On the fiscal cliff, Republicans are so screwed

Too bad some on this board do not see it that way or a least admit it, I am currently enjoying the greatest gift of partisan schadenfreude I have had since 2006. It is pretty rare that a party can outmaneuver themselves so completely, in this I give no credit to democrats for being better, only less suicidal in their goals.

They've lied and cheated themselves in to a corner. Last time around, they wanted to hurt the country so they could blame the president. This time, only the most foolish will buy their lies.

As for the budget, all they have to do is include actual numbers. Will they do that? Or will they keep lying about that too? Thing is, the rw's buy their lies and they just might be dumb enough to believe the same lie again.

Naw. Nobody is THAT dense.
Too bad some on this board do not see it that way or a least admit it, I am currently enjoying the greatest gift of partisan schadenfreude I have had since 2006. It is pretty rare that a party can outmaneuver themselves so completely, in this I give no credit to democrats for being better, only less suicidal in their goals.

Clearly when republicans agreed to this ‘cliff’ budget scheme, they believed by 2013 they’d have control of the Senate and a republican in the WH.

That's exactly what they were counting on, because they thought that with enough money, and enough squawking about how bad the economy is, Obama would be a one term President.

Unfortunately, people actually looked at what the economy was doing, that jobs were coming back to America, and that the stock market had doubled since he took office.

They also listened to what Mittens and Lyin' Ryan wanted to do with their tax plan, and after the past 10 years, they saw it was pretty much bullshit.

If the Republicans continue to block like they have over the past 2 years, come 2014, there's gonna be a whole lot more Dems in both the House and the Senate, and Obama is still gonna be prez.

And yeah...............everyone knows that the Reps were very much in favor of kicking the can down the road until after the elections. Now? It's been kicked too far, and if they keep blocking, they're gonna go the way of the Whigs.

oh really, so where in this latest proposal by Obama-Geithner does it tackle THE CAN that has been kicked down the road by BOTH PARTIES

ALSO, why didn't the savior Obama and his comrades in arms take care of the can when he had a majority instead he spent his first TWO YEARS shoving another Government program on us..and how much of taxing the rich going to save this out of control spending by this government?
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Even trying to run the House of Representatives seems to much for Republicans. Now they want to walk away whistling as if they never heard of the cliff, the recession, the wars, the debt, not even America. They must really be PO'd at the American people for the election results. They seem determined to ruin the nation.
Too bad some on this board do not see it that way or a least admit it, I am currently enjoying the greatest gift of partisan schadenfreude I have had since 2006. It is pretty rare that a party can outmaneuver themselves so completely, in this I give no credit to democrats for being better, only less suicidal in their goals.

Clearly when republicans agreed to this ‘cliff’ budget scheme, they believed by 2013 they’d have control of the Senate and a republican in the WH.

That's exactly what they were counting on, because they thought that with enough money, and enough squawking about how bad the economy is, Obama would be a one term President.

Unfortunately, people actually looked at what the economy was doing, that jobs were coming back to America, and that the stock market had doubled since he took office.

They also listened to what Mittens and Lyin' Ryan wanted to do with their tax plan, and after the past 10 years, they saw it was pretty much bullshit.

If the Republicans continue to block like they have over the past 2 years, come 2014, there's gonna be a whole lot more Dems in both the House and the Senate, and Obama is still gonna be prez.

And yeah...............everyone knows that the Reps were very much in favor of kicking the can down the road until after the elections. Now? It's been kicked too far, and if they keep blocking, they're gonna go the way of the Whigs.

If the Republicans are smart they'll do nothing at all just walk away. leave no room for the democrats to blame them for what the democrats have done.
Be the party of NO FINGERPRINTS

Their fingerprints are already all over it, except to those with short term memory loss. Republicans agreed to the sequester.

