Once Again, Courts Invalidate Voters Wishes

Voter intimidation is a crime. The GOP is under a court ordered consent decree because the courts found that the GOP engaged in widespread voter intimidation as a matter of policy. The GOP even argued that they have a constitutional right to intimidate voter.

The BP's are not under any such consent decree because they have never engaged in voter intimidation.

You are correct and the Black man was not swinging a billy club. He was just standing there.

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:
You are correct and the Black man was not swinging a billy club. He was just standing there.

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Wingnuts have to make up stories about voter intimidation by the BP's because if they didn't make stuff up, they'd have nothing to say

Made up?????/ What a buffoon :disbelief:
Your a lawyer, Jillian...do you think that they made the right decision in this matter?

My wife says that legally yes in her opinion because federal law does not require ID, federal law trumps lower law, that however does not mean that the federal law is right. It just means that a state can't legally question the validity of a federal law by passing a state law that is counter to it.

So that means the court made the right decision, so why are you complaining about it?

When can I expect you to do your own thinking...rather than allow the courts and left wing propaganda outlets do it?

Think: what is your objection to having American citizens be the ones who vote in American elections?

Everything else in this thread flows from that decision, not whether or not court decisions are almighty.
Seems by the time the court gets finished with the Arizona illegal alien Act, there will be nothing left to act on. Of course, cons told us there was nothing unconstitutional about the act, and they read it themselves!! Shows how much they understand about National Health care................hehehehehee

Ruling Strikes Down Part of Arizona Voter ID Law
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
By Bob Christie, Associated Press
Phoenix (AP) - A federal appeals court has struck down a key part of Arizona's law requiring voters to prove they are citizens before registering to vote or casting ballots.

Tuesday's decision by a panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that the law requiring voters to prove their citizenship while registering is inconsistent with the National Voter Registration Act. That federal law allows voters to fill out a mail-in card and swear they are citizens under penalty of perjury, but doesn't require them to show proof as Arizona's law does.

Appeals Court Judge Sandra S. Ikuta's opinion was joined by retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who heard the case as a temporary appeals court judge. The 9th Circuit's chief judge, Alex Kozinski, dissented.

Ruling Strikes Down Part of Arizona Voter ID Law | CNSnews.com

SHIT(ow) is the Typical Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd arsehole when he is here on display literally drooling with glee that the EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD MARXIST Obambo's Adm found a way to vote ILLEGALLY by perjuring oneself with a lie if necessary.

SHIT(ow) is the type of despicable Obamarrhoidal arsehole, and there are millions of these Obamarrhoidal Libturd arseholes who are destroying our country and are more of an ENEMY WITHIN than a stealth Al Queda agent residing amongst us.

Typical foulmouthed pseudo-conservative blaming others for what they themselve are.
You are correct and the Black man was not swinging a billy club. He was just standing there.

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

He wasn't just standing there. stop being dishonest. he was carrying a WEAPON and using racial slurs. There are witnesses and video taped evidence of this.

Hmmm, I suppose I'll have to rethink my opinion of you if you're THIS dishonest.

PS - Who has EVER been intimidated by being asked for ID?
You are correct and the Black man was not swinging a billy club. He was just standing there.

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

No, the problem is that your blinded by your own partisanship. Yes a Black man or a White man standing there holding a billy club IS initimidation. It's not always about race, Sarah. It's about the actions of the "person".

Why was the Black Panther standing in front of a polling booth with a billy club in hand? Trying to flag down a cab?
Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

No, the problem is that your blinded by your own partisanship. Yes a Black man or a White man standing there holding a billy club IS initimidation. It's not always about race, Sarah. It's about the actions of the "person".

Why was the Black Panther standing in front of a polling booth with a billy club in hand? Trying to flag down a cab?

His claims of security were laughable. He KNEW he was in violation of the law by having a weapon there that's why he claimed to be "Security" problem is no one ever actually asked him or anyone else to provide said security, because IF security is needed at a polling place that is the job of the police, not some dude with a club.
So you love the amendments that "can be abused to destroy the integrity of our citizenship"?

