Once Again, Courts Invalidate Voters Wishes

Sangha, the reality is that PC is kicking your sorry ass all over this thread.

Maybe debating just isn't your game. I know let's have a spelling contest


^ gratuitous tombstone video

You post a video of gun control advocates and complain about "debating"?

You gotta be kidding..really?

Allow me to explain

after whipping his hide from here to Sunday, conjob has decided that he likes it and, as a result, he has developed some weird type of Internet "crush" for me. Now, just as a young schoolboy shows his affection for a girl by pulling on her pigtails, conjob follows me from thread to thread tossing out little jabs from the sidelines, which provides him with great pleasure.

IOW, I wouldn't pay him much mind.
Sangha, the reality is that PC is kicking your sorry ass all over this thread.

Maybe debating just isn't your game. I know let's have a spelling contest


^ gratuitous tombstone video

You post a video of gun control advocates and complain about "debating"?

You gotta be kidding..really?

No one's saying you can't own a gun, no one's even saying you can't carry a gun, we're just saying you can't carry a gun in town. that's not so bad is it?
Only a wingnut would think reports from decades ago combined with a bunch of wingnut blogs make up "the real world":cuckoo:

You have been unable to support any of your claims, but the positive aspect is that shooting them down has allowed the right to post cogent posts and valuable information for readers of the thread.

You certainly aren't much of a spokesperson for the left...but then, who could be.

I said that wingnuts want to deny the rightwing violence, and here you are denying the rightwing violence. And you're too dumb to realize you just proved me right. You're so dumb, you think asking me to prove that McVeighs OKC bombing happened is making you sound smart.

You're so stupid, if I said the Earth was round, you'd ask for a link and think it was a clever reply.:cuckoo:

The premise is simply that violence has been the hallmark of the left throughout the history of this country.

You, of course, are not educated enough to understand that even before Progressivism reared its ugly head here, European leftists saw violence as a necessary tool.

I'd be surprised if you were familiar with Sorel, syndicalism, and the origins of fascism...all of the left.
And that the first fascist nation was the United States under the regime of Woodrow Wilson.

And, again, every presidential assassin in US history was a leftist.

See, isn't education great? Don't you wish you had some?

I noticed that yours is limited to the oh-so-clever term 'wingnut.' Your masters must be so proud of you.
You have been unable to support any of your claims, but the positive aspect is that shooting them down has allowed the right to post cogent posts and valuable information for readers of the thread.

You certainly aren't much of a spokesperson for the left...but then, who could be.

I said that wingnuts want to deny the rightwing violence, and here you are denying the rightwing violence. And you're too dumb to realize you just proved me right. You're so dumb, you think asking me to prove that McVeighs OKC bombing happened is making you sound smart.

You're so stupid, if I said the Earth was round, you'd ask for a link and think it was a clever reply.:cuckoo:

The premise is simply that violence has been the hallmark of the left throughout the history of this country.

You, of course, are not educated enough to understand that even before Progressivism reared its ugly head here, European leftists saw violence as a necessary tool.

I'd be surprised if you were familiar with Sorel, syndicalism, and the origins of fascism...all of the left.
And that the first fascist nation was the United States under the regime of Woodrow Wilson.

And, again, every presidential assassin in US history was a leftist.

See, isn't education great? Don't you wish you had some?

I noticed that yours is limited to the oh-so-clever term 'wingnut.' Your masters must be so proud of you.

Funny how "throughout history" excludes the last several decades.
The violence committed by rightwingers like McVeigh, Tiller murderer, the Holocaust Museum murderer, Tim Proffitt, Mike Pizzano, and many others
Ummm...those were intended to intimidate voters?

Some were. Some weren't

Wow. When you get caught and have to resort to vamping and making shit up on the spur of the moment, you suck much worse than usual -- and that takes a LOT!

To be as hideously FAIL as you are, does it hurt as bad as it looks?

I said that wingnuts want to deny the rightwing violence, and here you are denying the rightwing violence. And you're too dumb to realize you just proved me right. You're so dumb, you think asking me to prove that McVeighs OKC bombing happened is making you sound smart.