Republicans are in a lose-lose situation. Either they break on tax cuts to the rich, or they let taxes go up on everyone. Regardless of your ideology, how do think it will look if republicans let taxes go up on everyone just because they couldn't secure tax cuts for the rich?
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.
Clearly when republicans agreed to this ‘cliff’ budget scheme, they believed by 2013 they’d have control of the Senate and a republican in the WH.

That's exactly what they were counting on, because they thought that with enough money, and enough squawking about how bad the economy is, Obama would be a one term President.

Unfortunately, people actually looked at what the economy was doing, that jobs were coming back to America, and that the stock market had doubled since he took office.

They also listened to what Mittens and Lyin' Ryan wanted to do with their tax plan, and after the past 10 years, they saw it was pretty much bullshit.

If the Republicans continue to block like they have over the past 2 years, come 2014, there's gonna be a whole lot more Dems in both the House and the Senate, and Obama is still gonna be prez.

And yeah...............everyone knows that the Reps were very much in favor of kicking the can down the road until after the elections. Now? It's been kicked too far, and if they keep blocking, they're gonna go the way of the Whigs.

oh really, so where in this latest proposal by Obama-Geithner does it tackle THE CAN that has been kicked down the road by BOTH PARTIES

ALSO, why didn't the savior Obama and his comrades in arms take care of the can when he had a majority instead he spent his first TWO YEARS shoving another Government program on us..and how much of taxing the rich going to save this out of control spending by this government?
here is what he proposed during the debt ceiling debate:
Grand Bargain Documents: Obama, Debt Ceiling - Business Insider

here is what he is currently proposing:
Obama makes fresh demands on ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post

here is the CEO of Goldman Sach saying the plan is credible:
Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider

its also a fallacy to believe that Obama and the dems had full control for 2 years when the Supermajority in the Senate lasted 134 days:
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If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Republicans have been just as bad, if not worse, than Obama when it comes to compromise. They have a very immature "my way or the highway" attitude. Sure, they'll compromise, as long as it doesn't involve raising taxes on the rich or defense cuts.
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Republicans have been just as bad, if not worse, than Obama when it comes to compromise. They have a very immature "my way or the highway" attitude. Sure, they'll compromise, as long as it doesn't involve raising taxes on the rich or defense cuts.

Yep and the Obama idea of comprise is raise taxes like I want now and I will consider spending cuts somewhere down the line both parties could have avoided this earlier neither wanted to for all of the reasons listed.
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Republicans have been just as bad, if not worse, than Obama when it comes to compromise. They have a very immature "my way or the highway" attitude. Sure, they'll compromise, as long as it doesn't involve raising taxes on the rich or defense cuts.

That's just it. The Rs don't want tax hikes or defense cuts the Ds don't want cuts on anything else. The compromise solution IS doing nothing, letting the cuts expire, spending cuts on everything (are those spending cuts on everything?)
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Republicans have been just as bad, if not worse, than Obama when it comes to compromise. They have a very immature "my way or the highway" attitude. Sure, they'll compromise, as long as it doesn't involve raising taxes on the rich or defense cuts.

That's just it. The Rs don't want tax hikes or defense cuts the Ds don't want cuts on anything else. The compromise solution IS doing nothing, letting the cuts expire, spending cuts on everything (are those spending cuts on everything?)
the dems have proposed cuts to entitlements however, they were just rejected by the GOP.

from the debt ceiling debate:
Grand Bargain Documents: Obama, Debt Ceiling - Business Insider

current proposal:
Obama makes fresh demands on ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Republicans have been just as bad, if not worse, than Obama when it comes to compromise. They have a very immature "my way or the highway" attitude. Sure, they'll compromise, as long as it doesn't involve raising taxes on the rich or defense cuts.

Yep and the Obama idea of comprise is raise taxes like I want now and I will consider spending cuts somewhere down the line both parties could have avoided this earlier neither wanted to for all of the reasons listed.

