on MSNBC with Ari Melber, Matt Gaetz condemns Jan 6 violence, denies that he sought pardon from Trump despite Cassidy Hutchinson & others' testimony

You type nothing but LIES. If you want to debate put up links proving your statements, and I'll do the same.
I saw no armed J6 rioters
Yes there were FBI instigators
The National Guard request was denied TWICE. Once for Capitol Police Chief Sund's request, and once for Trump's request on Jan 3rd.

"Great OpEd. Reinforces my earlier comment on 6 Jan Cmte. Has quote from DOD IG Report regarding 3 Jan 2021 meeting with Acting Def Secy Miller/CJCS Milley in the Oval on the 6 Jan NG request by POTUS on troops needed. I was in the room." General Keith Kellogg

Former Acting Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell blasted the “fact check,” stating that Kertscher is focusing on the lack of a formal request, “But the leaders of the Pentagon then made clear they offered Pelosi and she said No.”

Kash Patel, who served as acting United States Secretary of Defense, also supported the “10,000 national guard” claim, explaining to Hannity earlier this month:
I was in the Oval Office on that day, days prior to January 6, with the secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others and President Trump.
And he authorized, as the law requires, 10,000 to 20,000 National Guardsmen and Women to be utilized around the country. But the second part of the law requires a federal agency or governor or mayor, such as the United States Capitol Police or Mayor Bowser to make a request, otherwise, the National Guard cannot be deployed legally.

Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff, told Fox News’ "Sunday Morning Futures w Maria Bartiromo" that Trump issued a "direct order" to have up to 10,000 troops ready. Kash Patel suggested 20,000 troops so Trump upped it to 20k. He was turned down by Bowser & Pelosi
It’s backed up by writing; Mayor Bowser’s written refusal, the communications between the leader of the Capitol police and their chain of command to the DOD refusing our request to allow National Guardsmen and Women to stage on January 4 and January 5, before January 6. That’s in the timeline.

According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory. Trump told SecDef Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

I provided credible links that requests for the National Guard were made. Also present at the meeting was General Milley.
All you have shown is a bunch of liars not under oath claiming the same thing Miller did...until he was under oath and a request for troops to protect Trump's followers and Trump's own staff didn't follow through with the request...which was again, not to protect the captial but to protect Trump's own seditionists.

I provided a link showing how Miller lied about Trump making a request on Hannity but then under oath said Trump made no request.

What else do you need? If all it takes is interviews on Hannity and Newsmax then you can't be helped.

Show me links of people under oath. I have already shown what they say under oath and what they say in your favorite right wing media sites, is usually different.

Good grief.
What is it that you think that the sworn testimony proved?
It proved that Chris Miller lied on Hannity about Trump requesting national guard troops.

It showed that seditionists were armed at the capital.

It showed Trump knew his followers were armed when he sent them to the capital...and afterwards Trump like yet again to his followers when he said people weren't armed...when he knew they were.
One was armed. Saying the crowd was armed isn't accurate when only one guy was armed.
More then 1 was armed...not sure the semantics I used but I didn't mean to imply the whole crowd was armed if that is what you mean.
It proved that Chris Miller lied on Hannity about Trump requesting national guard troops.

It showed that seditionists were armed at the capital.

It showed Trump knew his followers were armed when he sent them to the capital...and afterwards Trump like yet again to his followers when he said people weren't armed...when he knew they were.
More then 1 was armed...not sure the semantics I used but I didn't mean to imply the whole crowd was armed if that is what you mean.
You posted one example of a rioter being armed. The term douche bags like you always use is "the rioters."
Here is how a one-sided infomercial plays out.
Just one example.

Under Oath Cassidy Hutchison recounted hearing about President Trump trying to grab the steering wheel of The Presidential vehicle.....
Did she lie under oath?
No, someone probably did in fact tell her that - so that she could say that under oath.
That is literally all that is being sworn to.
That she heard that.

