Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.

Biden is supposed to be on the American peoples side not illegal aliens
Biden and Dems are importing millions of dirt poor illegals to RIG elections in favor of Dems. If an American stops voting for Dems, import two illegals and bribe them to vote Dem with government handouts. That's why you saw Dems this week trying to latch amnesty for illegals and the right to vote in our elections to the infrastructure bill.
Trump spent 4 years building a wall. You telling me it's not working? :lmao:
Pedo Joe stopped building the wall, at a cost to taxpayers of more than building it. What a putz.

And the wall is just one component of border security. When Veggie Joe implemented his No Border Policy the wall became irrelevant.
They come from all over S.A. and Mexico and hovels in Haiti that have never seen a vaccination and there is little doubt that they are carriers of all kinds of disease not to mention criminals who invade out Country illegally but sleepy Joe seems to care more for them than he does the innocent U.S. citizens in the border states. Doesn't he understand what's happening?
The irony here is the DOJ is empowered to uphold and enforce the laws of the country, apparently not, so how is it Federal immigration law is excluded from their handbook? Would it not be safe to assume the DOJ has evolved into the political enforcement arm of the entrenched bureaucracy and no longer the arm of justice?
Show us the Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Be Legal to express (Constitutional) Law, right-wingers. Don't prove your practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge) upon the less fortunate.
Show us the Immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Be Legal to express (Constitutional) Law, right-wingers. Don't prove your practice of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God with a McCarthy era phrase in our pledge) upon the less fortunate.
Article II, Dumbass.

The president is to see that the laws are faithfully executed,

We have immigration laws, which the President is bound to enforce per the Constitution.
Why is Xiden and Harris working to spread the Virus all over by allowing untested illegals into the country and then moving them all over the place?
Article II, Dumbass.

The president is to see that the laws are faithfully executed,

We have immigration laws, which the President is bound to enforce per the Constitution.
Proof, right-wingers don't care about the Law at all only their right-wing bigotry and socialism on a national and international basis.
Why is Xiden and Harris working to spread the Virus all over by allowing untested illegals into the country and then moving them all over the place?
Vaccination should be a priority. Upgrading Ellis Island and putting a world class research hospital campus on it would help mitigate the pandemic.
Proof, right-wingers don't care about the Law at all only their right-wing bigotry and socialism on a national and international basis.

Vaccination should be a priority. Upgrading Ellis Island and putting a world class research hospital campus on it would help mitigate the pandemic.
I am not sure what an Island in NYC has to do with this topic, or the southern border.
I have no problem research hospitals as well...the more the better... there are already a number of great ones in NYC....but again... not sure what that has. to do with this.

As far a vaccinations on the border....great.....but xiden's not even testing them before shipping them out...why isn't he?
I am not sure what an Island in NYC has to do with this topic, or the southern border.
I have no problem research hospitals as well...the more the better... there are already a number of great ones in NYC....but again... not sure what that has. to do with this.

As far a vaccinations on the border....great.....but xiden's not even testing them before shipping them out...why isn't he?
It should be a priority during a pandemic.
It should be a priority during a pandemic.
I don't disagree...hence why Trump had operation warp speed to get the vaccince out....the question then is why is Xiden, the new admin, underming the effort by bringing unvaccined, untested illegals in our country?
I don't disagree...hence why Trump had operation warp speed to get the vaccince out....the question then is why is Xiden, the new admin, underming the effort by bringing unvaccined, untested illegals in our country?
right-wingers are the ones creating conspiracy to prevent people from cooperating with a democrat President.
I am not sure what an Island in NYC has to do with this topic, or the southern border.
I have no problem research hospitals as well...the more the better... there are already a number of great ones in NYC....but again... not sure what that has. to do with this.

As far a vaccinations on the border....great.....but xiden's not even testing them before shipping them out...why isn't he?
so how many illegals pouring into florida?

right-wingers are the ones creating conspiracy to prevent people from cooperating with a democrat President.
huh? It's the Biden admin that literally is suing the state of texas, over safety measures the State is trying to put in to protect it's citizens from Covid. It's the Xiden admin that did a 180 on Covid safety measures on the border.

That's not a conspiracy...that's fact. Everyone wants to cooperate with the Admin, if they were doing things to help stop the spread
huh? It's the Biden admin that literally is suing the state of texas, over safety measures the State is trying to put in to protect it's citizens from Covid. It's the Xiden admin that did a 180 on Covid safety measures on the border.

That's not a conspiracy...that's fact. Everyone wants to cooperate with the Admin, if they were doing things to help stop the spread
Because of federal supremacy is no conspiracy. Only rebels without a Cause don't understand that concept. Why are right-wingers insisting on not getting vaccinated and pushing their conspiracies on the less well informed?
Because of federal supremacy is no conspiracy. Only rebels without a Cause don't understand that concept. Why are right-wingers insisting on not getting vaccinated and pushing their conspiracies on the less well informed?
what conspiracy? the border issues are very real.

So why is it the federal policies now, to not try to help prevent the influx of the virus on the border?

I have no idea why nearly half of the US population insist on not getting, vaccined...I believe there are numerous reasons, and not everyone has the same, nor are they all insisting on not getting vaccined...it should be added they all aren't "right wingers' - it's a conspiracy to suggest otherwise.

But frankly, with that said, the experts are saying you can get the virus with the vaccine...so why aren't we addressing the issue with bringing more individuals into the country, untested, and spreading them around the nation?
what conspiracy? the border issues are very real.

So why is it the federal policies now, to not try to help prevent the influx of the virus on the border?

I have no idea why nearly half of the US population insist on not getting, vaccined...I believe there are numerous reasons, and not everyone has the same, nor are they all insisting on not getting vaccined...it should be added they all aren't "right wingers' - it's a conspiracy to suggest otherwise.

But frankly, with that said, the experts are saying you can get the virus with the vaccine...so why aren't we addressing the issue with bringing more individuals into the country, untested, and spreading them around the nation?
Refugees are exercising their natural rights. Only right-wingers parrot their propaganda in abortion threads with no actual understanding of the concept. Ellis Island is an island. We should upgrade it and put a world-class research hospital campus on it to help mitigate the spread of the pathogen.
Refugees are exercising their natural rights. Only right-wingers parrot their propaganda in abortion threads with no actual understanding of the concept. Ellis Island is an island. We should upgrade it and put a world-class research hospital campus on it to help mitigate the spread of the pathogen.
I have no problem with them doing that, but why can't we test them? They have no right however, under the law to come to the USA to be refugees, nor do we have a right not to close our borders due to a pandemic, as other countries have.

And not all of these people are refugees. There is a process they must go through to avail themselves to that. Why did Xiden change the rules that were in place to allow the process, as well as keep the citizens safe via this virus outbreak?

Cool, I am all for you doing that at Ellis Island...cool story...but that's not addressing the current issue FYI there are already a number of research hospitals in NYC that study pathology: https://www.google.com/search?q=res...hUKEwjfzPrElZDyAhWQMlkFHZVsA_MQ4dUDCA8&uact=5

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