That's pretty stupid

there is nothing wrong with those amendments, logically challenged one, it is their abuse that rubs me wrong.

But, but, but you said they can be used to destroy the integrity of our citizenship. I guess there is "nothing wrong" with that in wingnut world :cuckoo:

First of I am not a wingnut, you are.

Second it's the abuse of the amendment that I have an issue with. Once an amendment IS abused in such a fashion it meets the criteria to be included in my range.
You are correct and the Black man was not swinging a billy club. He was just standing there.

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?
The proof of the rights' hatred for the Constitution and the freedom it provides is the way they want to re-write it by adding, changing and deleting parts of the Constitution

Why does the right hate America?

showing what you don't know...

The court overruled this AZ law based on an amendment to the constitution, not the framer's text.

Like I said, the right hates the constitution and the amendments which grant us our freedoms.

First of all, it's 'as I said,' not 'like I said.'

Second, since I decimated that argument earlier, one must question why you repeat it like a five year old...

Of course, there is echolalia, a repetative speech dementia as an explanation....
Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?

I completely admit that putting Bush in charge of anything , including a military jet, scares me. Too bad that the thought of Obama being in charge brings you to orgasm.
Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?

loosecannon is wrong, your not a wingnut.....your a blooming wingnut. A pathetic one at that.
My wife says that legally yes in her opinion because federal law does not require ID, federal law trumps lower law, that however does not mean that the federal law is right. It just means that a state can't legally question the validity of a federal law by passing a state law that is counter to it.

So that means the court made the right decision, so why are you complaining about it?

When can I expect you to do your own thinking...rather than allow the courts and left wing propaganda outlets do it?

Think: what is your objection to having American citizens be the ones who vote in American elections?

Everything else in this thread flows from that decision, not whether or not court decisions are almighty.

And PC proves me right. I said she would ignore the GOPs' long history of voter intimidation so she could keep pretending that she cares about voter intimidation.

Think: What is your objection to the Constitution? Why do you hate America?
So that means the court made the right decision, so why are you complaining about it?

When can I expect you to do your own thinking...rather than allow the courts and left wing propaganda outlets do it?

Think: what is your objection to having American citizens be the ones who vote in American elections?

Everything else in this thread flows from that decision, not whether or not court decisions are almighty.

And PC proves me right. I said she would ignore the GOPs' long history of voter intimidation so she could keep pretending that she cares about voter intimidation.

Think: What is your objection to the Constitution? Why do you hate America?

Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

He wasn't just standing there. stop being dishonest. he was carrying a WEAPON and using racial slurs. There are witnesses and video taped evidence of this.

Hmmm, I suppose I'll have to rethink my opinion of you if you're THIS dishonest.

PS - Who has EVER been intimidated by being asked for ID?

There was NO VOTER INTIMIDATION. Voter intimidation is a crime. If the BP's had engaged in such criminal behavior, the law would have found them guilty of voter intimidation. They didn't

The GOP are the ones who have been proven to have engaged in voter intimidation, so you have to pretend it never happened because you don't really care about voter intimidation.

You're just afraid of black people. Black people are one of the many things weenie wingnuts are afraid of
Another poster brought up the mythical voter intimidation by the Black Panthers. If you think that voter intimidation is a hijack, complain to your wingnut buddy who brought the subject up.

Mythical? I know you're an idiotic loon, but even YOU must admit that a black guy dressed in camo swinging a billy club around in front of a polling place is likely to intimidate. Oh and for your knowledge the law doesn't require that anyone actually WAS intimidated, only that the actions COULD have intimidated someone.

Voter intimidation is a crime. The GOP is under a court ordered consent decree because the courts found that the GOP engaged in widespread voter intimidation as a matter of policy. The GOP even argued that they have a constitutional right to intimidate voter.

The BP's are not under any such consent decree because they have never engaged in voter intimidation.

Wrong and wrong. It's just amazing how wrong you can be.

The consent decree deals with Republicans trying to clean up voter rolls by "caging." It has nothing to do with intimidation.

I can see however how you could mistake getting a letter in the mail asking you to prove your citizenship with intimidation.

