On The Subject Of The Stolen Election

Admit it - the whole Trump movement has always been about herding idiots. He's just the first R who actually does it better than the D's - that's why they're so worried. They know the power of manipulating idiots and they know it can bring down our whole country. The Russians and the Chinese know it as well.

Or, simply ignore it and post the usual propaganda.

Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

Why is it you can't find a single error in any of my posts?

You know why.


Now....because I am looking out for your health an wellbeing.....please....PLEASE!....do not read my new thread today.

If you do, I cannot be responsible for what it will do to your blood pressure, and acid reflux: IT IS CHOCK FULL OF TRUTH!!!

You've been warned.
Democrat Roosevelt made certain that Communism survived the war, and had a home in America.

Of course, the mini-'journalist' in the OP is part of this.


"Propaganda was Omnipotent in the USSR
Soviet leaders knew the power of propaganda, which is why they wielded it as a tool to placate and indoctrinate the masses. The Communist Party used propaganda in schools to brainwash the young and vulnerable. Propaganda extolling the virtues of the ruling class and the Communist Party was ever-present, inescapable. In the times before the internet, the USSR was able to completely control the dissemination of information, which the party used to keep the population in the dark as much as possible."

In posts #93, and #95, we can see the results of the Democrat propaganda.....so sad.
Admit it - the whole Trump movement has always been about herding idiots. He's just the first R who actually does it better than the D's - that's why they're so worried. They know the power of manipulating idiots and they know it can bring down our whole country. The Russians and the Chinese know it as well.

Or, simply ignore it and post the usual propaganda.

Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

Why is it you can't find a single error in any of my posts?

You know why.


Now....because I am looking out for your health an wellbeing.....please....PLEASE!....do not read my new thread today.

If you do, I cannot be responsible for what it will do to your blood pressure, and acid reflux: IT IS CHOCK FULL OF TRUTH!!!

You've been warned.
He doesn't give a fuck....He's a dem but sniffer desperately trying to pass himself off as a libertarian...A Mac1958 clone, only less malignantly narcissistic.....Had me fooled for a long time.
Admit it - the whole Trump movement has always been about herding idiots. He's just the first R who actually does it better than the D's - that's why they're so worried. They know the power of manipulating idiots and they know it can bring down our whole country. The Russians and the Chinese know it as well.

Or, simply ignore it and post the usual propaganda.

Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

Why is it you can't find a single error in any of my posts?

You know why.


Now....because I am looking out for your health an wellbeing.....please....PLEASE!....do not read my new thread today.

If you do, I cannot be responsible for what it will do to your blood pressure, and acid reflux: IT IS CHOCK FULL OF TRUTH!!!

You've been warned.
He doesn't give a fuck....He's a dem but sniffer desperately trying to pass himself off as a libertarian...Had me fooled for a long time.
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.
Admit it - the whole Trump movement has always been about herding idiots. He's just the first R who actually does it better than the D's - that's why they're so worried. They know the power of manipulating idiots and they know it can bring down our whole country. The Russians and the Chinese know it as well.

Or, simply ignore it and post the usual propaganda.

Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

Why is it you can't find a single error in any of my posts?

You know why.


Now....because I am looking out for your health an wellbeing.....please....PLEASE!....do not read my new thread today.

If you do, I cannot be responsible for what it will do to your blood pressure, and acid reflux: IT IS CHOCK FULL OF TRUTH!!!

You've been warned.
He doesn't give a fuck....He's a dem but sniffer desperately trying to pass himself off as a libertarian...Had me fooled for a long time.
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.
Trump's entire schtick is appealing to people who used to align themselves with the Democrat Party back in the 1980s...Y'know, working class people who love their country, are anit-communist, anti-war, pro civil liberties, and basically want to mind their own fucking business.

The Democrat Party threw those people overboard and he stepped in.....But you're over in the corner throwing spitballs trying to play the haughty "I'm so above it all" schtick like Mac.
Joe's accomplishments yesterday: Didn't pee his pants again yesterday. That's one day in a row.
Had crackers with his mashed bananas and oatmeal for lunch. Fingers crossed on that bowel movement.
Any day now.
Had video conference with Xi Jinping telling Joe what he should be thinking.
Drafting E.O.s making Dr. Jill Surgeon General of the U.S. and Hunter Biden Drug Czar.
Took long nap.
Wrote long threatening letter to "bad dude" Corn Pop.
Met with a Brownie troop from Scranton. Much nuzzling, sniffing and hair stroking.
Took shorter nap.
Had some Eggos for dinner.
Watched his favorite episodes of Matlock, again.
Had ten minute video conference with pre-screened jr. high journalism students.
Went to bed.
Admit it - the whole Trump movement has always been about herding idiots. He's just the first R who actually does it better than the D's - that's why they're so worried. They know the power of manipulating idiots and they know it can bring down our whole country. The Russians and the Chinese know it as well.

