This is exactly what I think. The whole "separation of church and state" thing means not only should religion be kept out of government, but government should be kept out of religion.

Those churches which invite government into their organization are inviting the devil into their home.

What money does government give to churches? I am unaware of this.

Dude! You have not heard of the Faith Based Initiative? :eek:

Google "President Bush White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI)", without the quotation marks.

OFBCI was established by President George W. Bush through an executive order[2] on January 29, 2001, representing one of the key domestic policies of Bush's campaign promise of "compassionate conservatism." The initiative sought to strengthen faith-based and community organizations and expand their capacity to provide federally funded social services, with the idea having been that these groups were well-situated to meet the needs of local individuals.

White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The government gave more than $1 billion in 2003 to organizations it considers "faith-based," with some going to programs where prayer and spiritual guidance are central and some to organizations that do not consider themselves religious at all.
Over $1 Billion To 'Faith-Based' - CBS News

OK, so you're referring to a tiny percentage of the churches, I thought you were referring to something more general.
What was I wrong about? I said that there aren't a lot of churches contracted with the government, and I was right. I also said that the Bush carve out is fine with me because it doesn't single out any one minority...like a religious exemptions from this EO would have.

Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

The fucking point is you were wrong.
Adding another useless excuse for the government to oppress our economy and for the most useless among us to file lawsuits and stifle business so in the unlikely event you work for an idiot running a business who doesn't focus on making money, government can force him to keep you employed by him instead of your going to the personal effort of finding someone to work for who doesn't care who you sleep with. I'll pass on that.

You would be the one who insisted the sun goes around the earth when I told you it didn't because I have to convince the majority of people that I'm right before you can question what you were told. LOL, the irony that you're like your bitter enemy, the Christians in that.

So you don't want to push for legislation to get rid of non discrimination laws, you just want to whine about them on the internet. GTK

Hey, I'm sorry I made you cry, sweetie. If you can't post without getting so upset, maybe you shouldn't come here, it's not going to get any easier. Here's a tissue.

Hmm, in reviewing the posts, it seems like you are the one getting upset. I asked you about the proposed legislation to do what you want, end all non discrimination policies. Where is it? Have you contacted your legislator?
Almost every homeless shelter in this country is operated by a church. There is at least one homeless shelter in every city, and others scattered throughout the country in rural counties. That means there are thousands of churches that contract with the federal government. Maybe the problem is that you have a different definition of "not a lot" than most people.

Again, so what. As long as the rules apply equally to all minority groups and there are no special carve outs for people who think gays are really icky...perfectly okay.

You could try providing some actual numbers instead of guessing. How about a link as to how many churches contract with the government to provide social services?

The fucking point is you were wrong.

About what? That the policy remains the same for all minorities? How am I wrong about that?

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