I mean I know when I get letters in the mail I cower in the corner because they just intimidate me so much. Damn you citibank, stop your campaign of intimidation!!!!!!!! I don't want a credit card from you and your insistence on sending me these letters is just going to intimidate me into getting one. (sarcasm off)

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Sarah?????? Oh man...you don't really believe that do you? Or, are you just showing sarcasm? I'm hoping for the latter.
With your anology, it could have been a 30-06 rifle, because both a rifle and a billy club are deadly weapons.

Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

No, the problem is that your blinded by your own partisanship. Yes a Black man or a White man standing there holding a billy club IS initimidation. It's not always about race, Sarah. It's about the actions of the "person".

Why was the Black Panther standing in front of a polling booth with a billy club in hand? Trying to flag down a cab?

That's not voter intimidation. Voter intimidation is a crime. If they had engaged in criminal behavior, they would have been convicted of a crime. They weren't, ergo there was no voter intimidation

But the RNC has engaged in voter intimidation is under a court ordered consent decree to stop it.And with all your poutrage over voter intimidation, you have yet to so anything about the GOPS systematic criminal behavior.
showing what you don't know...

The court overruled this AZ law based on an amendment to the constitution, not the framer's text.

Like I said, the right hates the constitution and the amendments which grant us our freedoms.

First of all, it's 'as I said,' not 'like I said.'

Second, since I decimated that argument earlier, one must question why you repeat it like a five year old...

Of course, there is echolalia, a repetative speech dementia as an explanation....

First, where I come from it's "Like I said"

Second, you've done nothing but ignore the GOP's voter intimidation. You have been exposed as a liar and a fool.

Third, your post is riddled with grammatical errors.
Was he swinging it? No. Also, I'll bet the GOP didn't approach any of their voters.

The GOP approaches people and asks them for ID and if they don't have it, they have to go get it. This guy wasn't doing any of that, he was standing there.

Not his problem that you all are scared of a Black man just standing there. :lol:

But, but, but....the black man was wearing scary military clothing, like this guy:


Tell the truth; That picture scared you, didnt it?

I completely admit that putting Bush in charge of anything , including a military jet, scares me. Too bad that the thought of Obama being in charge brings you to orgasm.

If you didn't make stuff up, you'd have nothing to say. When you get stuck, you always go for Obama

But since you seem to be stuck on presidents, maybe you can finally explain why you said that bush supported the budgets that passed while he was president and that bush opposed those same budgets?

They can't both be true
Your a lawyer, Jillian...do you think that they made the right decision in this matter?

i do think the court made the right decision. that doesn't mean the rightwingnuts of the roberts' court will uphold the decision.

my main objection is to the stupidity of talking about court decisions in terms of 'the will of the people'

'the will of the people' is an irrelevancy since the whole purpose of the court is to step in when the will of the majority tramples on the rights of the minority.

that said... if you read the o/p, it specifically said the problem is so infrequent as to be a non-sequitur.

so it's just fauxrage anyway.

I really like this post, as it clearly differentiates the distinction between the views of the left, yours, and of the right, mine.

1. "the stupidity of talking about court decisions in terms of 'the will of the people' "

As a conservative citizen, I view the will of the people as evincing more rectitude than the view of one or a few judges.

a. The court system today, and since Pound was Dean at Harvard in 1916, is based on ruling of other judges rather than the Constitution.

b. The touchstone of the left is that the people are fools and only the elite should rule.

2. "'the will of the people' is an irrelevancy since the whole purpose of the court is to step in when the will of the majority tramples on the rights of the minority."

This misapprehension on your part is, in this case, foolish, since the minority in question is non-citizens masquerading as citizens.
I'm sure that, if you think about it, you would not wish to claim that non-citizens should have the same voting priviliges as American citizens to vote in American elections.

Further, the valid premise that the left was the first to champion the rights of American minorities is long past, although the left consistently attempts to claim not: every left-wing agenda item is tied to the Civil Right conflict.

This, today, if both false and tiresome.

3. "...problem is so infrequent ..." and "...fauxrage..."

So your sub-argument is 'the principle of the rights of the people is inconsequential."
Most folks in this thread - on either side- don't seem to agree.

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