Once Again, Courts Invalidate Voters Wishes

Conservatives hate Americans??? You are fooling right???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You really had me going there for a minute! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I almost pissed my pants! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know any good bar jokes too?

Elevator jokes???

Do you do tricks, magic tricks that is?????

Conservatives hate Americans who are black, latino, immigrants, Muslim, South Asian (they look Muslim to the wingntus), liberals, women, doctors, atheists, Jews, liberals, democrats and more. That makes up more than 1/2 the US population

Thank you for all of the jokes, that was another good one. :lol: :lol: :lol:

If I don't stop laughtng I'm gonna have to shower and change ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm Conservative! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm a Tea Party Member! :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to you, and you are never wrong,

I must hate my best friend in the world, who is Black,

my wife, who is Puerto-Rican,

my kids. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And I didn't even know it until you,

in your infinite wisdom informed me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Of course you could be wrong in this assumption.

Pretty silly looking from here, huh.... when you look at the presumption soberly.

I'm sure there's a lot more you don't know. But don't worry; If you stick around, I'm sure I'll be schooling you on a regular basis
Conservatives hate Americans??? You are fooling right???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You really had me going there for a minute! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I almost pissed my pants! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know any good bar jokes too?

Elevator jokes???

Do you do tricks, magic tricks that is?????

Conservatives hate Americans who are black, latino, immigrants, Muslim, South Asian (they look Muslim to the wingntus), liberals, women, doctors, atheists, Jews, liberals, democrats and more. That makes up more than 1/2 the US population

This is the kind of mud slinging we really don't need.

Wingnuts are with slinging mud at others, but they whine and pout when they're the target.
Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?

Yeah, especially when I heard they were considering letting him land that aircraft.
Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?

Yeah, especially when I heard they were considering letting him land that aircraft.

They weren't going to let him do a trap landing on an Aircraft Carrier. No way.
Conservatives hate Americans who are black, latino, immigrants, Muslim, South Asian (they look Muslim to the wingntus), liberals, women, doctors, atheists, Jews, liberals, democrats and more. That makes up more than 1/2 the US population

This is the kind of mud slinging we really don't need.

Wingnuts are with slinging mud at others, but they whine and pout when they're the target.

As long as you are aiming we are safe as the target. When we are innocent bystanders we are at risk from you.
You're just stupid to realize you haven't posted any study. All you did was post what someone said about the study.

And it's all because you're too frightened to admit to the violence emanating from the right, a violence meant to deny people the right to vote because conservatives hate americans

Conservatives hate Americans??? You are fooling right???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

You really had me going there for a minute! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I almost pissed my pants! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know any good bar jokes too?

Elevator jokes???

Do you do tricks, magic tricks that is?????

Conservatives hate Americans who are black, latino, immigrants, Muslim, South Asian (they look Muslim to the wingntus), liberals, women, doctors, atheists, Jews, liberals, democrats and more. That makes up more than 1/2 the US population

Your going to educate someone, or are you talking about indoctrinating?
This post proves you have no idea what the hell your talking about, Sangha. But, it does prove how immature you really are, grow up!
Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

He wasn't just standing there. stop being dishonest. he was carrying a WEAPON and using racial slurs. There are witnesses and video taped evidence of this.

Hmmm, I suppose I'll have to rethink my opinion of you if you're THIS dishonest.

PS - Who has EVER been intimidated by being asked for ID?

There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of

Holy shit, how retarded.


There WAS deliberate voter intimidation. There is no other honest or coherent explanation for that asshole to be standing in front of a polling place in military regalia brandishing a fucking club.

And, nobody ever gets convicted of anything until and unless somebody else actually steps up to the plate to prosecute him or her. Since the spineless, dishonest, gutless, ball-less and useless Obama Administration Department of "Justice" failed to prosecute, the guilty guy got away with his obvious crime.

They cannot card them when they register. They CAN card them when they vote.

They cannot card them when they register. They CAN card them when they vote.

with a driver's license or proof of citizenship?

Driver's license= poll tax, unless the state issues them for free.