Or, simply ignore it and post the usual propaganda.

Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

Why is it you can't find a single error in any of my posts?

You know why.


Now....because I am looking out for your health an wellbeing.....please....PLEASE!....do not read my new thread today.

If you do, I cannot be responsible for what it will do to your blood pressure, and acid reflux: IT IS CHOCK FULL OF TRUTH!!!

You've been warned.
He doesn't give a fuck....He's a dem but sniffer desperately trying to pass himself off as a libertarian...Had me fooled for a long time.
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

If Trump is dumb, and accomplished all he did in such a short time, with every element of the Establishment and Deep State working against him day and night, then America should always elect dumb guys.

Well, not your sort of dumb.

You voted for the guy who never accomplished anything in 47 years at the public trough, and is on the payroll of Communist China.

Did you notice four separate questions at the White House briefing were about how nice will we be playing with China?
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

If Trump is dumb ...
I didn't say Trump was dumb. I said his political career is based on manipulating idiots.

You voted for the guy who never accomplished anything in 47 years at the public trough, and is on the payroll of Communist China.

Nope. I didn't.
Last edited:
.....But you're over in the corner throwing spitballs trying to play the haughty "I'm so above it all" schtick like Mac.

Yes. I'm over in the corner with the rest of the people who didn't fall for Trump's con.

The old saying is so true: "It's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled."
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

If Trump is dumb ...
I didn't say Trump was dumb. I said his political career is based on manipulating idiots.

You voted for the guy who never accomplished anything in 47 years at the public trough, and is on the payroll of Communist China.

Nope. I didn't.

I listed his achievements, and you were unable to deny any of them.
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

If Trump is dumb ...
I didn't say Trump was dumb. I said his political career is based on manipulating idiots.

You voted for the guy who never accomplished anything in 47 years at the public trough, and is on the payroll of Communist China.

Nope. I didn't.

I listed his achievements, and you were unable to deny any of them.
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.
Trump's entire schtick is telling stupid people that they the smart people are trying to trick them. That's the core of populism.

If Trump is dumb ...
I didn't say Trump was dumb. I said his political career is based on manipulating idiots.

You voted for the guy who never accomplished anything in 47 years at the public trough, and is on the payroll of Communist China.

Nope. I didn't.

I listed his achievements, and you were unable to deny any of them.
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.

Trump, a huge list of accomplishments for America, Biden nothing but this:
Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop



Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…



Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

And the moron says it's 'irrelevant.'
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.
... more irrelevant crap ...
And the moron says it's 'irrelevant.'

Yep. It is. None of your cheerleading has anything to do with Trump's fraudulent, and grossly irresponsible, claim the the election was "stolen". It has nothing to do with why idiots like you believe his claim.
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.
... more irrelevant crap ...
And the moron says it's 'irrelevant.'

Yep. It is. None of your cheerleading has anything to do with Trump's fraudulent, and grossly irresponsible, claim the the election was "stolen". It has nothing to do with why idiots like you believe his claim.

Now is your chance to prove you are not the imbecile I proved you to be:

Soooo.....what are the Trump policies you voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.
... more irrelevant crap ...
And the moron says it's 'irrelevant.'

Yep. It is. None of your cheerleading has anything to do with Trump's fraudulent, and grossly irresponsible, claim the the election was "stolen". It has nothing to do with why idiots like you believe his claim.

Now is your chance to prove you are not the imbecile I proved you to be:

Soooo.....what are the Trump policies you voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.

Don't you have anything to say about the topic? I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Libertarian and I voted Libertarian. I really don't want to get caught up in one of your dumb, partisan pissing matches.
Because it's irrelevant. The topic is the myth of the "stolen election", not Trump's supposed achievements.
... more irrelevant crap ...
And the moron says it's 'irrelevant.'

Yep. It is. None of your cheerleading has anything to do with Trump's fraudulent, and grossly irresponsible, claim the the election was "stolen". It has nothing to do with why idiots like you believe his claim.

Now is your chance to prove you are not the imbecile I proved you to be:

Soooo.....what are the Trump policies you voted against, and the Biden policies you voted for.

Don't you have anything to say about the topic? I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Libertarian and I voted Libertarian. I really don't want to get caught up in one of your dumb, partisan pissing matches.

Politics in America is binary. Two choices. I recognize the one you made.

" I'm not a Democrat."



Politics in America is binary. Two choices. I recognize the one you made.

" I'm not a Democrat."


Nope. Heh, but you know - if that's all you got...

Who'd you vote for?
Jorgensen. Again, what does any of this have to do with the topic? Is every single discussion for you a partisan fight?

There are only two realistic choices in a national election.

All of your posts are anti-Trump.

I'm gonna stick with the obvious conclusion.

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