On Wednesday, CNN will air a town hall with kids who survived the Florida massacre

The left loves to pawn the children...CNN will coax them, wait for it

And how will they "coax them" exactly? Asking them where they were and how they felt or for their opinions of Florida gun laws?

Jesus - maybe Fox News can schedule a competing show with Young Republicans at that school.

Might be able to find one or two who advocate open carry on campus!

Good idea, real Americans vs tender snowflakes raised by moronic left loons

CNN is disgusting. But so are you.

What did I tell you about annoying me snot blower? You bring nothing but trolling, knock it off

Crying now? Grow up.

let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done
Liberalism is the cause of school shootings. At one time there were guns at schools and this stuff didn't happen. So liberalism needs to go.

When were there guns in schools - the 1800s?
Liberalism is the cause of not only school shootings - but every bad thing that happens in the world
Amiright? :rolleyes-41:
Yep, anything liberalism touches, it destroys.
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done
I can live with it as long as there is a real discussion that includes more than demonizing gun owners, and the typical soundbites. I would like to hear more dialog regarding the extreme violent imagery in media and gaming, failure of our mental health system,the lack of personal responsibility ,the pushing of rytalin and other powerful drugs for behavior, the change in culture for the last 40 years that puts less emphasis on the traditional family, the loss of a sense of higher purpose, the demonization of law enforcement, and the failure of our education system since the inception of the Dept of Education.
I want to see a real self reflection on what has changed over 40 years in our culture.

Somehow I believe I will be disappointed and we will continue to hear the same crap.
I don't demonize gun owners
Most respectable gun owners use their guns to hunt, target practice or provide defense of their families

Who I do demonize are those who will do anything it takes to defend the gun rights of those who give legitimate gun owners a bad name. Jailing people after they have killed is not an answer. We need to do what it takes to keep guns and weapons of mass killing out of the hands of these murderers

What does it take to get gun owners to say........I have had enough!
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done
I can live with it as long as there is a real discussion that includes more than demonizing gun owners, and the typical soundbites. I would like to hear more dialog regarding the extreme violent imagery in media and gaming, failure of our mental health system,the lack of personal responsibility ,the pushing of rytalin and other powerful drugs for behavior, the change in culture for the last 40 years that puts less emphasis on the traditional family, the loss of a sense of higher purpose, the demonization of law enforcement, and the failure of our education system since the inception of the Dept of Education.
I want to see a real self reflection on what has changed over 40 years in our culture.

Somehow I believe I will be disappointed and we will continue to hear the same crap.
I don't demonize gun owners
Most respectable gun owners use their guns to hunt, target practice or provide defense of their families

Who I do demonize are those who will do anything it takes to defend the gun rights of those who give legitimate gun owners a bad name. Jailing people after they have killed is not an answer. We need to do what it takes to keep guns and weapons of mass killing out of the hands of these murderers

What does it take to get gun owners to say........I have had enough!

The only thing would be if their kid is murdered. That's about it.
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done
I can live with it as long as there is a real discussion that includes more than demonizing gun owners, and the typical soundbites. I would like to hear more dialog regarding the extreme violent imagery in media and gaming, failure of our mental health system,the lack of personal responsibility ,the pushing of rytalin and other powerful drugs for behavior, the change in culture for the last 40 years that puts less emphasis on the traditional family, the loss of a sense of higher purpose, the demonization of law enforcement, and the failure of our education system since the inception of the Dept of Education.
I want to see a real self reflection on what has changed over 40 years in our culture.

Somehow I believe I will be disappointed and we will continue to hear the same crap.
I don't demonize gun owners
Most respectable gun owners use their guns to hunt, target practice or provide defense of their families

Who I do demonize are those who will do anything it takes to defend the gun rights of those who give legitimate gun owners a bad name. Jailing people after they have killed is not an answer. We need to do what it takes to keep guns and weapons of mass killing out of the hands of these murderers

What does it take to get gun owners to say........I have had enough!

One of their 'own' has to be among the "unfortunate".
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done

OK What should we do?

What law or regulation or executive order would have stopped this last school shooting?

Be specific

Massachusetts doesn’t allow teens to buy AR style firearms .

Mass gun licenses go through the local PD . A police cheif can deny someone who is “unsuitable “. For example , kid who’s had the police to his home 30x .

Yeah you would think the arbitrary nature of MA laws is a good thing
Tell me would you like some unelected cop deciding whether or not your 4th and 5th amendment rights applied to you?
Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

When I was a kid the gun culture in this country was about hunting and camping. Gun stores sold shotguns and hunting rifles. Now the gun culture is about military hardware, tactical gear and weapons made to mow down humans.

Unsurprisingly, most of the mass murderers prefer AR-15's with large magazines. Gangsters and terrorists and homicidal maniacs can get whatever they want, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

The NRA and the right wing wackos on this site have blood all over their hands... in fact they are entirely covered in it.

