Once Again, Courts Invalidate Voters Wishes

I have not stated any opinion on requiring proof of citizenship for voting. If you didn't make stuff up, you'd have nothing to say
So, then, what's your opinion on it?

I don't think requiring proof of citizenship at registration is necesarily unconstitutional. I also don't think it makes much of a difference. Many people, most of them republican, have gone to court and tried to prove that this is a significant problem. All of them have failed.

Wingnuts must have something to hate, and undocumented residents are the latest scary boogeyman for the right. IMO, people who think majority rule overides the Constitution are scarier than a Mexican with no papers.

Good try but still a fail. Spin, spin, spin.
I see the faux "constitutionalist" wingnuts aren't very happy to see the Constitution being enforced

The wingnuts hate us for our freedoms.

There is nothing constitutional about the left, and the constitution is not being enforced in arizona. It is being twisted. I do not hate you, we all have the same freedoms, difference is I do not want to take them freedoms from you. But Obama and the left are trying their best to take them away from us all. I just see it coming, you don't.
People get paid for these bogus registrations too. Too bad the entire cost including the clean up, doesn't come out of their pockets. We are paying for every side of this charade.
Liar. You don't even know which consent decree I'm referring to. The RNC is under several due to their pattern of criminal behavior.

I said nothing about how getting a letter in the mail asking to prove my citizenship is intimidation. If you didn't make stuff up, you'd have nothing to say

I hope you turned the lying off along with the sarcasm.

How convenient for you to argue a consent decree that you've not linked to. And even more convenient for you to post an arbitrary unsubstantiated quote from same consent decree.

Here's a novel idea, post some proof of your quote above.

I'll wait patiently.


Why am I not surprised that sangha totally skipped this post and has not posted any proof?


http://www.brennancenter.org/page/-/Democracy/dnc.v.rnc/2004 Daschle TRO.pdf

Read it and weep
They have had those facts shoved in their faces repetedly.

No amount of court documented evidence is enough to clean the shit out of their ears, they have had their heads up GWBs ass for too long.
Part of that means doing your job, not obstructing justice and corrupting the election process. The infrastructure does not take precedent over it's purpose for being. Shit or get off of the pot. Aiding and abetting is not your job. How many more years must this horse shit continue????? Coulda-woulda-shoulda.

The ONLY thing you have to do to prove that that was voter intimidation is imagine that it would have instead been a white guy in a robe standing there with a baton. The lefties would have been screaming bloody murder. They have no shame about just flat lying.

In the USA, the ONLY way to prove a crime is in a court of law. The RNC has been proven to have engaged in a pattern of voter intimidation. The BPs have not.

I see you jabber over and over about some hallucinatory 'voter intimidation'...did I miss the post where you document same?

If so, please name the post wherein the links are provided...

Or...did you mean to refer to outright theft of elections by the Democrats?

1. Over-Voting. In Democrat strongholds like St. Louis, Philadelphia and Detroit, some precincts had 100% of their registered voters voting, with 99% of the ballots going to Gore. Clearly, multiple voting resulted in extra tallies for Gore in the 2000 election. (New York Post, 12/09/00).

2. Dead Voters. This classic Democratic method of vote fraud goes all the way back to 1960 in Chicago and Dallas. The 2000 election was no exception. In Miami-Dade County, for example, some of the 144 ineligible votes (those which officials actually admitted to) were cast by dead people, including a Haitian-American who's been deceased since 1977 (Miami-Herald, 12/24/00).

3. Mystery Voters. These "voters" cast votes anyway but are not even registered to vote. In heavily Democratic Broward County, for example, more than 400 ballots were cast by non-registered voters. (Miami-Herald 1/09/01)

4. Military ballots. Many of these votes were disqualified for the most mundane and trivial reasons. At least 1,527 valid military ballots were discarded in Florida by Democratic vote counters (Drudge Report, 11/19/00).

5. Criminals. Felons are a natural Democratic voter and they're protected on voter rolls across the country. In Florida at least 445 ex-convicts - including rapists and murderers -- voted illegally on November 7th. Nearly all of them were registered Democrats. (Miami-Herald 12/01/00)

6. Illegal aliens. These voters have long been a core liberal constituency, especially in California. In Orange County in 1996, Rep. Bob Dornan had his congressional seat stolen from him when thousands of illegal aliens voted for Loretta Sanchez (Christian Science Monitor, 9/2/97).

7. Vote-buying. Purchasing votes has long been a traditional scheme by Democrats, and not just with money. In the 2000 election in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Democratic workers initiate a "smokes-for-votes" campaign in which they paid dozens of homeless men with cigarettes if they cast ballots for Al Gore (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 11/14/00).

8. Phantom Voters. These voters don't really exist, but their ballots do. In the 1996 Lousiana Senate race, GOP candidate Woody Jenkins had the election stolen from him when he discovered that 7,454 actual votes were cast but had no paper trail to authenticate them (Behind the Headlines, F.R. Duplantier, 4/27/97).

9. Dimpled chads. Those infamous punch-cards were a ballot bonanza for Al Gore. Democratic poll workers in Palm Beach, Dade and Broward counties tampered and manipulated thousands of ineligible ballots and counted them for Gore, even though no clear vote could be discerned. (NewsMax.com 11/27, 12/22, 11/18, 11/19/00).