There is no excuse for not having a State ID Ozmar. The argument is a red herring. Why are you all so bent on protecting voter fraud, when most folks don't even go to the drug store without ID. Not carrying ID with you is stupid, and irresponsible, and you know it.
Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Are you really that dense? How much education do you have?
All the court did was cite the Federal LAW that is in effect that applies to this. That law invalidates the rules laid out in the Federal law. Arizona was told up front that their law was not constitutional. I believe the Arizona law to make complete sense but we have to change the Federal law before this state law is legal. Voting requirements are Federal law.
We dealt this exact same voting law in the 60s in the south here.
So called "conservatives" POINT hard to court rulings when it goes their way but change their tune and label them "activist judges" when a sound ruling, based on the law, goes against their ideology.
We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN.
He wasn't just standing there. stop being dishonest. he was carrying a WEAPON and using racial slurs. There are witnesses and video taped evidence of this.

Hmmm, I suppose I'll have to rethink my opinion of you if you're THIS dishonest.

PS - Who has EVER been intimidated by being asked for ID?

There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of

Holy shit, how retarded.


There WAS deliberate voter intimidation. There is no other honest or coherent explanation for that asshole to be standing in front of a polling place in military regalia brandishing a fucking club.

And, nobody ever gets convicted of anything until and unless somebody else actually steps up to the plate to prosecute him or her. Since the spineless, dishonest, gutless, ball-less and useless Obama Administration Department of "Justice" failed to prosecute, the guilty guy got away with his obvious crime.


As made clear by the January 7, 2009, civil complaint filed by Attorney General
Mukasey and others at the Department, that decision was made during the Bush administration. Another decision by experienced career attorneys evaluating the case was to pursue those civil penalties and obtain an injunction against King Shamir Shabazz, the only party alleged to have a stick outside the polling place.

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Are you really that dense? How much education do you have?
All the court did was cite the Federal LAW that is in effect that applies to this. That law invalidates the rules laid out in the Federal law. Arizona was told up front that their law was not constitutional. I believe the Arizona law to make complete sense but we have to change the Federal law before this state law is legal. Voting requirements are Federal law.
We dealt this exact same voting law in the 60s in the south here.
So called "conservatives" POINT hard to court rulings when it goes their way but change their tune and label them "activist judges" when a sound ruling, based on the law, goes against their ideology.
We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN.

To be fair, SOME conservatives do so, as do SOME liberals.
There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of

Holy shit, how retarded.


There WAS deliberate voter intimidation. There is no other honest or coherent explanation for that asshole to be standing in front of a polling place in military regalia brandishing a fucking club.

And, nobody ever gets convicted of anything until and unless somebody else actually steps up to the plate to prosecute him or her. Since the spineless, dishonest, gutless, ball-less and useless Obama Administration Department of "Justice" failed to prosecute, the guilty guy got away with his obvious crime.


As made clear by the January 7, 2009, civil complaint filed by Attorney General
Mukasey and others at the Department, that decision was made during the Bush administration. Another decision by experienced career attorneys evaluating the case was to pursue those civil penalties and obtain an injunction against King Shamir Shabazz, the only party alleged to have a stick outside the polling place.


Since there is STILL no other explanation for the behavior of the Black Party billy club brandishing asshole, I frankly do not care which Administration or AG first came up with the notion of NOT prosecuting him. The decision was wrong. And the new Administration is not bound by the determinations of the old Administration. (We all KNOW that the AG grasps that point, too.)

For a more accurate and full account of the hideous AG Holder "decision," try this: John Fund: Black Panther Voter Intimidation Case Dropped - WSJ.com
Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Are you really that dense? How much education do you have?
All the court did was cite the Federal LAW that is in effect that applies to this. That law invalidates the rules laid out in the Federal law. Arizona was told up front that their law was not constitutional. I believe the Arizona law to make complete sense but we have to change the Federal law before this state law is legal. Voting requirements are Federal law.
We dealt this exact same voting law in the 60s in the south here.
So called "conservatives" POINT hard to court rulings when it goes their way but change their tune and label them "activist judges" when a sound ruling, based on the law, goes against their ideology.
We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN.

Part of that means doing your job, not obstructing justice and corrupting the election process. The infrastructure does not take precedent over it's purpose for being. Shit or get off of the pot. Aiding and abetting is not your job. How many more years must this horse shit continue????? Coulda-woulda-shoulda.
Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Are you really that dense? How much education do you have?
All the court did was cite the Federal LAW that is in effect that applies to this. That law invalidates the rules laid out in the Federal law. Arizona was told up front that their law was not constitutional. I believe the Arizona law to make complete sense but we have to change the Federal law before this state law is legal. Voting requirements are Federal law.
We dealt this exact same voting law in the 60s in the south here.
So called "conservatives" POINT hard to court rulings when it goes their way but change their tune and label them "activist judges" when a sound ruling, based on the law, goes against their ideology.
We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN.

