On this day of JFK's birthday, what would he be ashamed of most?

List of shame

  • Sense of entitlement

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • intolerance

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Lacking knowledge & respect for Constitution

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Hateful & nasty

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Weakness (snowflakes)

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Attacking anyone who hasn't been indoctrinated via the media and economics

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Blatantly dishonest media

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Projection, such as the BLM movement

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Lazy thinking, or in other terms, easy prey to liberal narrative

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Hypocrisy

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Anti-American

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Race-card, women card, LGBT card and any other wild card played

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Declaring the unnatural natural. Trying to level playing field against laws of nature & balance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blatant propoganda

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Political Correctness (i.e., pussified country)

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
Racists? Yes

A society looking to legally force Blacks into second class citizenship?

You have to go to the south for that

Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you.
What an ignorant post

The money is at the top brackets not the bottom

Please, my brilliant mentor, share with us what is ignorant about the post. All facts. As you know.

Tens of millions more in the middle. Why should they not share in the expense of keeping this great nation free?

Lets follow the money


You want to go after the 40% of Americans who have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
While you protect those in the 1% who control 34.6% of the wealth
Show me the laws enforcing segregation in states other than the SOUTH
Show me a governor standing in a doorway of a school blocking entrance of black children in states other than the SOUTH
Show me attack dogs and fire hoses being used on black protestors in states other than the SOUTH

Redlining and Zoning Laws were used in virtually every old city in the nation. That all goes back to the 1890's to 1910 where they were used to segregate all races. In LA, a Chinese laundry was not allowed to be located in any area outside of Chinatown.

New York, Chicago, Philadelphia all followed those directives.

In 1936 in order to get an FHA loan, the appraiser was tasked, in their instruction manuals to make a determination as to whether the house was located in an area which was likely to be INVADED by a different socio or economic group.

From the manual:
  • (g) Prohibition of the occupancy of properties except by the race for which they were intended.
Schools should be appropriate to the needs of the new community and they should not be attended in large numbers by inharmonious racial groups.

"Racial" Provisions of FHA Underwriting Manual, 1936

So knock off your false allegations that the North and West were NOT racist. They were just as racist if not more so.
What an ignorant post

The money is at the top brackets not the bottom

Please, my brilliant mentor, share with us what is ignorant about the post. All facts. As you know.

Tens of millions more in the middle. Why should they not share in the expense of keeping this great nation free?

Lets follow the money


You want to go after the 40% of Americans who have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
While you protect those in the 1% who control 34.6% of the wealth

Not at all, we need the other 95% who are not paying their fair share. I showed you how the low and middle-income households shared in paying for our government in the past. Why not today?
I like that....thanks for posting it

It reminds people of what Republicans used to be like 50 or more years ago

As you know, nothing has changed today. Republicans and Conservatives have always viewed blacks and all other minorities as being equal.

Democrats, on the other hand, pigeon hole every minority and view them as being inferior and being victims and desperately in need of getting help not available to everyone. Really shameful.
What an ignorant post

The money is at the top brackets not the bottom

Please, my brilliant mentor, share with us what is ignorant about the post. All facts. As you know.

Tens of millions more in the middle. Why should they not share in the expense of keeping this great nation free?

Lets follow the money


You want to go after the 40% of Americans who have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
While you protect those in the 1% who control 34.6% of the wealth

Not at all, we need the other 95% who are not paying their fair share. I showed you how the low and middle-income households shared in paying for our government in the past. Why not today?

I assume you are including Donald Trump who does not pay federal taxes
your ignorance never ceases to amaze. You want to see racism? go out west and see how the native americans are treated and what the tolerant western liberals have to say about them. Or go to southern cal or Miami and see how the Mexicans and Cubans are treated.

To make the stupid claim that racism only existed in the south, it just plain stupid. Have you ever been outside of your mom's basement and seen the real world?

Got it
Racism exists all over the country

But it was only the SOUTH that institutionalized it through slavery and segregation laws

There is a difference between individuals being racist and their elected government being racist

you are simply wrong. Segregation existed in all 50 states, discrimination existed in all 50 states. when you claim that it only existed in the south, you lose all credibility.

segregation was wrong, I think we all agree on that. Discrimination is wrong, I think we all agree on that.