You're so stupid, if I said the Earth was round, you'd ask for a link and think it was a clever reply.:cuckoo:

The premise is simply that violence has been the hallmark of the left throughout the history of this country.

You, of course, are not educated enough to understand that even before Progressivism reared its ugly head here, European leftists saw violence as a necessary tool.

I'd be surprised if you were familiar with Sorel, syndicalism, and the origins of fascism...all of the left.
And that the first fascist nation was the United States under the regime of Woodrow Wilson.

And, again, every presidential assassin in US history was a leftist.

See, isn't education great? Don't you wish you had some?

I noticed that yours is limited to the oh-so-clever term 'wingnut.' Your masters must be so proud of you.

Funny how "throughout history" excludes the last several decades.

Since 1865 is not 'the last several decades,' it seems that math isn't your strong suit, either...

it seems that you don't have a stong suit.

Cheer up, Moses was a basket case, too.
Charles Guiteau a "leftist". LOL, the man was insane and said God made him do it.
America a fascist nation under Wilson?
Mussolini was a liberal, Hitler was a moderate, Tail Gunner Joe was a hero and Elvis is working at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Damn right Chic, thanks for all of this valuable info. I am geting an education here.
Charles Guiteau a "leftist". LOL, the man was insane and said God made him do it.
America a fascist nation under Wilson?
Mussolini was a liberal, Hitler was a moderate, Tail Gunner Joe was a hero and Elvis is working at the Waffle House in Hahira, Ga.
Damn right Chic, thanks for all of this valuable info. I am geting an education here.

Dullard, glad we both agree that your number one requirement is an education!

See, there's hope for everyone.

(Just no guarantees in your case.)
How convenient for you to argue a consent decree that you've not linked to. And even more convenient for you to post an arbitrary unsubstantiated quote from same consent decree.

Here's a novel idea, post some proof of your quote above.

I'll wait patiently.


Why am I not surprised that sangha totally skipped this post and has not posted any proof?


http://www.brennancenter.org/page/-/Democracy/dnc.v.rnc/2004 Daschle TRO.pdf

Read it and weep

So, you prove that you are in Truthdoesn'tmatter's league for intelligence.

This is not a consent decree. And you keep saying that
The GOP went to court arguing that they had a constitutional right to intimidate voters.

And your little link here proves that you are a bold faced liar.

Not only is this not a consent decree, but the GOP never once said that they had a "constitutional right to intimidate voters."

Anything else you'd like to prove you lied about?

The premise is simply that violence has been the hallmark of the left throughout the history of this country.

You, of course, are not educated enough to understand that even before Progressivism reared its ugly head here, European leftists saw violence as a necessary tool.

I'd be surprised if you were familiar with Sorel, syndicalism, and the origins of fascism...all of the left.
And that the first fascist nation was the United States under the regime of Woodrow Wilson.

And, again, every presidential assassin in US history was a leftist.

See, isn't education great? Don't you wish you had some?

I noticed that yours is limited to the oh-so-clever term 'wingnut.' Your masters must be so proud of you.

Funny how "throughout history" excludes the last several decades.

Since 1865 is not 'the last several decades,' it seems that math isn't your strong suit, either...

it seems that you don't have a stong suit.

Cheer up, Moses was a basket case, too.

I'll post it using small words that even you can understand:

You still have to go back lots of years to find times when liberals used violence in the US
Funny how "throughout history" excludes the last several decades.

Since 1865 is not 'the last several decades,' it seems that math isn't your strong suit, either...

it seems that you don't have a stong suit.

Cheer up, Moses was a basket case, too.

I'll post it using small words that even you can understand:

You still have to go back lots of years to find times when liberals used violence in the US

Not at all if you count the Anarchist's who really can get people hurt. Doing organized you really need organization, discipline and planning to keep everyone safe, and civil. :) The last thing you need is to lose control and have your event hi-jacked.
Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.
Well we need to vote some mother fuckers in there to fix the law, and do so quickly .If they wont do it then special elections will have to be arraigned.
In all fairness, this is how checks and balances work.

This is a Republic, not a Democracy. The majority does not rule, the law does.