In a real fact-finding venture - the follow ups would be -
Where you there?
Who, if you remember told you this?
Are you aware that everyone that was actually in the vehicle has denied that?
Are all the others lying?

Literally every point that the left thinks that they made, mirror this.
Then why did Miller agree with Hannity about Trump supposedly requesting NG help but then under oath said Trump never requested NG troops.

It should remind you of Rudy going on all your favorite news outlets claiming he had proof of a stolen election but when he got in front of the judge...he changed his story.

Works on Trump supporters every time because they refuse to leave their echo chamber so they won't see any contradictions.

Is this you?
What are my favorite news outlets? Please engage your brain before you post.
The ones that hid the fact that Miller lied on Hannity and changed his story under oath about Trump requesting NG help.

Try to keep up.
Here is how a one-sided infomercial plays out.
Just one example.

Under Oath Cassidy Hutchison recounted hearing about President Trump trying to grab the steering wheel of The Presidential vehicle.....
Did she lie under oath?
No, someone probably did in fact tell her that - so that she could say that under oath.
That is literally all that is being sworn to.
That she heard that.

In a real fact-finding venture - the follow ups would be -
Where you there?
Who, if you remember told you this?
Are you aware that everyone that was actually in the vehicle has denied that?
Are all the others lying?

Literally every point that the left thinks that they made, mirror this.
Hutchinson said that after Trump delivered his speech to the crowed at the Ellipse that day, she returned to the White House and saw Anthony Ornato, a senior Secret Service official who was detailed to the White House and served as deputy chief of operations. Ornato pulled her into his office, where Trump's head of security at the time, Robert Engel, was sitting in a chair looking "somewhat discombobulated and a little lost," she said.

She said Ornato told her that when Trump entered "The Beast" — the president's heavily armored SUV limousine — he still believed it would be possible for him to go to the Capitol. But when Engel told him they couldn't for security reasons, Trump had "a very strong, very angry response," she said she was told.

After her testimony, journalists citing anonymous sources reported that Engel and the driver of Trump's vehicle were "prepared to testify under oath" to dispute Hutchinson's account and that Ornato denied telling Hutchinson that Trump "grabbed the steering wheel or an agent."

"Some of the officers said that they would be coming and talking under oath," said Lofgren, a member of the committee. "They have not come in, and they recently retained private counsel, which is unusual but they have a right to do that."

So, after Hutchinson, makes an accusation, like that and Anthony wants to set the record straight?
On FOX, not under oath, in court?
Sounds just like Trump and his cult.
The ones that hid the fact that Miller lied on Hannity and changed his story under oath about Trump requesting NG help.

Try to keep up.

As has been stated many times, The Capital Police documented President Trump's authorization of The National Guard and the refusal.
These facts are not in dispute.
As has been stated many times, The Capital Police documented President Trump's authorization of The National Guard and the refusal.
These facts are not in dispute.
Trump did say during a 30-second call on Jan. 5 with then Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller that “they” were going to need 10,000 troops on Jan. 6, according to a statement Miller provided to a House committee in May 2021.

But Miller added that there was “no elaboration,” and he took the comment to mean “a large force would be required to maintain order the following day.” He noted that domestic law enforcement believed they had sufficient personnel.

There is no evidence that Trump actually signed any order requesting 10,000 Guard troops, let alone 20,000, for Jan. 6. Reached for comment, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense provided a timeline of the agency’s involvement in preparing for and responding to the attack on the Capitol. The timeline shows no such order, and notes only that on Jan. 3, the president concurred with activating the D.C. National Guard to support law enforcement at the behest of Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“Not only did President Trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the Capitol, he placed no call to any element of the United States government to instruct that the Capitol be defended,”

“He did not call his secretary of defense on Jan. 6. He did not talk to his Attorney General. He did not talk to the Department of Homeland Security,” Cheney added. “President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day. And he made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets.”

The statements were backed up with testimony from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who said that Pence told Pentagon leaders to “get the Guard down here, put down this situation.”

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