On this day of JFK's birthday, what would he be ashamed of most?

List of shame

  • Sense of entitlement

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • intolerance

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Lacking knowledge & respect for Constitution

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Hateful & nasty

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Weakness (snowflakes)

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Attacking anyone who hasn't been indoctrinated via the media and economics

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Blatantly dishonest media

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Projection, such as the BLM movement

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Lazy thinking, or in other terms, easy prey to liberal narrative

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Hypocrisy

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Anti-American

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Race-card, women card, LGBT card and any other wild card played

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Declaring the unnatural natural. Trying to level playing field against laws of nature & balance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blatant propoganda

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Political Correctness (i.e., pussified country)

    Votes: 7 50.0%

  • Total voters
Kennedy dropped it to 70 percent

I am willing to go with JFKs tax rate for the highest bracket. Conservatives honor him for giving us a 70% tax rate

You cited 1963, the rate was lowered in 1964 to 70%.

We also had 26 brackets. TWENTY-SIX!!

Earning only $500.00 your tax rate was 16.5% ($3,900.00 today)

Earning $5,000.00 your tax rate was 23.5% ($39,300.00 today)

Earning $10,000.00 per year, your tax rate was 34.0% ($76,000.00 today)

That sure would be cutting the deficit and the debt in short order.

That 47 percent which is paying nothing in income taxes today would be making huge contributions.

Good for you!
But I do believe this war started during Eisenhower.
Eisenhower sent the first "advisers" to Vietnam.

escalated by Kennedy and Johnson and ended by Nixon. The USA declared defeat and let 58,000 American die for nothing.

No, actually it was the warmongers who insisted on our getting in the middle of a Civil War that killed 58,000

It was the Jane Fonda's of the world who kept the number from being higher

amazingly stupid and uninformed. Jane Fonda was a traitor who should have been sent to jail for the rest of her life. Were Kennedy and Johnson war mongers?

It was the liberals who believed that we in the USA should tell everyone else in the world how to live and who should be their leaders. USA intervention has been the direct of liberal mindsets that believe that only we have the answers. Its the height or arrogance and the direct cause of 58,000 American deaths in viet nam.

Nope. It was Harry Truman, who was no Liberal and acting on bad advice (Jimmy Byrnes especially) that he didn't bother to vet, that took us down that path. And it was John Foster Dulles, giving Eisenhower the same kind of bad advice that Ike didn't bother to vet, who got us into Vietnam on that same path.

Those aren't "Liberals" or "Conservatives". Those are power-hungry war opportunists, steering the President into dead-end policies. JFK as an intellectual didn't seem to be swayable as such.

Perhaps JFK would be most ashamed that his running mate LBJ then continued to continue down that same path, followed in turn by Nixon, who he defeated in 1960.

where do you get this revisionist history? Truman did not get un into viet nam. WTF?

the viet nam fiasco belongs to Kennedy and Johnson and the blood of 58,000 americans is on their hands. True that Nixon also has to take some of the blame, but at least he saw the light and declared defeat and brought our people home.
Democrat party is a proper name. democrat is an adjective and as such should not be capitalized.

"Democrat party" isn't the name of anything Homer. Not in this language.

What's more, democrat, even with a small D meaning a generic advocate of democracy, isn't an adjective anyway --- it's a NOUN. The adjective would be democratic.

Besides all of which, you used the noun democrat with a small D, which means an advocate of democracy, regardless of political party. Now if you had said Democrat you'd be referring to some member of that party.

Reading is a lost art. :(

Give me the names of current democrats who would say what Kennedy said, or even believe in the concept he was advocating for.

You want a list of registered Democrats? :lol:

Not interested -- do your own research. Contact the DNC.

oh geez, grammar 101. nugatory and histrionic

Not a single democrat believes or would say what Kennedy said. Kennedy would be a republican if he was alive today. Not one of today's democrats would call Russia's bluff and do a Cuban blockade, not one would dedicate the country to putting a man on the moon and bringing him back safely. Today's dems are interested in creating an ever larger dependent class that will keep them and their cronies in power and allow them to get rich at the taxpayers' expense.


Yeah didn't think so.

Look over to the left for a key called "Shift". It's used to type capital letters when rendering a proper name.

You are asking me to prove a negative. Its on you to prove that there are any democrats today who believe as Kennedy believed when he made that statement.

I fully understand the functions of the shift key. "Shift" it up your ass you arrogant prick..
Yup, the South was terrified of a free society, rightfully so.

Lincoln's demands were simple: no slavery in the territories, return the seized federal property in the South, and act like grownups.

Third party.

Oh and I called Sanders a "socialist"--you're the one who claimed he was actually a "democratic socialist". I simply asked you to explain the difference. If you can't support your claims, then I suggest that your arguments are rather weak.

YOU made the assertion, Sparkles. I just corrected it.

So why did you change it in the first place? Not very honest, is it.