10. Absentee ballots. Normally it's assumed that Republicans benefit from absentee ballots. But in the case of Miami's 1997 mayoral election, hundreds of absentee ballots were made for sale or sent out to non-Miami residents. Fraud was so extensive in the race that the final results were overturned in court (FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Report, 1/5/98).
ConservativeAction.org Resources : How Democrats Steal Elections - Top 10 Methods of Liberal Vote Fraud

I'll bet that's what you meant, Democrats, and you accidently typed nine or ten keystrokes in error...I've seen your posts, so it's easy to believe...
They have had those facts shoved in their faces repetedly.

No amount of court documented evidence is enough to clean the shit out of their ears, they have had their heads up GWBs ass for too long.

That's because they don't give a damn about electoral fraud.

Except when they do:cuckoo:
The ONLY thing you have to do to prove that that was voter intimidation is imagine that it would have instead been a white guy in a robe standing there with a baton. The lefties would have been screaming bloody murder. They have no shame about just flat lying.

In the USA, the ONLY way to prove a crime is in a court of law. The RNC has been proven to have engaged in a pattern of voter intimidation. The BPs have not.

I see you jabber over and over about some hallucinatory 'voter intimidation'...did I miss the post where you document same?

If so, please name the post wherein the links are provided...

Or...did you mean to refer to outright theft of elections by the Democrats?

1. Over-Voting. In Democrat strongholds like St. Louis, Philadelphia and Detroit, some precincts had 100% of their registered voters voting, with 99% of the ballots going to Gore. Clearly, multiple voting resulted in extra tallies for Gore in the 2000 election. (New York Post, 12/09/00).

2. Dead Voters. This classic Democratic method of vote fraud goes all the way back to 1960 in Chicago and Dallas. The 2000 election was no exception. In Miami-Dade County, for example, some of the 144 ineligible votes (those which officials actually admitted to) were cast by dead people, including a Haitian-American who's been deceased since 1977 (Miami-Herald, 12/24/00).

3. Mystery Voters. These "voters" cast votes anyway but are not even registered to vote. In heavily Democratic Broward County, for example, more than 400 ballots were cast by non-registered voters. (Miami-Herald 1/09/01)

4. Military ballots. Many of these votes were disqualified for the most mundane and trivial reasons. At least 1,527 valid military ballots were discarded in Florida by Democratic vote counters (Drudge Report, 11/19/00).

5. Criminals. Felons are a natural Democratic voter and they're protected on voter rolls across the country. In Florida at least 445 ex-convicts - including rapists and murderers -- voted illegally on November 7th. Nearly all of them were registered Democrats. (Miami-Herald 12/01/00)

6. Illegal aliens. These voters have long been a core liberal constituency, especially in California. In Orange County in 1996, Rep. Bob Dornan had his congressional seat stolen from him when thousands of illegal aliens voted for Loretta Sanchez (Christian Science Monitor, 9/2/97).

7. Vote-buying. Purchasing votes has long been a traditional scheme by Democrats, and not just with money. In the 2000 election in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Democratic workers initiate a "smokes-for-votes" campaign in which they paid dozens of homeless men with cigarettes if they cast ballots for Al Gore (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 11/14/00).

8. Phantom Voters. These voters don't really exist, but their ballots do. In the 1996 Lousiana Senate race, GOP candidate Woody Jenkins had the election stolen from him when he discovered that 7,454 actual votes were cast but had no paper trail to authenticate them (Behind the Headlines, F.R. Duplantier, 4/27/97).

9. Dimpled chads. Those infamous punch-cards were a ballot bonanza for Al Gore. Democratic poll workers in Palm Beach, Dade and Broward counties tampered and manipulated thousands of ineligible ballots and counted them for Gore, even though no clear vote could be discerned. (NewsMax.com 11/27, 12/22, 11/18, 11/19/00).

10. Absentee ballots. Normally it's assumed that Republicans benefit from absentee ballots. But in the case of Miami's 1997 mayoral election, hundreds of absentee ballots were made for sale or sent out to non-Miami residents. Fraud was so extensive in the race that the final results were overturned in court (FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Report, 1/5/98).
ConservativeAction.org Resources : How Democrats Steal Elections - Top 10 Methods of Liberal Vote Fraud

I'll bet that's what you meant, Democrats, and you accidently typed nine or ten keystrokes in error...I've seen your posts, so it's easy to believe...

I wonder why wingnuts go to the trouble of linking to websites that even the other wingnuts don't read
I have not stated any opinion on requiring proof of citizenship for voting. If you didn't make stuff up, you'd have nothing to say
So, then, what's your opinion on it?

I don't think requiring proof of citizenship at registration is necesarily unconstitutional. I also don't think it makes much of a difference. Many people, most of them republican, have gone to court and tried to prove that this is a significant problem. All of them have failed.

Wingnuts must have something to hate, and undocumented residents are the latest scary boogeyman for the right. IMO, people who think majority rule overides the Constitution are scarier than a Mexican with no papers.
And once again a leftist proves he doesn't give a shit about voter fraud -- as long as the D lever is pulled.

Ironic that people who call themselves Democrats have such loathing for democracy.
And it's all because you're too frightened to admit to the violence emanating from the right, a violence meant to deny people the right to vote because conservatives hate americans

Now who's making up shit?

I state the wingnuts are denying the rightwing violence, and sure enough, a wingnut denies the rightwing violence :lol::lol::lol:

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