Does this law violate the Constitutional Rights of Arizona citizens? I think there's a case to be made that it does. However, making the argument that either the courts make the final decision, or the voters do, is not a good position to take. At some point the roles will be reversed, and you will either have to back down or make yourself a hypocrite.
In all fairness, this is how checks and balances work.

This is a Republic, not a Democracy. The majority does not rule, the law does.

Does this law violate the Constitutional Rights of Arizona citizens? I think there's a case to be made that it does. However, making the argument that either the courts make the final decision, or the voters do, is not a good position to take. At some point the roles will be reversed, and you will either have to back down or make yourself a hypocrite.

Thank you. A democracy is always mob rule and never supports the rights of the minority.
The US Constitution supports individual and minority rights.
Shocking that most Americans actually believe we have majority rule.
In all fairness, this is how checks and balances work.

This is a Republic, not a Democracy. The majority does not rule, the law does.

Does this law violate the Constitutional Rights of Arizona citizens? I think there's a case to be made that it does. However, making the argument that either the courts make the final decision, or the voters do, is not a good position to take. At some point the roles will be reversed, and you will either have to back down or make yourself a hypocrite.

Actually the Consent of the Governed is paramount. There is no law above scrutiny, The Law is a construct of the Government, which is a construct of the people. When the Law turns into Tyranny, and it is successfully challenged, it goes to the recycling bin. No Law is greater than it's purpose from being, when it conflicts with that purpose, it is no longer what it claims, it amends.
Since 1865 is not 'the last several decades,' it seems that math isn't your strong suit, either...

it seems that you don't have a stong suit.

Cheer up, Moses was a basket case, too.

I'll post it using small words that even you can understand:

You still have to go back lots of years to find times when liberals used violence in the US

Not at all if you count the Anarchist's who really can get people hurt. Doing organized you really need organization, discipline and planning to keep everyone safe, and civil. :) The last thing you need is to lose control and have your event hi-jacked.

Anarchists are not liberals or even leftists. Leftists believe the govt has a strong role to play. Anarchists don't believe in any govt
In all fairness, this is how checks and balances work.

This is a Republic, not a Democracy. The majority does not rule, the law does.

Does this law violate the Constitutional Rights of Arizona citizens? I think there's a case to be made that it does. However, making the argument that either the courts make the final decision, or the voters do, is not a good position to take. At some point the roles will be reversed, and you will either have to back down or make yourself a hypocrite.

Actually the Consent of the Governed is paramount. There is no law above scrutiny, The Law is a construct of the Government, which is a construct of the people. When the Law turns into Tyranny, and it is successfully challenged, it goes to the recycling bin. No Law is greater than it's purpose from being, when it conflicts with that purpose, it is no longer what it claims, it amends.

You are indulging in false equivalencies
Consent of the Governed =/= majority rule and anarchists =/= leftists
I'll post it using small words that even you can understand:

You still have to go back lots of years to find times when liberals used violence in the US

Not at all if you count the Anarchist's who really can get people hurt. Doing organized you really need organization, discipline and planning to keep everyone safe, and civil. :) The last thing you need is to lose control and have your event hi-jacked.

Anarchists are not liberals or even leftists. Leftists believe the govt has a strong role to play. Anarchists don't believe in any govt

I know who and what Anarchist's are, where they hang (at least I used to), and who they feed off of, from personal experience. My point could be best illustrated in the movie "Battle For Seattle". See the movie if you haven't already, and then tell me what you think.
Not at all if you count the Anarchist's who really can get people hurt. Doing organized you really need organization, discipline and planning to keep everyone safe, and civil. :) The last thing you need is to lose control and have your event hi-jacked.

Anarchists are not liberals or even leftists. Leftists believe the govt has a strong role to play. Anarchists don't believe in any govt

I know who and what Anarchist's are, where they hang (at least I used to), and who they feed off of, from personal experience. My point could be best illustrated in the movie "Battle For Seattle". See the movie if you haven't already, and then tell me what you think.

If you know that anarchists are not leftists, why mention them as an example violence from the left?

And I haven't seen the movie, but my politics are not based on movies

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