As for having third party as a choice (in the final election) only voters in locked-red or locked-blue states have that, and by definition since their state is locked it's going to have zero effect. I've done it and it's completely unsatisfying to pore down the state's totals and go "see that little number -- I'm in there". It makes bupkis difference. You might as well have stayed home for all the effect it had.

-What did I change? You stated I changed something?

-A "democratic socialist" is a "socialist"...hence the second word in the title.

-Third parties (over the course of time) CAN eventually be major parties. Hell we have one right now that has the presidency, the House and the Senate. Would you have told the people who voted Republican back in the 1800's that their votes were useless and wouldn't ever affect America?

The Republican Party is in no way a "third" party. It's one of the Duopoly that makes any upstart party a "third" --- the presence of a first (Democratic) and second (Republican). Fer chrissakes it's over 150 years old.

Re-read my post. I stated that third parties over time can rise to power and cited the Republicans.

The Republican Party WAS a third party (to the Whigs and Democrats).

The fact that the part is over 150 years old (your words-not mine), proves my point since our country is ~250 years old.

It's ok to be wrong. Everybody is wrong at times. Own it and move on.

WRONG. The Whigs were already gone by then. Abe Lincoln had been one. The RP drew its population largely FROM the ex-Whigs.... who didn't have a party any more. It had collapsed. The Know Nothings collapsed around the same time. By then only the Democratic Party was surviving as a viable organization -- the race was on to establish a viable second party to challenge it with comparable force. That's what the RP did. Many tried, the RP held on and became that second party. And it's been Duopoly ever since.

An example of a "third party" at the time would be the short-lived Constitutional Union party which ran John Bell in 1860. That party was another offshoot of ex-Whigs.

There have been other third parties but none made much of a splash against the Duopoly, excepting Teddy Roosevelt in 1912 who came in second, pushed the Republican to third place and handed Wilson the election. But TR was already a former POTUS who had won the primaries and was denied the nomination by the Republican Party, so he already had a support base directly from the Duopoly, along with 7+ years in the White House.

The day that the Republican Party was formed (March 20th, 1854), the Whigs had the second most members in Congress with 28% in the Senate and 32% in the House. Facts.
The Whigs, like the Know Nothings, shattered on the irreconcilable rock of slavery.
No, actually it was the warmongers who insisted on our getting in the middle of a Civil War that killed 58,000

It was the Jane Fonda's of the world who kept the number from being higher

amazingly stupid and uninformed. Jane Fonda was a traitor who should have been sent to jail for the rest of her life. Were Kennedy and Johnson war mongers?

It was the liberals who believed that we in the USA should tell everyone else in the world how to live and who should be their leaders. USA intervention has been the direct of liberal mindsets that believe that only we have the answers. Its the height or arrogance and the direct cause of 58,000 American deaths in viet nam.
Jane Fonda helped end the war earlier and saved lives

It was Bob Hope who tried to make the war popular

you are an idiot

It is true

While Bob Hope was revered as a patriot for his support of the war, he was used as a tool by the war mongers to sell their unfathomable war.

If Bob Hope had pulled a Walter Cronkite and come out against a war that was uselessly slaughtering our soldiers, the war would have ended three years earlier

bullshit, Bob Hope and the USO did not extend the viet nam fiasco. It was extended by LBJ and finally ended by Nixon when he declared defeat and brought us home.

How stupid do you have to be to claim that an entertainer was responsible for the viet nam war and the 58,000 americans who died for nothing?

At least before Nixon got us out of the war, he bombed the shit out of real targets.
He became a social justice warrior and had been a life long anti-communist cold warrior.

He had no use for the far right of then that embraced intolerance and Lacking knowledge & respect for Constitution and Hateful & Nasty and Projection by the John Birch Society and White Citizens Councils and Hypocrisy and far right anti-Americanism and embracing racialistm, nativism, nationalism, and anti democracy.
Problem is, Kennedy's tax cuts never balanced the budget. The only year of a budget surplus was 1969,

as a result of the 1968 SURTAX put in place to pay for the Vietnam War.

We have never had a year where our Nationa Debt has decreased. Of course, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama set RECORDS. The first president in our history to have our debt exceed the amount of our GDP. You must be so proud!

We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.
amazingly stupid and uninformed. Jane Fonda was a traitor who should have been sent to jail for the rest of her life. Were Kennedy and Johnson war mongers?

It was the liberals who believed that we in the USA should tell everyone else in the world how to live and who should be their leaders. USA intervention has been the direct of liberal mindsets that believe that only we have the answers. Its the height or arrogance and the direct cause of 58,000 American deaths in viet nam.
Jane Fonda helped end the war earlier and saved lives

It was Bob Hope who tried to make the war popular

you are an idiot

It is true

While Bob Hope was revered as a patriot for his support of the war, he was used as a tool by the war mongers to sell their unfathomable war.

If Bob Hope had pulled a Walter Cronkite and come out against a war that was uselessly slaughtering our soldiers, the war would have ended three years earlier

bullshit, Bob Hope and the USO did not extend the viet nam fiasco. It was extended by LBJ and finally ended by Nixon when he declared defeat and brought us home.