We will bans weapons of war from our streets eventually and we will end most of these horrific massacres.

Mandatory background checks for all gun purchases, public or private. End the gun show loophole.

You do know that people buying guns have to answer all kinds of questions on the federal paperwork don't you?

And an AR 15 is just a plain old semiautomatic rifle with some plastic doodads on it. I got a semiautomatic .22 when I was 12 years old for Christ's sake

This rifle

Is exactly the same as this rifle


But for some cosmetic differences
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done
I can live with it as long as there is a real discussion that includes more than demonizing gun owners, and the typical soundbites. I would like to hear more dialog regarding the extreme violent imagery in media and gaming, failure of our mental health system,the lack of personal responsibility ,the pushing of rytalin and other powerful drugs for behavior, the change in culture for the last 40 years that puts less emphasis on the traditional family, the loss of a sense of higher purpose, the demonization of law enforcement, and the failure of our education system since the inception of the Dept of Education.
I want to see a real self reflection on what has changed over 40 years in our culture.

Somehow I believe I will be disappointed and we will continue to hear the same crap.
I don't demonize gun owners
Most respectable gun owners use their guns to hunt, target practice or provide defense of their families

Who I do demonize are those who will do anything it takes to defend the gun rights of those who give legitimate gun owners a bad name. Jailing people after they have killed is not an answer. We need to do what it takes to keep guns and weapons of mass killing out of the hands of these murderers

What does it take to get gun owners to say........I have had enough!
Not calling you out specifically, just the rhetoric I see on these pages, and in the MSM. When I see folks calling for ending the 2nd amendment and claiming law abiding citizens have blood on their hands, I find that alarming and made with emotion, not logic. Reality is that some type of compromise will have to be made. I would like to see equal and fair time and yes the NRA should be there. I would like to see serious discussion on the topics I mentioned. Not just screaming soundbites at the camera. I still have doubts that CNN will be fair.
One of their 'own' has to be among the "unfortunate".
On this I believe rightwinger was on the thread when I called out the POS calling Sandy Hook a hoax and implying that this shooting also was. Again, my wife lost a first cousin at Sandy Hook, and I have personally met the parents, who never comment on the issue and wish to be left alone. Rest of family has same view that this is far much deeper than the "gun".
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Stop Putting Traumatized Teenagers On Television

"the children who are dying are real kids from real families. some were doing foolish things. some were caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. but all kids have the right to live. my child is dead. your child could be next." - Father of Parkland massacre victim

can't wait to watch this!

Isn't that up to their parents.

People who mock these kids, harass these families are the lowest forms of life.

Newtown parents were harassed by Alex Cox fans. There is a special place in hell for those lovers of Cox.
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done

OK What should we do?

What law or regulation or executive order would have stopped this last school shooting?

Be specific

Massachusetts doesn’t allow teens to buy AR style firearms .

Mass gun licenses go through the local PD . A police cheif can deny someone who is “unsuitable “. For example , kid who’s had the police to his home 30x .

Yeah you would think the arbitrary nature of MA laws is a good thing
Tell me would you like some unelected cop deciding whether or not your 4th and 5th amendment rights applied to you?

Everything is appealable . It’s sort of a catch for those psychos who never got into any official trouble .
CNN: Never met a traumatized teenager they wouldn’t put in front of a camera.

"if you think I’m going to take advice from a 16 year old high schooler who was just involved with a shooting, you are either idiotic or CNN. The more kids CNN puts on TV, the more I support the 2nd Amendment" - Trump supporter
"i'm not going to let these politicians keep murdering my friends. how can we let these people stay in power if they're just trying to save themselves" - David Hogg, Florida shooting survivor
"Florida Rep. Ted Deutch, Sen. Bill Nelson and Sen. Marco Rubio have accepted an invitation to participate. Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Pres. Trump declined an invitation"

In plan language;

CFR new world order puppets accepted, those independent of the Anglo-American soft police state declined this excellent propaganda effort.
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks

Im with you on a mental background check. If we're going to decay into a doped up, high, society that refuses to look at the root cause of its immoral rot, then a mental background check should probably be in order.

The problem here is everyone in the community KNEW the guy was unstable.

Local law enforcement was notified, so was the FBI in the area, they ALL knew, there are already laws on the books, they could have done something, nothing was done on PURPOSE.

However, b/c they are all liberal and progressive, and they are all into affirmative action, and did not want to have statistics in their community that showed disproportionate numbers of black and Hispanic lock-ups and infractions, law enforcement and the FBI looked the other way on the shooters MULTIPLE warning signs.

Either that, or it was a calculated and intentional way to make sure this clearly disturbed individual was in possession of a gun, so that they could hope something like this would happen in order to push a narrative. But for that, we would have to ascribe to them ill intent. :tinfoil:

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