Part of that means doing your job, not obstructing justice and corrupting the election process. The infrastructure does not take precedent over it's purpose for being. Shit or get off of the pot. Aiding and abetting is not your job. How many more years must this horse shit continue????? Coulda-woulda-shoulda.

The ONLY thing you have to do to prove that that was voter intimidation is imagine that it would have instead been a white guy in a robe standing there with a baton. The lefties would have been screaming bloody murder. They have no shame about just flat lying.
He wasn't just standing there. stop being dishonest. he was carrying a WEAPON and using racial slurs. There are witnesses and video taped evidence of this.

Hmmm, I suppose I'll have to rethink my opinion of you if you're THIS dishonest.

PS - Who has EVER been intimidated by being asked for ID?

There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of

Holy shit, how retarded.


There WAS deliberate voter intimidation. There is no other honest or coherent explanation for that asshole to be standing in front of a polling place in military regalia brandishing a fucking club.

And, nobody ever gets convicted of anything until and unless somebody else actually steps up to the plate to prosecute him or her. Since the spineless, dishonest, gutless, ball-less and useless Obama Administration Department of "Justice" failed to prosecute, the guilty guy got away with his obvious crime.


No. There wasn't voter intimidation rather protection of voters from Republican dirty tricks.
There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of

Holy shit, how retarded.


There WAS deliberate voter intimidation. There is no other honest or coherent explanation for that asshole to be standing in front of a polling place in military regalia brandishing a fucking club.

And, nobody ever gets convicted of anything until and unless somebody else actually steps up to the plate to prosecute him or her. Since the spineless, dishonest, gutless, ball-less and useless Obama Administration Department of "Justice" failed to prosecute, the guilty guy got away with his obvious crime.


No. There wasn't voter intimidation rather protection of voters from Republican dirty tricks.

Bullshit Sarah. What dirty tricks was some dude who screams about killing a cracker gonna prevent? You do realize that the man had NO authority to do anything don't you?
Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

"The state of Arizona cannot require documents proving citizenship for new voter registration, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today. The court ruled that a 2004 law created by Proposition 200 that made voters show a birth certificate, driver’s license or passport before registering to vote violated federal law. The National Voter Registration Act allows voters to register without documentation, but designates lying about citizenship as perjury. Election experts say non-citizen voting is infrequent enough that it has no effect on election results."

Court Rules Arizona Can’t Demand Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration The Washington Independent

Once again, non-elected judges have obviated a legitimate mandate that the people voted for...

The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.

Are you really that dense? How much education do you have?
All the court did was cite the Federal LAW that is in effect that applies to this. That law invalidates the rules laid out in the Federal law. Arizona was told up front that their law was not constitutional. I believe the Arizona law to make complete sense but we have to change the Federal law before this state law is legal. Voting requirements are Federal law.
We dealt this exact same voting law in the 60s in the south here.
So called "conservatives" POINT hard to court rulings when it goes their way but change their tune and label them "activist judges" when a sound ruling, based on the law, goes against their ideology.
We are a nation of LAWS, NOT MEN.

To be fair, SOME conservatives do so, as do SOME liberals.

I've never seen a liberal call a judge an "activist judge" merely because they disagreed with the decision. I have seen liberals facetiously call a judge who makes a decision that conservatives like an "activist judge" but they are only pointing out the hypocrisy of conservatives for not criticizing those activist judges for "making law" (the way the OP is doing here).

So while both liberals and conservatives disagree with certain court decisions, liberals have no ideological objection when the courts rule laws unconstitutional; conservatives do object to this, except when they don't
Since there is STILL no other explanation for the behavior of the Black Party billy club brandishing asshole, I frankly do not care which Administration or AG first came up with the notion of NOT prosecuting him. The decision was wrong. And the new Administration is not bound by the determinations of the old Administration. (We all KNOW that the AG grasps that point, too.)

What a load of bullshit. For all your whiining about how you don't care which admin it was, you sure are making sure you do everything to blame the Obama admin. Your lies are transparent.

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