On Wednesday, CNN will air a town hall with kids who survived the Florida massacre

Florida school shooting survivor David Hogg on President Trump’s weekend tweet: “I think it’s disgusting, personally”
Stop Putting Traumatized Teenagers On Television

"the children who are dying are real kids from real families. some were doing foolish things. some were caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. but all kids have the right to live. my child is dead. your child could be next." - Father of Parkland massacre victim

can't wait to watch this!
He seems to be stable. I’m sure he’s thought through this thoroughly.
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks
It's the guns fault obviously.
No more than it is a cars fault there is an accident

But we have made tremendous strides in making cars safer, making roads safer, keeping bad drivers off the roads

We refuse to do anything about guns
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks
So you think a bar tender should be able to limit your rights?
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks

Im with you on a mental background check. If we're going to decay into a doped up, high, society that refuses to look at the root cause of its immoral rot, then a mental background check should probably be in order.
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks
So you think a bar tender should be able to limit your rights?
let no crisis go to waste
This crisis has been going on for almost 20 years

Still nothing has been done

OK What should we do?

What law or regulation or executive order would have stopped this last school shooting?

Be specific

Massachusetts doesn’t allow teens to buy AR style firearms .

Mass gun licenses go through the local PD . A police cheif can deny someone who is “unsuitable “. For example , kid who’s had the police to his home 30x .
How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks

Im with you on a mental background check. If we're going to decay into a doped up, high, society that refuses to look at the root cause of its immoral rot, then a mental background check should probably be in order.
The worst that can happen is some guy who is only "slightly " crazy is denied a gun
On the other hand, the worse that can happen is some crazy kid shoots up a school
Yeshivas have armed guards.
School Districts rape us blind with outrageous taxes but can't come up with the money to buy metal detectors or have an armed guard.
Stop Putting Traumatized Teenagers On Television

"the children who are dying are real kids from real families. some were doing foolish things. some were caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. but all kids have the right to live. my child is dead. your child could be next." - Father of Parkland massacre victim

can't wait to watch this!

Agree - look forward to it but disagree with the article. Some of the kids I've seen are mature and articulate beyond their years.

Put them on television! *Emma Garcia now up to 1.2 million hits

How many tragedies do we need before we do something?
What's YOUR solution?

This could have been prevented with current law.

A common thread in these shootings is everyone after the fact says.....this kid was creepy, we knew he was crazy, we stayed away from him

A bartender can refuse to serve because a customer looks drunk
A gun dealer can do the same

We need legitimate background checks

Im with you on a mental background check. If we're going to decay into a doped up, high, society that refuses to look at the root cause of its immoral rot, then a mental background check should probably be in order.
The worst that can happen is some guy who is only "slightly " crazy is denied a gun
On the other hand, the worse that can happen is some crazy kid shoots up a school

You'll get no argument from me on that one.
"I got no problem with these high students sounding off. And I got no problem with anyone else calling them out. And they should be called out. Because they're wrong and uninformed on guns." - Wacky Joe Walsh

Like Crazy Ted, Wacky Joe killed a few too many brain cells in the 70s :rolleyes-41:
The left loves to pawn the children...CNN will coax them, wait for it

And how will they "coax them" exactly? Asking them where they were and how they felt or for their opinions of Florida gun laws?

Jesus - maybe Fox News can schedule a competing show with Young Republicans at that school.

Might be able to find one or two who advocate open carry on campus!
Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people.

When I was a kid the gun culture in this country was about hunting and camping. Gun stores sold shotguns and hunting rifles. Now the gun culture is about military hardware, tactical gear and weapons made to mow down humans.

Unsurprisingly, most of the mass murderers prefer AR-15's with large magazines. Gangsters and terrorists and homicidal maniacs can get whatever they want, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!

The NRA and the right wing wackos on this site have blood all over their hands... in fact they are entirely covered in it.

We will bans weapons of war from our streets eventually and we will end most of these horrific massacres.

Mandatory background checks for all gun purchases, public or private. End the gun show loophole.
That sounds like an excellent idea. I'm going to let my daughters know. They're in high school.


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