Once again the Tiger, ie I was right about the Orlando shooter!!

Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of Radicalization....like I said in a previous thread, this dude killed them gay people because he himself hated the fact he was gay and he took his anger, his frustration, his sexual torment out on the very people that he identified with, homosexuals. This radical move he made at the end, was to deflect from his real mission of mass murder..hatred of one's self and the religion and culture that bind him into denial.

Chaulk one up for tigerred...again!!!

Moron...have you been watching the interviews......he was singled out at his job by another employee for his islamic stupidity, his classmates said he cheered on 9/11 to the point they almost beat him up.....and the FBI knew he was saying these things all over the place.....

Is there nothing you mopes won't do to protect islam from actual condemnation........?
Liberals have a problem with anything radical that hurts other people. Including radical idiots like yourself
Just as I predicted, every left winger and Obama ass-kissing media would downplay another terrorism failure by Obama and try to deflect it into a gun issue.

It might've been a failure by the FBI. But Mateen was protected by the very laws that you righties have been insisting be kept inviolate every time there is a mass shooting.
I'm no 'righty' and I don't even own a gun but it is perfectly obvious that gun laws contribute to mass shootings and do nothing to deter them.
Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Showed Few Warning Signs Of Radicalization....like I said in a previous thread, this dude killed them gay people because he himself hated the fact he was gay and he took his anger, his frustration, his sexual torment out on the very people that he identified with, homosexuals. This radical move he made at the end, was to deflect from his real mission of mass murder..hatred of one's self and the religion and culture that bind him into denial.
I think you're right.
He sounds like your classic republican in the closet homophobe. I heard some of the witnesses think he was not alone.
Haven't heard that, however what I am hearing are friends and associates all saying this guy was nuts, talked a lot of shit and they never said a word to anybody about it...that's fuck up.
Geez doesn't anyone think for themselves these days? Investigators said that the shooter "showed few warning signs" because the "investigators" are engaged in a big fat "CYA" program after the fact. Apparently there were a hundred signs that this guy was radicalized including the gun store owner who said he tried to buy a bullet proof vest and quantities of ammo. The shooter's wife was radicalized but the investigators apparently didn't bother to talk to her. The Russians gave everything but the freaking zip code to the FBI and they diddled around until the bombs went off.at the Boston Marathon. The Ft. Hood major scared the hell out of everyone around him but nobody in the freaking FBI paid any attention until he murdered 13 of his own men and wounded 30 others. The federal narrative is that the guy was a frustrated homosexual who snapped and that's what the low information idiots on the left want to believe.
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Orlando gunman said 'I’m an Islamic soldier' in police call

The first call (see below) lasted about 50 seconds.

Police: Orlando Police Dispatcher

Mateen: Omar Mateen

Police: Emergency 911, this is being recorded.

Mateen; In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficial [in Arabic]

Police: What?

Mateen: Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [in Arabic]. I let you know, I'm in Orlando and I did the shootings.

Police: What's your name?

Mateen: My name is I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State.

Police: Ok, What's your name?

Mateen: I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State.

Police: Alright, where are you at?

Mateen: In Orlando.

Police: Where in Orlando?

[End of call].

Mateen then spoke to Orlando police's Crisis Negotiation Team three times after the first call.

During these communications, Mateen identified himself as an "Islamic soldier".
There's nothing more dangerous on the face of the earth than an Evangelical white man in an office of authority such as the presidency. Just ask the millions of people who were displaced or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

As a direct result of the policies and doctrines of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama and his failed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
I have checked my stats, and blacks and Latinos make up the majority of the prison population. You can blame it on a system that "goes after" blacks and Latinos, never mindless the fact that the system just goes after people doing the crimes.
Obviously you must have made up your stats. Please post a link. Here is mine.

BOP Stat

View attachment 78680 istics: Inmate Race[/QUOTE]

I am shocked...SHOCKED I SAY that you left out the demographics of each of those groups in our society. Why?
LOL, only 35,000 support ISIS. It's funded by the Saudis and Turks. Nearly all Sunni Muslims support it, or sympathize with them. If you think the Islamic world is so civilized then go live there, you dumb hypocrite.

The vast majority of our prisoners are blacks and Latinos. If you consider them barbaric, doesn't that make you a racist?
Nope. Most of our prisoners are white by a vast majority even in a society that tries to incarcerate more Blacks and Mexicans than anything else. Check your stats.

I have checked my stats, and blacks and Latinos make up the majority of the prison population. You can blame it on a system that "goes after" blacks and Latinos, never mindless the fact that the system just goes after people doing the crimes.
Obviously you must have made up your stats. Please post a link. Here is mine.

BOP Stat

View attachment 78680 istics: Inmate Race

Too stupid to use google?

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or check the DoJ website itself.

Non-Hispanic whites make up only 32% of the prison population. Blacks 37%. Hispanics at over 20%

I know you probably struggle with basic math, but that means blacks, Latinos, and other ethnic groups like Native Americans and Asians, make up the vast majority of the prison population.

And they are in there because of the War on Drugs. People imprisoned for life for selling crack or cocaine or weed from willing buyers. Yeah, but it's the other side of the world that is full of barbarians.

From YOUR Wiki reference:
"In 2008, approximately one in every 31 adults (7.3 million) in the United States was either behind bars or being monitored (probation and parole). In recent decades the U.S. has experienced a surge in its prison population, quadrupling since 1980, partially as a result of mandatory sentencing that came about during the "War on Drugs."

Why is it that Progressives demand to remain ignorant of the changes made in the law. Why do you suppose Progressives are so predictable about remaining ignorant?

The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-220) is a United States federal law that reduces the disparity between the amount of crack cocaine and powder cocaine needed to trigger certain federal criminal penalties from a 100:1 weight ratio to an 18:1 weight ratio and eliminated the five-year mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine, among other provisions.[1] The Act was signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on August 3, 2010. Similar bills were introduced in several U.S. Congresses before its passage in 2010, and courts had also acted to reduce the sentencing disparity prior to the bill's passage.

Fair Sentencing Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your intentional ignorance is duly noted. Keep up the good work!
I'm no 'righty' and I don't even own a gun but it is perfectly obvious that gun laws contribute to mass shootings and do nothing to deter them.

Specifically please explain how gun laws "CONTRIBUTE TO MASS SHOOTINGS".

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