Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.

I have no problem with them doing that, but why can't we test them? They have no right however, under the law to come to the USA to be refugees, nor do we have a right not to close our borders due to a pandemic, as other countries have.
Are you implying right-wingers don't really care about natural rights and are merely being hypocrites in abortion threads?
Are you implying right-wingers don't really care about natural rights and are merely being hypocrites in abortion threads?
huh? no. what natural right(s) are you referring to? life? nobody is suggesting illegals, refugees, or any foreigner doesn’t have a right to life.
States have no authority over "entry into the Union" since 1808. Being illegals is all right-wingers know how to do, besides practicing the abomination of hypocrisy instead of any "gospel Truth".
States have every right to control dangerous activity happening INSIDE their borders. The Federal Government is acting in a manner damaging to the American people and it is up to strong State Governors to intervene.
States have every right to control dangerous activity happening INSIDE their borders. The Federal Government is acting in a manner damaging to the American people and it is up to strong State Governors to intervene.
Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. (Illinois State Constitution)
So you support Abbott's attempt to slow the spread of the China Flu via Pedo Joe's No Border Policy. If you don't, you are the hypocrite.

Good do know.
What you should know is that I don't fall for all this right wing fear mongering. Your fear tactics don't work on me sir.
States have every right to control dangerous activity happening INSIDE their borders. The Federal Government is acting in a manner damaging to the American people and it is up to strong State Governors to intervene.
Immigration/citizenship issues fall under federal law no matter where they arise.
What you should know is that I don't fall for all this right wing fear mongering. Your fear tactics don't work on me sir.
Fear mongering? :cuckoo:

I backed you into a corner and exposed you as a flaming hypocrite.
Immigration/citizenship issues fall under federal law no matter where they arise.
If you read the Constitution, you will not find any mention of "Immigration". Beyond that, the action that Governor Abott is taking is not only legal, it is CRITICAL. The Federal Government is facilitating a biological attack on it's citizens. The States need to take control of this insanity.
Sure you did..(rolls eyes)
Yes, I surely did.

I got you to admit you support mask mandates to slow the spread, and support Pedo Joe's suing Texas for them trying to slow the spread.

Textbook hypocrisy.
Once again Biden Regime sides against America. Sues Texas on behalf of illegals.
This is a lie.

Justice is suing on behalf of the American people.

Article VI of the Constitution clearly states that Federal law is the supreme law of the land and that the states have no authority to interfere with Federal authorities enforcing Federal laws, including Federal immigration law.
This is a lie.

Justice is suing on behalf of the American people.

Article VI of the Constitution clearly states that Federal law is the supreme law of the land and that the states have no authority to interfere with Federal authorities enforcing Federal laws, including Federal immigration law.
agreed…it will be interesting to see if the Courts think that Texas saying that due to the Covid pandemic that only law enforcement officials can. transport illegals.
This is a lie.

Justice is suing on behalf of the American people.

Article VI of the Constitution clearly states that Federal law is the supreme law of the land and that the states have no authority to interfere with Federal authorities enforcing Federal laws, including Federal immigration law.
Once they are in Texas they are subject to the laws of Texas. Immigration deals with the border, Dumbass.

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