On the Jews, Part 2


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Consider Part 1 of this series to be my post "The Jews Exist" dated Wednesday April 19. This will be my second post, and believe me I am going somewhere with this.

In this part we will examine where the Jews are, what they do, and some of their characteristics.

Jews are mainly located in metropolitan centers across America, but the big three centers with Jews are New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami. The greatest concentrations are found in those cities. In turn, those cities in their own ways take on a Jewish character, and something of a hereditary Jewish aristocracy has developed there.

Jews can be found in many professions and businesses, but the big areas are finance, the media (tv, movies, etc.), and pornography (sometimes as a side business). They have control over and seem to gravitate to those fields like no other. Which, you can certainly judge for yourself whether this is good or bad, but it definitely has some consequences. The other thing that is remarkable is the vast concentration of financial wealth that accumulates into Jewish hands, and Jews never seem to go bankrupt or become poor. Their wealth is replaced if they lose it. Which you might consider a mystery, until you realize that they simply create the money out of thin air and hand it to themselves. This observation might not occur to those of you who actually have to work every day for a living.

Jews are always conscious of their Jewishness. It is their first and most important identity. They are not "Jewish Americans", they are Jews, period. They also have a resentment and sometimes seething hatred of white, Christian Americans. Whether or not this is justified I will leave to you, but it is nonetheless there. This makes Jews and blacks natural allies, because even though blacks may be Christian, they have the same separateness and resentment toward white people. Again, this alliance might not be apparent if you think of Jews and blacks as having opposite characteristics. But "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is true in life, and thus Jews and blacks are allies in America, with Jews often funding black music, businesses, making blacks look good in the media, etc.

Finally, Jews will always take the side of mass immigration, even if it undermines them through competition, through destabilizing American society. They will always take this side because Jews can never side with the concept of the white majority, or even that is should remain a majority. Jews are intelligent and subtle about this. They can work side by side with, and sometimes befriend, white Americans, but in the background is always the Jew who celebrates the dilution of white America.

In part 3, we will discuss the consequences of the above for America.

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