Where we disagree is when you on the alt left try to divide the country by geography, race, age, income, orientation, or anything else. But I think I understand, without creating division, the left has no platform and nothing to offer. Your only platform is to create hate. It showed in Berkley recently.

The desperation is obvious. You alt lefters lost and you still don't understand why.

Show me the laws enforcing segregation in states other than the SOUTH
Show me a governor standing in a doorway of a school blocking entrance of black children in states other than the SOUTH
Show me attack dogs and fire hoses being used on black protestors in states other than the SOUTH

it was in place in the rest of the country. I grew up in Michigan, the schools were segregated, the colleges were segregated, the restaurants were segregated, the hotels were segregated. The didn't need laws, they just did it.

Yes, it was more blatant in the south, but it existed in all 50 states.

Again you are admitting there are no laws enforcing segregation other than the SOUTH

What you are describing are social norms which were also attacked by our courts and resolved through busing, affirmative action and public accommodation laws

Laws which are still opposed by REPUBLICANS

so what? the facts remain the segregation and discrimination were practiced in all 50 states.

forced busing was hated by all races, it accomplished nothing

affirmative action is another form of discrimination, wrong no matter who it discriminates against.

Public accommodation laws, the only positive thing in your post.

Now, what do you call it when members of one side block the free speech of the other side through violence and destruction of public and private property and the physical attacks on other people? I'm talking about Berkley. Do you condone what was done there?
Where we disagree is when you on the alt left try to divide the country by geography, race, age, income, orientation, or anything else. But I think I understand, without creating division, the left has no platform and nothing to offer. Your only platform is to create hate. It showed in Berkley recently.

The desperation is obvious. You alt lefters lost and you still don't understand why.

It's kind of ironic you'd call out a blanket polarization --- and then attribute it to an "alt left", which doesn't even exist.

Just sayin', you started with a worthy point and then committed the same fallacy you called out.

are you claiming that the left is not trying to divide us and not trying to block conservative speakers from having a voice.

I used alt left to piss you off, I see that it worked.
What an ignorant post

The money is at the top brackets not the bottom

Please, my brilliant mentor, share with us what is ignorant about the post. All facts. As you know.

Tens of millions more in the middle. Why should they not share in the expense of keeping this great nation free?

Lets follow the money


You want to go after the 40% of Americans who have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
While you protect those in the 1% who control 34.6% of the wealth

Not at all, we need the other 95% who are not paying their fair share. I showed you how the low and middle-income households shared in paying for our government in the past. Why not today?

I assume you are including Donald Trump who does not pay federal taxes

WTF are you talking about? He paid 25% in 2005 and filed a completely legal tax return.

He wont release the rest of them because you clowns would make up lies about what they say. Why feed the dragon that wants to eat you?
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

to libtardians a smaller deficit equals a surplus. Face it, they are stupid and they lie.
I like that....thanks for posting it

It reminds people of what Republicans used to be like 50 or more years ago

As you know, nothing has changed today. Republicans and Conservatives have always viewed blacks and all other minorities as being equal.

Democrats, on the other hand, pigeon hole every minority and view them as being inferior and being victims and desperately in need of getting help not available to everyone. Really shameful.
You can tell by how many black people Republicans elect
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

to libtardians a smaller deficit equals a surplus. Face it, they are stupid and they lie.
You are the guys who keep slashing taxes without cutting spending
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

That off-budget issues may have increased the national debt in any given year does not mean that a budget surplus can never have occurred.
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

That off-budget issues may have increased the national debt in any given year does not mean that a budget surplus can never have occurred.

Poor Bill's was only "projected". If we keep paying for everything for people like you we'll never be solvent.
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

to libtardians a smaller deficit equals a surplus. Face it, they are stupid and they lie.

I keep hoping!
We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

We've never had a budget surplus either. You and the rest, are including revenues for Social Security and Medicare. The debt increased each and every year. Do you really call that a "surplus"?

That off-budget issues may have increased the national debt in any given year does not mean that a budget surplus can never have occurred.

Poor Bill's was only "projected". If we keep paying for everything for people like you we'll never be solvent.

Total public debt outstanding fell from Jan 1, 2000 to Dec 31, 2000.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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