That's on the R's. If they think the same thing will happen again then they should make sure there is strong language in the compromise ensuring the cuts will happen. If they can make the sequester strong enough to do that, why not the language in a compromise?

But yeah, the sequester is the fault of both parties. No one can dispute that.
If it's really a Fiscal Cliff (!!!) why haven't Obama and Reid bothered to even pass a budget?

Tell the Dems fo Get Fluked...Fluke Off and Grow the Fluke up

Surely you jest. Bush ran two wars on emergency spending bills(off budget.)

After Obama took the helm one of the first things he did was start paying the bills as an official record. Between the half a trillion dollars a year of interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt and running the wars "ON BUDGET" it's a wonder we're even still talking about this.
Democrat voters should be ashamed of the games Obama and his comrades in arms are playing with this all over tax hikes he wants...but instead they just laugh

Republicans should walk away

do it, i dare you fucks to walk away. This is how stupid you people are. You walk away you will get blamed for not wanting to fix the issue.

I mean do you ever actually think out your ideas before you post them?

Do it GOP faithful, walk away.
On the fiscal cliff, Republicans are so screwed

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see how Republicans have anything but bad options regarding the fiscal cliff. At least, not in the short term.
Even if Republicans negotiate the best bipartisan deal possible (something akin to the Corker plan), anyone who votes for it would be accused of selling out.

This would cause the base to either become demoralized or (more likely) angry — angry enough to primary the “read my lips” traitors. Either way, it’s not a good thing.

On the other hand, if no deal is reached, Republicans will surely be blamed (this is always a safe assumption and a smart default position — for a variety of reasons.)

This hasn’t stopped some conservative pundits from acting as if Republicans hold all the cards. But the notion that Republicans have leverage is silly. It’s the same kind of happy thinking that led some to boldly predict a Romney victory.

Look at it from Obama’s perspective. Would allowing the sequestration cuts to kick in be that bad? It would allow him to cut the U.S. military (and blame Republicans), make some much-needed spending cuts (without taking heat from his base), and — as a bonus – raise taxes!


Republicans are so screwed.

This is from thedailycaller.com, Fucker Carlson's online wingnut-fest. It was written by Matt K. Lewis:

, ubiquitous wingnut mouthpiece.

Democrats love to screw over the Republican, You wanted a divided country Now you have it. You won.

deep comment there piggy. Both love to screw each other over. You really have the pulse of D.C don't you.......:eusa_drool:
Democrat voters should be ashamed of the games Obama and his comrades in arms are playing with this all over tax hikes he wants...but instead they just laugh

Republicans should walk away

What they SHOULD do is go ahead and give the democrats everything they want. Then when it all falls apart, and it will, the public will have no one to blame but the democrats. Sort of like what Pelosi and Reid did to Bush.

They should do that but they won't. They have a handycap that the left isn't saddled with; morals.

I was thinking the same thing, but it wouldn't work.

You see even IF the country could make it another 10 years under liberal spending policies and our debt was by then well over $150 Trillion in 10 years and Republicans had given Dems everything they asked for during those 10 years, when it does collapse, the idiots will still blame Republicans.

If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Count me in as "naive".

The people that don't like him already..wouldn't like him even if he totally capitulated to Republicans and gave them everything they wanted..like he did in 2010.

He's never running for President again.

He's got nothing to lose.
If no deal is reached then taxes will also go up on the middle class as well as the rich and there will be cuts to social programs as well as defense the Republicans will get their share of the blame but anyone who thinks Obama and the Democrats won't as well is being naive. Both sides have to be willing to comprise to make a deal Bob Woodward's the price of politics shows that was not something Obama was willing to do in his first term so far he has shown no interest in doing that in his second term either.

Count me in as "naive".

The people that don't like him already..wouldn't like him even if he totally capitulated to Republicans and gave them everything they wanted..like he did in 2010.

He's never running for President again.

He's got nothing to lose.

I did a long time ago.

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