How stupid do you have to be to claim that an entertainer was responsible for the viet nam war and the 58,000 americans who died for nothing?

At least before Nixon got us out of the war, he bombed the shit out of real targets.

yes, what's really sad is that we were a couple of weeks from winning that mess. If the administrations had let the military do its job, it could have been over in months. Instead we declared defeat and let those 58,000 americans die for nothing. A very sad chapter in our past.
Problem is, Kennedy's tax cuts never balanced the budget. The only year of a budget surplus was 1969,

as a result of the 1968 SURTAX put in place to pay for the Vietnam War.

We have never had a year where our Nationa Debt has decreased. Of course, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama set RECORDS. The first president in our history to have our debt exceed the amount of our GDP. You must be so proud!

We've had budget surpluses. Budgets are annual.

yes, we have. Bubba Clinton and Newt created a surplus. Where is the Newt on the dem side today?
He became a social justice warrior and had been a life long anti-communist cold warrior.

He had no use for the far right of then that embraced intolerance and Lacking knowledge & respect for Constitution and Hateful & Nasty and Projection by the John Birch Society and White Citizens Councils and Hypocrisy and far right anti-Americanism and embracing racialistm, nativism, nationalism, and anti democracy.

were you alive in those days? If you were you must have been in a drug induced stupor because Kennedy was far right of today's dems.
The Democratic Party in 1860, like the Whigs and the Know Nothings before them, shattered on the rock of Slavery.

Far right revisionist history will never gain respect in HSs or colleges in America.
The Democratic Party in 1860, like the Whigs and the Know Nothings before them, shattered on the rock of Slavery.

Far right revisionist history will never gain respect in HSs or colleges in America.

OK, then lets not try to revise the history that shows that the KKK and most slave owners were democrats. Lets not hide the history that the biggest slave owner in America was a black man, or that there were more slaves in New York than in Georgia, or that slavery existed in Illinois after the civil war.

I agree with you, lets teach history as it really was, that's the only way anyone can learn from it.
JFK had no shame, period. His dad made his fortune illegally and had ties to the mob. Got them to bring in the union vote for Jack, promising to ease off their case, which had been getting hot. Jack made Bobby, the mob ball buster, the Attorney General instead and it got worse for them. Coincidently once JFK was out of the picture Bobby resigned and they had smooth sailing.
Yes, there were no slave owners after December 1865. Most KKK in the South were Dems, and in Indiana, Ohio, California, Oregon, and Washington, they were mostly Pubs.

The biggest slave owner in America was a white man with thousands of slaves. There were 3000 while slave owners to every slave owner of color.

Let's get your Illinois slavery question answered correctly. "The Illinois' Constitution of 1848 specifically banned slavery, section 16 of its Declaration of Rights specifying, "There shall be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the State, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted." Nevertheless, the same constitution led to one of the harshest Black Code systems in the nation until the American Civil War. The Illinois Black Code of 1853 prohibited any Black persons from outside of the state from staying in the state for more than ten days, subjecting Black emigrants who remain beyond the ten days to arrest, detention, a $50 fine, or deportation. The Code was repealed in early 1865, the same year that the Civil War ended.[8] At that time, Illinois also became the first state to ratify the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery nationally.[9]" History of slavery in Illinois - Wikipedia
If Bob Hope had pulled a Walter Cronkite and come out against a war that was uselessly slaughtering our soldiers, the war would have ended three years earlier

The war would have ended at least three years sooner had the war been run by the military instead of politicians. Politicians play to not lose, winners play to WIN. Hillary Clinton and her advisors played to not lose the election. Donald Trump played to win. See the difference?
What a load of bullshit

We ran the war like we do all wars......Bomb the shit out of them, chase them when you find them, kill as many as you see

They just hunkered down and killed as many as they could

60,000 Americans died in that stupid, stupid war
The Democratic Party in 1860, like the Whigs and the Know Nothings before them, shattered on the rock of Slavery.

Far right revisionist history will never gain respect in HSs or colleges in America.

OK, then lets not try to revise the history that shows that the KKK and most slave owners were democrats. Lets not hide the history that the biggest slave owner in America was a black man, or that there were more slaves in New York than in Georgia, or that slavery existed in Illinois after the civil war.

I agree with you, lets teach history as it really was, that's the only way anyone can learn from it.
The KKK and slave owners were SOUTHERNERS

Most southerners were Democrats
If Bob Hope had pulled a Walter Cronkite and come out against a war that was uselessly slaughtering our soldiers, the war would have ended three years earlier

The war would have ended at least three years sooner had the war been run by the military instead of politicians. Politicians play to not lose, winners play to WIN. Hillary Clinton and her advisors played to not lose the election. Donald Trump played to win. See the difference?
What a load of bullshit

We ran the war like we do all wars......Bomb the shit out of them, chase them when you find them, kill as many as you see

They just hunkered down and killed as many as they could

60,000 Americans died in that stupid, stupid war

What fucking War do you know about punk?

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